{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-| This library only exports a single `dhallToJSON` function for translating a Dhall syntax tree to a JSON syntax tree (i.e. a `Value`) for the @aeson@ library NOTE: The @yaml@ library uses the same `Value` type to represent YAML files, so you can use this to convert Dhall expressions to YAML, too See the @dhall@ package if you would like to transform Dhall source code into a Dhall syntax tree. Similarly, see the @aeson@ package if you would like to translate a JSON syntax tree into JSON. This package also provides @dhall-to-json@ and @dhall-to-yaml@ executables which you can use to compile Dhall source code directly to JSON or YAML for your convenience Not all Dhall expressions can be converted to JSON since JSON is not a programming language. The only things you can convert are: * @Bool@s * @Natural@s * @Integer@s * @Double@s * @Text@ values * @List@s * @Optional@ values * unions * records Dhall @Bool@s translate to JSON bools: > $ dhall-to-json <<< 'True' > true > $ dhall-to-json <<< 'False' > false Dhall numbers translate to JSON numbers: > $ dhall-to-json <<< '+2' > 2 > $ dhall-to-json <<< '2' > 2 > $ dhall-to-json <<< '2.3' > 2.3 Dhall @Text@ translates to JSON text: > $ dhall-to-json <<< '"ABC"' > "ABC" Dhall @List@s translate to JSON lists: > $ dhall-to-json <<< '[1, 2, 3] : List Natural' > [ > 1, > 2, > 3 > ] Dhall @Optional@ values translate to @null@ if absent and the unwrapped value otherwise: > $ dhall-to-json <<< 'None Natural' > null > $ dhall-to-json <<< 'Some 1' > 1 Dhall records translate to JSON records: > $ dhall-to-json <<< '{ foo = 1, bar = True }' > { > "bar": true, > "foo": 1 > } Dhall unions translate to the wrapped value: > $ dhall-to-json <<< "< Left : Natural | Right : Natural>.Left 2" > 2 > $ cat config > let MyType = > < Person : { age : Natural, name : Text } | Place : { location : Text } > > > in [ MyType.Person { age = 47, name = "John" } > , MyType.Place { location = "North Pole" } > , MyType.Place { location = "Sahara Desert" } > , MyType.Person { age = 35, name = "Alice" } > ] > $ dhall-to-json <<< "./config" > [ > { > "age": 47, > "name": "John" > }, > { > "location": "North Pole" > }, > { > "location": "Sahara Desert" > }, > { > "age": 35, > "name": "Alice" > } > ] You can preserve the name of the alternative if you wrap the value in a record with three fields: * @contents@: The union literal that you want to preserve the tag of * @field@: the name of the field that will store the name of the alternative * @nesting@: A value of type @\< Inline | Nested : Text \>@. If @nesting@ is set to @Inline@ and the union literal stored in @contents@ contains a record then the name of the alternative is stored inline within the same record. For example, this code: > let Example = < Left : { foo : Natural } | Right : { bar : Bool } > > > let Nesting = < Inline | Nested : Text > > > in { field = "name" > , nesting = Nesting.Inline > , contents = Example.Left { foo = 2 } > } ... produces this JSON: > { > "foo": 2, > "name": "Left" > } If @nesting@ is set to @Nested nestedField@ then the union is stored underneath a field named @nestedField@. For example, this code: > let Example = < Left : { foo : Natural } | Right : { bar : Bool } > > > let Nesting = < Inline | Nested : Text > > > in { field = "name" > , nesting = Nesting.Nested "value" > , contents = Example.Left { foo = 2 } > } ... produces this JSON: > { > "name": "Left", > "value": { > "foo": 2 > } > } You can also translate Dhall expressions encoding weakly-typed JSON (see: ): > $ cat ./example.dhall > let JSON = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/JSON/package.dhall > > in JSON.object > [ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = JSON.null } > , { mapKey = > "bar" > , mapValue = > JSON.array [ JSON.number 1.0, JSON.bool True ] > } > ] By default, the fields that are evaluated to @null@ will be removed, but here we're preserving them with the @--preserveNull@ flag. > $ dhall-to-json --preserveNull <<< './example.dhall' > { > "bar": [ > 1, > true > ], > "foo": null > } Also, all Dhall expressions are normalized before translation to JSON: > $ dhall-to-json <<< "True == False" > false -} module Dhall.JSON ( -- * Dhall to JSON dhallToJSON , omitNull , omitEmpty , parsePreservationAndOmission , Conversion(..) , defaultConversion , convertToHomogeneousMaps , parseConversion , SpecialDoubleMode(..) , handleSpecialDoubles , codeToValue -- * Exceptions , CompileError(..) ) where import Control.Applicative (empty, (<|>)) import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO) import Control.Monad (guard) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), Value (..)