module Ether.Except ( -- * MonadExcept class MonadExcept , throw , catch -- * The Except monad , Except , runExcept -- * The ExceptT monad transformer , ExceptT , exceptT , runExceptT -- * MonadExcept class (implicit) , MonadExcept' , throw' , catch' -- * The Except monad (implicit) , Except' , runExcept' -- * The ExceptT monad transformer (implicit) , ExceptT' , exceptT' , runExceptT' -- * Internal labels , TAGGED , EXCEPT ) where import qualified Control.Monad.Except as T import Control.Monad.Signatures (Catch) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Lift.Catch as Lift import Data.Coerce import Data.Functor.Identity import Ether.TaggedTrans import Ether.Internal class Monad m => MonadExcept tag e m | m tag -> e where -- | Is used within a monadic computation to begin exception processing. throw :: e -> m a -- | A TaggedTrans function to handle previous exceptions and return to -- normal execution. catch :: m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ( Lift.LiftCatch t , Monad (t m) , MonadExcept tag e m ) => MonadExcept tag e (t m) where throw = Lift.lift . throw @tag {-# INLINE throw #-} catch = Lift.liftCatch (catch @tag) {-# INLINE catch #-} -- | Encode type-level information for 'ExceptT'. data EXCEPT -- | The parameterizable exception monad. -- -- Computations are either exceptions or normal values. -- -- The 'return' function returns a normal value, while '>>=' exits on -- the first exception. type Except tag e = ExceptT tag e Identity -- | The exception monad transformer. -- -- The 'return' function returns a normal value, while '>>=' exits on -- the first exception. type ExceptT tag e = TaggedTrans (TAGGED EXCEPT tag) (T.ExceptT e) -- | Runs an 'Except' and returns either an exception or a normal value. runExcept :: forall tag e a . Except tag e a -> Either e a runExcept = coerce (T.runExcept @e @a) {-# INLINE runExcept #-} -- | Runs an 'ExceptT' and returns either an exception or a normal value. runExceptT :: forall tag e m a . ExceptT tag e m a -> m (Either e a) runExceptT = coerce (T.runExceptT @e @m @a) {-# INLINE runExceptT #-} -- | Constructor for computations in the exception monad transformer. exceptT :: forall tag e m a . m (Either e a) -> ExceptT tag e m a exceptT = coerce (T.ExceptT @e @m @a) {-# INLINE exceptT #-} type instance HandleSuper EXCEPT e trans = () type instance HandleConstraint EXCEPT e trans m = T.MonadError e (trans m) instance Handle EXCEPT e (T.ExceptT e) where handling r = r {-# INLINE handling #-} instance ( Handle EXCEPT e trans , Monad m, Monad (trans m) ) => MonadExcept tag e (TaggedTrans (TAGGED EXCEPT tag) trans m) where throw = handling @EXCEPT @e @trans @m $ coerce (T.throwError @e @(trans m) @a) :: forall eff a . e -> TaggedTrans eff trans m a {-# INLINE throw #-} catch = handling @EXCEPT @e @trans @m $ coerce (T.catchError @e @(trans m) @a) :: forall eff a . Catch e (TaggedTrans eff trans m) a {-# INLINE catch #-} type MonadExcept' e = MonadExcept e e throw' :: forall e m a . MonadExcept' e m => e -> m a throw' = throw @e {-# INLINE throw' #-} catch' :: forall e m a . MonadExcept' e m => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a catch' = catch @e {-# INLINE catch' #-} type Except' e = Except e e runExcept' :: Except' e a -> Either e a runExcept' = runExcept {-# INLINE runExcept' #-} type ExceptT' e = ExceptT e e exceptT' :: m (Either e a) -> ExceptT' e m a exceptT' = exceptT {-# INLINE exceptT' #-} runExceptT' :: ExceptT' e m a -> m (Either e a) runExceptT' = runExceptT {-# INLINE runExceptT' #-}