{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-| Module : Discord.Internal.Voice.WebsocketLoop Description : Strictly for internal use only. See Discord.Voice for the public interface. Copyright : (c) Yuto Takano (2021) License : MIT Maintainer : moa17stock@email.com = WARNING This module is considered __internal__. The Package Versioning Policy __does not apply__. The contents of this module may change __in any way whatsoever__ and __without__ __any warning__ between minor versions of this package. = Description This module provides @launchWebsocket@, a function used to launch a websocket to the Discord Voice Gateway, and perform necessary handshakes including heartbeat setup, mode selection, and IP Discovery. The function will also set up the UDP socket for voice data transmission by calling @launchUDP@ from the "Discord.Internal.Voice.UDPLoop" module. -} module Discord.Internal.Voice.WebsocketLoop ( launchWebsocket ) where import Control.Concurrent.Async ( race ) import Control.Concurrent ( Chan , newChan , writeChan , readChan , threadDelay , forkIO , killThread , MVar , putMVar , newEmptyMVar , ThreadId , myThreadId , mkWeakThreadId , modifyMVar_ , newMVar , readMVar ) import Control.Exception.Safe ( try, tryAsync, SomeException, finally, handle ) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad ( forever, guard ) import Control.Monad.Except ( runExceptT, ExceptT (ExceptT), lift ) import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO ) import Data.Aeson ( encode, eitherDecode ) import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Time import Data.Word ( Word16 ) import Network.WebSockets ( ConnectionException(..) , Connection , sendClose , receiveData , sendTextData ) import Wuss ( runSecureClient ) import Discord import Discord.Internal.Gateway ( GatewayException ) import Discord.Internal.Types ( GuildId, UserId, User(..), Event(..) ) import Discord.Internal.Types.VoiceCommon import Discord.Internal.Types.VoiceWebsocket import Discord.Internal.Types.VoiceUDP import Discord.Internal.Voice.CommonUtils import Discord.Internal.Voice.UDPLoop data WSState = WSStart | WSClosed | WSResume deriving Show -- | A custom logging function that writes the date/time and the thread ID. (✍) :: Chan T.Text -> T.Text -> IO () logChan ✍ log = do t <- formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T %q" <$> getCurrentTime tid <- myThreadId writeChan logChan $ (T.pack t) <> " " <> (tshow tid) <> " " <> log -- | A variant of (✍) that prepends the wsError text. (✍!) :: Chan T.Text -> T.Text -> IO () logChan ✍! log = logChan ✍ ("!!! Voice Websocket Error - " <> log) -- | @connect@ is an alias for running a websocket connection using the Discord -- endpoint URL (which contains the port as well). It makes sure to connect to -- the correct voice gateway version as well, as the default version of 1 is -- severely out of date (the opcode behaviours are not according to docs). connect :: T.Text -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a connect endpoint = runSecureClient url port "/?v=4" where url = (T.unpack . T.takeWhile (/= ':')) endpoint port = (read . T.unpack . T.takeWhileEnd (/= ':')) endpoint -- | Attempt to connect (and reconnect on disconnects) to the voice websocket. -- Also launches the UDP thread after the initialisation. launchWebsocket :: WebsocketLaunchOpts -> Chan T.Text -> IO () launchWebsocket opts log = do -- Keep an MVar (only for use in this function), to store the UDP launch -- options across Resume events. udpOpts <- newMVar undefined websocketFsm WSStart 0 udpOpts where websocketFsm :: WSState -> Int -> MVar UDPLaunchOpts -> IO () -- Websocket closed legitimately. The UDP thread and this thread -- will be closed by the cleanup in runVoice. websocketFsm WSClosed retries udpInfo = pure () -- First time. Let's open a Websocket connection to the Voice -- Gateway, do the initial Websocket handshake routine, then -- ask to open the UDP connection. -- When creating the UDP thread, we will fill