{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

-- | Module    :  Math.Topology.CubeCmplx.DirCubeCmplx
-- Copyright   :  2014 Michael Misamore 
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  m.misamore@gmail.com 
-- Stability   :  experimental 
-- Portability :  portable
-- Finite directed cubical complexes and associated algorithms for
-- creating and transforming them.

module Math.Topology.CubeCmplx.DirCubeCmplx (

   -- * Vertices
   T, Vertex, vertex, coords, vertexUnsafe, vertexVectorUnsafe, vertexToList, 
   vertexPtWise, vAdd, vSub, vSubUnsafe, vMin, vMax, vGT, vLT, vDim,

   -- * Vertex spans
   VertSpan, vertSpan, vsFst, vsSnd, vsUnsafe, vsVert, vsFstList, vsSndList,
   vsCoords, vsCoordsUnsafe, vsDim, vsIsCell, vsFatten, vsCornerPairs,
   vsCornerVerts, vsBdry, 

   -- * Cells
   CubeCell, minVert, maxVert, cell, cellUnsafe, cellDim, cellVertsUnsafe, 
   cellVerts, spanTopCells, vertToCell, inSpan, isTopCell, vInSpan, inBdry, 

   -- * Substructures
   nCubes, nCubeVerts, nCubeCells, nCubeProperCells, nCubeBdry, nCubeKSkels,
   verts, subCells, properSubCells, bdry, kSkel, isSubCell, isPropSubCell,
   -- * Translation
   genToNonGen, nonGenToGen,

   -- * Directed Cubical Complexes
   CubeCmplx, cells, cmplxEmpty, cmplxNull, cmplxSize, cmplxApply, cmplxVertOp,
   vsCmplx, cmplxDelCell, cmplxDelCells, cmplxDelVsInt, cmplxAddCells, 
   cmplxUnions, cmplxFilter, cmplxHullUnsafe, cmplxFilterSpan, cmplxFilterSpans, 

   -- * Example complexes
   swissFlag, sqPairFwd, sqPairBack, torus3d, genusTwo3d,

   -- * Utilities

) where

import Data.Int      (Int8)
import Data.Maybe    (fromJust)
import Data.List     (transpose, groupBy, sortBy)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (all, any)
import Data.Ord      (comparing)
import Data.Function (on)
import Control.Monad (liftM, guard)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hashWithSalt, hash)
import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq, NFData(..))
import qualified Data.HashSet as S 
   (HashSet, fromList, filter, toList, union, empty, unions, 
    difference, map, size, singleton, null, foldr, delete, member)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M 
   (HashMap, empty, null, insertWith, fromListWith, filter, 
    fromList, lookup, toList)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V 
   ((//), sum, toList, all, fromList, Vector, zipWith, length, map, update, 
   (!), replicate, elemIndex, elemIndices, (++), zip, enumFromN, drop, take, 
   singleton, Unbox, accumulate)
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), xor)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies 
   (rdeepseq, parBuffer, withStrategy, parList, dot, evalTuple3, r0)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, arbitrary, suchThat, choose, vectorOf, 

-- Utilities --

-- | Space-efficient cartesian product of list of finite domains
lazyProd :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lazyProd []  = [[]]
lazyProd [x] = map (:[]) x
lazyProd (x1:x2:xs) = concat . concat $
                      [[[y1:y2:yn | y1<-x1] | y2<-x2] | yn <- (lazyProd xs)]

-- | Given a vector of n bits, a bitmask with k bits for n ambient coordinates,
--   and a vector f of k bits to add, fill in the vector along the bitmask with 
--   the fillers
bitFill :: V.Vector T -> V.Vector T -> V.Vector T -> V.Vector T
bitFill v m f = V.accumulate (+) v $ V.zip maskIndices f
   where maskIndices = V.elemIndices 1 m

-- Vertices --

-- | A generic notation for coordinate values.
type T = Int8

-- | A vertex with lexicographic ordering.
data Vertex = Vertex { coords :: V.Vector T, -- ^ Coordinates as a vector.
                       _hash :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Vertex where show v = show (V.toList $ coords v)
instance Arbitrary Vertex 
   where arbitrary = do l  <- choose (1,5) 
                        ts <- vectorOf l (arbitrary `suchThat` 
                                         (\t -> t >= 0 && t <= 63))
                        return (vertexUnsafe ts)
instance Hashable Vertex where hashWithSalt s v = s + (_hash v)
instance NFData Vertex where rnf v = (rnf $ coords v) `seq` 
                                     (rnf $ _hash v)  `seq` () 

