cabal-version: 3.0 name: domain-optics version: synopsis: Integration of domain with optics homepage: bug-reports: author: Nikita Volkov maintainer: Nikita Volkov copyright: (c) 2020 Nikita Volkov license: MIT license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple source-repository head type: git location: git:// library hs-source-dirs: library default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude NoMonomorphismRestriction BangPatterns BlockArguments ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DeriveDataTypeable DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveTraversable DerivingVia EmptyDataDecls FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving InstanceSigs LambdaCase LiberalTypeSynonyms MagicHash MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf OverloadedLabels OverloadedStrings ParallelListComp PatternGuards QuasiQuotes RankNTypes RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving StrictData TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators UnboxedTuples default-language: Haskell2010 exposed-modules: DomainOptics other-modules: DomainOptics.InstanceDecs DomainOptics.Prelude DomainOptics.Util.OpticsTH build-depends: , base >=4.12 && <5 , domain-core >= && <0.2 , optics-core >= && <0.5 , template-haskell >=2.14 && <3 , template-haskell-compat-v0208 >=0.1.5 && <0.2 , text >=1.2 && <3 , th-lego >=0.2.1 && <0.4 test-suite demo type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: demo main-is: Main.hs default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: , domain , domain-optics , rerebase >=1.9 && <2