{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Dominion (
                -- | How to use: https:\/\/github.com\/egonschiele\/dominion
                module Dominion, 
                has, handValue, pileEmpty, getPlayer, cardsOf, validateBuy, validatePlay, getRound) where
import Prelude hiding (log)
import qualified Dominion.Types as T
import Dominion.Types (Option(..))
import qualified Dominion.Cards as CA
import Control.Monad hiding (join)
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State hiding (state, join)
import Control.Lens hiding (indices, has)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Text.Printf
import Data.List
import Dominion.Utils
import Data.Either
import Control.Applicative
import Dominion.Internal

-- | Convenience function. @ name \`uses\` strategy @ is the same as writing
-- @ (name, strategy) @
uses :: String -> T.Strategy -> (T.Player, T.Strategy)
name `uses` strategy = ((makePlayer name), strategy)

-- | The main method to simulate a dominion game. Example:
-- > import Dominion
-- > import Dominion.Strategies
-- >
-- > main = dominion ["adit" `uses` bigMoney, "maggie" `uses` bigMoney]
dominion :: [(T.Player, T.Strategy)] -> IO [T.Result]
dominion = dominionWithOpts []

-- | Same as `dominion`, but allows you to pass in some options. Example:
-- > dominionWithOpts [Iterations 5, Log True] ["adit" `uses` bigMoney, "maggie" `uses` bigMoney]
dominionWithOpts :: [T.Option] -> [(T.Player, T.Strategy)] -> IO [T.Result]
dominionWithOpts options list = do
    actionCards_ <- deckShuffle CA.allCards
    let players       = map fst list
        strategies    = map snd list
        iterations    = fromJust $ findIteration options <|> Just 1000
        verbose_      = fromJust $ findLog options <|> Just False
        requiredCards = take 10 . fromJust $ findCards options <|> Just []
        actionCards   = take (10 - (length requiredCards)) actionCards_ ++ requiredCards
        cards         = concatMap pileOf $ CA.treasureCards ++ CA.victoryCards ++ (take 10 actionCards)
    when verbose_ $ putStrLn $ "Playing with: " ++ (join ", " . map T._name $ actionCards)
    -- TODO we should cycle through all players to give each one an even chance at going first
    results <- forM [1..iterations] $ \i -> if even i
                                        then run (T.GameState players cards 1 verbose_) strategies
                                        else run (T.GameState (reverse players) cards 1 verbose_) (reverse strategies)
    let winnerNames = (map T.winner results)
    forM_ players $ \player -> do
      let name = player ^. T.playerName
      putStrLn $ printf "player %s won %d times" name (count name winnerNames)
    return results

-- | Player buys a card. Example:
-- > playerId `buys` smithy
buys :: T.PlayerId -> T.Card -> T.Dominion (T.PlayResult ())
buys playerId card = do
    validation <- validateBuy playerId card
    case validation of
      Left x -> return $ Left x
      Right _ -> do
                   money <- handValue playerId
                   modifyPlayer playerId $ \p -> over T.discard (card:) $
                                                 over T.buys (subtract 1) $
                                                 -- this works because extraMoney can be negative
                                                 over T.extraMoney (subtract $ card ^. T.cost) p
                   modify $ over T.cards (delete card)
                   log playerId $ printf "bought a %s" (card ^. T.name)
                   return $ Right ()

-- | Give an array of cards, in order of preference.
-- This function will buy as many cards as possible, in order of
-- preference. For example, suppose you use:
-- > playerId `buysByPreference` [province, duchy]
-- And you have 16 money and two buys. You will buy two provinces.
-- This runs all the same validations as `buys`.
buysByPreference :: T.PlayerId -> [T.Card] -> T.Dominion ()
buysByPreference playerId cards = do
    purchasableCards <- filterM (\card -> eitherToBool <$> validateBuy playerId card) cards
    when (not (null purchasableCards)) $ do
      playerId `buys` (head purchasableCards)
      playerId `buysByPreference` cards