-- | Safe constructor for vertices.
vertex :: [T] -> Maybe Vertex
vertex ts | null ts      = Nothing 
          | any (< 0) ts = Nothing
          | otherwise    = Just . vertexUnsafe $ ts 

-- | Unsafe constructor for vertices.
vertexUnsafe :: [T] -> Vertex
vertexUnsafe ts = Vertex { coords = V.fromList ts, _hash = hash ts }

-- | Unsafe constructor for vertices from vectors.
vertexVectorUnsafe :: V.Vector T -> Vertex
vertexVectorUnsafe v = Vertex { coords = v, _hash = hash $ V.toList v } 

-- | Fetch coordinates for a vertex.
vertexToList :: Vertex -> [T]
vertexToList = V.toList . coords

-- | Combine two vertices coordinate-wise with a given operation,
--   with floor of 0 on each coordinate.
vertexPtWise :: (T -> T -> T) -> Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vertexPtWise f v1 v2 = vertexVectorUnsafe $
                       V.zipWith (\x y -> if (f x y) < 0 then 0 else f x y)
                          (coords v1) (coords v2)

-- | Add two vertices coordinate-wise.
vAdd :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vAdd = vertexPtWise (+)

-- | Subtract two vertices coordinate-wise.
vSub :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vSub = vertexPtWise (-)

-- | Subtract two vertices coordinate-wise without bounds checking.
vSubUnsafe :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vSubUnsafe v1 v2 = vertexVectorUnsafe $ V.zipWith (-) (coords v1) (coords v2)

-- | Coordinate-wise minimum.
vMin :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vMin = vertexPtWise (min)

-- | Coordinate-wise maximum.
vMax :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vMax = vertexPtWise (max)

-- | Test whether vertex is less than another in cubical partial ordering.
vLT :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Bool
vLT v1 v2 = V.all (==True) $ V.zipWith (<=) (coords v1) (coords v2) 

-- | Test whether vertex is greater than another in cubical partial ordering.
vGT :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Bool
vGT = flip vLT

-- | Fetch ambient dimension of a vertex.
vDim :: Vertex -> Int
vDim = V.length . coords

-- Vertex Spans defining sets of cubical cells --

-- | A cubical vertex span.
data VertSpan = VertSpan { vsFst :: !Vertex,  -- ^ Minimum vertex for span.
                           vsSnd :: !Vertex   -- ^ Maximum vertex for span.
   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance NFData VertSpan
instance Arbitrary VertSpan
   where arbitrary = do v1  <- arbitrary 
                        v2  <- (resize 6 arbitrary) `suchThat` 
                               ((== vDim v1).vDim)
                        return $ vsUnsafe v1 (v1 `vAdd` v2)

-- | Safe constructor for vertex spans. Sanity checks for matching ambient
--   coordinate systems.
vertSpan :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Maybe VertSpan
vertSpan v1 v2 
   | (v1 `vLT` v2) && (vDim v1 == vDim v2) = Just $ VertSpan v1 v2
   | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Unsafe constructor for vertex spans.
vsUnsafe :: Vertex -> Vertex -> VertSpan
vsUnsafe = VertSpan

-- | View a vertex as a 0-dimensional vertex span.
vsVert :: Vertex -> VertSpan
vsVert v = vsUnsafe v v

-- | Get coordinates for lower vertex in coordinate span.
vsFstList :: VertSpan -> [T]
vsFstList = vertexToList . vsFst 

-- | Get coordinates for upper vertex in coordinate span.
vsSndList :: VertSpan -> [T]
vsSndList = vertexToList . vsSnd 

-- | Safe constructor for vertex spans from coordinates.
vsCoords :: [T] -> [T] -> Maybe VertSpan
vsCoords t1 t2 = do v1 <- vertex t1; v2 <- vertex t2; vertSpan v1 v2

-- | Unsafe constructor for vertex spans from coordinates.
vsCoordsUnsafe :: [T] -> [T] -> VertSpan
vsCoordsUnsafe t1 t2 = vsUnsafe (vertexUnsafe t1) (vertexUnsafe t2) 

