{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- Build without optimizations to prevent out-of-memory situations in Hydra CI {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-} module Dhall.Test.QuickCheck where import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.Either.Validation (Validation (..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Void (Void) import Dhall ( FromDhall (..) , ToDhall (..) , Vector , auto , embed , extract , inject ) import Dhall.Core ( Binding (..) , Chunks (..) , Const (..) , DhallDouble (..) , Directory (..) , Expr (..) , FieldSelection (..) , File (..) , FilePrefix (..) , FunctionBinding (..) , Import (..) , ImportHashed (..) , ImportMode (..) , ImportType (..) , PreferAnnotation (..) , RecordField (..) , Scheme (..) , URL (..) , Var (..) ) import Dhall.Map (Map) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeRep) import Dhall.Parser (Header (..), createHeader) import Dhall.Pretty (CharacterSet (..)) import Dhall.Set (Set) import Dhall.Src (Src (..)) import Dhall.Test.Format (format) import Dhall.TypeCheck (TypeError, Typer) import Generic.Random ((:+) (..), ConstrGen (..), W, Weights, (%)) import Test.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary (..) , Gen , NonNegative (..) , Positive (..) , Property , genericShrink , suchThat , (===) , (==>) ) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Test.Tasty (TestTree) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (QuickCheckTests (..)) import Text.Megaparsec (Pos, SourcePos (..)) import qualified Control.Spoon import qualified Data.Char import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.HashSet import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Map import qualified Data.Sequence import qualified Data.Set import qualified Data.SpecialValues import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Dhall.Binary import qualified Dhall.Context import qualified Dhall.Core import qualified Dhall.Diff import qualified Dhall.Map import qualified Dhall.Parser as Parser import qualified Dhall.Set import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck import qualified Generic.Random import qualified Lens.Family as Lens import qualified Numeric.Natural as Nat import qualified Test.QuickCheck import qualified Test.Tasty import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec instance (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => Arbitrary (Set a) where arbitrary = Dhall.Set.fromList <$> arbitrary shrink = map Dhall.Set.fromList . shrink . Dhall.Set.toList lift0 :: a -> Gen a lift0 = pure lift1 :: Arbitrary a => (a -> b) -> Gen b lift1 f = f <$> arbitrary lift2 :: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => (a -> b -> c) -> Gen c lift2 f = f <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary lift3 :: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Gen d lift3 f = f <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary lift4 :: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary d) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Gen e lift4 f = f <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary lift5 :: ( Arbitrary a , Arbitrary b , Arbitrary c , Arbitrary d , Arbitrary e ) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Gen f lift5 f = f <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary lift6 :: ( Arbitrary a , Arbitrary b , Arbitrary c , Arbitrary d , Arbitrary e , Arbitrary f ) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Gen g lift6 f = f <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary integer :: (Arbitrary a, Num a) => Gen a integer = Test.QuickCheck.frequency [ (7, arbitrary) , (1, fmap (\x -> x + (2 ^ (64 :: Int))) arbitrary) , (1, fmap (\x -> x - (2 ^ (64 :: Int))) arbitrary) ] whitespace :: Gen Text whitespace = do let commentChar = Test.QuickCheck.frequency [ (20, Test.QuickCheck.elements [' ' .. '\DEL']) , ( 1, arbitrary) ] noInteriorBlockComments text = not (Text.isInfixOf "{-" text || Text.isInfixOf "-}" text) commentText = suchThat (Text.pack <$> Test.QuickCheck.listOf commentChar) noInteriorBlockComments multiline = do txt <- commentText pure $ "{-" <> txt <> "-}" singleline = do txt <- commentText `suchThat` (not . Text.isInfixOf "\n") endOfLine <- Test.QuickCheck.elements ["\n", "\r\n"] pure $ "--" <> txt <> endOfLine newlines = Text.concat <$> Test.QuickCheck.listOf (pure "\n") comments <- do n <- Test.QuickCheck.choose (0, 2) Test.QuickCheck.vectorOf n $ Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ multiline , singleline , newlines ] pure $ Text.unlines comments shrinkWhitespace :: Text -> [Text] shrinkWhitespace "" = [] shrinkWhitespace _ = [""] instance Arbitrary CharacterSet where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.elements [ ASCII, Unicode ] instance Arbitrary Header where arbitrary = createHeader <$> whitespace shrink (Header text) = Header <$> shrinkWhitespace text instance (Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (Map Text v) where arbitrary = do n <- Test.QuickCheck.choose (0, 2) kvs <- Test.QuickCheck.vectorOf n ((,) <$> label <*> arbitrary) -- Sorting the fields here because serialization needs them in order return (Dhall.Map.fromList (Data.List.sortOn fst kvs)) shrink = map Dhall.Map.fromList . shrink . Dhall.Map.toList instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Binding s a) where arbitrary = do bindingSrc0 <- arbitrary variable <- Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure "_", label ] bindingSrc1 <- arbitrary annotation <- arbitrary bindingSrc2 <- arbitrary value <- arbitrary return Binding{..} shrink = genericShrink instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Chunks s a) where arbitrary = do n <- Test.QuickCheck.choose (0, 2) Chunks <$> Test.QuickCheck.vectorOf n arbitrary <*> arbitrary shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary Const where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure Type, pure Kind, pure Sort ] shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary DhallDouble where arbitrary = fmap DhallDouble (Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ arbitrary, special ]) where special = Test.QuickCheck.elements Data.SpecialValues.specialValues shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary Directory where arbitrary = lift1 Directory shrink = genericShrink instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (PreferAnnotation s a) where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure PreferFromSource , PreferFromWith <$> arbitrary , pure PreferFromCompletion ] instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (RecordField s a) where arbitrary = lift4 RecordField shrink = genericShrink instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (FunctionBinding s a) where arbitrary = do l <- label type_ <- arbitrary return $ FunctionBinding Nothing l Nothing Nothing type_ shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary s => Arbitrary (FieldSelection s) where arbitrary = FieldSelection <$> pure Nothing <*> label <*> pure Nothing shrink = genericShrink instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Expr s a) where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.suchThat (Generic.Random.withBaseCase (Generic.Random.genericArbitraryRecG customGens weights) (Var <$> arbitrary) ) standardizedExpression where customGens :: ConstrGen "Lam" 0 (FunctionBinding s a) :+ ConstrGen "Pi" 0 Text :+ ConstrGen "Field" 1 (FieldSelection s) :+ ConstrGen "Project" 1 (Either (Set Text) (Expr s a)) :+ Gen Integer -- Generates all Integer fields in Expr :+ Gen Text -- Generates all Text fields in Expr :+ () customGens = ConstrGen arbitrary :+ ConstrGen label :+ ConstrGen arbitrary :+ ConstrGen projection :+ integer -- 'Lam's and 'Pi's are encoded differently when the binding is -- the special string "_", so we generate some of these strings -- to improve test coverage for these code paths. :+ Test.QuickCheck.oneof [pure "_", arbitrary] :+ () projection = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ fmap (Left . Dhall.Set.fromList) (Test.QuickCheck.listOf label) , arbitrary ] -- These weights determine the frequency of constructors in the generated -- Expr. -- They will fail to compile if the constructors don't appear in the order -- in which they are defined in 'Expr'! weights :: Weights (Expr s a) weights = (7 :: W "Const") % (7 :: W "Var") % (7 :: W "Lam") % (7 :: W "Pi") % (7 :: W "App") % (7 :: W "Let") % (1 :: W "Annot") % (1 :: W "Bool") % (7 :: W "BoolLit") % (1 :: W "BoolAnd") % (1 :: W "BoolOr") % (1 :: W "BoolEQ") % (1 :: W "BoolNE") % (1 :: W "BoolIf") % (1 :: W "Natural") % (7 :: W "NaturalLit") % (1 :: W "NaturalFold") % (1 :: W "NaturalBuild") % (1 :: W "NaturalIsZero") % (1 :: W "NaturalEven") % (1 :: W "NaturalOdd") % (1 :: W "NaturalToInteger") % (1 :: W "NaturalShow") % (1 :: W "NaturalSubtract") % (1 :: W "NaturalPlus") % (1 :: W "NaturalTimes") % (1 :: W "Integer") % (7 :: W "IntegerLit") % (1 :: W "IntegerClamp") % (1 :: W "IntegerNegate") % (1 :: W "IntegerShow") % (1 :: W "IntegerToDouble") % (1 :: W "Double") % (7 :: W "DoubleLit") % (1 :: W "DoubleShow") % (1 :: W "Text") % (1 :: W "TextLit") % (1 :: W "TextAppend") % (1 :: W "TextReplace") % (1 :: W "TextShow") % (1 :: W "List") % (1 :: W "ListLit") % (1 :: W "ListAppend") % (1 :: W "ListBuild") % (1 :: W "ListFold") % (1 :: W "ListLength") % (1 :: W "ListHead") % (1 :: W "ListLast") % (1 :: W "ListIndexed") % (1 :: W "ListReverse") % (1 :: W "Optional") % (7 :: W "Some") % (1 :: W "None") % (1 :: W "Record") % (7 :: W "RecordLit") % (1 :: W "Union") % (7 :: W "Combine") % (1 :: W "CombineTypes") % (7 :: W "Prefer") % (7 :: W "RecordCompletion") % (1 :: W "Merge") % (1 :: W "ToMap") % (7 :: W "Field") % (7 :: W "Project") % (1 :: W "Assert") % (1 :: W "Equivalent") % (1 :: W "With") % (0 :: W "Note") % (7 :: W "ImportAlt") % (7 :: W "Embed") % () shrink expression = filter standardizedExpression (genericShrink expression) standardizedExpression :: Expr s a -> Bool standardizedExpression (ListLit Nothing xs) = not (Data.Sequence.null xs) standardizedExpression (ListLit (Just _ ) xs) = Data.Sequence.null xs standardizedExpression (Note _ _) = False standardizedExpression (Combine (Just _) _ _) = False standardizedExpression With{} = False standardizedExpression (Prefer PreferFromCompletion _ _) = False standardizedExpression (Prefer (PreferFromWith _) _ _) = False -- The following three expressions are valid ASTs, but they can never be parsed, -- because the annotation will associate with `Merge`/`ListLit`/`ToMap` with -- higher precedence standardizedExpression (Annot (Merge _ _ Nothing) _) = False standardizedExpression (Annot (ListLit Nothing _) _) = False standardizedExpression (Annot (ToMap _ Nothing) _) = False standardizedExpression _ = True chooseCharacter :: (Char, Char) -> Gen Char chooseCharacter = #if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,14,0) Test.QuickCheck.chooseEnum #else Test.QuickCheck.choose #endif instance Arbitrary File where arbitrary = lift2 File shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary FilePrefix where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure Absolute, pure Here, pure Home ] shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary Src where arbitrary = do lift2 Src <*> whitespace shrink (Src start end text) = (Src <$> shrink start <*> pure end <*> pure text) ++ (Src <$> pure start <*> shrink end <*> pure text) ++ (Src <$> pure start <*> pure end <*> shrinkWhitespace text) instance Arbitrary SourcePos where arbitrary = lift3 SourcePos shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary Pos where arbitrary = lift1 (Megaparsec.mkPos . getPositive) instance Arbitrary ImportType where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ do prefix <- arbitrary let nonEmptyText = fmap Text.pack (Test.QuickCheck.listOf1 arbitrary) components <- Test.QuickCheck.listOf nonEmptyText file <- nonEmptyText let directory = Directory{ components } let path = File{ file, directory } return (Local prefix path) , lift1 Remote , lift1 Env , lift0 Missing ] shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary ImportHashed where arbitrary = lift1 (ImportHashed Nothing) shrink (ImportHashed { importType = oldImportType, .. }) = do newImportType <- shrink oldImportType let importHashed = ImportHashed { importType = newImportType, .. } return importHashed -- The standard does not yet specify how to encode `as Text`, so don't test it -- yet instance Arbitrary ImportMode where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.elements [ Code, RawText, Location ] shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary Import where arbitrary = lift2 Import shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary Scheme where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure HTTP, pure HTTPS ] shrink = genericShrink instance Arbitrary URL where arbitrary = do scheme <- arbitrary -- TODO: the authority generator could be more precise, but it currently -- seems good enough. let validAuthorityChar = arbitrary `suchThat` \ch -> not (Data.Char.isSpace ch) && not (Data.Char.isPunctuation ch) authority <- Text.pack <$> Test.QuickCheck.listOf validAuthorityChar let validPChar = Test.QuickCheck.frequency [ (26, chooseCharacter ('A', 'Z')) , (26, chooseCharacter ('a', 'z')) , (10, chooseCharacter ('0', '9')) , (17, Test.QuickCheck.elements "-._~!