4.1 --- * Add `TestEquality` and `TestCoercion` instances for `(:=)`. * Add `fromLeibniz` and `toLeibniz` functions for converting between `(:~:)` (from `Data.Type.Equality`) and `(:=)`. * Add a `reprLeibniz` function to convert `(:=)` to a `Coercion` (i.e., representational equality). * Make `(:=)` a newtype. * We can remove the `Trustworthy` claim and infer as `Safe` on modern GHCs. 4.0.2 ----- * Made := kind polymorphic. 4.0.1 ----- * Provided an explicit nominal `RoleAnnotation`. 4.0 --- * Updated to work with `semigroupoids` 4.0 3.1.1 ----- * Claim to be `Trustworthy` 3.1 --- * Disabled observing injectivity through `TypeFamilies` for GHC >= 7.6 3.0.1 ----- * Updated build system * Removed my personal intra-package dependency upper bounds * Added `README` and `CHANGELOG`