-- | Given a vertex span, determine the corresponding cubical dimension.
vsDim :: VertSpan -> Int
vsDim vs = V.sum $ V.zipWith (\x y -> if x /= y then 1 else 0)
                             (coords $ vsFst vs) (coords $ vsSnd vs)

-- | Test whether a vertex span is a cubical cell.
vsIsCell :: VertSpan -> Bool
vsIsCell vs = V.all (flip elem [0,1]) . coords $
              (vsSnd vs) `vSubUnsafe` (vsFst vs)

-- | Given a vertex span, extend it by one more unit in every direction in
--   which it already extends.
vsFatten :: VertSpan -> VertSpan
vsFatten vs = vsUnsafe ((vsFst vs) `vSub` d) ((vsSnd vs) `vAdd` d)
   where c = head $ spanTopCells vs
         d = (maxVert c) `vSub` (minVert c) 

-- | Given a vertex span, efficiently determine all pairs of (cell,vertex)
--   where the vertices are corner vertices of the span and the cells are
--   the unique top-cells containing them.
vsCornerPairs :: VertSpan -> S.HashSet (CubeCell, Vertex)
vsCornerPairs vs
   | vsDim vs == 0 = S.singleton $ (cellUnsafe (vsFstList vs) (vsSndList vs),
                                    vertexUnsafe (vsFstList vs))
   | otherwise = S.fromList $ zip cells corners 
   where coordSpans = transpose [vsFstList vs, vsSndList vs]
         coordRans  = map (\cs -> enumFromTo (head cs) (last cs)) coordSpans
         coordRans' = map (\cs -> enumFromThenTo (last cs) (last cs-1) 
                                                 (head cs)) coordSpans
         possCoords = zipWith (\l1 l2 -> [l1, reverse l2]) 
                      (map (take 2) coordRans) (map (take 2) coordRans') 
         cells      = map (\[x,y] -> cellUnsafe x y) .  map transpose $ 
                      lazyProd possCoords
         corners    = map vertexUnsafe . lazyProd $ 
                      map (\[x,y] -> [head x, last y]) possCoords

-- | Given a vertex span, efficiently determine its "corner" vertices.
vsCornerVerts :: VertSpan -> S.HashSet Vertex
vsCornerVerts = S.map snd . vsCornerPairs 

-- Cubical Cells --

-- | Type for bit vectors to help generate random cells.
newtype BitVector = BitVector { bitVect :: V.Vector T } deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary BitVector where
   arbitrary = do l  <- choose (1,7)
                  bs <- vectorOf l (choose (0,1))
                  return . BitVector $ V.fromList bs
-- | A cubical cell.
data CubeCell = CubeCell { _minVert :: !Vertex, _maxVert :: !Vertex } deriving (Eq)
instance NFData CubeCell

-- | For storing cubical cells in unordered containers.
instance Hashable CubeCell
   where hashWithSalt s c = hashWithSalt s (_minVert c, _maxVert c)

-- | Lexicographically ordered by endpoints.
instance Ord CubeCell where
   c1 <= c2 = (minVert c1, maxVert c1) <= (minVert c2, maxVert c2)

-- | Show endpoints.
instance Show CubeCell
   where show c = "(" ++ show (cellDim c) ++ ","
                  ++ show (minVert c) ++ "," ++ show (maxVert c) ++ ")"

-- | Random cubical cells.
instance Arbitrary CubeCell
   where arbitrary = do v1 <- arbitrary
                        v2 <- (liftM (vertexVectorUnsafe . bitVect) $ arbitrary) 
                              `suchThat` ((== vDim v1) . vDim)
                        return $ cellVertsUnsafe v1 (v1 `vAdd` v2)

-- | Get the minimum vertex for a cubical cell.
minVert :: CubeCell -> Vertex
minVert c = _minVert c

-- | Get the maximum vertex for a cubical cell.
maxVert :: CubeCell -> Vertex
maxVert c = _maxVert c
-- | Unsafe constructor for cubical cells from vertices.
cellVertsUnsafe :: Vertex -> Vertex -> CubeCell
cellVertsUnsafe v1 v2 = CubeCell v1 v2

-- | Unsafe constructor for cubical cells from coordinates.
cellUnsafe :: [T] -> [T] -> CubeCell
cellUnsafe t1 t2 = cellVertsUnsafe (vertexUnsafe t1) (vertexUnsafe t2) 

