Docopt.hs ========= A Haskell port of python's [docopt]( ---------- ## Want a command-line interface *without* building a parser? How about writing your help text first, and getting a parser for free! Save your help text to a file (i.e. `USAGE.txt`): Usage: myprog cat myprog echo [--caps] Options: -c, --caps Caps-lock the echoed argument Then, in your `Myprog.hs`: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Char (toUpper) import System.Console.Docopt patterns :: Docopt patterns = [docoptFile|USAGE.txt|] main = do args <- parseArgsOrExit patterns =<< getArgs when (args `isPresent` (command "cat")) $ do file <- args `getArgOrExit` (argument "file") putStr =<< readFile file when (args `isPresent` (command "echo")) $ do let charTransform = if args `isPresent` (longOption "caps") then toUpper else id string <- args `getArgOrExit` (argument "string") putStrLn $ map charTransform string ``` That's it! No Template Haskell, no unreadable syntax, no learning yet *another* finicky API. Write the usage patterns you support, and docopt builds the appropriate option parser for you (internally using [`parsec`]( If your user invokes your program correctly, you query for the arguments they provided. If the arguments provided do not match a supported usage pattern, you guessed it: docopt automatically prints the help text and exits! Installation ------------ cabal sandbox init cabal install docopt API Reference ------------- See [the package on hackage]( Help text format ================ Docopt only cares about 2 parts of your help text: - **Usage patterns**, e.g.: ``` Usage: my_program [-hs] [-o=] [--quiet | --verbose] [...] ``` These begin with `Usage:` (case-insensitive), and end with a blank line. - **Option descriptions**, e.g.: ``` Options: -h --help show this -s --sorted sorted output -o= specify output file [default: ./test.txt] --quiet print less text --verbose print more text ``` Any line after the usage patterns that begins with a `-` is treated as an option description (though an option's default may be on a different line). Usage Patterns -------------- - #### `` Positional arguments. Constructed via `argument`, i.e. `argument "arg"` matches an `` element in the help text. - #### `--flag` or `--option=` Options are typically optional (though this is up to you), and can be either boolean (present/absent), as in `--flag`, or expect a trailing argument, as in `--option=`. Arguments can be separated from the option name by an `=` or a single space, and can be in `` form or `ARG` form (though consistency of style is recommended, it is not enforced). Short-style options, as in `-f` or `-f ARG`, are also allowed. Synonyms between different spellings of the same option (e.g. `-v` and `--verbose`) can be established in the option descriptions (see below). Short-style options can also be stacked, as in `-rfA`. When options are stacked, `-rfA` is effectively equivalent to `(-r | -f | -A)...` to the argument parser. You can match a long-style option `--flag` with `longOption "flag"`, and a short-style option `-f` with `shortOption 'f'` The same constructor is used whether the option expects an argument or not. - #### `command` Anything not recognized as a positional argument or a short or long option is treated as a command (or subcommand, same thing to docopt). A command named `pull` can be matched with `command "pull"`. - #### `[]` (brackets) e.g. `command [--option]` Patterns inside brackets are **optional**. - #### `()` (parens) Patterns inside parens are **required** (the same as patterns *not* in `()` are required). Parens are useful if you need to group some elements, either for use with `|` or `...`. - #### `|` (pipe) e.g. `command [--quiet | --verbose]` A pipe `|` separates mutually elements in a group. A group could be elements inside `[]`, `()`, or the whole usage line. ``` Usage: myprog command [--opt1 | --opt2] # valid myprog go (left | right) # valid myprog -v | -h # valid ``` When elements are separated by a pipe, the elements are tried from left to right until one succeeds. At least one of the elements are required unless in an eplicitly optional group surrounded by `[]`. - #### `...` (ellipsis) e.g. `command ...` An ellipsis can trail any element or group to make it repeatable. Repeatable elements will be accumulated into a list of occurrences. - #### `[options]` (case sensitive) The string `[options]` is a shortcut to match any options specified in your option descriptions. - #### `[-]` and `[--]` Single hyphen `-` is used by convention to specify using `stdin` as input instead of reading a file. Double hyphen `--` is typically used to manually separate leading options from trailing positional arguments. Both of these are treated as `command`s, and so are perfectly legal in usage patterns. They are typically optional elements, but can be required if you drop the `[]`. Option descriptions ------------------- Option descriptions establish: - which short and long options are synonymous - whether an option expects an argument or is a simple flag - if an option's argument has a default value **Rules**: - Any line *after* the usage patterns whose first non-space character is a `-` is treated as an option description. (`Options:` prefix line not required). ``` Options: --help # invalid: line does not start with '-' --verbose # good ``` - Options on the same line will be treated by the parser as synonyms (everywhere interchangeable). Synonymous options are separated by a space (with optional comma): ``` Usage: myprog --help | --verbose Options: -h, --help Print help text -v --verbose Print help text twice ``` Here, `myprog --help` and `myprog -h` will both work the same, as will `myprog --verbose` and `myprog -v`. - If any synonymous options are specified in the description with an argument, the option parser will expect an argument for all synonyms. If not, all synonyms will be treated as flags. ``` Usage: myprog analyze [--verbose] Options: --verbose, -v LEVEL The level of output verbosity. ``` Here, in the arguments `myprog analyze --verbose ./file1.txt` would be invalid, because `-v` *and its synonyms* expect an argument, so `./file1.txt` is captured as the argument of `--verbose`, *not* as the positional argument ``. Be careful! Options can be separated from arguments with a single space or a `=`, and arguments can have the form `` or `ARG`. Just be sure to separate synonyms and arguments from the beginning of the description by **at least 2 spaces**. ``` --opt1 ARG1 Option 1. --opt2= Option 2. # BAD: use 2 spaces -a Option 3. -b=ARG4 Option 4. ``` - Options that expect arguments can be given a default value, in the form `[default: ]`. Default values do not need to be on the same line ``` --host=NAME Host to listen on. [default: localhost] --port=PORT Port number [default: 8080] --directory=DIR This option has an especially long description explaining its meaning. [default: ./] ``` ---------------- #### Differences from reference python implementation: - does not automatically exclude from the `[options]` shortcut options that are already used elsewhere in the usage pattern (e.g. `usage: prog [options] -a` will try to parse `-a` twice). - does not automatically resolve partially-specified arguments, e.g. `--verb` does not match where `--verbose` is expected. This is planned to be deprecated in future versions of docopt, and will likely not be implemented in docopt.hs - is not insensitive to the ordering of adjacent options, e.g. `usage: prog -a -b` does not allow `prog -b -a` (reference implementation currently does).