\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} %\documentclass[printer]{gOMS2e} %\usepackage{indentfirst} %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath,url} \usepackage[left=2cm,right=2cm,top=2.5cm]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{algorithmic} \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{listings} \lstloadlanguages{Haskell} \lstnewenvironment{code} {\lstset{}% \csname lst@SetFirstLabel\endcsname} {\csname lst@SaveFirstLabel\endcsname} \lstset{ basicstyle=\small\ttfamily, flexiblecolumns=false, basewidth={0.5em,0.45em}, literate={+}{{$+$}}1 {/}{{$/$}}1 {*}{{$*$}}1 {=}{{$=$}}1 {>}{{$>$}}1 {<}{{$<$}}1 {\\}{{$\lambda$}}1 {\\\\}{{\char`\\\char`\\}}1 {->}{{$\rightarrow$}}2 {>=}{{$\geq$}}2 {<-}{{$\leftarrow$}}2 {<=}{{$\leq$}}2 {=>}{{$\Rightarrow$}}2 {\ .}{{$\circ$}}2 {\ .\ }{{$\circ$}}2 {>>}{{>>}}2 {>>=}{{>>=}}2 {|}{{$\mid$}}1 } %\newcommand{\qed}{\hfill \qedbox $\quad\quad$\\[1ex]}% %\newcommand{\beq}{\begin{equation}} %\newcommand{\eeq}{\end{equation}} %\newcommand{\barr}{\begin{array}} %\newcommand{\earr}{\end{array}} %\newcommand{\bvec}{ \left[ \!\! \barr{cccccccccccc} } %\newcommand{\evec}{ \earr \!\! \right] } %\newcommand{\bmat}{ \left( \!\! \barr{ccccccc} } %\newcommand{\emat}{ \earr \!\! \right) } %\newcommand{\e}{\mathbf{e}} %\renewcommand{\AA}{\mathbb{A}} %\newcommand{\BB}{\mathbb{B}} %\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} %\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}} %\newcommand{\EE}{{\mathbb{E}}} %\newcommand{\LL}{{\mathcal{L}}} %\newcommand{\FF}{{\mathbb{F}}} %\newcommand{\XX}{{\mathbb{X}}} %\newcommand{\Id}{\mathbb{I}} %\newcommand{\conv}{\mathbf{conv}} %\newcommand{\nonneg}{\mathbf{nonneg}} %\newcommand{\quadand}{\quad\mbox{ and }\quad} \newcommand{\dpartial}[2]{\frac{\partial {#1}}{\partial {#2}}} \newcommand{\dtotal}[2]{\frac{d {#1}}{d {#2}}} \newcommand{\myl}{\xi} \newcommand{\myldot}{\myl'} %\newcommand{\pos}{\vec{r}} %\newcommand{\rad}{l} \newcommand{\matr}[2]{\left[\begin{array}{#1}#2\end{array}\right]} %\newcommand{\dpartial}[2]{\frac{\partial#1}{\partial #2}} \newcommand{\refeq}[1]{Eq.~(\ref{#1})} \newcommand{\refsec}[1]{Sect.~\ref{#1}} \newcommand{\reffig}[1]{Fig.~\ref{#1}} %\newcommand{\reftab}[1]{Table \ref{#1}} %\usepackage{epstopdf} %\usepackage{amsmath} %\usepackage{amssymb} \newcommand{\taus}[3]{\frac{\tau_{#1}-\tau_{#2}}{\tau_{#3}-\tau_{#2}}} \newcommand{\taud}[3]{\frac{1}{\tau_{#3}-\tau_{#2}}} \begin{document} \sffamily \begin{center} \begin{LARGE} {\bf Direct Collocation}\\ \vspace*{0.3cm} \end{LARGE}\end{center} \begin{center} \begin{Large} Greg Horn \end{Large} \end{center} \vspace*{1cm} \section{Lagrange Interpolation} The Lagrange interpolating polynomial of degree $D$, defined by nodes $x_0..x_D$ at timepoints $\tau_0..