-- | Safe constructor for cubical cells from vertices.
cellVerts :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Maybe CubeCell
cellVerts v1 v2 = do vs <- vertSpan v1 v2 
                     guard (vsIsCell vs)
                     return $ cellVertsUnsafe v1 v2 

-- | Safe constructor for cubical cells from coordinates.
cell :: [T] -> [T] -> Maybe CubeCell
cell t1 t2 = do v1 <- vertex t1; v2 <- vertex t2; cellVerts v1 v2

-- | Get dimension of a cell.
cellDim :: CubeCell -> Int
cellDim c = fromEnum . V.sum . coords $ maxVert c `vSubUnsafe` minVert c

-- | Given a coordinate span, list its top-dimensional cubical cells.
spanTopCells :: VertSpan -> [CubeCell] 
spanTopCells = map pairUp . vertSpans
   where pairUp [a,b] = cellUnsafe a b
         -- determine the vertex spans of top-dimensional cubes
         vertSpans vs = map transpose . lazyProd .
                        map (pairs . uncurry enumFromTo) $
                        zip (vsFstList vs) (vsSndList vs)
         pairs []  = []
         pairs [x] = [[x,x]]
         pairs xs  = zipWith (\a b -> [a,b]) xs (tail xs)

-- | Treat a vertex as a cell.
vertToCell :: Vertex -> CubeCell
vertToCell v = cellVertsUnsafe v v

-- | Test whether a cubical cell belongs to a given vertex span.
inSpan :: CubeCell -> VertSpan -> Bool
inSpan c vs = (vsFst vs `vLT` minVert c) && (maxVert c `vLT` vsSnd vs)

-- | Test whether a cubical cell would be a top-cell if added to a complex 
isTopCell :: CubeCell -> CubeCmplx -> Bool
isTopCell c cx = F.all (==False) . S.map (isPropSubCell c) $ cells cx

-- | Test whether a vertex belongs to a given vertex span.
vInSpan :: Vertex -> VertSpan -> Bool
vInSpan v vs = (vertToCell v) `inSpan` vs

-- | Type for recording comparisons to extrema.
data VertType = Min | Max | Neither deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Test if a cubical cell is in the boundary of a cubical coordinate span.
--   See also vsBdry and spanBdryCells 
inBdry :: CubeCell -> VertSpan -> Bool
inBdry c vs = any (==True) $
              zipWith (\a b -> a == b && a /= Neither)
                      (vertBdryCmpts vs $ minVert c)
                      (vertBdryCmpts vs $ maxVert c)
   where vertBdryCmpts vs v = zipWith3 cmp (vsFstList vs) (vsSndList vs)
                              (vertexToList v)
         cmp min max i | i == min = Min
                       | i == max = Max
                       | otherwise = Neither

-- | Given a coordinate span, list all coordinate spans of its boundary.
vsBdry :: VertSpan -> [VertSpan]
vsBdry vs = map (uncurry vsUnsafe) (fstSnd fst ++ fstSnd snd)
   where ranges     = V.zip (coords $ vsFst vs) (coords $ vsSnd vs)
         modVec f i = V.take i ranges 
                      V.++ (V.singleton . (\t -> (t,t)) . f $ ranges V.! i) 
                      V.++ V.drop (i+1) ranges
         fstSnd f   = zip (map (vertexVectorUnsafe . 
                           V.map fst . modVec f) [0..V.length ranges-1])
                          (map (vertexVectorUnsafe . 
                           V.map snd . modVec f) [0..V.length ranges-1])
-- | Given a coordinate span, provide a list of top-cells in each face.
spanBdryCells :: VertSpan -> [[CubeCell]]
spanBdryCells = map spanTopCells . vsBdry

-- | List of all possible generic n-cubes, presented as cells (memoized).
nCubes :: [CubeCell]
nCubes = map gen [0..]
   where gen n = cellUnsafe (replicate n 0) (replicate n 1)

-- | Vertices of generic n-cube, as subcells (memoized).
nCubeVerts :: Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeVerts n | n < 0     = []
             | otherwise = nCubesVerts !! n
nCubesVerts = map nCubeVerts' [0..]
   where nCubeVerts' 0 = map (vertToCell . vertexUnsafe) [[0]]
         nCubeVerts' n = map (vertToCell . vertexUnsafe) . lazyProd $ 
                         replicate n [0,1]