$&'*+;=:@") ] let component = fmap Text.pack (Test.QuickCheck.listOf validPChar) components <- Test.QuickCheck.listOf component file <- component let directory = Directory{ components } let path = File{ file, directory } let validQueryCharacters = Test.QuickCheck.frequency [ (79, validPChar) , ( 2, Test.QuickCheck.elements "/?") ] query <- Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure Nothing , fmap (Just . Text.pack) (Test.QuickCheck.listOf validQueryCharacters) ] headers <- arbitrary return URL{..} shrink _ = [] instance Arbitrary Var where arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ fmap (V "_") (getNonNegative <$> arbitrary) , fmap (\t -> V t 0) label , V <$> label <*> (getNonNegative <$> arbitrary) ] shrink = genericShrink label :: Gen Text label = fmap Text.pack (Test.QuickCheck.listOf labelCharacter) where labelCharacter = Test.QuickCheck.frequency [ (64, chooseCharacter ('\x20', '\x5F')) , (30, chooseCharacter ('\x61', '\x7e')) ] binaryRoundtrip :: Expr () Import -> Property binaryRoundtrip expression = Dhall.Binary.decodeExpression (Dhall.Binary.encodeExpression denotedExpression) === Right denotedExpression where denotedExpression :: Expr Void Import denotedExpression = denote' expression denote' :: Expr a Import -> Expr b Import denote' = Dhall.Core.denote . fmap denoteHttpHeaders denoteHttpHeaders import_@(Import importHashed _) | Remote url <- importType importHashed = let headers' = denote' <$> headers url importType' = Remote url { headers = headers' } importHashed' = importHashed { importType = importType' } in import_ {importHashed = importHashed'} | otherwise = import_ everythingWellTypedNormalizes :: Expr () () -> Property everythingWellTypedNormalizes expression = isRight (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWithA filterOutEmbeds Dhall.Context.empty expression) ==> Test.QuickCheck.total (Dhall.Core.normalize expression :: Expr () ()) where filterOutEmbeds :: Typer a filterOutEmbeds _ = Const Sort -- This could be any ill-typed expression. isNormalizedIsConsistentWithNormalize :: Expr () Import -> Property isNormalizedIsConsistentWithNormalize expression = case maybeProp of Nothing -> Test.QuickCheck.discard Just v -> v where denotedExpression :: Expr Void Import denotedExpression = Dhall.Core.denote expression maybeProp = do nf <- Control.Spoon.spoon (Dhall.Core.normalize expression) isNormalized <- Control.Spoon.spoon (Dhall.Core.isNormalized expression) -- Dhall.Core.isNormalized ignores 'Note's and other annotations. -- So we do the same when checking the result of 'normalize'. return $ isNormalized === (nf == denotedExpression) normalizeWithMIsConsistentWithNormalize :: Expr () Import -> Property normalizeWithMIsConsistentWithNormalize expression = case Control.Spoon.spoon (nfM, nf) of Just (a, b) -> a === b Nothing -> Test.QuickCheck.discard where nfM = runIdentity (Dhall.Core.normalizeWithM (\_ -> Identity Nothing) expression) nf = Dhall.Core.normalize expression :: Expr () Import isSameAsSelf :: Expr () Import -> Property isSameAsSelf expression = hasNoImportAndTypechecks ==> Dhall.Diff.same (Dhall.Diff.diff denoted denoted) where denoted = Dhall.Core.denote expression hasNoImportAndTypechecks = case traverse (\_ -> Left ()) expression of Right importlessExpression -> isRight (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf importlessExpression) Left _ -> False inferredTypesAreNormalized :: Expr () Import -> Property inferredTypesAreNormalized expression = Test.Tasty.QuickCheck.counterexample report (all Dhall.Core.isNormalized result) where report = "Got: " ++ show result ++ "\nExpected: " ++ show (fmap Dhall.Core.normalize result :: Either (TypeError () Import) (Expr () Import)) result = Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWithA filterOutEmbeds Dhall.Context.empty expression filterOutEmbeds :: Typer a filterOutEmbeds _ = Const Sort -- This could be any ill-typed expression. normalizingAnExpressionDoesntChangeItsInferredType :: Expr () Import -> Property normalizingAnExpressionDoesntChangeItsInferredType