in the MVars in -- @opts@ to report back to runVoice, so it can be killed in the -- future. websocketFsm WSStart retries udpInfo = do -- Use of tryAsync (unsafe, as it catches asynchronous exceptions) is -- justified here, since it will only log, then go to WSClosed. next <- tryAsync $ connect (opts ^. endpoint) $ \conn -> do (libSends, sendTid) <- flip (setupSendLoop conn) log $ opts ^. wsHandle . _2 result <- flip finally (killThread sendTid) $ runExceptT $ do helloPacket <- ExceptT $ over _Left ((<> "Failed to get Opcode 8 Hello: ") . tshow) <$> getPayload conn interval <- ExceptT $ pure $ maybeToRight ("First packet not Opcode 8 Hello: " <> tshow helloPacket) $ helloPacket ^? _Hello -- Create a thread to add heartbeating packets to the -- libSends Chan. heartGenTid <- lift $ forkIO $ heartbeatLoop libSends interval log flip finally (lift $ killThread heartGenTid) $ do -- Perform the Identify/Ready handshake readyPacket <- ExceptT $ over _Left ((<> "Failed to get Opcode 2 Ready: ") . tshow) <$> performIdentification conn opts p <- ExceptT $ pure $ maybeToRight ("First packet after Identify not " <> "Opcode 2 Ready " <> tshow readyPacket) $ readyPacket ^? _Ready secretKey <- lift $ newEmptyMVar let udpLaunchOpts = UDPLaunchOpts { uDPLaunchOptsSsrc = readyPayloadSSRC p , uDPLaunchOptsIp = readyPayloadIP p , uDPLaunchOptsPort = readyPayloadPort p , uDPLaunchOptsMode = "xsalsa20_poly1305" , uDPLaunchOptsUdpHandle = opts ^. udpHandle , uDPLaunchOptsSecretKey = secretKey -- TODO: support all encryption modes } -- We should be putting SSRC into the MVar to report back to -- the websocket (TODO: why was this again), but we hold it off -- until the ssrcCheck guard a few lines below. lift $ modifyMVar_ udpInfo (pure . const udpLaunchOpts) -- Launch the UDP thread, automatically perform -- IP discovery, which will write the result -- to the receiving Chan. We will pass not the MVar but -- the raw options, since there's no writing to be done. forkedId <- lift $ forkIO $ launchUdp udpLaunchOpts log flip finally (lift $ killThread forkedId) $ do udpTidWeak <- liftIO $ mkWeakThreadId forkedId lift $ putMVar (opts ^. udpTid) udpTidWeak ipDiscovery <- lift $ readChan $ opts ^. udpHandle . _1 (ssrcCheck, ip, port) <- ExceptT $ pure $ maybeToRight ("First UDP Packet not IP Discovery " <> tshow ipDiscovery) $ ipDiscovery ^? _IPDiscovery guard (ssrcCheck == udpLaunchOpts ^. ssrc) lift $ putMVar (opts ^. ssrc) ssrcCheck -- TODO: currently, we await the Opcode 4 SD right after -- Select Protocol, blocking the start of heartbeats until -- eventStream. This means there's a delay, so TODO to check -- if this delay causes any problems. If it does, keep the -- sending here, but receive the SD event in eventStream. sessionDescPacket <- ExceptT $ over _Left ((<> "Failed to get Opcode 4 SD: ") . tshow) <$> sendSelectProtocol conn ip port (udpLaunchOpts ^. mode) (modeCheck, key) <- ExceptT $ pure $ maybeToRight ("First packet after Select Protocol " <> "not Opcode 4 Session Description " <> tshow readyPacket) $ sessionDescPacket ^? _SessionDescription guard (modeCheck == udpLaunchOpts ^. mode) lift $ putMVar secretKey key -- Move to eternal websocket event loop, mainly for the -- heartbeats, but also for any user-generated packets. lift $ eventStream conn opts interval udpLaunchOpts libSends log case result of Left reason -> log ✍! reason >> pure WSClosed Right state -> pure state -- Connection is now closed. case next :: Either SomeException WSState of Left e -> do (✍!) log $ "could not connect due to an exception: " <> (tshow e) writeChan (opts ^. wsHandle . _1) $ Left $ VoiceWebsocketCouldNotConnect "could not connect due to an exception" websocketFsm WSClosed 0 udpInfo Right n -> websocketFsm n 0 udpInfo websocketFsm WSResume retries udpInfo = do -- Use of tryAsync (unsafe, as it catches asynchronous exceptions) is -- justified here, since it will only log, then go to WSClosed. next <- tryAsync $ connect (opts ^. endpoint) $ \conn -> do (libSends, sendTid) <- flip (setupSendLoop conn) log $ opts ^. wsHandle . _2 helloPacket <- getPayload conn case helloPacket of Left e -> do (✍!) log $ "Failed to get Opcode 8 Hello: " <> (tshow e) pure WSClosed Right (Hello interval) -> do -- Create a thread to add heartbeating packets to the -- libSends Chan. heartGenTid <- forkIO $ heartbeatLoop libSends interval log -- Perform the Resume/Resumed handshake resumedPacket <- performResumption conn opts case resumedPacket of Left e -> do (✍!) log $ "Failed to get Opcode 9 Resumed: " <> (tshow e) pure WSClosed Right (Discord.Internal.Types.VoiceWebsocket.Resumed) -> do -- use the previous UDP launch options since it's not resent udpLaunchOpts <- readMVar udpInfo -- Pass not the MVar but the raw options, since -- there's no writing to be done. finally (eventStream conn opts interval udpLaunchOpts libSends log) $ (killThread heartGenTid >> killThread sendTid) Right p -> do (✍!) log $ "First packet after Resume not " <> "Opcode 9 Resumed: " <> (tshow p) pure WSClosed Right p -> do (✍!) log $ "First packet not Opcode 8 Hello: " <> (tshow p) pure WSClosed -- Connection is now closed. case next :: Either SomeException WSState of Left _ -> do (✍!) log $ "could not resume, retrying after 5 seconds" threadDelay $ 5 * (10^(6 :: Int)) websocketFsm WSResume (retries + 1) udpInfo Right n -> websocketFsm n 1 udpInfo -- | Create the library-specific sending packets Chan, and then create the -- thread for eternally sending contents in the said Chan, as well as the -- user-generated packet Chan. -- loop for -- the websocket. setupSendLoop :: Connection -- ^ Connection to use -> VoiceWebsocketSendChan -- ^ User generated packets to send in the Websocket -> Chan T.Text -- ^ Logging channel -> IO (VoiceWebsocketSendChan, ThreadId) -- ^ Chan to send library-specific packets in the Websocket, and the thread -- ID of the eternal sending thread (useful for killing it). setupSendLoop conn userSends log = do -- The following Chan will be used for accumulating library-generated -- WebSocket messages that we need to send to Discord, mostly for heartbeats. libSends <- newChan -- Start said eternal sending fork, which will eternally send from library- -- generated and user-generated packets. sendLoopId <- forkIO $ sendableLoop conn libSends userSends log pure (libSends, sendLoopId) -- | Send the Opcode 0 Identify packet to Discord, and await the Opcode 2 Ready -- payload, which contains the UDP connection info. performIdentification :: Connection -> WebsocketLaunchOpts -> IO (Either ConnectionException VoiceWebsocketReceivable) performIdentification conn opts = do -- Send opcode 0 Identify sendTextData conn $ encode $ Identify $ IdentifyPayload { identifyPayloadServerId = (opts ^. guildId) , identifyPayloadUserId = (opts ^. botUserId) , identifyPayloadSessionId = (opts ^. sessionId) , identifyPayloadToken = (opts ^. token) } getPayload conn -- | Send the Opcode 7 Resume packet to Discord, and await the Opcode 9 Resumed -- payload. performResumption :: Connection -> WebsocketLaunchOpts -> IO (Either ConnectionException VoiceWebsocketReceivable) performResumption conn opts = do -- Send opcode 7 Resume sendTextData conn $ encode $ Resume (opts ^. guildId) (opts ^. sessionId) (opts ^. token) getPayload conn -- | Send the Opcode 1 Select Protocol to Discord. Does not wait for a payload. sendSelectProtocol :: Connection -> T.Text -> Integer -> T.Text -> IO (Either ConnectionException VoiceWebsocketReceivable) sendSelectProtocol conn ip port mode = do sendTextData conn $ encode $ SelectProtocol $ SelectProtocolPayload "udp" ip port mode getPayload conn -- We do not do getPayload here, since there's no guarantee the next -- received packet is an Opcode 4 Session Description, when heartbeats -- has began already. -- TODO: remove if the above is not a problem -- | Get one packet from the Websocket Connection, parsing it into a -- VoiceWebsocketReceivable using Aeson. If the packet is not validly -- parsed, it will be a @Right (ParseError