-- | Subcells of a generic n-cube (memoized).
nCubeCells :: Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeCells n | n < 0     = []
             | otherwise = nCubesCells !! n
nCubesCells = map nCubeCells' [0..]
   where nCubeCells' n = [cellVertsUnsafe v1 v2 | 
                          v1 <- map minVert $ nCubeVerts n, 
                          v2 <- map minVert $ nCubeVerts n, v1 `vLT` v2]

-- | Proper subcells of a generic n-cube (mostly memoized).
nCubeProperCells :: Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeProperCells n = filter ((/= n) . cellDim) . nCubeCells $ n

-- | List of cells in boundary of a generic n-cube (memoized).
nCubeBdry :: Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeBdry n | n < 0     = []
            | otherwise = nCubesBdry !! n
nCubesBdry = map nCubeBdry' [0..]
   where nCubeBdry' n = concat . spanBdryCells $ vsCoordsUnsafe
                        (replicate n 0) (replicate n 1)

-- | List top-cells in k-skeleta of generic n-cube (memoized).
nCubeKSkels :: Int -> Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeKSkels n k | n < 0 || k < 0 = []
                | k > n = [nCubes !! n]
                | otherwise = nCubesKSkels !! n !! k
nCubesKSkels = map nCubeKSkels' [0..]
   where nCubeKSkels' = groupBy ((==) `on` cellDim) . 
                        sortBy (comparing cellDim) . nCubeCells

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cell c and a generic cell g representing a subcell
--   of a generic cell of dimension dim c, return the translation of g into 
--   the nongeneric coordinates of c.
genToNonGen :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> CubeCell
genToNonGen c g = cellVertsUnsafe l u 
   where bitMask = coords $ maxVert c `vSubUnsafe` minVert c
         minc    = coords $ minVert c
         l       = vertexVectorUnsafe $ bitFill minc bitMask (coords $ minVert g)
         u       = vertexVectorUnsafe $ bitFill minc bitMask (coords $ maxVert g)

-- | Given a subcell s of a (nongeneric) cell c, express s as a subcell of
--   a generic cell of the same dimension as c.
nonGenToGen :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> CubeCell
nonGenToGen c s = cellUnsafe (zipWith (V.!) (repeat $ locMin) indices)
                             (zipWith (V.!) (repeat $ locMax) indices)
   where locMin    = coords $ minVert s `vSubUnsafe` minVert c
         locMax    = coords $ maxVert s `vSubUnsafe` minVert c
         bitMask   = coords $ maxVert c `vSubUnsafe` minVert c
         indices   = V.toList . V.elemIndices 1 $ bitMask

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, get specified set of cubical
--   substructure.
lookupSubCells :: [[CubeCell]] -> CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
lookupSubCells l c = map (genToNonGen c) $ l !! cellDim c

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, list its vertices.
verts :: CubeCell -> [Vertex]
verts c = map minVert $ lookupSubCells nCubesVerts c

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, get all cubical subcells.
subCells :: CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
subCells = lookupSubCells nCubesCells

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, get all proper cubical subcells.
properSubCells :: CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
properSubCells = lookupSubCells (map nCubeProperCells [0..])

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell of dim n in ambient dim n, 
--   get its boundary.
bdry :: CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
bdry = lookupSubCells nCubesBdry

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, get top-cells of its k-skeleton.
kSkel :: Int -> CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
kSkel k c | k < 0 = []
          | otherwise  = map (genToNonGen c) gs 
   where gs = nCubeKSkels (cellDim c) k

-- | Test if the former cubical cell is a subcell of the latter.
isSubCell :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> Bool
isSubCell s c = inSpan s $ vsUnsafe (minVert c) (maxVert c)

-- | Test if the former cubical cell is a proper subcell of the latter.
isPropSubCell :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> Bool
isPropSubCell s c = (isSubCell s c) && (cellDim c /= cellDim s)