-- | Give an array of cards, in order of preference.
-- This function will try to play as many cards as possible, in order of preference.
-- Note: if any card requires a `Followup` (like `cellar` or
-- `chapel`), you need to use `plays` instead. This runs all the same
-- validations as `plays`.
playsByPreference :: T.PlayerId -> [T.Card] -> T.Dominion ()
playsByPreference playerId cards = do
    playableCards <- filterM (\card -> eitherToBool <$> validatePlay playerId card) cards
    when (not (null playableCards)) $ do
      playerId `plays` (head playableCards)
      playerId `playsByPreference` cards
-- | In the simplest case, this lets you play a card, like this:
-- > playerId `plays` smithy
-- You can just use this function blindly, without checking to see if you
-- have enough actions, or whether you have a smithy in your hand.
-- `plays` will perform those  validations for you. It returns a `PlayResult`,
-- which is an `Either` with an error message or a return value.  
-- Some cards require an additional action. For example, if you use
-- a workshop, you need to specify what card you're going to get. In that
-- case, this function returns a `Followup`. A `Followup` just contains some information about the card you used.
-- You can use the extra action of the card like this:
--  > playerId `plays` workshop `with` (Workshop gardens)
-- `with` takes a `FollowUp` and a `FollowupAction`, and applies the
-- `FollowupAction`.
-- Here's another example:
-- > playerId `plays` throneRoom `with` (ThroneRoom market)
plays :: T.PlayerId -> T.Card -> T.Dominion (T.PlayResult (Maybe T.Followup))
playerId `plays` card = do
    validation <- validatePlay playerId card
    case validation of
      Left x -> return $ Left x
      Right _ -> do
               log playerId $ printf "plays a %s!" (card ^. T.name)
               results <- mapM (usesEffect playerId) (card ^. T.effects)
               modifyPlayer playerId (over T.actions (subtract 1))
               if trashThisCard card
                 then playerId `trashesCard` card
                 else playerId `discardsCard` card
               -- we should get at most *one* effect to return
               return . Right . listToMaybe . catMaybes $ results

-- | You can use `with` to play an FollowupAction. For example:
-- > playerId `plays` chapel `with` (Chapel [4 `cardsOf` estate])
-- This will trash up to four estates from your hand (depending on how many
-- you have). The input of this function is directly the output of `plays`, so you can
-- chain these functions together easily. This automatically handles
-- checking whether the `PlayResult` was a `Right`, and whether there is
-- a `Followup`, and whether the `FollowupAction` you gave matches the `Followup`,
-- and applies the `FollowupAction`.
-- The `FollowupAction` needs to match the `Followup`. You can't do this, for
-- example:
-- > playerId `plays` throneRoom `with` (Workshop village)
-- You need this instead:
-- > playerId `plays` throneRoom `with` (ThroneRoom village)
-- `with` might lead to more `Followup`s, in which case you can chain calls
-- using `withMulti`.
with :: T.Dominion (T.PlayResult (Maybe T.Followup)) -> T.FollowupAction -> T.Dominion (T.PlayResult (Maybe [T.Followup]))
result_ `with` followupAction = do
    result <- result_
    case result of
      Left str -> return $ Left str
      Right Nothing -> return $ Right Nothing
      Right (Just followup) -> followup `_with` followupAction

-- | This is just like `with`, except you can give it an array of
-- `Followup`s, and another array of `FollowupAction`s. Most cards will
-- only generate one `Followup`. There's only one case I know about that
-- would generate multiple `Followup`s: playing a throne room on a throne
-- room.
-- > playerId `plays` throneRoom `with` (ThroneRoom throneRoom) `withMulti` [ThroneRoom market, ThroneRoom smithy]
-- Here, someone plays a throne room on a throne room. Now you have to
-- follow up with two action cards: the two cards you want to play twice.
-- The player passes in `market` and `smithy`, and they both get played twice.
withMulti :: T.Dominion (T.PlayResult (Maybe [T.Followup])) -> [T.FollowupAction] -> T.Dominion (T.PlayResult (Maybe [T.Followup]))
results_ `withMulti` followupActions = do
    results <- results_
    case results of
      Left str -> return $ Left str
      Right Nothing -> return $ Right Nothing
      Right (Just followups) -> do
          allResults <- mapM (uncurry _with) (zip followups followupActions)
          return $ Right $ case (concat . catMaybes . rights $ allResults) of
                             [] -> Nothing
                             xs -> Just xs

-- | `with` and `withMulti` automatically extract the `Followup` out of the
-- result of `plays`. If you have a `Followup` already, or you want more
-- control, you can use this instead.
-- > result <- playerId `plays` throneRoom
-- > case result of
-- >   Left str -> return . Left $ str
-- >   Right followup -> followup `_with` (ThroneRoom market)
_with :: T.Followup -> T.FollowupAction -> T.Dominion (T.PlayResult (Maybe [T.Followup]))
(playerId, T.PlayActionCard x) `_with` (T.ThroneRoom card) = do
  hasCard <- playerId `has` card
  if not hasCard
    then return . Left $ printf "You don't have a %s in your hand!" (card ^. T.name)
    else do
      log playerId $ printf "playing %s twice!" (card ^. T.name)
      results <- mapM (usesEffect playerId) ((card ^. T.effects) ++ (card ^. T.effects))
      playerId `discardsCard` card
      return $ Right $ case (catMaybes results) of
                 [] -> Nothing
                 xs -> Just xs