info)@. getPayload :: Connection -> IO (Either ConnectionException VoiceWebsocketReceivable) getPayload conn = try $ do msg' <- receiveData conn case eitherDecode msg' of Right msg -> pure msg Left err -> pure $ ParseError $ T.pack err <> " while decoding " <> TE.decodeUtf8 (BL.toStrict msg') -- | Eternally send data from libSends and usrSends channels sendableLoop :: Connection -> VoiceWebsocketSendChan -> VoiceWebsocketSendChan -> Chan T.Text -> IO () sendableLoop conn libSends usrSends log = do -- Wait-time taken from discord-haskell/Internal.Gateway.EventLoop threadDelay $ round ((10^(6 :: Int)) * (62 / 120) :: Double) -- Get whichever possible, and send it payload <- either id id <$> race (readChan libSends) (readChan usrSends) -- log ✍ ("(send) " <> tshow payload) -- TODO: debug, remove. sendTextData conn $ encode payload sendableLoop conn libSends usrSends log -- | Eternally send heartbeats through the libSends channel heartbeatLoop :: VoiceWebsocketSendChan -> Int -- ^ milliseconds -> Chan T.Text -> IO () heartbeatLoop libSends interval log = do threadDelay $ 1 * 10^(6 :: Int) forever $ do time <- round <$> getPOSIXTime writeChan libSends $ Heartbeat $ time threadDelay $ interval * 1000 gatewayCheckerLoop :: Chan (Either GatewayException Event) -- ^ Gateway events -> MVar () -- ^ Binary empty semaphore, set to () when gateway has reconnected -> Chan T.Text -- ^ log -> IO () gatewayCheckerLoop gatewayEvents sem log = do top <- readChan gatewayEvents log ✍ (tshow top) case top of Right (Discord.Internal.Types.Ready _ _ _ _ _) -> do log ✍ "gateway ready detected, putting () in sem" putMVar sem () gatewayCheckerLoop gatewayEvents sem log _ -> gatewayCheckerLoop gatewayEvents sem log -- | This function is the main event loop for the Websocket, after all initial -- handshake stages (Hello and identification/resumption). It will continuously -- read the top packet in the Websocket receives, and handle closures, and -- packet responses (like heartbeat responses). -- TODO: a separate ADT for this? what to call it eventStream :: Connection -> WebsocketLaunchOpts -> Int -> UDPLaunchOpts -> VoiceWebsocketSendChan -> Chan T.Text -> IO WSState eventStream conn opts interval udpLaunchOpts libSends log = do -- there has to be at least one packet every @interval@ milliseconds (which -- is the heartbeat response), so if we don't get that, it's a sign of -- the connection gone, we should reconnect. For a quick heuristic accounting -- for any network delays, allow for a tolerance of double the time. payload <- doOrTimeout (interval * 2) $ getPayload conn -- log ✍ ("(recv) " <> tshow payload) -- TODO: debug, remove. case payload of Nothing -> do log ✍! "connection timed out, trying to reconnect again." pure WSResume -- Network-WebSockets, type ConnectionException Just (Left (CloseRequest code str)) -> do -- Whether we resume or gracefully close depends on the close code, -- so offload the decision to the close code handler. handleClose code str Just (Left _) -> do log ✍! "connection exception in eventStream, trying to reconnect." pure WSResume Just (Right (HeartbeatAck _)) -> eventStream conn opts interval udpLaunchOpts libSends log Just (Right receivable) -> do writeChan (opts ^. wsHandle . _1) (Right receivable) eventStream conn opts interval udpLaunchOpts libSends log where -- | Handle Websocket Close codes by logging appropriate messages and -- closing the connection. handleClose :: Word16 -> BL.ByteString -> IO WSState handleClose 1000 str = log ✍! "websocket closed normally." >> pure WSClosed handleClose 4001 str = log ✍! "websocket closed due to unknown opcode" >> pure WSClosed handleClose 4014 str = log ✍! ("vc deleted, main gateway closed, or bot " <> "forcefully disconnected... Restarting voice.") >> pure WSStart handleClose 4015 str = log ✍! "server crashed on Discord side, resuming" >> pure WSResume handleClose code str = (✍!) log ("connection closed with code: [" <> tshow code <> "] " <> (TE.decodeUtf8 $ BL.toStrict str)) >> pure WSClosed