-- | Lazy list of maps from faces of generic n-cubes to their opposites.
genOpFaces :: [M.HashMap CubeCell CubeCell] 
genOpFaces = map opFaces [0..]
   where differ v1 v2   = V.zipWith xor (V.zipWith (.&.) v1 v2) 
                                        (V.zipWith (.|.) v1 v2)
         invert v1 v2   = V.map (xor 1) $ differ v1 v2
         index  v1 v2   = fromJust $ V.elemIndex 1 $ invert v1 v2
         newVal v1 v2   = (index v1 v2, 1 - v1 V.! index v1 v2)
         newVerts v1 v2 = map (vertexUnsafe . V.toList . 
                               flip (V.//) [newVal v1 v2]) [v1, v2]
         opVerts c      = newVerts (coords $ minVert c) (coords $ maxVert c) 
         opFace c       = cellVertsUnsafe (head $ opVerts c) (last $ opVerts c) 
         opFaces n      = M.fromList . zip (nCubesBdry !! n) $ 
                          map (opFace) (nCubesBdry !! n) 

-- | Given a face f in some n-cube, get its opposite face (memoized).
opFaceUnsafe :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> CubeCell
opFaceUnsafe c f = let g = fromJust $ M.lookup f' (genOpFaces !! (cellDim c))
                   in genToNonGen c g
   where f' = nonGenToGen c f

-- Cubical Complexes --

-- | A cubical complex consists of a set of top-cells.
newtype CubeCmplx = 
   CubeCmplx { cells :: S.HashSet CubeCell -- ^ Get set of top-cells of complex.
             } deriving (Show,Eq)
instance NFData CubeCmplx where rnf cx = rnf (cells cx)

-- | A "random" cubical complex will be a vertex span with a random subset of
--   top-cells removed. Not ideal since every cell will have the same dimension.
instance Arbitrary CubeCmplx
   where arbitrary = do vs <- arbitrary `suchThat` ((<= 3).vsDim)
                        let cx = vsCmplx vs
                        let cs = zip (cycle [1..100]) $ S.toList (cells cx)
                        return . CubeCmplx . S.fromList . map snd .
                           filter ((>=10) . fst) $ cs

-- | An empty complex.
cmplxEmpty :: CubeCmplx
cmplxEmpty = CubeCmplx { cells = S.empty }

-- | Detect if complex is empty.
cmplxNull :: CubeCmplx -> Bool
cmplxNull cx = S.null $ cells cx

-- | Get the size of a cubical complex.
cmplxSize :: CubeCmplx -> Int
cmplxSize cx = S.size $ cells cx

-- | Given a function producing a set of cubical cells from any cubical cell,
--   apply it to a cubical complex to yield a new complex.
cmplxApply :: CubeCmplx -> (CubeCell -> S.HashSet CubeCell) -> CubeCmplx
cmplxApply cx f = CubeCmplx . S.unions . map f . S.toList $ cells cx

-- | Given a complex and a vertex of the same ambient dimension, translate 
--   every cell of the complex by the vertex via the given operation. 
--   Typical operation is to add (1,...,1) to force nonzero coordinates 
--   without affecting the topology.
cmplxVertOp :: CubeCmplx -> Vertex -> (Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex) -> CubeCmplx
cmplxVertOp cx v op 
   = CubeCmplx . S.map (\c -> cellVertsUnsafe (minVert c `op` v) 
                                              (maxVert c `op` v)) $ cells cx 

-- | Basic means of constructing cubical complexes via vertex spans.
vsCmplx :: VertSpan -> CubeCmplx
vsCmplx vs = CubeCmplx { cells = S.fromList $ spanTopCells vs }

-- | Given a single cell to delete from a complex, delete it if present.
cmplxDelCell :: CubeCmplx -> CubeCell -> CubeCmplx
cmplxDelCell cx c = CubeCmplx { cells = S.delete c (cells cx) }

-- | Given a set of cells to delete from a complex, delete them if present.
cmplxDelCells :: CubeCmplx -> S.HashSet CubeCell -> CubeCmplx
cmplxDelCells cx cs = CubeCmplx { cells = S.difference (cells cx) cs }

