{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Add a bunch of checkers for testing properties of different algebraic -- structures and relations module Test.QuickCheck.Classes.Extra ( module Test.QuickCheck.Classes -- | Algebraic structures , group , abelian , ring , commutativeRing , field -- | Relations , complement ) where import Data.Group (invert, Group, Abelian) import Data.Monoid ((<>), Sum(..), Product) import Data.Monoid.Extra () import Test.QuickCheck.Extra (Arbitrary, (<=>)) import Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers (NonZero) import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers (commutes, EqProp, (=-=), BinRel) import Test.QuickCheck.Classes import Test.Tasty.Extra (testGroup, TestTree, testTreeFromBatch, testTreeFromNamedBatch) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty, Property, Gen, property, forAll) distributesL :: EqProp a => (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a -> Property distributesL (*:) (+:) a b c = a *: (b +: c) =-= (a *: b) +: (a *: c) distributesR :: EqProp a => (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a -> Property distributesR (*:) = distributesL (flip (*:)) distributes :: (Arbitrary a, EqProp a, Show a) => String -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> TestTree distributes s (*:) (+:) = testGroup s ts where ts = [testProperty "left distributes" (distributesL (*:) (+:)), testProperty "right distributes" (distributesR (*:) (+:))] group :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, EqProp a, Group a, Show a) => String -> a -> TestTree group s _ = testGroup s ts where ts = [ testTreeFromBatch (monoid (undefined :: a)) , testProperty "left inverse element" (\(x :: a) -> x <> invert x =-= mempty) , testProperty "right inverse element" (\(x :: a) -> invert x <> x =-= mempty) ] abelian :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, EqProp a, Abelian a, Show a) => String -> a -> TestTree abelian s _ = testGroup s ts where ts = [ group "group" (undefined :: a) , testProperty "commutative" (commutes ((<>) :: a -> a -> a)) ] ring :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, EqProp a, Num a, Show a) => String -> a -> TestTree ring s _ = testGroup s ts where ts = [ abelian "abelian under Sum" (undefined :: Sum a) , testTreeFromNamedBatch "monoid under product" (monoid (undefined :: Product a)) , distributes "* distributes over +" (*) ((+) :: a -> a -> a) ] commutativeRing :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, EqProp a, Num a, Show a) => String -> a -> TestTree commutativeRing s _ = testGroup s ts where ts = [ring "ring" (undefined :: a), testProperty "* commutes" (commutes ((*) :: a -> a -> a))] field :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, EqProp a, Fractional a, Show a, Ord a) => String -> a -> TestTree field s _ = testGroup s ts where ts = [abelian "Abelian under Sum" (undefined :: Sum a), abelian "Abelian under Product NonZero" (undefined :: Product (NonZero a)), distributes "* distributes over +" (*) ((+) :: a -> a -> a)] complement :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, EqProp a, Show a, Ord a) => String -> (a -> Gen a) -> BinRel a -> BinRel a -> TestTree complement s gen r1 r2 = testGroup s ts where ts = [testProperty "strictOrd" (property $ \ a -> forAll (gen a) $ \ b -> a `r1` b <=> not (a `r2` b)) ]