{-# language KindSignatures, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts #-} {-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# language TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# language UndecidableInstances #-} {-# language NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} import Prelude hiding ( not, and, or, (&&), (||) ) import Ersatz import GHC.TypeLits import Data.Proxy import Data.List ( transpose ) import Control.Monad ( replicateM, forM_ ) import Control.Monad.State main = do (Satisfied, Just ms) <- solveWith anyminisat $ do [ Restricted a, Restricted b ] :: [ Restricted 5 (NBV 3) ] <- replicateM 2 unknown -- assert $ gt (a^2 * b^2) (b^3 * a^3) let a2 = a^2 ; b2 = b^2 assert $ gt (a2 * b2) (b2 * b * a * a2) return [a,b] forM_ ms print unknown_monotone = do m <- unknown ; assert $ monotone m ; return m newtype Restricted d a = Restricted (Matrix d a) instance (KnownNat dim, Unknown a, Codec a, Num (Decoded a)) => Unknown (Restricted dim a) where unknown = do let d = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy dim) row f = ( encode f : ) <$> replicateM (d-1) unknown m <- (:) <$> row 1 <*> replicateM (d-2) (row 0) return $ Restricted $ Matrix $ m ++ encode [ replicate (d-1) 0 ++ [1] ] class Unknown a where unknown :: (MonadState s m, HasSAT s) => m a -- | square matrices newtype Matrix (dim::Nat) a = Matrix [[a]] deriving ( Show, Equatable, Orderable ) instance Codec a => Codec (Matrix dim a) where type Decoded (Matrix dim a) = Matrix dim (Decoded a) decode s (Matrix xss) = Matrix <$> decode s xss instance (KnownNat dim, Unknown a) => Unknown (Matrix dim a) where unknown = do let d = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy dim) Matrix <$> replicateM d (replicateM d unknown) instance Num a => Num (Matrix dim a) where Matrix xss + Matrix yss = Matrix $ zipWith (zipWith (+)) xss yss Matrix xss * Matrix yss = Matrix $ for xss $ \ row -> for (transpose yss) $ \ col -> sum $ zipWith (*) row col for = flip map topleft (Matrix xss) = head (head xss) botright (Matrix xss) = last (last xss) topright (Matrix xss) = last (head xss) monotone m = positive (topleft m) && positive (botright m) ge :: Orderable a => Matrix dim a -> Matrix dim a -> Bit ge (Matrix xss) (Matrix yss) = and $ zipWith (>=?) (concat xss) (concat yss) gt :: Orderable a => Matrix dim a -> Matrix dim a -> Bit gt a b = ge a b && topright a >? topright b -- | NBV = Non-overflowing Bitvector -- Bitvectors of fixed length, with non-overflowing arithmetics -- (if overflow occurs, constraint is unsatisfiable) newtype NBV ( n :: Nat ) = NBV Bits deriving ( Show, Equatable, Orderable, HasBits ) instance KnownNat w => Unknown (NBV w) where unknown = do let n = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy w) NBV <$> Bits <$> replicateM n exists positive (NBV (Bits bs)) = or bs nbv n (Bits bs) = let (p : re, post) = splitAt n bs in NBV $ Bits $ Run ( assert (not $ or post) *> return p ) : re instance KnownNat n => Num (NBV n) where fromInteger = encode NBV a + NBV b = nbv (fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))) $ a + b NBV a * NBV b = nbv (fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))) $ a * b instance KnownNat n => Codec (NBV n) where type Decoded (NBV n) = Integer decode s (NBV bs) = decode s bs encode i = let n = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) Bits bs = encode i (pre, post) = splitAt n bs in if null post then NBV (Bits $ take n $ pre ++ repeat false) else error $ unwords [ "cannot encode", show i , "with given bit width", show n ]