{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} import Network.WebSockets hiding (Message) import Network.Socket (withSocketsDo) import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Biapplicative import Data.Monoid import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.List (partition) import Control.Concurrent.Chan import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad (forever) import GHC.Generics import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encodeLazy, decodeLazy) import Control.Monad import System.Environment import System.Exit type Time = Float type Hp = Float type Position = (Float, Float) type Velocity = (Float, Float) type BSize = Float type OtherLost = Bool data Bullet = Bullet BSize Position Velocity deriving (Show, Read, Generic) data GameState = Playing | Won | Lost | Even deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic) data Ammo = Ammo { availAmmo :: Float , charging :: Bool , charged :: Float } deriving (Show, Read, Generic) data World = World { pos :: Position , hp :: Hp , ammo :: Ammo , velocity :: Velocity , gameState :: GameState , ownBullets :: [Bullet] , othBullets :: [Bullet] } deriving (Show, Read, Generic) data Role = Server Int | Client String Int deriving (Show, Read) data Message = ILost | IShot Bullet deriving (Show, Read, Generic) instance Serialize Bullet instance Serialize GameState instance Serialize Ammo instance Serialize World instance Serialize Message fromRight (Right a) = a --FIXME ignore, report or something fromRight _ = error "deserialization error. sorry :(" instance WebSocketsData Message where fromLazyByteString = fromRight . decodeLazy toLazyByteString = encodeLazy fromDataMessage (Binary bs) = fromLazyByteString bs fromDataMessage _ = error "Invalid websocket message" instance WebSocketsData Bullet where fromLazyByteString = fromRight . decodeLazy toLazyByteString = encodeLazy fromDataMessage (Binary bs) = fromLazyByteString bs fromDataMessage _ = error "Invalid websocket message" maxAmmo = 6 chargingSpeed = 2 rechargingSpeed = 2 minCharge = 1.0 addedBulletVelocity = 2 bulletVelocity = 200 playerVelocity = 200 maxHp = 100 damageMultiplier = 10 playerHitBox = (playerWidth/2, playerHeight/2) -- half the size of the hitbox side playerWidth = 80 playerHeight = 80 screenW = 800 screenH = 600 ownColor = magenta othColor = yellow lifeColor = green ammoColor = red fps = 60 main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs role <- case args of ip:port:[] -> return $ Client ip (read port) port:[] -> return $ Server $ read port _ -> do putStrLn "Invalid arguments." putStrLn "Usage:" putStrLn " dual address port - connects to an existing server" putStrLn " dual port - creates a server" exitFailure sendChan <- newChan recvMVar <- newMVar [] otherLostMVar <- newMVar False _ <- forkIO $ case role of Server port -> do runServer "" port $ ws otherLostMVar recvMVar sendChan <=< acceptRequest Client ip port -> do withSocketsDo $ runClient ip port "/" $ ws otherLostMVar recvMVar sendChan playIO (InWindow "DUAL" (screenW, screenH) (0, 0)) black fps defaultWorld render handleInput (step otherLostMVar recvMVar sendChan) --TODO clean up the socket properly ws :: MVar OtherLost -> MVar [Bullet] -> Chan Message -> Connection -> IO () ws gameStateM rM sC conn = do _ <- forkIO $ recvData conn gameStateM rM sendData conn sC sendData :: Connection -> Chan Message -> IO () sendData conn ch = do forever $ do m <- readChan ch sendBinaryData conn m --hClose hdl recvData :: Connection -> MVar OtherLost -> MVar [Bullet] -> IO () recvData conn gsMV bMV = do forever $ do msg <- receiveData conn case msg of IShot b -> modifyMVar_ bMV (\bs -> return (b:bs)) ILost -> modifyMVar_ gsMV (return . const True) --hClose hdl defaultAmmo :: Ammo defaultAmmo = Ammo { availAmmo = maxAmmo , charging = False , charged = 0 } defaultWorld :: World defaultWorld = World { pos = (0,0) , hp = maxHp , ammo = defaultAmmo , velocity = (0,0) , gameState = Playing , ownBullets = [] , othBullets = [] } render :: Monad m => World -> m Picture render world = return $ renderBullets world <> statePicture (gameState world) <> borders <> translate x y (color ownColor $ rectangleSolid playerWidth playerHeight) <> translate x (y - playerHeight / 2 - 5) (color ammoColor $ rectangleSolid (10* availAmmo (ammo world)) 5) <> if hp world > 0 then translate x (y - playerHeight / 2 - 13) $ color lifeColor $ rectangleSolid (1* hp world) 5 else Blank where x = fst $ pos world y = snd $ pos world statePicture :: GameState -> Picture statePicture Won = Translate (-350) 0 $ Color red $ Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game.Text "YOU WON" statePicture Lost = Translate (-350) 0 $ Color red $ Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game.Text "YOU LOST" statePicture Even = Translate (-350) 0 $ Color red $ Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game.Text "EVEN" statePicture Playing = Blank borders :: Picture borders = color white $ rectangleWire (fromIntegral screenW - 2) (fromIntegral screenH - 2) renderBullets :: World -> Picture renderBullets world = Pictures (fmap (renderBullet ownColor) (ownBullets world) ++ fmap (renderBullet othColor) (othBullets world)) renderBullet :: Color -> Bullet -> Picture renderBullet c (Bullet size (x,y) _) = translate x y $ color c $ rectangleSolid (10*size) (10*size) handleInput :: Monad m => Event -> World -> m World handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) Down _ _) world = return world { velocity = second (const (-1)) $ velocity world } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) Up _ _) world = return world { velocity = second (const 0) $ velocity world } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) Down _ _) world = return world { velocity = second (const 1) $ velocity world } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) Up _ _) world = return world { velocity = second (const 0) $ velocity world } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyLeft) Down _ _) world = return world { velocity = first (const (-1)) $ velocity world } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyLeft) Up _ _) world = return world { velocity = first (const 0) $ velocity world } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyRight) Down _ _) world = return world { velocity = first (const 1) $ velocity world } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyRight) Up _ _) world = return world { velocity = first (const 0) $ velocity world } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeySpace) Down _ _) world = return world { ammo = (ammo world) { charging = True } } handleInput (EventKey (SpecialKey KeySpace) Up _ _) world = return world { ammo = (ammo world) { charging = False } } handleInput _ world = return world -- Just a bottom-to-top chain of world modifications. -- The effectful ones are marked with =<<, which is nice. step :: MVar OtherLost -> MVar [Bullet] -> Chan Message -> Time -> World -> IO World step stateMVar rCh sCh dt world = lose sCh =<< sendBullets sCh =<< ((destroyOthBullets . getHit . moveBullets dt . movePlayer dt . shoot . charge dt . recharge dt) <$> (receiveBullets rCh =<< receiveVictory stateMVar world)) receiveBullets :: MVar [Bullet] -> World -> IO World receiveBullets mv world = do bs <- swapMVar mv [] --XXX FIXME not atomic. -> STM/synchronous-channels? let bs' = flipVelocity <$> bs return world { othBullets = othBullets world ++ bs' } receiveVictory :: MVar OtherLost -> World -> IO World receiveVictory otherLostMVar world = do won' <- tryReadMVar otherLostMVar --TODO avoid if already won? or laziness already does it? let won = case won' of Just a -> a Nothing -> error "Logic error: the game state MVar should always be full!" --TODO replace False with emptyness? use a lock? return $ if not won then world else world { gameState = f $ gameState world } where f Playing = Won f Lost = Even f Even = Even f Won = Won flipVelocity :: Bullet -> Bullet flipVelocity (Bullet s p (vx, vy)) = Bullet s p (vx, -vy) sendBullets :: Chan Message -> World -> IO World sendBullets ch world = do let (onScreen, offScreen) = partition (\(Bullet _ (_, y) _) -> y<=fromIntegral screenH/2) $ ownBullets world let reallyOnScreen = filter (\(Bullet _ (x, _) _) -> x<=fromIntegral screenW/2 && x>=fromIntegral screenW/(-2)) onScreen writeList2Chan ch $ fmap IShot offScreen return world { ownBullets = reallyOnScreen } lose :: Chan Message -> World -> IO World lose ch world | gameState world /= Playing = return world | hp world <= 0 = do writeChan ch ILost return $ world { gameState = Lost } | otherwise = return world getHit :: World -> World getHit world = world' where world' = world { hp = hp' } bs = othBullets world hp' = hp world - sum (catMaybes $ bulletDamage world <$> bs) bulletDamage :: World -> Bullet -> Maybe Hp bulletDamage world (Bullet s p _) = if inHitBox playerHitBox (pos world) p then Just (s*damageMultiplier) else Nothing -- | if the two positions are within the given range inHitBox :: (Float, Float) -> Position -> Position -> Bool inHitBox (hx, hy) (ax, ay) (bx, by) = x && y where x = abs (ax-bx) < hx y = abs (ay-by) < hy destroyOthBullets :: World -> World destroyOthBullets world = world { othBullets = filter (\(Bullet _ p _) -> not (hit p || outside p)) $ othBullets world } where hit p = inHitBox playerHitBox p $ pos world outside (x,y) = x > (fromIntegral screenW)/2 || x < -(fromIntegral screenW)/2 || y < -(fromIntegral screenH)/2 --TODO add 'life' property to Bullet --TODO or delete off-screen movePlayer :: Time -> World -> World movePlayer dt world = world { pos = checkBounds $ bimap (+) (+) (bimap (*(playerVelocity*dt)) (*(playerVelocity*dt)) $ velocity world) <<*>> pos world } checkBounds :: Position -> Position checkBounds (x,y) = (max (-halfW) $ min halfW x, max (-halfH) $ min halfH y) where halfW = fromIntegral screenW / 2 halfH = fromIntegral screenH / 2 recharge :: Time -> World -> World recharge dt world = world { ammo = a' } where a' = if charging a then a else a { availAmmo = min maxAmmo (availAmmo a + dt*rechargingSpeed) } a = ammo world charge :: Time -> World -> World charge dt world = world { ammo = a' } where a = ammo world a' = a { availAmmo = availAmmo', charged = charged' } availAmmo' = if charging a then max 0 $ availAmmo a - chargeAmount else availAmmo a charged' = if charging a && availAmmo a - chargeAmount > 0 then min maxAmmo $ charged a + chargeAmount else charged a chargeAmount = if charged a > 0 then dt*chargingSpeed else minCharge shoot :: World -> World shoot world = world { ammo = a', ownBullets = bs' } where a = ammo world bs = ownBullets world a' = if shooting then a { charged = 0 } else a bs' = if shooting then b:bs else bs b = mkBullet world shooting = not (charging a) && charged a > 0 && hp world > 0 mkBullet :: World -> Bullet mkBullet world = Bullet s p v where s = charged $ ammo world p = pos world v = second (+addedBulletVelocity* sqrt s) $ velocity world moveBullets :: Time -> World -> World moveBullets dt world = world { ownBullets = moveBullet dt <$> ownBullets world , othBullets = moveBullet dt <$> othBullets world } moveBullet :: Time -> Bullet -> Bullet moveBullet dt (Bullet s p v) = Bullet s (bimap (+) (+) (bimap (*(bulletVelocity*dt)) (*(bulletVelocity*dt)) v) <<*>> p) v