# discord-haskell [![CI Status](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/actions/) [![Hackage version](http://img.shields.io/hackage/v/discord-haskell.svg?label=Hackage)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/discord-haskell) [![Discord server](https://discord.com/api/guilds/918577626954739722/widget.png?style=shield)](https://discord.gg/eaRAGgX3bK) Build that discord bot in Haskell! Also checkout the [calamity haskell library](https://github.com/nitros12/calamity) for a more advanced interface. This is an example bot that replies "pong" to messages that start with "ping". Checkout the [other examples](./examples/) for things like state management. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- allows "string literals" to be Text import Control.Monad (when, void) import UnliftIO.Concurrent import Data.Text (isPrefixOf, toLower, Text) import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Discord import Discord.Types import qualified Discord.Requests as R -- | Replies "pong" to every message that starts with "ping" pingpongExample :: IO () pingpongExample = do userFacingError <- runDiscord $ def { discordToken = "Bot ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" , discordOnEvent = eventHandler } TIO.putStrLn userFacingError -- userFacingError is an unrecoverable error -- put normal 'cleanup' code in discordOnEnd (see examples) eventHandler :: Event -> DiscordHandler () eventHandler event = case event of MessageCreate m -> when (isPing m && (not (fromBot m)) $ do void $ restCall (R.CreateReaction (messageChannelId m, messageId m) "eyes") threadDelay (2 * 10^6) void $ restCall (R.CreateMessage (messageChannelId m) "Pong!") _ -> return () fromBot :: Message -> Bool fromBot = userIsBot . messageAuthor isPing :: Message -> Bool isPing = ("ping" `isPrefixOf`) . toLower . messageContent ``` ### Documentation ### [installing](./docs/installing.md) ### [debugging](./docs/debugging.md) ### [design](./docs/design.md) ### [todo](./docs/todo.md) ### [contributing](./docs/contributing.md) ### [applicationcommands](./docs/applicationcommands.md) ### [components](./docs/components.md) ### [cache](./docs/cache.md) ### [embeds](./docs/embeds.md) ### [emoji](./docs/emoji.md) ### [voice](./docs/voice.md) #### Discord Server Ask questions, get updates, request features, etc in the project discord server: #### Official Discord Documentation This api closley matches the [official discord documentation](https://discord.com/developers/docs/intro), which lists the rest requests, gateway events, and gateway sendables. You can use the docs to check the name of something you want to do. For example: the docs list a [Get Channel](https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#get-channel) API path, which translates to discord-haskell's rest request ADT for `GetChannel` of type `ChannelId -> ChannelRequest Channel`. #### Open an Issue If something goes wrong: check the error message (optional: check [the debugging logs](./docs/debugging.md)), make sure you have the most recent version, ask on discord, or open a github issue.