\tau_D$ is \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} x(\tau) &= \sum_{j=0}^D \myl_j(\tau) x_j \end{aligned} \label{eq:lagrange_interp_poly} \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \myl_j(\tau) = \prod_{k=0,k \neq j}^D\frac{\tau-\tau_k}{\tau_j-\tau_k} \end{equation} \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# Language FlexibleContexts #-} {-# Language GADTs #-} module Dyno.LagrangePolynomials ( lagrangeDerivCoeffs, lagrangeXis, runComparison ) where import qualified Data.Vector as V import Casadi.SXFunction ( sxFunction ) import Casadi.Function ( evalDMatrix ) import Casadi.SharedObject ( soInit ) import Casadi.SX ( SX, ssym, sgradient ) import Casadi.DMatrix ( DMatrix, ddata ) import Casadi.CMatrix ( dense ) import Dyno.TypeVecs lagrangeXis :: Fractional a => [a] -> a -> Int -> a lagrangeXis taus tau j = product [(tau - tk) / (tj - tk) | k <- [0..deg] , k /= j , let tk = taus !! k tj = taus !! j ] where deg = length taus - 1 \end{code} The derivative of this polynomial on an intermediate point is given by \begin{equation} x'(\tau) = \sum_{j=0}^D \myldot_j(\tau) x_j \label{eq:lagrange_interp_poly_deriv} \end{equation} Written out for $D=3$, this looks like \begin{align} x(\tau) = & x_0 \taus{}{1}{0} \taus{}{2}{0} \taus{}{3}{0} + \\ & x_1 \taus{}{0}{1} \taus{}{2}{1} \taus{}{3}{1} + \\ & x_2 \taus{}{0}{2} \taus{}{1}{2} \taus{}{3}{2} + \\ & x_3 \taus{}{0}{3} \taus{}{1}{3} \taus{}{2}{3} \end{align} Evaluating this at an interpolation node $\tau_m$ eliminates all terms except $m=k$, giving \begin{equation} x(\tau_m) = x_m \end{equation} The derivative for $D=3$ is \begin{align} x'(\tau) = &x_0 (\taud{}{1}{0} \taus{}{2}{0} \taus{}{3}{0} + \taus{}{1}{0} \taud{}{2}{0} \taus{}{3}{0} + \taus{}{1}{0} \taus{}{2}{0} \taud{}{3}{0}) + \\ &x_1 (\taud{}{0}{1} \taus{}{2}{1} \taus{}{3}{1} + \taus{}{0}{1} \taud{}{2}{1} \taus{}{3}{1} + \taus{}{0}{1} \taus{}{2}{1} \taud{}{3}{1}) + \\ &x_2 (\taud{}{0}{2} \taus{}{1}{2} \taus{}{3}{2} + \taus{}{0}{2} \taud{}{1}{2} \taus{}{3}{2} + \taus{}{0}{2} \taus{}{1}{2} \taud{}{3}{2}) + \\ &x_3 (\taud{}{0}{3} \taus{}{1}{3} \taus{}{2}{3} + \taus{}{0}{3} \taud{}{1}{3} \taus{}{2}{3} + \taus{}{0}{3} \taus{}{1}{3} \taud{}{2}{3}) \end{align} evaluating this at $\tau_0$ gives: \begin{align} x'(\tau_0) = &x_0 (\taud{0}{1}{0} \taus{0}{2}{0} \taus{0}{3}{0} + \taus{0}{1}{0} \taud{0}{2}{0} \taus{0}{3}{0} + \taus{0}{1}{0} \taus{0}{2}{0} \taud{0}{3}{0}) +\\ &x_1 (\taud{0}{0}{1} \taus{0}{2}{1} \taus{0}{3}{1} + \taus{0}{0}{1} \taud{0}{2}{1} \taus{0}{3}{1} + \taus{0}{0}{1} \taus{0}{2}{1} \taud{0}{3}{1}) +\\ &x_2 (\taud{0}{0}{2} \taus{0}{1}{2} \taus{0}{3}{2} + \taus{0}{0}{2} \taud{0}{1}{2} \taus{0}{3}{2} + \taus{0}{0}{2} \taus{0}{1}{2} \taud{0}{3}{2}) +\\ &x_3 (\taud{0}{0}{3} \taus{0}{1}{3} \taus{0}{2}{3} + \taus{0}{0}{3} \taud{0}{1}{3} \taus{0}{2}{3} + \taus{0}{0}{3} \taus{0}{1}{3} \taud{0}{2}{3}) \end{align} which simplifies to \begin{align} x'(\tau_0) = &x_0 (\taud{0}{1}{0} + \taud{0}{2}{0} + \taud{0}{3}{0}) +\\ &x_1 (\taud{0}{0}{1} \taus{0}{2}{1} \taus{0}{3}{1}) +\\ &x_2 (\taud{0}{0}{2} \taus{0}{1}{2} \taus{0}{3}{2}) +\\ &x_3 (\taud{0}{0}{3} \taus{0}{1}{3} \taus{0}{2}{3}) \\ = & x_0 C_{0,0} + x_1 C_{0,1} + x_2 C_{0,2} + x_3 