Module      : Math.ExpPairs.Matrix3
Description : Implements matrices of order 3
Copyright   : (c) Andrew Lelechenko, 2014-2015
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : andrew.lelechenko@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Provides types and functions for matrices and vectors of order 3.
Can be used instead of "Data.Matrix" to reduce overhead and simplify code.
module Math.ExpPairs.Matrix3 (Matrix3 (..), Vector3 (..), fromList, toList, det, multCol, normalize, prettyMatrix) where

import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Monoid

-- |Three-component vector.
data Vector3 t = Vector3 {
	a1 :: t,
	a2 :: t,
	a3 :: t
	deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Matrix of order 3. Instances of 'Num', 'Fractional' and 'Monoid'
-- are defined in terms of the multiplicative group of matrices,
-- not the additive one. E. g.,
-- > toList 1 == [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]
-- > toList 1 /= [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
data Matrix3 t = Matrix3 {
	a11 :: t,
	a12 :: t,
	a13 :: t,
	a21 :: t,
	a22 :: t,
	a23 :: t,
	a31 :: t,
	a32 :: t,
	a33 :: t
	deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Num t => Num (Matrix3 t) where
	a + b = Matrix3 {
		a11 = a11 a + a11 b,
		a12 = a12 a + a12 b,
		a13 = a13 a + a13 b,
		a21 = a21 a + a21 b,
		a22 = a22 a + a22 b,
		a23 = a23 a + a23 b,
		a31 = a31 a + a31 b,
		a32 = a32 a + a32 b,
		a33 = a33 a + a33 b

	-- intercalate ",\n" [ "a"++(show i)++(show j)++" = "++( intercalate " + " ["a"++(show i)++(show k)++" a * "++"a"++(show k)++(show j)++" b" | k<-[1..3]] )  | i<-[1..3], j<-[1..3]]
	a * b = Matrix3 {
		a11 = a11 a * a11 b + a12 a * a21 b + a13 a * a31 b,
		a12 = a11 a * a12 b + a12 a * a22 b + a13 a * a32 b,
		a13 = a11 a * a13 b + a12 a * a23 b + a13 a * a33 b,
		a21 = a21 a * a11 b + a22 a * a21 b + a23 a * a31 b,
		a22 = a21 a * a12 b + a22 a * a22 b + a23 a * a32 b,
		a23 = a21 a * a13 b + a22 a * a23 b + a23 a * a33 b,
		a31 = a31 a * a11 b + a32 a * a21 b + a33 a * a31 b,
		a32 = a31 a * a12 b + a32 a * a22 b + a33 a * a32 b,
		a33 = a31 a * a13 b + a32 a * a23 b + a33 a * a33 b

	negate a = Matrix3 {
		a11 = - a11 a,
		a12 = - a12 a,
		a13 = - a13 a,
		a21 = - a21 a,
		a22 = - a22 a,
		a23 = - a23 a,
		a31 = - a31 a,
		a32 = - a32 a,
		a33 = - a33 a

	abs = undefined

	signum = undefined

	-- Multiplicative, not additive behaviour
	fromInteger n = Matrix3 {
		a11 = fromInteger n,
		a12 = 0,
		a13 = 0,
		a21 = 0,
		a22 = fromInteger n,
		a23 = 0,
		a31 = 0,
		a32 = 0,
		a33 = fromInteger n

-- |Computes the determinant of a matrix.
det :: (Num t) => Matrix3 t -> t
det a =
	a11 a * (a22 a * a33 a - a32 a * a23 a)
	- a12 a * (a21 a * a33 a - a23 a * a31 a)
	+ a13 a * (a21 a * a32 a - a22 a * a31 a)

instance Fractional t => Fractional (Matrix3 t) where
	-- Multiplicative, not additive behaviour
	fromRational n = Matrix3 {
		a11 = fromRational n,
		a12 = 0,
		a13 = 0,
		a21 = 0,
		a22 = fromRational n,
		a23 = 0,
		a31 = 0,
		a32 = 0,
		a33 = fromRational n

	recip a = Matrix3 {
		a11 =  (a22 a * a33 a - a32 a * a23 a) / d,
		a12 = -(a21 a * a33 a - a23 a * a31 a) / d,
		a13 =  (a21 a * a32 a - a22 a * a31 a) / d,
		a21 = -(a12 a * a33 a - a13 a * a32 a) / d,
		a22 =  (a11 a * a33 a - a13 a * a31 a) / d,
		a23 = -(a11 a * a32 a - a12 a * a31 a) / d,
		a31 =  (a12 a * a23 a - a13 a * a22 a) / d,
		a32 = -(a11 a * a23 a - a13 a * a21 a) / d,
		a33 =  (a11 a * a22 a - a12 a * a21 a) / d
		} where d = det a

instance Num t => Monoid (Matrix3 t) where
	mempty = 1
	mappend = (*)

-- |Convert 'Matrix3' into a list of 9 elements.
toList :: Matrix3 t -> [t]
toList a = [a11 a, a12 a, a13 a, a21 a, a22 a, a23 a, a31 a, a32 a, a33 a]

-- |Convert a list of 9 elements into 'Matrix3'.
fromList :: [t] -> Matrix3 t
fromList as = Matrix3 {
		a11 = as!!0,
		a12 = as!!1,
		a13 = as!!2,
		a21 = as!!3,
		a22 = as!!4,
		a23 = as!!5,
		a31 = as!!6,
		a32 = as!!7,
		a33 = as!!8

instance Functor Matrix3 where
	fmap f = fromList . List.map f . toList

-- |Divide all elements of the matrix by their greatest common
-- divisor. This is useful for matrices of projective
-- transformations to reduce the magnitude of computations.
normalize :: Integral t => Matrix3 t -> Matrix3 t
normalize m = m' where
	l = toList m
	d = foldl1 gcd l
	m' = if d==0 then m else fromList $ List.map (`div`d) l

-- |Return the maximal element of a matrix.
maximum :: Ord t => Matrix3 t -> t
maximum = List.maximum . toList

-- |Print a matrix, separating rows with new lines and elements
-- with spaces.
prettyMatrix :: (Show t) => Matrix3 t -> String
prettyMatrix m =
	show (a11 m) ++ " " ++
	show (a12 m) ++ " " ++
	show (a13 m) ++ "\n" ++
	show (a21 m) ++ " " ++
	show (a22 m) ++ " " ++
	show (a23 m) ++ "\n" ++
	show (a31 m) ++ " " ++
	show (a32 m) ++ " " ++
	show (a33 m)

-- |Multiplicate a matrix by a vector (considered as a column).
multCol :: (Num t) => Matrix3 t -> Vector3 t -> Vector3 t
multCol m v = Vector3 {
	a1 = a11 m * a1 v + a12 m * a2 v + a13 m * a3 v,
	a2 = a21 m * a1 v + a22 m * a2 v + a23 m * a3 v,
	a3 = a31 m * a1 v + a32 m * a2 v + a33 m * a3 v