  This module defines various utility functions used across the
  Network.Haskoin modules.
module Legacy.Haskoin.V0102.Network.Haskoin.Util
--   -- * ByteString helpers
  , toLazyBS
  , stringToBS
  , bsToString
, bsToInteger
, integerToBS
  , bsToHex
  , hexToBS

-- * Data.Binary helpers
, encode'
, decode'
, runPut'
, runGet'
, decodeOrFail'
, runGetOrFail'
, fromDecode
, fromRunGet
, decodeToEither
, decodeToMaybe
, isolate

--   -- * Maybe and Either monad helpers
-- , isLeft
-- , isRight
-- , fromRight
-- , fromLeft
-- , eitherToMaybe
-- , maybeToEither
-- -- , liftEither
-- -- , liftMaybe

--   -- * Various helpers
-- , updateIndex
-- , matchTemplate

--   -- Triples
-- , fst3
-- , snd3
-- , lst3

) where

import Numeric (readHex)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (guard)
-- -- import Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT, hoistEither)

import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.Binary.Put (Put, runPut)
import Data.Binary
    ( Binary
    , encode
    , decode
    , decodeOrFail
import Data.Binary.Get
    ( Get
    , runGetOrFail
    , getByteString
    , ByteOffset
    , runGet

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
    ( ByteString
    , toChunks
    , fromChunks
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
    ( ByteString
    , concat
    , pack, unpack
    , null
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
    ( toLazyByteString
    , byteStringHex
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
    ( pack
    , unpack

-- ByteString helpers

-- | Transforms a lazy bytestring into a strict bytestring
toStrictBS :: BL.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
toStrictBS = BS.concat . BL.toChunks

-- | Transforms a strict bytestring into a lazy bytestring
toLazyBS :: BS.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
toLazyBS bs = BL.fromChunks [bs]

-- | Transforms a string into a strict bytestring
stringToBS :: String -> BS.ByteString
stringToBS = C.pack

-- | Transform a strict bytestring to a string
bsToString :: BS.ByteString -> String
bsToString = C.unpack

-- | Decode a big endian Integer from a bytestring
bsToInteger :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
bsToInteger = (foldr f 0) . reverse . BS.unpack
    f w n = (toInteger w) .|. shiftL n 8

-- | Encode an Integer to a bytestring as big endian
integerToBS :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
integerToBS 0 = BS.pack [0]
integerToBS i
    | i > 0     = BS.pack $ reverse $ unfoldr f i
    | otherwise = error "integerToBS not defined for negative values"
    f 0 = Nothing
    f x = Just $ (fromInteger x :: Word8, x `shiftR` 8)

-- | Encode a bytestring to a base16 (HEX) representation
bsToHex :: BS.ByteString -> String
bsToHex = bsToString . toStrictBS . BSB.toLazyByteString . BSB.byteStringHex

-- | Decode a base16 (HEX) string from a bytestring. This function can fail
-- if the string contains invalid HEX characters
hexToBS :: String -> Maybe BS.ByteString
hexToBS xs = BS.pack <$> mapM hexWord (chunksOf 2 xs)
    hexWord x = do
        guard $ length x == 2
        let hs = readHex x
        guard $ not $ null hs
        let [(w, s)] = hs
        guard $ null s
        return w

-- Data.Binary helpers

-- | Strict version of @Data.Binary.encode@
encode' :: Binary a => a -> BS.ByteString
encode' = toStrictBS . encode

-- | Strict version of @Data.Binary.decode@
decode' :: Binary a => BS.ByteString -> a
decode' = decode . toLazyBS

-- | Strict version of @Data.Binary.runGet@
runGet' :: Binary a => Get a -> BS.ByteString -> a
runGet' m = (runGet m) . toLazyBS

-- | Strict version of @Data.Binary.runPut@
runPut' :: Put -> BS.ByteString
runPut' = toStrictBS . runPut

-- | Strict version of @Data.Binary.decodeOrFail@
decodeOrFail' ::
    Binary a =>
    BS.ByteString ->
    Either (BS.ByteString, ByteOffset, String) (BS.ByteString, ByteOffset, a)
decodeOrFail' bs = case decodeOrFail $ toLazyBS bs of
    Left  (lbs,o,err) -> Left  (toStrictBS lbs,o,err)
    Right (lbs,o,res) -> Right (toStrictBS lbs,o,res)

-- | Strict version of @Data.Binary.runGetOrFail@
runGetOrFail' ::
    Binary a => Get a -> BS.ByteString ->
    Either (BS.ByteString, ByteOffset, String) (BS.ByteString, ByteOffset, a)
runGetOrFail' m bs = case runGetOrFail m $ toLazyBS bs of
    Left  (lbs,o,err) -> Left  (toStrictBS lbs,o,err)
    Right (lbs,o,res) -> Right (toStrictBS lbs,o,res)

-- | Try to decode a Data.Binary value. If decoding succeeds, apply the function
-- to the result. Otherwise, return the default value.
fromDecode :: Binary a
           => BS.ByteString -- ^ The bytestring to decode
           -> b             -- ^ Default value to return when decoding fails
           -> (a -> b)      -- ^ Function to apply when decoding succeeds
           -> b             -- ^ Final result
fromDecode bs def f = either (const def) (f . lst) $ decodeOrFail' bs
    lst (_,_,c) = c