(playerId, T.CellarEffect) `_with` (T.Cellar cards) = do
  forM_ cards $ \card -> do
    hasCard <- playerId `has` card
    when hasCard $ do
      playerId `discardsCard` card
      [drawnCard] <- drawFromDeck playerId 1
      log playerId $ printf "discarded a %s and got a %s" (card ^. T.name) (drawnCard ^. T.name)
  return $ Right Nothing

(playerId, T.ChancellorEffect) `_with` (T.Chancellor moveDeck) = do
  when moveDeck $ do
    log playerId "Moving deck into the discard pile"
    modifyPlayer playerId $ \p -> set T.deck [] $ over T.discard (++ (p ^. T.deck)) p
  return $ Right Nothing

(playerId, T.TrashCards x) `_with` (T.Chapel cards) = do
  let toTrash = take x cards
  forM_ toTrash $ \card_ -> playerId `trashesCard` card_
  return $ Right Nothing

(playerId, T.GainCardUpto x) `_with` (T.Feast card) = gainCardUpTo playerId x card
(playerId, T.GainCardUpto x) `_with` (T.Workshop card) = gainCardUpTo playerId x card

(playerId, T.MineEffect) `_with` (T.Mine card) = do
  hasCard <- playerId `has` card
  if not hasCard
    then return . Left $ printf "You don't have a %s in your hand!" (card ^. T.name)
    else if (not . isTreasure $ card)
           then return . Left $ printf "Mine only works with treasure cards, not %s" (card ^. T.name)
           else if (card == CA.gold)
                  then return . Left $ "can't upgrade gold!"
                  else do
                    newCard_ <- getCard (if (card == CA.copper) then CA.silver else CA.gold)
                    case newCard_ of
                      Nothing -> return . Left $ "Sorry, we are out of the card you could've upgraded to."
                      Just newCard -> do
                        playerId `trashesCard` card
                        modifyPlayer playerId $ over T.hand (newCard:)
                        log playerId $ printf "trashed a %s for a %s" (card ^. T.name) (newCard ^. T.name)
                        return $ Right Nothing

(playerId, T.RemodelEffect) `_with` (T.Remodel (toTrash, toGain)) = do
  hasCard <- playerId `has` toTrash
  if not hasCard
    then return . Left $ printf "You don't have a %s in your hand!" (toTrash ^. T.name)
    else if ((toGain ^. T.cost) > (toTrash ^. T.cost) + 2)
           then return . Left $ printf "You're remodeling a %s, a %s is too expensive" (toTrash ^. T.name) (toGain ^. T.name)
           else do
             newCard_ <- getCard toGain
             case newCard_ of
               Nothing -> return . Left $ printf "Sorry, no more %s left" (toGain ^. T.name)
               Just card -> do
                 modifyPlayer playerId $ over T.discard (card:)
                 return $ Right Nothing

(playerId, T.SpyEffect) `_with` (T.Spy (myself, others)) = do
  modifyPlayer playerId (discardTopCard myself)
  modifyOtherPlayers playerId (discardTopCard others)
  return $ Right Nothing

(playerId, T.ThiefEffect) `_with` (T.Thief func) = do
  state <- get
  let players = (indices (state ^. T.players)) \\ [playerId]
  forM_ players $ \pid -> do
    player <- getPlayer pid
    let topCards = take 2 (player ^. T.deck)
        treasures = filter isTreasure topCards
        discards = topCards \\ treasures
    modifyPlayer pid $ over T.deck (drop 2)
    if (null treasures)
      then do
        modifyPlayer pid $ over T.discard (++discards)
        return . Left $ "Sorry, this player had no treasures."
      else do
        let action = func treasures
        case action of
          T.TrashOnly card -> do
            let other = treasures \\ [card]
            modifyPlayer pid $ over T.discard (++other)
            return $ Right Nothing
          T.GainTrashedCard card -> do
            let other = treasures \\ [card]
            modifyPlayer pid $ over T.discard (++other)
            if (card `elem` treasures)
              then do
                modifyPlayer playerId $ over T.discard (card:)
                return $ Right Nothing
              else return $ Left "That card wasn't one of the treasures you could trash!"
  return $ Right Nothing

_ `_with` _ = return $ Left "sorry, you can't play that effect with that extra effect."