{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, Rank2Types, ConstraintKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.Exists.Internal (module Data.Exists.Internal,
-- * The @Constraint@ kind
                             Constraint) where

import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

-- * For kind @*@

-- | A datatype which holds a value of a type satisfying the constraint 'c', hiding the type, and evidence for the constraint, so that it can be retrieved by pattern matching later.
--   Example:
--   > foo :: Exists Show
--   > foo = Exists (Just 9 :: Maybe Int)
--   >
--   > printExists :: Exists Show -> IO ()
--   > printExists (Exists e) = print e
--   >
--   > main = printExists foo -- prints "Just 9"
data Exists c where
     Exists :: c a => a -> Exists c

-- | A type class to abstract over existential datatypes.
--   Example:
--   > data EShow where
--   >      EShow :: Show a => a -> EShow
--   >
--   > instance Existential EShow where
--   >     type ConstraintOf EShow = Show
--   >     exists = EShow
--   >     apply f (EShow a) = f a
--   >
--   > foo :: EShow
--   > foo = exists (Just 9 :: Maybe Int)
--   >
--   > main = apply print foo -- prints "Just 9"
--   Note that had we given 'foo' the type signature
--   > foo :: (Existential e, ConstraintOf e ~ Show) => e
--   GHC would have output an error message, because the instance of @'Existential'@ to use would have been ambiguous. (The @'apply' f '.' 'exists'@ problem is the same as the @'show' '.' 'read'@ problem.)
class Existential e where
    type ConstraintOf e :: * -> Constraint
    -- | Construct 'e' from a value of a type satisfying the constraint.
    exists :: (ConstraintOf e) a => a -> e
    -- | Apply a function requiring the constraint to the held value.
    apply  :: (forall a. (ConstraintOf e) a => a -> r) -> e -> r

-- | @'ConstraintOf' ('Exists' c) = c@
instance Existential (Exists c) where
    type ConstraintOf (Exists c) = c
    exists = Exists
    apply f (Exists a) = f a

-- | An alias for convenience.
--   > foo :: ExistentialWith Show e => e -> IO ()
--   is equivalent to
--   > foo :: (Existential e, ConstraintOf e ~ Show) => e -> IO ()
class    (Existential e, c ~ ConstraintOf e) => ExistentialWith c e
instance (Existential e, c ~ ConstraintOf e) => ExistentialWith c e

-- | Translate between different existential datatypes holding evidence for the same constraint.
translate :: (ExistentialWith c e1, ExistentialWith c e2) => e1 -> e2
translate = apply exists

-- * For kind @* -> *@

-- | A @* -> *@ kinded version of @'Exists'@ which holds a value of a type constructor applied to a type, hiding the type constructor, and evidence for a constraint on the type constructor.
data Exists1 c a where
     Exists1 :: c f => f a -> Exists1 c a

-- | A version of @'Existential'@ for kind @* -> *@.
class Existential1 e where
    type ConstraintOf1 e :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
    -- | Construct 'e' from a value of a type constructor applied to a type where the type constructor satisfies the constraint.
    exists1 :: (ConstraintOf1 e) f => f a -> e a
    -- | Apply a function requiring the constraint to the held value.
    apply1  :: (forall f. (ConstraintOf1 e) f => f a -> r) -> e a -> r

-- | @'ConstraintOf1' ('Exists1' c) = c@
instance Existential1 (Exists1 c) where
    type ConstraintOf1 (Exists1 c) = c
    exists1 = Exists1
    apply1 f (Exists1 a) = f a

-- | An alias for convenience. A version of 'ExistentialWith' for kind @* -> *@.
class    (Existential1 e, c ~ ConstraintOf1 e) => ExistentialWith1 c e
instance (Existential1 e, c ~ ConstraintOf1 e) => ExistentialWith1 c e

-- | Translate between different existential datatypes holding evidence for the same constraint on a @* -> *@ kinded type constructor.
translate1 :: (ExistentialWith1 c e1, ExistentialWith1 c e2) => e1 a -> e2 a
translate1 = apply1 exists1