-- Copyright: 2010-2013 Dino Morelli
-- License: BSD3 (see LICENSE)
-- Author: Dino Morelli <dino@ui3.info>

{- | Data types for working with the metadata of epub documents

   This module defines the Metadata structure which contains most of the taxonomic information about the literary work. Metadata is probably the most important data structure in this library.

   Both commonly-used versions of epub (2.x and 3.x) are supported by these types.
module Codec.Epub.Data.Metadata
   ( Metadata (..)
   , Identifier (..)
   , Title (..)
   , Creator (..)
   , Date (..)
   , Description (..)
   , Refinement (..)
   , emptyMetadata
   , refineIdentifier
   , refineTitle
   , getModified
   , refineCreator

import Control.Monad ( mplus )
import Data.List ( find )

{- | Refinements represent meta tags within the metadata section
   that refine other tags. These are used during the parsing phase
   and are discarded as their information is slotted into the data
   they refine (CreatorS, TitleS, IdentifierS, etc..)

   This is specific to epub3
data Refinement = Refinement
   { refId :: String  -- ^ id attribute
   , refProp :: String  -- ^ property attribute
   , refScheme :: String  -- ^ scheme attribute
   , refText :: String  -- ^ meta tag text

{- Used for locating specific meta information in a list of
   Refinements. The data from these meta tags is related to other
   tags by an XML id attribute.
findByIdProp :: String -> String -> [Refinement] -> Maybe Refinement
findByIdProp i prop = find (\r -> refId r == i && refProp r == prop)

-- | package\/metadata\/dc:identifier tag
data Identifier = Identifier
   { idId :: Maybe String  -- ^ id attribute
   , idType :: Maybe String  -- ^ identifier-type property from meta tag
   , idScheme :: Maybe String  -- ^ scheme from attribute or meta tag
   , idText :: String  -- ^ identifier tag text
   deriving (Eq, Show)

{- | Used internally by Codec.Epub.Parse.Metadata to merge epub3 meta
   tag info into the data gathered from an identifier tag
refineIdentifier :: [Refinement] -> Identifier -> Identifier
refineIdentifier refinements ident = assignScheme . assignType $ ident
      meta = findByIdProp (maybe "" id $ idId ident)
         "identifier-type" refinements

      assignType ident' = ident' { idType = refText `fmap` meta }

      assignScheme ident' =
         let existingScheme = idScheme ident'
         in ident' { idScheme = existingScheme `mplus`
               (refScheme `fmap` meta) }

-- | package\/metadata\/dc:title tag
data Title = Title
   { titleLang :: Maybe String  -- ^ lang attribute
   , titleType :: Maybe String  -- ^ title-type property from meta tag
   , titleSeq :: Maybe Int  -- ^ display-sequence property from meta
   , titleText :: String  -- ^ title tag text
   deriving (Eq, Show)

{- | Used internally by Codec.Epub.Parse.Metadata to merge epub3 meta
   tag info into the data gathered from a title tag
refineTitle :: [Refinement] -> (String, Title) -> Title
refineTitle refinements (elid, title) = assignSeq . assignType $ title
      assignType title' =
         let newTy = refText `fmap`
               findByIdProp elid "title-type" refinements
         in title' { titleType = newTy }

      assignSeq title' =
         let sq = maybe Nothing (Just . read . refText) $
               findByIdProp elid "display-seq" refinements
         in title' { titleSeq = sq }

{- | package\/metadata\/dc:creator or package\/metadata\/dc:contributor

   This structure is used for both contributor and creator as they are exactly the same.
data Creator = Creator
   { creatorRole :: Maybe String  -- ^ role from attribute or meta tag
   , creatorFileAs :: Maybe String  -- ^ file-as from attribute or meta tag
   , creatorSeq :: Maybe Int  -- ^ display-sequence property from meta
   , creatorText :: String  -- ^ creator or contributor tag text
   deriving (Eq, Show)

{- | Used internally by Codec.Epub.Parse.Metadata to merge epub3 meta
   tag info into the data gathered from contributor and creator tags
refineCreator :: [Refinement] -> (String, Creator) -> Creator
refineCreator refinements (elid, creator) =
   assignSeq . assignFileAs . assignRole $ creator

      assignRole creator' =
         let existingRole = creatorRole creator'
             metaRole = maybe Nothing (Just . refText) $
               findByIdProp elid "role" refinements
         in creator' { creatorRole = existingRole `mplus` metaRole }

      assignFileAs creator' =
         let existingFileAs = creatorFileAs creator'
             metaFileAs = maybe Nothing (Just . refText) $
               findByIdProp elid "file-as" refinements
         in creator' { creatorFileAs = existingFileAs `mplus` metaFileAs }

      assignSeq creator' =
         let sq = maybe Nothing (Just . read . refText) $
               findByIdProp elid "display-seq" refinements
         in creator' { creatorSeq = sq }

-- | package\/metadata\/dc:date tag, opf:event attribute, text
data Date = Date (Maybe String) String
   deriving (Eq, Show)

{- | Used internally by Codec.Epub.Parse.Metadata to populate the
   metadata modified field with data extracted from the epub3 meta
   tag with property dcterms:modified
getModified :: [Refinement] -> Maybe String
getModified refinements =
   refText `fmap` findByIdProp "" "dcterms:modified" refinements

-- | package\/metadata\/dc:description tag, xml:lang attribute, text
data Description = Description (Maybe String) String
   deriving (Eq, Show)

{- | package\/metadata tag

   This is perhaps the most useful data structure in this library. It
   contains most of the information tools will want to use to
   organize epub documents.
data Metadata = Metadata
   { metaIds :: [Identifier]  -- ^ at least one required
   , metaTitles :: [Title]  -- ^ at least one required
   , metaLangs :: [String]  -- ^ dc:language tags, at least one required
   , metaContributors :: [Creator]
   , metaCreators :: [Creator]
   , metaDates :: [Date]
   , metaModified :: Maybe String  -- ^ meta tag with property dcterms:modified, present only in epub3 documents
   , metaSource :: Maybe String  -- ^ dc:source tags
   , metaType :: Maybe String  -- ^ dc:type tags
   , metaCoverages :: [String]  -- ^ dc:coverage tags
   , metaDescriptions :: [Description]
   , metaFormats :: [String]  -- ^ dc:format tags
   , metaPublishers :: [String]  -- ^ dc:publisher tags
   , metaRelations :: [String]  -- ^ dc:relation tags
   , metaRights :: [String]  -- ^ dc:rights tags
   , metaSubjects :: [String]  -- ^ dc:subject tags
   deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Note: This isn't valid as-is, some required values are empty lists!
emptyMetadata :: Metadata
emptyMetadata = Metadata
   { metaIds = []  -- one required
   , metaTitles = []  -- one required
   , metaLangs = []  -- one required
   , metaContributors = []
   , metaCreators = []
   , metaDates = []
   , metaModified = Nothing
   , metaSource = Nothing
   , metaType = Nothing
   , metaCoverages = []
   , metaDescriptions = []
   , metaFormats = []
   , metaPublishers = []
   , metaRelations = []
   , metaRights = []
   , metaSubjects = []