# Version 1.3.2 * Add `MonadUnliftIO` instance for `DiT`. * Add `MonadDi` instance for `streaming`'s `Stream`. # Version 1.3.1 * Add `MonadError` instance for `DiT`. # Version 1.3 * The `MonadThrow` instance for `DiT` doesn't log exceptions automatically any more. This is because otherwise catching and re-throwing exceptions in downstream code, by default, ends up logging the same exception more than once. * A `throw` function behaving as the previous `MonadThrow` instance for `DiT` was introduced. * Documentation improvements. # Version 1.2 * The `MonadMask` constraint added in Version 1.1 is gone, effecively undoing the breaking change introduced in Version 1.1. # Version 1.1 * **BREAKING CHANGE:** The `MonadThrow` instance for `DiT level path msg m` instance now relies on `Di.Core.throw`, potentially logging exceptions _at the throw site_. This introduces a new `MonadMask m` instance constraint which can't be satisfied by `STM`. There is a `DiT level path msg STM` instance that skips logging exceptions (which is the only sensible behavior, anyway). However, if your `m` is not exactly `STM` but some wrapper around it, you will need to provide a `MonadThrow` instance manually or use `Di.Core.throw'` directly. On the other hand, satisfying this `MonadMask` constraint should be easy for monads that can run `IO`. * Added `onException`. # Version 1.0.2 * Backwards compatibility with `mtl < 2.2.2`. # Version 1.0.1 * Backwards compatibility with `transformers < 0.5.3`. # Version 1.0 * This is a new library part of the `di-core` ecosystem. Consider this first release of the new ecosystem a preview release: The API is likely to stay stable, but extensive testing, formalization and tooling is due.