-- | -- Description : A benchmark for dunai. -- Copyright : (c) Ivan Perez, 2023 -- Authors : Ivan Perez -- Maintainer : ivan.perez@keera.co.uk -- License : BSD3 -- -- A benchmark for Dunai. module Main where import Criterion (bench, bgroup, nf) import Criterion.Main (defaultConfig, defaultMainWith) import Criterion.Types (Config (csvFile, resamples, verbosity), Verbosity (Quiet)) import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity) import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime) import Data.Time.LocalTime (getZonedTime) import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs) import System.FilePath ((</>)) import qualified Control.Category as C import Data.MonadicStreamFunction -- | Run all benchmarks. main :: IO () main = do config <- customConfig withArgs [] $ defaultMainWith config [ bgroup "basic" [ bench "identity" $ nf basicIdentity 10000 , bench "id" $ nf basicId 10000 ] , bgroup "compositions" [ bench "identity" $ nf composeIdentity 10000 , bench "idid" $ nf composeIdId 10000 , bench "plus" $ nf composePlus 10000 , bench "plusplus" $ nf composePlusPlus 10000 , bench "plusmult" $ nf composePlusMult 10000 , bench "mult" $ nf composeMult 10000 , bench "multmult" $ nf composeMultMult 10000 ] , bgroup "counter" [ bench "counter1" $ nf counter1 10000 , bench "counter2" $ nf counter2 10000 ] ] -- * Benchmarks -- ** Basic -- | Dunai's specialized identity function. basicIdentity :: Int -> [Int] basicIdentity n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = C.id stream = replicate n 1 -- | Standard function identity lifted to SFs. basicId :: Int -> [Int] basicId n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = arr id stream = replicate n 1 -- ** Compositions -- | Composition of Dunai's specialized identity function. composeIdentity :: Int -> [Int] composeIdentity n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = C.id >>> C.id stream = replicate n 1 -- | Composition of standard function identity lifted to SFs. composeIdId :: Int -> [Int] composeIdId n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = arr id >>> arr id stream = replicate n 1 -- | Plus operation. -- -- This is not a composition; it merely exists to serve as a comparison with -- composePlusPlus. composePlus :: Int -> [Int] composePlus n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = arr (+3) stream = take n [1..] -- | Composition of addition lifted to SFs. composePlusPlus :: Int -> [Int] composePlusPlus n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = arr (+1) >>> arr (+2) stream = take n [1..] -- | Composition of addition with multiplication, lifted to SFs. composePlusMult :: Int -> [Int] composePlusMult n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = arr (+100) >>> arr (*2) stream = take n [10..] -- | Multiplication operation. -- -- This is not a composition; it merely exists to serve as a comparison with -- composeMultMult. composeMult :: Int -> [Int] composeMult n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = arr (*20) stream = take n [10..] -- | Composition of multiplication lifted to SFs. composeMultMult :: Int -> [Int] composeMultMult n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = arr (*10) >>> arr (*2) stream = take n [10..] -- ** Counter -- | Counter without explicit seq. counter1 :: Int -> [Int] counter1 n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = feedback 0 (arr (dup . uncurry (+))) stream = replicate n 1 dup x = (x, x) -- | Counter with explicit seq. counter2 :: Int -> [Int] counter2 n = runIdentity $ embed sf stream where sf = feedback 0 (arr ((\x -> x `seq` (x, x)). uncurry (+))) stream = replicate n 1 -- * Auxiliary functions -- Construct a config with increased number of sampling -- and a custom name for the report. customConfig :: IO Config customConfig = do args <- getArgs let dir = case args of [] -> "." (x:xs) -> x -- Custom filename using the current time timeString <- (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F-%H%M%S") <$> getZonedTime let filename = concat [ timeString, "-", "bench.csv" ] return $ defaultConfig { csvFile = Just $ dir </> filename , resamples = 100000 , verbosity = Quiet }