-- | Given a vertex span and a complex, delete all top-cells belonging to the
--   span and replace them with the boundaries of these top-cells that belong
--   to the span's boundary. This "punches a hole" in the complex.
cmplxDelVsInt :: CubeCmplx -> VertSpan -> CubeCmplx
cmplxDelVsInt cx vs = cmplxAddCells delCmplx newCells
   where delCells = cells . cmplxFilter (flip inSpan vs) $ cx
         dbCells  = S.fromList . concatMap bdry . S.toList $ delCells
         vbCells  = S.fromList . concat $ spanBdryCells vs  
         potCells = S.filter (\c -> F.any (==True) . 
                                    S.map (isSubCell c) $ vbCells) $ dbCells 
         delCmplx = cmplxDelCells cx delCells
         newCells = S.filter (flip isTopCell delCmplx) potCells 

-- | Given a set of cells to insert into a complex, insert them all.
cmplxAddCells :: CubeCmplx -> S.HashSet CubeCell -> CubeCmplx
cmplxAddCells cx cs = CubeCmplx { cells = S.union cs (cells cx) }

-- | Union a list of complexes.
cmplxUnions :: [CubeCmplx] -> CubeCmplx
cmplxUnions = CubeCmplx . S.unions . map cells

-- | Filter the top-cells of a complex on some predicate.
cmplxFilter :: (CubeCell -> Bool) -> CubeCmplx -> CubeCmplx
cmplxFilter f cx = CubeCmplx . S.filter f $ cells cx

-- | Given a non-empty complex, determine the minimal vertex span containing it.
--   The resulting span need not have the same dimension as the ambient space.
cmplxHullUnsafe :: CubeCmplx -> VertSpan
cmplxHullUnsafe cx = vsUnsafe minv maxv
   where (f,s) = unzip . map (\c -> (minVert c, maxVert c)) . S.toList $ cells cx
         minv  = foldr vMin (vertexUnsafe $ replicate (vDim $ head f) 
                            (maxBound :: T)) f
         maxv  = foldr vMax (vertexUnsafe $ replicate (vDim $ head f)
                            (minBound :: T)) s 
-- | Given a complex cx and a vertex span vs, filter the complex down to the
--   subcomplex of all top-cells of cx contained in vs.
cmplxFilterSpan :: CubeCmplx -> VertSpan -> CubeCmplx
cmplxFilterSpan cx vs = cmplxFilter (flip inSpan vs) cx 

-- | Given a complex and a list of vertex spans, determine the list of
--   subcomplexes of top-cells supported on these spans, paired up with the
--   spans so that the original boundaries are known.
cmplxFilterSpans :: CubeCmplx -> [VertSpan] -> [(CubeCmplx, VertSpan)]
cmplxFilterSpans cx vss = withStrategy (parBuffer 100 rdeepseq) $
                          zip (map (cmplxFilterSpan cx) vss) vss

-- | Given a cell c in a cubical complex, get a subcomplex that includes all 
--   all top-cells that could be adjacent to c (including c). Handy for
--   reducing search problems.
cellNhd :: CubeCmplx -> CubeCell -> CubeCmplx
cellNhd cx c = cmplxFilterSpan cx $ vsUnsafe minv maxv
   where minv = (minVert c) `vSub` 
                (vertexVectorUnsafe $ V.replicate (vDim (minVert c)) 1)
         maxv = (maxVert c) `vAdd` 
                (vertexVectorUnsafe $ V.replicate (vDim (minVert c)) 1)

-- | Standard example of finite directed cubical complex: two classes of
--   paths expected in path category.
swissFlag :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
swissFlag = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [6,6]]) 
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1] [6,6]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,3] [3,4], cellUnsafe [3,2] [4,3],
                            cellUnsafe [3,3] [4,4], cellUnsafe [4,3] [5,4],
                            cellUnsafe [3,4] [4,5]]
-- | Standard example: four classes of paths expected in path category.
sqPairFwd :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
sqPairFwd = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [6,6]])
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1] [6,6]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,2] [3,3], cellUnsafe [4,4] [5,5]]

-- | Standard example: three classes of paths expected in path category.
sqPairBack :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
sqPairBack = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [6,6]])
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1] [6,6]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,4] [3,5], cellUnsafe [4,2] [5,3]]

-- | Standard example: two classes of paths expected in path category.
torus3d :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
torus3d = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [4,4,2]])
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1,1] [4,4,2]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,2,1] [3,3,2]]

-- | Standard example: three classes of paths expected in path category.
genusTwo3d :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
genusTwo3d = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [4,6,2]]) 
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1,1] [4,6,2]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,2,1] [3,3,2], 
                            cellUnsafe [2,4,1] [3,5,2]]