(6 February 2014) ------------------------- - require diagrams-lib >= 1.0.1 (for Hashable SizeSpec2D instance) (4 February 2014) ------------------------- - Allow `blaze-markup-0.6` (30 January 2014) ------------------------- - Work around a bug in GHC 7.4.2, which chokes when deriving Generic instances for associated data types. 1.0.1 (26 January 2014) ----------------------- - Add `Hashable (Options SVG R2)` instance - Remove `Show (Options SVG R2)` instance According to the PVP, these changes should require a major version bump. However, a major version bump would be quite annoying and I don't expect these instance changes to affect anyone (the changes were made for internal reasons). Please yell if it does affect you. 1.0 (24 November 2013) ---------------------- - Re-implement via new backend `RTree` interface, leading to smaller output files. - Use new command-line interface from `diagrams-lib`. - Export `B` as an alias for `SVG` token (26 October 2013) ------------------------- - Documentation improvements 11 September 2013 -------------------------- - require diagrams-lib-0.7.1 0.8: 10 September 2013 [BROKEN] ------------------------------- * **New features** - Extra SVG definitions, to be inserted in the output, may be passed as an argument - Support for new miter limit attribute - Approximate text alignment * **Bug fixes** - Stacking multiple clip regions now works properly 0.7: 9 August 2013 ------------------ * **New features** - New `renderToSVG` convenience function - Vastly improved Haddock documentation * **New instances** - `Show` instance for `Options SVG R2` * **Dependency/version changes** - allow `base-4.7` and `unix-2.7` - Upgrade to `monoid-extras-0.3` 14 December 2012 ------------------------- * Fix link to README on Hackage page 0.6: 11 December 2012 --------------------- First "officially supported" release. Features still not implemented: - text alignment - inline images As of this release everything else Should Work (tm).