-- | Try to run a Data.Binary.Get monad. If decoding succeeds, apply a function
-- to the result. Otherwise, return the default value.
fromRunGet :: Binary a
           => Get a         -- ^ The Get monad to run
           -> BS.ByteString -- ^ The bytestring to decode
           -> b             -- ^ Default value to return when decoding fails
           -> (a -> b)      -- ^ Function to apply when decoding succeeds
           -> b             -- ^ Final result
fromRunGet m bs def f = either (const def) (f . lst) $ runGetOrFail' m bs
    lst (_,_,c) = c

-- | Decode a Data.Binary value into the Either monad. A Right value is returned
-- with the result upon success. Otherwise a Left value with the error message
-- is returned.
decodeToEither :: Binary a => BS.ByteString -> Either String a
decodeToEither bs = case decodeOrFail' bs of
    Left  (_,_,err) -> Left err
    Right (_,_,res) -> Right res

-- | Decode a Data.Binary value into the Maybe monad. A Just value is returned
-- with the result upon success. Otherwise, Nothing is returned.
decodeToMaybe :: Binary a => BS.ByteString -> Maybe a
decodeToMaybe bs = fromDecode bs Nothing Just

-- | Isolate a Data.Binary.Get monad for the next @Int@ bytes. Only the next
-- @Int@ bytes of the input bytestring will be available for the Get monad to
-- consume. This function will fail if the Get monad fails or some of the input
-- is not consumed.
isolate :: Binary a => Int -> Get a -> Get a
isolate i g = do
    bs <- getByteString i
    case runGetOrFail' g bs of
        Left (_, _, err) -> fail err
        Right (unconsumed, _, res)
            | BS.null unconsumed -> return res
            | otherwise          -> fail "Isolate: unconsumed input"

-- -- Maybe and Eithre monad helpers

-- -- | Returns True if the Either value is Right
-- isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
-- isRight (Right _) = True
-- isRight _         = False

-- -- | Returns True if the Either value is Left
-- isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool
-- isLeft = not . isRight

-- -- | Extract the Right value from an Either value. Fails if the value is Left
-- fromRight :: Either a b -> b
-- fromRight (Right b) = b
-- fromRight _ = error "Either.fromRight: Left"

-- -- | Extract the Left value from an Either value. Fails if the value is Right
-- fromLeft :: Either a b -> a
-- fromLeft (Left a) = a
-- fromLeft _ = error "Either.fromLeft: Right"

-- -- | Transforms an Either value into a Maybe value. Right is mapped to Just
-- -- and Left is mapped to Nothing. The value inside Left is lost.
-- eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
-- eitherToMaybe (Right b) = Just b
-- eitherToMaybe _ = Nothing

-- -- | Transforms a Maybe value into an Either value. Just is mapped to Right and
-- -- Nothing is mapped to Left. You also pass in an error value in case Left is
-- -- returned.
-- maybeToEither :: b -> Maybe a -> Either b a
-- maybeToEither err m = maybe (Left err) Right m

-- -- -- | Lift a Either computation into the EitherT monad
-- -- liftEither :: Monad m => Either b a -> EitherT b m a
-- -- liftEither = hoistEither

-- -- -- | Lift a Maybe computation into the EitherT monad
-- -- liftMaybe :: Monad m => b -> Maybe a -> EitherT b m a
-- -- liftMaybe err = liftEither . (maybeToEither err)

-- -- Various helpers

-- -- | Applies a function to only one element of a list defined by it's index.
-- -- If the index is out of the bounds of the list, the original list is returned.
-- updateIndex :: Int      -- ^ The index of the element to change
--             -> [a]      -- ^ The list of elements
--             -> (a -> a) -- ^ The function to apply
--             -> [a]      -- ^ The result with one element changed
-- updateIndex i xs f
--     | i < 0 || i >= length xs = xs
--     | otherwise = l ++ (f h : r)
--   where
--     (l,h:r) = splitAt i xs

-- -- | Use the list [b] as a template and try to match the elements of [a]
-- -- against it. For each element of [b] return the (first) matching element of
-- -- [a], or Nothing. Output list has same size as [b] and contains results in
-- -- same order. Elements of [a] can only appear once.
-- matchTemplate :: [a]              -- ^ The input list
--               -> [b]              -- ^ The list to serve as a template
--               -> (a -> b -> Bool) -- ^ The comparison function
--               -> [Maybe a]        -- ^ Results of the template matching
-- matchTemplate [] bs _ = replicate (length bs) Nothing
-- matchTemplate _  [] _ = []
-- matchTemplate as (b:bs) f = case break (flip f b) as of
--     (l,(r:rs)) -> (Just r) : matchTemplate (l ++ rs) bs f
--     _          -> Nothing  : matchTemplate as bs f

-- -- | Returns the first value of a triple.
-- fst3 :: (a,b,c) -> a
-- fst3 (a,_,_) = a

-- -- | Returns the second value of a triple.
-- snd3 :: (a,b,c) -> b
-- snd3 (_,b,_) = b

-- -- | Returns the last value of a triple.
-- lst3 :: (a,b,c) -> c
-- lst3 (_,_,c) = c