1.7.11 * [Add new `--preserve-header` option](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2433) * Builds against newer dependencies * [`aeson-2.1`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2424) 1.7.10 * [Don't use scientific notation for large integers](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2352) * Build against `dhall-1.41` * [Build against `text-2.0`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2356) * [Build against `optparse-applicative-0.17`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2376) 1.7.9 * [Build against `aeson-2.0`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2315) 1.7.8 * [Add support for `Date` / `Time` / `TimeZone`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2247) 1.7.7 * Build against `dhall-1.39.0` 1.7.6 * [Fix `hashable`-related test failures](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2152) * [Fix lower bound on `dhall`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2147) * [Allow bytestring-0.11](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2144) * [Fix typos in `json-to-dhall --help` output](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2160) 1.7.5 * Build against `dhall-1.38.0`, `tasty-1.4`, and `tasty-silver-3.2` 1.7.4 * Build against `dhall-1.37.0` 1.7.3 * [Fix command-line completions for files](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2034) * [Support new `Text/replace` built-in](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/2063) 1.7.2 * [The `--documents` flag now wraps non-`List`s in a document](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1977) 1.7.1 * [Format documents with leading `---`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1865) * Now if you use the `--documents` flag the first document will also include a leading `---` 1.7.0 * BREAKING CHANGE: [Add `--generated-comment` flag for `dhall-to-yaml{-ng}`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1840) * You can now optionally add a comment header to the YAML output indicating that the file is generated and should not be hand-edited * This is a breaking change because this adds a new `noEdit` field to the options type * In practice this breakage won't affect most users * [Produce output compatible with YAML 1.1](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1788) * Special strings like `on` are now quoted in order to avoid being misinterpreted as boolean values by YAML 1.1 implementations * [Show JSON/YAML path on error reporting](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1799) * Error messages will now include the path to the error in the diagnostic output 1.6.4 * [Add `json-to-dhall` support for inferring the schema](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1773) * You no longer need to provide the command with an explicit schema. The command will infer a reasonably close schema from the provided JSON * [Add `json-to-dhall type` subcommand](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1776) * You can use this subcommand to print the inferred schema for a JSON value, so that you can edit the schema and use it for subsequent invocations. * [Add `json-to-dhall` support for using `toMap`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1745) * Now if you specify a `Map` as the schema, the generated Dhall code will use `toMap` to improve the appearance 1.6.3 * [yaml: Single-quote date/bool string fields](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/commits/master/dhall-json) 1.6.2 * [Fix `dhall-json` for new `Prelude.JSON.Type`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1631) * Version 13.0.0 of the Prelude caused the `JSON` type to change, which broke `dhall-json`'s support for that type * This release fixes that (and still supports the old `JSON` type) 1.6.1 * [Fix typos in error messages](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1595) 1.6.0 * BREAKING CHANGE: [Move `HsYAML` code to a new `dhall-yaml` package](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1514) * This package is now fully BSD-licensed (both for the JSON and YAML utilities) * The GPL-licensed YAML utilities are now provided as part of the `dhall-yaml` package * Note that this package still provides `dhall-to-yaml` and the `dhall-yaml` package provides a separate `dhall-to-yaml-ng` executable * This is a breaking change in the following respects: * The YAML-related modules in this package were renamed * This package no longer accepts a `-fgpl` cabal configure flag * This package no longer provides the `yaml-to-dhall` executable (which now resides within the `dhall-yaml` package) * [BREAKING CHANGE: Rename some options of `dhall-to-{json,yaml}` to more consistent ones](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues/1430): * rename `--omitEmpty` to `--omit-empty` * rename `--preserveNull` to `--preserve-null` * rename `--noMaps` to `--no-maps` * drop `--omitNull` as redundant because of `--preserve-null` (see below) * [BUG FIX: Handle empty maps correctly](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1561) * `dhall-to-{json,yaml}` now correctly translate empty Dhall maps to empty JSON dictionaries * [Add `Dhall.JSON.defaultConversion`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1579) * [Don't normalize schema before type-checking](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1555) * This improves the error messages for `{json,yaml}-to-dhall` * [Fix `dhall-to-yaml` to quote special strings](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1474) * [Make some of CLI options for `dhall-json` more consistent](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1475) 1.5.0 * [BREAKING CHANGE: Enable `--pretty` by default for `dhall-to-json`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues/716) * [BREAKING CHANGE: Enable `--omitNull` by default for `dhall-to-{json,yaml}`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1365) * To recover the old behavior use the `--preserveNull` flag * Add support for building against the `HsYAML` package [#1248](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1248) / [#1417](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1417) / [#1420](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1420) * To enable the use of `HsYAML`, enable the `-fgpl` `cabal configure` flag, which means that anything built using that flag is GPLv3 licensed * By default `dhall-json` builds against `aeson-yaml` which is BSD-3 licensed * The `yaml-to-dhall` executable is only available with the `-fgpl` flag, meaning that it is necessarily GPLv3 licensed * [New `--omissible-lists` flag for `{json,yaml}-to-dhall`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1414) * This flag is sort of the inverse of the `--omitEmpty` flag, meaning that missing YAML/JSON lists can be translated to present (but empty) Dhall lists 1.4.1 * [Enable `--records-strict` by default for `{json-yaml}-to-dhall`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1181) * [Fix `--file` flag for `dhall-to-{json,yaml}`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1191) * [Fix `--version` flag for `{yaml,json}-to-dhall`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1199) * [`Nesting`: Support empty alternatives as contents](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1204) * [Fix `yaml-to-dhall` support for empty objects](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1186) * [Throw error when union value is incompatible with inline nesting](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1226) * [Add `--output` options](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1304) * [Minor bug fixes for `yaml-to-dhall` error messages](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1305) 1.4.0 * BREAKING CHANGE: Split `Dhall.YAML` into `Dhall.YAML` + `Dhall.YAMLToDhall` * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/993 * BUG FIX: Fix `dhall-to-{json,yaml}`'s support for preserving alternative names * The `Nested`/`Inline` unions are now correctly given special treatment again * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1080 * Feature: Support weakly-typed JSON value added to Prelude * You can now encode/decode values of type `./Prelude/JSON/Type` which can store arbitrary JSON * This is useful when dealing with "pass-through" or schema-free JSON values * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1007 * Feature: Eta support for `dhall-json` * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1013 * Feature: Add `--file` option to `dhall-json` executables * Feature: Support unions for keys * You can now decode record fields as enums instead of `Text` so that you can pattern match on them * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1094 * Pretty-print output of `{json,yaml}-to-dhall` * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1150 1.3.0 * BREAKING CHANGE: Change YAML/JSON encoding for `NaN`/`Infinity`/`-Infinity` * They are now encoded as the standard `"nan"`/`"inf"`/`"-inf"` representations instead of `null`/`MIN_DOUBLE/`/`MAX_DOUBLE` * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/946 * BREAKING CHANGE: Isolate YAML code to one modulee * This is a breaking change because it moves `Dhall.JSON.jsonToYaml` to `Dhall.YAML.jsonToYaml` * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/989 * New `yaml-to-dhall` command-line utility * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/977 * Add `--quoted` flag to force quoting of YAML string literals * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/941 1.2.8 * New `json-to-dhall` command-line utility * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/884 * `--omitEmpty` now also omits empty arrays * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/872 * Build against `dhall-1.22.0` * Improved error messages: * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/895 * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/900 1.2.7 * Build against `dhall-1.21.0` * Support GHC 7.10.3 * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/814 * Add new `--omitEmpty` flag for omitting nulls and empty records 1.2.6 * Add `--version` flag * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/704 * Build against `tasty-1.2` * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/731 * Add `--compact` flag to `dhall-to-json` * Eventually `--pretty` will become the default, so this flag provides a way for a user to preserve the old 1-line output when that happens * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/743 1.2.5 * Build against `dhall-1.19.0` * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/667 * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/675 * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/689 1.2.4 * Build against `dhall-1.18.0` * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-json/pull/61 * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-json/pull/63 * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-json/pull/67 * New `dhall-to-yaml` `--documents` flag for generating split documents * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-json/pull/59 * Build against `yaml-` * This improves the multi-line string literals in generated YAML * See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-json/pull/57 1.2.3 * Correctly handle nested association lists * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency * Increase upper bound on `yaml` dependency 1.2.2 * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency * Increase upper bound on `yaml` dependency 1.2.1 * Add support for preserving sum type tags * Sort keys when pretty-printing JSON * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.2.0 * BREAKING CHANGE: Add support for converting association lists to JSON records * This changes the behavior for records with two keys named `mapKey` and `mapValue` * Fix `--help` to not print `ExitSuccess` * Fix lower bound on `dhall` dependency * Remove `optparse-generic` dependency * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.1.0 * BREAKING CHANGE: Build against `dhall-1.13.0` * This requires a breaking change to the type of `codeToValue` 1.0.13 * Add `--omitNull` flag to omit null-valued fields from generated JSON records * Add `codeToValue` * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.12 * Increase upper bound on `aeson` dependency * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.11 * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency * Increase upper bound on `optparse-generic` dependency 1.0.10 * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.9 * Add trailing newline to JSON output * Remove dependency on `QuasiQuotes` 1.0.8 * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.7 * Add `--pretty` flag * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.6 * Increase upper bound on `aeson` dependency * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.5 * Increase upper bound on `optparse-generic` dependency * Increase upper bound on `trifecta` dependency 1.0.4 * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.3 * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.2 * Add support for translating unions by stripping the tag * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.1 * Increase upper bound on `dhall` dependency 1.0.0 * Initial release