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Pretty) import Data.Void (Void) import Dhall.Core (Binding (..), DhallDouble (..), Expr) import Dhall.Import (SemanticCacheMode (..)) import Dhall.JSON.Util (pattern FA, pattern V) import Dhall.Map (Map) import Options.Applicative (Parser) import Prelude hiding (getContents) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Map import qualified Data.Ord import qualified Data.Text import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text as Pretty import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Dhall.Core as Core import qualified Dhall.Import import qualified Dhall.Map import qualified Dhall.Optics import qualified Dhall.Parser import qualified Dhall.Pretty import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck import qualified Dhall.Util import qualified Lens.Family as Lens import qualified Options.Applicative import qualified System.FilePath {-| This is the exception type for errors that might arise when translating Dhall to JSON Because the majority of Dhall language features do not translate to JSON this just returns the expression that failed -} data CompileError = Unsupported (Expr Void Void) | SpecialDouble Double | BareNone | InvalidInlineContents (Expr Void Void) (Expr Void Void) instance Show CompileError where show BareNone = Data.Text.unpack $ _ERROR <> ": ❰None❱ is not valid on its own \n\ \ \n\ \Explanation: The conversion to JSON/YAML does not accept ❰None❱ in isolation as \n\ \a valid way to represent ❰null❱. In Dhall, ❰None❱ is a function whose input is \n\ \a type and whose output is an ❰Optional❱ of that type. \n\ \ \n\ \For example: \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐ ❰None❱ is a function whose result is \n\ \ │ None : ∀(a : Type) → Optional a │ an ❰Optional❱ value, but the function \n\ \ └─────────────────────────────────┘ itself is not a valid ❰Optional❱ value \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐ ❰None Natural❱ is a valid ❰Optional❱ \n\ \ │ None Natural : Optional Natural │ value (an absent ❰Natural❱ number in \n\ \ └─────────────────────────────────┘ this case) \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \The conversion to JSON/YAML only translates the fully applied form to ❰null❱. " show (SpecialDouble n) = Data.Text.unpack $ _ERROR <> ": " <> special <> " disallowed in JSON \n\ \ \n\ \Explanation: The JSON standard does not define a canonical way to encode \n\ \❰NaN❱/❰Infinity❱/❰-Infinity❱. You can fix this error by either: \n\ \ \n\ \● Using ❰dhall-to-yaml❱ instead of ❰dhall-to-json❱, since YAML does support \n\ \ ❰NaN❱/❰Infinity❱/❰-Infinity❱ \n\ \ \n\ \● Enabling the ❰--approximate-special-doubles❱ flag which will encode ❰NaN❱ as \n\ \ ❰null❱, ❰Infinity❱ as the maximum ❰Double❱, and ❰-Infinity❱ as the minimum \n\ \❰Double❱ \n\ \ \n\ \● See if there is a way to remove ❰NaN❱/❰Infinity❱/❰-Infinity❱ from the \n\ \ expression that you are converting to JSON " where special = Data.Text.pack (show n) show (Unsupported e) = Data.Text.unpack $ _ERROR <> ": Cannot translate to JSON \n\ \ \n\ \Explanation: Only primitive values, records, unions, ❰List❱s, and ❰Optional❱ \n\ \values can be translated from Dhall to JSON \n\ \ \n\ \The following Dhall expression could not be translated to JSON: \n\ \ \n\ \" <> insert e show (InvalidInlineContents record alternativeContents) = Data.Text.unpack $ _ERROR <> ": Union value is not compatible with ❰Inline❱ nesting. \n\ \ \n\ \Explanation: You can use the ❰Inline❱ nesting to compactly encode a union while \n\ \preserving the name of the alternative. However the alternative must either be \n\ \empty or contain a record value. \n\ \ \n\ \For example: \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \n\ \ │ let Example = < Empty | Record : { x : Bool } > │ \n\ \ │ │ \n\ \ │ let Nesting = < Inline | Nested : Text > │ \n\ \ │ │ \n\ \ │ in { field = \"name\" │ \n\ \ │ , nesting = Nesting.Inline │ \n\ \ │ , contents = Example.Empty │ An empty alternative \n\ \ │ } │ is ok. \n\ \ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \... is converted to this JSON: \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ ┌─────────────────────┐ \n\ \ │ { \"name\": \"Empty\" } │ \n\ \ └─────────────────────┘ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \n\ \ │ ... │ \n\ \ │ │ \n\ \ │ in { field = \"name\" │ \n\ \ │ , nesting = Nesting.Inline │ \n\ \ │ , contents = Example.Record { x = True } │ An alternative containing \n\ \ │ } │ a record value is ok. \n\ \ └──────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \... is converted to this JSON: \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐ \n\ \ │ { \"name\": \"Record\", \"x\": true } │ \n\ \ └─────────────────────────────────┘ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \This isn't valid: \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ \n\ \ │ let Example = < Foo : Bool > │ \n\ \ │ │ \n\ \ │ let Nesting = < Inline | Nested : Text > │ \n\ \ │ │ \n\ \ │ in { field = \"name\" │ \n\ \ │ , nesting = Nesting.Inline │ \n\ \ │ , contents = Example.Foo True │ ❰True❱ is not a record \n\ \ │ } │ \n\ \ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n\ \The following Dhall expression could not be translated to JSON: \n\ \ \n\ \" <> insert record <> " \n\ \ \n\ \... because \n\ \ \n\ \" <> insert alternativeContents <> " \n\ \ \n\ \... is not a record." _ERROR :: Data.Text.Text _ERROR = Dhall.Util._ERROR insert :: Pretty a => a -> Text insert = Pretty.renderStrict . Dhall.Pretty.layout . Dhall.Util.insert instance Exception CompileError {-| Convert a Dhall expression to the equivalent JSON expression >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings >>> :set -XOverloadedLists >>> import Core >>> dhallToJSON (RecordLit [("foo", IntegerLit 1), ("bar", TextLit "ABC")]) Right (Object (fromList [("foo",Number 1.0),("bar",String "ABC")])) >>> fmap Aeson.encode it Right "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":\"ABC\"}" -} dhallToJSON :: Expr s Void -> Either CompileError Value dhallToJSON e0 = loop (Core.alphaNormalize (Core.normalize e0)) where loop e = case e of Core.BoolLit a -> return (toJSON a) Core.NaturalLit a -> return (toJSON a) Core.IntegerLit a -> return (toJSON a) Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble a) -> return (toJSON a) Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] a) -> return (toJSON a) Core.ListLit _ a -> do a' <- traverse loop a return (toJSON a') Core.Some a -> do a' <- loop a return (toJSON a') Core.App Core.None _ -> return Aeson.Null -- Provide a nicer error message for a common user mistake. -- -- See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-lang/issues/492 Core.None -> Left BareNone Core.RecordLit a -> case toOrderedList a of [ ( "contents" , Core.recordFieldValue -> contents ) , ( "field" , Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] field) ) , ( "nesting" , Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.App (Core.Field (Core.Union [ ("Inline", mInlineType) , ("Nested", Just Core.Text) ] ) (FA "Nested") ) (Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] nestedField) ) ) ] | all (== Core.Record []) mInlineType , Just (alternativeName, mExpr) <- getContents contents -> do contents' <- case mExpr of Just expr -> loop expr Nothing -> return Aeson.Null let taggedValue = Data.Map.fromList [ ( field , toJSON alternativeName ) , ( nestedField , contents' ) ] return (Aeson.toJSON taggedValue) [ ( "contents" , Core.recordFieldValue -> contents ) , ( "field" , Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] field) ) , ( "nesting" , Core.recordFieldValue -> nesting ) ] | isInlineNesting nesting , Just (alternativeName, mExpr) <- getContents contents -> do kvs0 <- case mExpr of Just (Core.RecordLit kvs) -> return kvs Just alternativeContents -> Left (InvalidInlineContents e alternativeContents) Nothing -> return mempty let name = Core.makeRecordField $ Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] alternativeName) let kvs1 = Dhall.Map.insert field name kvs0 loop (Core.RecordLit kvs1) _ -> do a' <- traverse (loop . Core.recordFieldValue) a return (Aeson.toJSON (Dhall.Map.toMap a')) Core.App (Core.Field (Core.Union _) _) b -> loop b Core.Field (Core.Union _) (FA k) -> return (Aeson.toJSON k) Core.Lam _ (Core.functionBindingAnnotation -> Core.Const Core.Type) (Core.Lam _ (Core.functionBindingAnnotation -> (Core.Record [ ("array" , Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ (Core.App Core.List (V 0)) (V 1)) , ("bool" , Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ Core.Bool (V 1)) , ("null" , Core.recordFieldValue -> V 0) , ("number", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ Core.Double (V 1)) , ("object", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ (Core.App Core.List (Core.Record [ ("mapKey", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Text) , ("mapValue", Core.recordFieldValue -> V 0)])) (V 1)) , ("string", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ Core.Text (V 1)) ] )) value ) -> do let outer (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "null")) = return Aeson.Null outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "bool")) (Core.BoolLit b)) = return (Aeson.Bool b) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "array")) (Core.ListLit _ xs)) = do ys <- traverse outer (Foldable.toList xs) return (Aeson.Array (Vector.fromList ys)) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "object")) (Core.ListLit _ xs)) = do let inner (Core.RecordLit [ ("mapKey", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] mapKey)) , ("mapValue", Core.recordFieldValue -> mapExpression)]) = do mapValue <- outer mapExpression return (mapKey, mapValue) inner _ = Left (Unsupported e) ys <- traverse inner (Foldable.toList xs) return (Aeson.Object (HashMap.fromList ys)) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "number")) (Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble n))) = return (Aeson.toJSON n) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "string")) (Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] text))) = return (toJSON text) outer _ = Left (Unsupported e) outer value Core.Lam _ (Core.functionBindingAnnotation -> Core.Const Core.Type) (Core.Lam _ (Core.functionBindingAnnotation -> (Core.Record [ ("array" , Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ (Core.App Core.List (V 0)) (V 1)) , ("bool" , Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ Core.Bool (V 1)) , ("double", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ Core.Double (V 1)) , ("integer", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ Core.Integer (V 1)) , ("null" , Core.recordFieldValue -> V 0) , ("object", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ (Core.App Core.List (Core.Record [ ("mapKey", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Text) , ("mapValue", Core.recordFieldValue -> V 0) ])) (V 1)) , ("string", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.Pi _ _ Core.Text (V 1)) ] )) value ) -> do let outer (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "null")) = return Aeson.Null outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "bool")) (Core.BoolLit b)) = return (Aeson.Bool b) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "array")) (Core.ListLit _ xs)) = do ys <- traverse outer (Foldable.toList xs) return (Aeson.Array (Vector.fromList ys)) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "object")) (Core.ListLit _ xs)) = do let inner (Core.RecordLit [ ("mapKey", Core.recordFieldValue -> Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] mapKey)) , ("mapValue", Core.recordFieldValue -> mapExpression)]) = do mapValue <- outer mapExpression return (mapKey, mapValue) inner _ = Left (Unsupported e) ys <- traverse inner (Foldable.toList xs) return (Aeson.Object (HashMap.fromList ys)) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "double")) (Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble n))) = return (Aeson.toJSON n) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "integer")) (Core.IntegerLit n)) = return (Aeson.toJSON n) outer (Core.App (Core.Field (V 0) (FA "string")) (Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] text))) = return (toJSON text) outer _ = Left (Unsupported e) outer value _ -> Left (Unsupported e) getContents :: Expr s Void -> Maybe (Text, Maybe (Expr s Void)) getContents (Core.App (Core.Field _ (FA alternativeName) ) expression ) = Just (alternativeName, Just expression) getContents (Core.Field _ (FA alternativeName)) = Just (alternativeName, Nothing) getContents _ = Nothing isInlineNesting :: Expr s Void -> Bool isInlineNesting (Core.App (Core.Field (Core.Union [ ("Inline", Just (Core.Record [])) , ("Nested", Just Core.Text) ] ) (FA "Inline") ) (Core.RecordLit []) ) = True isInlineNesting (Core.Field (Core.Union [ ("Inline", Nothing) , ("Nested", Just Core.Text) ] ) (FA "Inline") ) = True isInlineNesting _ = False toOrderedList :: Ord k => Map k v -> [(k, v)] toOrderedList = Data.List.sortBy (Data.Ord.comparing fst) . Dhall.Map.toList -- | Omit record fields that are @null@ omitNull :: Value -> Value omitNull (Object object) = Object fields where fields =HashMap.filter (/= Null) (fmap omitNull object) omitNull (Array array) = Array (fmap omitNull array) omitNull (String string) = String string omitNull (Number number) = Number number omitNull (Bool bool) = Bool bool omitNull Null = Null {-| Omit record fields that are @null@, arrays and records whose transitive fields are all null -} omitEmpty :: Value -> Value omitEmpty (Object object) = if null fields then Null else Object fields where fields = HashMap.filter (/= Null) (fmap omitEmpty object) omitEmpty (Array array) = if null elems then Null else Array elems where elems = Vector.filter (/= Null) (fmap omitEmpty array) omitEmpty (String string) = String string omitEmpty (Number number) = Number number omitEmpty (Bool bool) = Bool bool omitEmpty Null = Null -- | Parser for command-line options related to omitting fields parseOmission :: Parser (Value -> Value) parseOmission = Options.Applicative.flag' omitEmpty ( Options.Applicative.long "omit-empty" <> Options.Applicative.help "Omit record fields that are null or empty records" ) -- | Parser for command-line options related to preserving null fields. parseNullPreservation :: Parser (Value -> Value) parseNullPreservation = Options.Applicative.flag omitNull id ( Options.Applicative.long "preserve-null" <> Options.Applicative.help "Preserve record fields that are null" ) -- | Combines parsers for command-line options related to preserving & omitting null fields. parsePreservationAndOmission :: Parser (Value -> Value) parsePreservationAndOmission = parseOmission <|> parseNullPreservation {-| Specify whether or not to convert association lists of type @List { mapKey: Text, mapValue : v }@ to records -} data Conversion = NoConversion | Conversion { mapKey :: Text, mapValue :: Text } defaultConversion :: Conversion defaultConversion = Conversion { mapKey = "mapKey" , mapValue = "mapValue" } {-| Convert association lists to homogeneous maps This converts an association list of the form: > [ { mapKey = k0, mapValue = v0 }, { mapKey = k1, mapValue = v1 } ] ... to a record of the form: > { k0 = v0, k1 = v1 } -} convertToHomogeneousMaps :: Conversion -> Expr s Void -> Expr s Void convertToHomogeneousMaps NoConversion e0 = e0 convertToHomogeneousMaps (Conversion {..}) e0 = loop (Core.normalize e0) where loop e = case e of Core.Const a -> Core.Const a Core.Var v -> Core.Var v {- Minor hack: Don't descend into lambda, since the only thing it can possibly encode is a Boehm-Berarducci-encoded JSON value. In such a case we do *not* want to perform this rewrite since it will interfere with decoding the value. -} Core.Lam cs a b -> Core.Lam cs a b Core.Pi cs a b c -> Core.Pi cs a b' c' where b' = loop b c' = loop c Core.App a b -> Core.App a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.Let (Binding src0 a src1 b src2 c) d -> Core.Let (Binding src0 a src1 b' src2 c') d' where b' = fmap (fmap loop) b c' = loop c d' = loop d Core.Annot a b -> Core.Annot a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.Bool -> Core.Bool Core.BoolLit a -> Core.BoolLit a Core.BoolAnd a b -> Core.BoolAnd a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.BoolOr