{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} {-| Module : Discord.Voice.Conduit Description : Convenient Conduits for transforming voice data Copyright : (c) Yuto Takano (2021) License : MIT Maintainer : moa17stock@email.com This module provides convenient Conduits (see the @conduit@ package for an introduction to conduits, but essentially streaming pipes) for transforming audio data, to be used with the apostrophe-marked functions in "Discord.Voice". The apostrophe-marked functions, such as 'playFile'', take as argument a Conduit of the following type: @ ConduitT B.ByteString B.ByteString (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () @ That is, the Conduit's needs to take @ByteString@ values from the upstream and give to the downstream, @ByteString@s. This ByteString is formatted according to a 16-bit signed little-endian representation of PCM data, with a sample rate of 48kHz. Since ByteStrings are stored as 'Word8' (8-bits) internally, this module provides conduits to pack every two bytes into a single signed 16-bit 'Int16', and vice versa. See 'packInt16C' and 'unpackInt16C'. Since the audio data is stereo, there are also conduits provided that pack to and unpack from tuples of @(left, right) :: (Int16, Int16)@ values. These enable us to have an easier type signature to work with when performing arithmetics on audio data: @ yourConduit :: ConduitT Int16 Int16 (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () playYouTube' "never gonna give you up" $ packInt16C .| yourConduit .| unpackInt16C @ Despite the pack/unpack being a common pattern, unfortunately due to library design, it is not the default behaviour for apostrophe-marked functions (the reason being that the non-apostrophe-marked-functions are simply aliases for the apostrophe ones but with a @awaitForever yield@ conduit; this means adding pack/unpack to the apostrophe versions would slow down the streaming of untransformed data). An example usage of these conduits is: @ runVoice $ do join (read "123456789012345") (read "67890123456789012") playFile' "Lost in the Woods.mp3" $ packTo16CT .| toMono .| packFrom16CT @ -} module Discord.Voice.Conduit ( -- * Conduits to transform ByteString into workable Int16 data packInt16C , packInt16CT , unpackInt16C , unpackInt16CT -- * Common audio operations exemplars (see source for inspiration) , toMono ) where import Conduit import Data.Bits ( shiftL, shiftR, (.|.) ) import Data.ByteString qualified as B import Data.Int ( Int16 ) import Data.Word ( Word16, Word8 ) import Discord -- | A conduit that transforms 16-bit signed little-endian PCM ByteString to -- streams of Int16 values. The Int16 values are in the range [-32768, 32767] -- and alternate between left and right channels (stereo audio). See -- 'packInt16CT' for a version that produces tuples for both channels. packInt16C :: ConduitT B.ByteString Int16 (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () packInt16C = chunksOfExactlyCE 2 .| loop where loop = awaitForever $ \bytes -> do let [b1, b2] = B.unpack bytes -- little-endian arrangement yield $ (fromIntegral $ (shiftL (fromIntegral b2 :: Word16) 8) .|. (fromIntegral b1 :: Word16) :: Int16) -- | A conduit that transforms streams of Int16 values to a ByteString, laid -- out in 16-bit little-endian PCM format. Alternating inputs to this conduit -- will be taken as left and right channels. See 'unpackInt16CT' for a version -- that takes a stream of tuples of both channels. unpackInt16C :: ConduitT Int16 B.ByteString (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () unpackInt16C = awaitForever $ \i -> yield $ B.pack [ fromIntegral i :: Word8 , fromIntegral $ shiftR (fromIntegral i :: Word16) 8 :: Word8 ] -- | A conduit that transforms 16-bit signed little-endian PCM ByteString to -- streams of (left, right)-tupled Int16 values. packInt16CT :: ConduitT B.ByteString (Int16, Int16) (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () packInt16CT = chunksOfExactlyCE 4 .| loop where loop = awaitForever $ \bytes -> do let [b1, b2, b3, b4] = B.unpack bytes -- little-endian arrangement let left = (fromIntegral $ (shiftL (fromIntegral b2 :: Word16) 8) .|. (fromIntegral b1 :: Word16) :: Int16) let right = (fromIntegral $ (shiftL (fromIntegral b4 :: Word16) 8) .|. (fromIntegral b3 :: Word16) :: Int16) yield (left, right) -- | A conduit that transforms (left, right)-tupled Int16 values into 16-bit -- signed little-endian PCM ByteString. unpackInt16CT :: ConduitT (Int16, Int16) B.ByteString (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () unpackInt16CT = awaitForever $ \(l, r) -> yield $ B.pack [ fromIntegral l :: Word8 , fromIntegral $ shiftR (fromIntegral l :: Word16) 8 :: Word8 , fromIntegral r :: Word8 , fromIntegral $ shiftR (fromIntegral r :: Word16) 8 :: Word8 ] -- | A conduit to transform stereo audio to mono audio by taking the average -- of the left and right channel values. toMono :: ConduitT (Int16, Int16) (Int16, Int16) (ResourceT DiscordHandler) () toMono = awaitForever $ \(l, r) -> do -- take the average of the left and right channels let avg = l `div` 2 + r `div` 2 yield (avg, avg)