C_{0,3} \end{align} evaluating this at $\tau_1$ gives: \begin{align} x'(\tau_0) = &x_0 (\taud{1}{1}{0} \taus{1}{2}{0} \taus{1}{3}{0}) +\\ &x_1 (\taud{1}{0}{1} + \taud{1}{2}{1} + \taud{1}{3}{1}) +\\ &x_2 (\taus{1}{0}{2} \taud{1}{1}{2} \taus{1}{3}{2}) +\\ &x_3 ( \taus{1}{0}{3} \taud{1}{1}{3} \taus{1}{2}{3}) \\ = & x_0 C_{1,0} + x_1 C_{1,1} + x_2 C_{1,2} + x_3 C_{1,3} \end{align} evaluating this at $\tau_2$ gives: \begin{align} x'(\tau_2) = &x_0 (\taus{2}{1}{0} \taud{2}{2}{0} \taus{2}{3}{0}) + \\ &x_1 (\taus{2}{0}{1} \taud{2}{2}{1} \taus{2}{3}{1}) + \\ &x_2 (\taud{2}{0}{2} + \taud{2}{1}{2} + \taud{2}{3}{2}) + \\ &x_3 (\taus{2}{0}{3} \taus{2}{1}{3} \taud{2}{2}{3}) \\ = & x_0 C_{2,0} + x_1 C_{2,1} + x_2 C_{2,2} + x_3 C_{2,3} \end{align} evaluating this at $\tau_3$ gives: \begin{align} x'(\tau_3) = &x_0 (\taus{3}{1}{0} \taus{3}{2}{0} \taud{3}{3}{0}) + \\ &x_1 (\taus{3}{0}{1} \taus{3}{2}{1} \taud{3}{3}{1}) + \\ &x_2 (\taus{3}{0}{2} \taus{3}{1}{2} \taud{3}{3}{2}) + \\ &x_3 (\taud{3}{0}{3} + \taud{3}{1}{3} + \taud{3}{2}{3}) \\ = & x_0 C_{3,0} + x_1 C_{3,1} + x_2 C_{3,2} + x_3 C_{3,3} \end{align} The general formula for $C_{j,k}$ is \begin{equation} C_{j,k} = \begin{cases} \sum_{i=0,i\ne k}^D{\frac{1}{\tau_k-\tau_i}} & j=k \\ \frac{1}{\tau_k-\tau_j} \prod_{i=0,i\ne j,i\ne k}^D{\frac{\tau_j-\tau_i}{\tau_k-\tau_i}} & j \ne k \end{cases} \end{equation} \begin{code} lagrangeDerivCoeffs :: (Dim deg, Fractional a) => Vec deg a -> Vec deg (Vec deg a) lagrangeDerivCoeffs taus' = mkVec' [mkVec' [cjk j k | k <- [0..deg]] | j <- [0..deg]] where taus = unVec taus' deg = V.length taus - 1 cjk j k | j == k = sum [ 1/(tau_k - taus V.! i) | i <- [0..deg], i /= k ] | otherwise = 1 / (tau_k - tau_j) * product [ (tau_j - tau_i)/(tau_k - tau_i) | i <- [0..deg], i /= j, i /= k, let tau_i = taus V.! i ] where tau_k = taus V.! k tau_j = taus V.! j \end{code} Testing code: \begin{code} ssyms :: String -> Int -> IO [SX] ssyms name k = mapM (ssym . (name ++) . show) $ take k [(0::Int)..] runComparison :: IO () runComparison = do let deg = 6 sampleTaus = take (deg+1) [0.1,0.2..] sampleTaus' = map realToFrac sampleTaus tau <- ssym "t" taus <- ssyms "t" (deg + 1) let zs :: [SX] zs = map (lagrangeXis taus tau) [0..deg] inputs = tau : taus zdot = map (`sgradient` tau) zs zdotAlg <- sxFunction (V.fromList inputs) (V.fromList zdot) soInit zdotAlg --mapM_ print zdot' putStrLn "numeric:" vals' <- V.mapM (\tau_i -> evalDMatrix zdotAlg (V.fromList (tau_i : sampleTaus'))) (V.fromList sampleTaus') let d2d :: DMatrix -> Double d2d x = case V.toList (ddata (dense x)) of [y] -> y ys -> error $ "d2d: need length 1, got length " ++ show (length ys) vals = fmap (fmap d2d) vals' V.mapM_ print vals putStrLn "\nnumeric difference:" let cmp :: V.Vector Double -> V.Vector Double -> IO () cmp v1s v2s = print $ V.zipWith (-) v1s v2s f :: Dim n => Vec n Double -> IO () f st = V.zipWithM_ cmp vals $ fmap unVec $ unVec $ lagrangeDerivCoeffs st reifyVector (V.fromList sampleTaus) f return () \end{code} \end{document}