a b -> Core.BoolOr a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.BoolEQ a b -> Core.BoolEQ a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.BoolNE a b -> Core.BoolNE a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.BoolIf a b c -> Core.BoolIf a' b' c' where a' = loop a b' = loop b c' = loop c Core.Natural -> Core.Natural Core.NaturalLit a -> Core.NaturalLit a Core.NaturalFold -> Core.NaturalFold Core.NaturalBuild -> Core.NaturalBuild Core.NaturalIsZero -> Core.NaturalIsZero Core.NaturalEven -> Core.NaturalEven Core.NaturalOdd -> Core.NaturalOdd Core.NaturalToInteger -> Core.NaturalToInteger Core.NaturalShow -> Core.NaturalShow Core.NaturalSubtract -> Core.NaturalSubtract Core.NaturalPlus a b -> Core.NaturalPlus a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.NaturalTimes a b -> Core.NaturalTimes a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.Integer -> Core.Integer Core.IntegerLit a -> Core.IntegerLit a Core.IntegerClamp -> Core.IntegerClamp Core.IntegerNegate -> Core.IntegerNegate Core.IntegerShow -> Core.IntegerShow Core.IntegerToDouble -> Core.IntegerToDouble Core.Double -> Core.Double Core.DoubleLit a -> Core.DoubleLit a Core.DoubleShow -> Core.DoubleShow Core.Text -> Core.Text Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks a b) -> Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks a' b) where a' = fmap (fmap loop) a Core.TextAppend a b -> Core.TextAppend a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.TextReplace -> Core.TextReplace Core.TextShow -> Core.TextShow Core.List -> Core.List Core.ListLit a b -> case transform of Just c -> loop c Nothing -> Core.ListLit a' b' where elements = Foldable.toList b toKeyValue :: Expr s Void -> Maybe (Text, Expr s Void) toKeyValue (Core.RecordLit m) = do guard (Foldable.length m == 2) key <- Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup mapKey m value <- Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup mapValue m keyText <- case key of Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] keyText) -> return keyText Core.Field (Core.Union _) (FA keyText) -> return keyText _ -> empty return (keyText, value) toKeyValue _ = empty transform = case elements of [] -> case a of Just (Core.App Core.List (Core.Record m)) -> do guard (Foldable.length m == 2) guard (Dhall.Map.member mapKey m) guard (Dhall.Map.member mapValue m) return (Core.RecordLit mempty) _ -> empty _ -> do keyValues <- traverse toKeyValue elements let recordLiteral = Core.makeRecordField <$> Dhall.Map.fromList keyValues return (Core.RecordLit recordLiteral) a' = fmap loop a b' = fmap loop b Core.ListAppend a b -> Core.ListAppend a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.ListBuild -> Core.ListBuild Core.ListFold -> Core.ListFold Core.ListLength -> Core.ListLength Core.ListHead -> Core.ListHead Core.ListLast -> Core.ListLast Core.ListIndexed -> Core.ListIndexed Core.ListReverse -> Core.ListReverse Core.Optional -> Core.Optional Core.Some a -> Core.Some a' where a' = loop a Core.None -> Core.None Core.Record a -> Core.Record a' where a' = Lens.over Core.recordFieldExprs loop <$> a Core.RecordLit a -> Core.RecordLit a' where a' = Lens.over Core.recordFieldExprs loop <$> a Core.Union a -> Core.Union a' where a' = fmap (fmap loop) a Core.Combine cs a b c -> Core.Combine cs a b' c' where b' = loop b c' = loop c Core.CombineTypes cs a b -> Core.CombineTypes cs a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.Prefer cs a b c -> Core.Prefer cs a b' c' where b' = loop b c' = loop c Core.RecordCompletion a b -> Core.RecordCompletion a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.Merge a b c -> Core.Merge a' b' c' where a' = loop a b' = loop b c' = fmap loop c Core.ToMap a b -> Core.ToMap a' b' where a' = loop a b' = fmap loop b Core.Field a b -> Core.Field a' b where a' = loop a Core.Project a b -> Core.Project a' b where a' = loop a Core.Assert a -> Core.Assert a' where a' = loop a Core.Equivalent cs a b -> Core.Equivalent cs a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.With a b c -> Core.With a' b c' where a' = loop a c' = loop c Core.ImportAlt a b -> Core.ImportAlt a' b' where a' = loop a b' = loop b Core.Note a b -> Core.Note a b' where b' = loop b Core.Embed a -> Core.Embed a -- | Parser for command-line options related to homogeneous map support parseConversion :: Parser Conversion parseConversion = conversion <|> noConversion where conversion = Conversion <$> parseKeyField <*> parseValueField where parseKeyField = Options.Applicative.strOption ( Options.Applicative.long "key" <> Options.Applicative.help "Reserved key field name for association lists" <> Options.Applicative.value "mapKey" <> Options.Applicative.showDefaultWith Data.Text.unpack ) parseValueField = Options.Applicative.strOption ( Options.Applicative.long "value" <> Options.Applicative.help "Reserved value field name for association lists" <> Options.Applicative.value "mapValue" <> Options.Applicative.showDefaultWith Data.Text.unpack ) noConversion = Options.Applicative.flag' NoConversion ( Options.Applicative.long "no-maps" <> Options.Applicative.help "Disable conversion of association lists to homogeneous maps" ) -- | This option specifies how to encode @NaN@\/@Infinity@\/@-Infinity@ data SpecialDoubleMode = UseYAMLEncoding -- ^ YAML natively supports @NaN@\/@Infinity@\/@-Infinity@ | ForbidWithinJSON -- ^ Forbid @NaN@\/@Infinity@\/@-Infinity@ because JSON doesn't support them | ApproximateWithinJSON -- ^ Encode @NaN@\/@Infinity@\/@-Infinity@ as -- @null@\/@1.7976931348623157e308@\/@-1.7976931348623157e308@, -- respectively {-| Pre-process an expression containing @NaN@\/@Infinity@\/@-Infinity@, handling them as specified according to the `SpecialDoubleMode` -} handleSpecialDoubles :: SpecialDoubleMode -> Expr s Void -> Either CompileError (Expr s Void) handleSpecialDoubles specialDoubleMode = Dhall.Optics.rewriteMOf Core.subExpressions rewrite where rewrite = case specialDoubleMode of UseYAMLEncoding -> useYAMLEncoding ForbidWithinJSON -> forbidWithinJSON ApproximateWithinJSON -> approximateWithinJSON useYAMLEncoding (Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble n)) | isInfinite n && 0 < n = return (Just (Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] "inf"))) | isInfinite n && n < 0 = return (Just (Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] "-inf"))) | isNaN n = return (Just (Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] "nan"))) useYAMLEncoding _ = return Nothing forbidWithinJSON (Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble n)) | isInfinite n || isNaN n = Left (SpecialDouble n) forbidWithinJSON _ = return Nothing approximateWithinJSON (Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble n)) | isInfinite n && n > 0 = return (Just (Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble 1.7976931348623157e308))) | isInfinite n && n < 0 = return (Just (Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble (-1.7976931348623157e308)))) -- Do nothing for @NaN@, which already encodes to @null@ approximateWithinJSON _ = return Nothing {-| Convert a piece of Text carrying a Dhall inscription to an equivalent JSON Value >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings >>> import Core >>> Dhall.JSON.codeToValue defaultConversion ForbidWithinJSON Nothing "{ a = 1 }" >>> Object (fromList [("a",Number 1.0)]) -} codeToValue :: Conversion -> SpecialDoubleMode -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ The source file path. If no path is given, imports -- are resolved relative to the current directory. -> Text -- ^ Input text. -> IO Value codeToValue conversion specialDoubleMode mFilePath code = do parsedExpression <- Core.throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText (fromMaybe "(input)" mFilePath) code) let rootDirectory = case mFilePath of Nothing -> "." Just fp -> System.FilePath.takeDirectory fp resolvedExpression <- Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo rootDirectory UseSemanticCache parsedExpression _ <- Core.throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf resolvedExpression) let convertedExpression = convertToHomogeneousMaps conversion resolvedExpression specialDoubleExpression <- Core.throws (handleSpecialDoubles specialDoubleMode convertedExpression) case dhallToJSON specialDoubleExpression of Left err -> Control.Exception.throwIO err Right json -> return json