---- **BREAKING CHANGES** * Add new `type` field to `etc/spec` with support for `string`, `number`, `bool`, `[string]`, `[number]` and `[bool]`, `[object]` * Remove `type` field in `cli` spec in favor of `type` on `etc/spec` * Allow ENV vars to accept supported types (only strings were allowed) (closes #30) * Allow CLI options to accept supported types (only strings and numbers were allowed) * Allow spec file to have array as default values * Return a warning and an empty config whenever configuration files contain entries not defined in the spec (closes #26) ---- * Upgrade to `rio` to version `` ---- * Add new `etc/files` entry to the spec file which allows to specify an environment variable to fetch a file ---- **BREAKING CHANGES** * Bump resolver to lts-11 * Replace `protolude` in favor of `rio` * Update `parseConfigSpec` to no longer attempt to parse JSON when `yaml` cabal flag is set * Add `sensitive` setting to `etc/spec` entries * Add `Value` type to deal with sensitive values * Update examples with `sensitive` values * Add optional key context to the `InvalidConfiguration` error (issue #12) * Add config printer function that renders config map with/without colors (issue #15) * Give precedence to values that do not contain inner `JSON.Null` values (issue #16) ---- * Move `Config` API to typeclass `IConfig` * Add a `Setup.hs` file to every hachage repo (issue #5) * Add example of a project with a config spec embedded in the binary ---- * Add support for null values on Default (issue #3) * If cli cabal flag is false, have `parseConfigSpec` return `ConfigSpec ()` instead of ambiguous `FromJSON` value (issue #3) * Bump aeson dependency to `<1.3` ---- * Rename System.Etc.Internal.Util module to System.Etc.Internal.Extra * Rename cabal flag from printer to extra * Add feature for Environment Variable misspelling reports * Add misspelling reports to example projects * Improvements on README ---- * Various changes to source code to comply with previous resolvers * Use Monoid instead of Semigroup * Remove unused imports/typeclasses * Bump upper limits for aeson and vector * Improve README.md typos * Add CHANGELOG