# effectful-core- (2023-03-13) * Allow `inject` to turn a monomorphic effect stack into a polymorphic one. * Use C sources only with GHC < 9. * Force inlining of `bracket` early to work around excessive inlining problem with GHC 9.6 (https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/22824). # effectful-core- (2023-01-12) * Stop using the internal library because of bugs in `stack`. # effectful-core- (2023-01-11) * Add `withSeqEffToIO` and `withConcEffToIO` to `Effectful`. * Use strict `IORef` and `MVar` variants where appropriate. * Make `inject` work with effect stacks sharing a polymorphic suffix. # effectful-core- (2022-11-09) * Add `localSeqLift` and `localLift` to `Effectful.Dispatch.Dynamic`. # effectful-core- (2022-10-24) * Change `PrimState` for `Eff` from `RealWorld` to `PrimStateEff` to prevent the `Prim` effect from executing arbitrary `IO` actions via `ioToPrim`. * Deprecate `(:>>)` as [GHC can't efficiently deal with type families](https://github.com/haskell-effectful/effectful/issues/52#issuecomment-1269155485). * Add support for the `Alternative` and `MonadPlus` instances for `Eff` via the `NonDet` effect. # effectful-core- (2022-08-22) * Include the `e :> localEs` constraint in the `EffectHandler` to allow more flexibility in handling higher order effects. * Do not include internal stack frames in `throwError` from `Effectful.Error.Dynamic`. # effectful-core- (2022-08-12) * Make storage references in the environment immutable. * Remove `checkSizeEnv` and `forkEnv` from `Effectful.Dispatch.Static.Primitive`. * Add internal versioning of effects to prevent leakage of `unsafeCoerce`. * Make `interpose` and `impose` properly interact with other handlers. # effectful-core- (2022-07-28) * Change `SuffixOf` to `SharedSuffix` and make it behave as advertised. * Add `raiseWith`. # effectful-core- (2022-07-19) * Don't reset the `UnliftStrategy` to `SeqUnlift` inside the continuation of `withEffToIO`. * Add `withReader`. # effectful-core- (2022-07-13) * Initial release.