(11 September 2013) --------------------------- - require diagrams-svg >= (11 September 2013) --------------------------- - fix compile error in diagrams-builder-svg executable - require diagrams-svg >= 0.8 (10 September 2013) [BROKEN] ------------------------------------ - allow diagrams-svg-0.8 (31 August 2013) ------------------------ - allow cryptohash-0.10 (22 August 2013) ------------------------ - allow haskell-src-exts 1.14 0.4: 9 August 2013 ------------------ * Add hsenv compatibility. * Big improvements in the way rebuilding is handled: - Strip comments before deciding whether to rebuild, so changing only comments does not trigger a rebuild - Take local imports into account: if a diagram has an import which corresponds to a local file, rebuild if that file has changed - Rebuild when options (e.g. size) change (3 April 2013) ---------------------- * depend on cryptohash >= 0.8 && < 0.10 (use new unified API) * remove base16-bytestring dependency 0.3: 3 Feburary 2013 -------------------- + new `diagrams-builder-postscript` tool + miscellaneous improvements to `diagrams-latex.sty` 11 December 2012 ------------------------- + new `diagrams-builder-svg` tool + deal properly with an empty list of sources ([\#2](https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-builder/issues/2)) + put cached diagrams in `.diagrams_cache` instead of `diagrams` by default + bug fix: cached files should use same extension as requested output, not "png" + bug fix: create output directory for cached images if it doesn't exist + new module `Diagrams.Builder.CmdLine`; factor out common utilities for command-line tools + depend on 0.6 versions of diagrams libs 26 August 2012 ----------------------- Initial release