expression = case (eT0, eT1) of (Right t0, Right t1) -> t0 === t1 _ -> Test.QuickCheck.discard where eT0 = typeCheck expression eT1 = typeCheck (Dhall.Core.normalize expression) typeCheck = Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWithA filterOutEmbeds Dhall.Context.empty filterOutEmbeds :: Typer a filterOutEmbeds _ = Const Sort -- This could be any ill-typed expression. noDoubleNotes :: Expr () Import -> Property noDoubleNotes expression = length [ () | e <- Foldable.toList parsedExpression , Note _ (Note _ _) <- Lens.toListOf Dhall.Core.subExpressions e ] === 0 where text = Dhall.Core.pretty expression parsedExpression = Parser.exprFromText "" text embedThenExtractIsIdentity :: forall a. (ToDhall a, FromDhall a, Eq a, Typeable a, Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy a -> (String, Property, TestTree -> TestTree) embedThenExtractIsIdentity p = ( "Embedding then extracting is identity for " ++ show (typeRep p) , Test.QuickCheck.property (prop :: a -> Bool) , adjustQuickCheckTests 1000 ) where prop a = case extract auto (embed inject a) of Success a' -> a == a' Failure _ -> False idempotenceTest :: CharacterSet -> Header -> Expr Src Import -> Property idempotenceTest characterSet header expr = not (any hasHttpHeaders expr) ==> let once = format characterSet (header, expr) in case Parser.exprAndHeaderFromText mempty once of Right (format characterSet -> twice) -> once === twice Left _ -> Test.QuickCheck.discard where -- Workaround for https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues/1925. hasHttpHeaders = \case Import (ImportHashed _ (Remote (URL { headers = Just _ }))) _ -> True _ -> False tests :: TestTree tests = testProperties' "QuickCheck" [ ( "Binary serialization should round-trip" , Test.QuickCheck.property binaryRoundtrip , adjustQuickCheckTests 100 ) , ( "everything well-typed should normalize" , Test.QuickCheck.property everythingWellTypedNormalizes , adjustQuickCheckTests 100000 ) , ( "isNormalized should be consistent with normalize" , Test.QuickCheck.property isNormalizedIsConsistentWithNormalize , adjustQuickCheckTests 10000 ) , ( "normalizeWithM should be consistent with normalize" , Test.QuickCheck.property normalizeWithMIsConsistentWithNormalize , adjustQuickCheckTests 10000 ) , ( "An expression should have no difference with itself" , Test.QuickCheck.property isSameAsSelf , adjustQuickCheckTests 10000 ) , ( "Inferred types should be normalized" , Test.QuickCheck.property inferredTypesAreNormalized , adjustQuickCheckTests 10000 ) , ( "Normalizing an expression doesn't change its inferred type" , Test.QuickCheck.property normalizingAnExpressionDoesntChangeItsInferredType , adjustQuickCheckTests 10000 ) , ( "Parsing an expression doesn't generated doubly-nested Note constructors" , Test.QuickCheck.property noDoubleNotes , adjustQuickCheckTests 100 ) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (Text)) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy [Nat.Natural]) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (Bool, Double)) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (Data.Sequence.Seq ())) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (Maybe Integer)) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (Data.Set.Set Nat.Natural)) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (Data.HashSet.HashSet Text)) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (Vector Double)) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (Data.Map.Map Double Bool)) , embedThenExtractIsIdentity (Proxy :: Proxy (HashMap.HashMap Double Bool)) , ( "Formatting should be idempotent" , Test.QuickCheck.property idempotenceTest , adjustQuickCheckTests 10000 ) ] adjustQuickCheckMaxRatio :: Int -> TestTree -> TestTree adjustQuickCheckMaxRatio maxSize = Test.Tasty.adjustOption (max $ Test.Tasty.QuickCheck.QuickCheckMaxRatio maxSize) adjustQuickCheckTests :: Int -> TestTree -> TestTree adjustQuickCheckTests nTests = -- Using adjustOption instead of withMaxSuccess allows us to override the number of tests -- with the --quickcheck-tests CLI option. Test.Tasty.adjustOption (max $ QuickCheckTests nTests) testProperties' :: String -> [(String, Property, TestTree -> TestTree)] -> TestTree testProperties' name = Test.Tasty.testGroup name . map f where f (n, p, adjust) = adjust (Test.Tasty.QuickCheck.testProperty n p)