Module      : Foreign.Storable.Generic.Plugin.Internal.Predicates
Copyright   : (c) Mateusz Kłoczko, 2016
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : mateusz.p.kloczko@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : GHC-only

Predicates for finding GStorable identifiers, plus some others.

module Foreign.Storable.Generic.Plugin.Internal.Predicates 
    -- Predicates on identifiers
    , isSizeOfId
    , isAlignmentId
    , isPeekId
    , isPokeId
    , isSpecGStorableInstId
    , isSpecSizeOfId
    , isSpecAlignmentId
    , isSpecPeekId
    , isSpecPokeId
    , isOffsetsId
    -- Groups of above
    , isGStorableId
    , isGStorableMethodId
    -- Miscellanous
    , isNonRecBind
    , toIsBind
    , withTypeCheck

-- Management of Core.
import CoreSyn (Bind(..),Expr(..), CoreExpr, CoreBind, CoreProgram, Alt)
import Literal (Literal(..))
import Id  (isLocalId, isGlobalId,Id)
import Var (Var(..))
import Name (getOccName,mkOccName)
import OccName (OccName(..), occNameString)
import qualified Name as N (varName, tcClsName)
import SrcLoc (noSrcSpan)
import Unique (getUnique)
-- Compilation pipeline stuff
import HscMain (hscCompileCoreExpr)
import HscTypes (HscEnv,ModGuts(..))
import CoreMonad (CoreM, SimplifierMode(..),CoreToDo(..), getHscEnv)
import BasicTypes (CompilerPhase(..))
-- Types 
import Type (isAlgType, splitTyConApp_maybe)
import TyCon (TyCon,tyConName, algTyConRhs, visibleDataCons)
import TyCoRep (Type(..), TyBinder(..))
import TysWiredIn (intDataCon)
import DataCon    (dataConWorkId,dataConOrigArgTys) 

import MkCore (mkWildValBinder)
-- Printing
import Outputable (cat, ppr, SDoc, showSDocUnsafe)
import CoreMonad (putMsg, putMsgS)

import Data.Maybe 

import Foreign.Storable.Generic.Plugin.Internal.Helpers

-- | Predicate used to find GStorable instances identifiers.
isGStorableInstId :: Id -> Bool
isGStorableInstId id =    cutted_occ_name == gstorable_dict_name 
                       && cutted_occ_name2 /= gstorable'_dict_name
    where cutted_occ_name = cutOccName 11 $ getOccName (varName id)
          cutted_occ_name2 = cutOccName 12 $ getOccName (varName id)
          gstorable_dict_name = mkOccName N.varName "$fGStorable"
          gstorable'_dict_name = mkOccName N.varName "$fGStorable'"

-- | Predicate used to find gsizeOf identifiers
isSizeOfId :: Id -> Bool
isSizeOfId ident = getOccName (varName ident)    == mkOccName N.varName "$cgsizeOf" 

-- | Predicate used to find galignment identifiers
isAlignmentId :: Id -> Bool
isAlignmentId ident = getOccName (varName ident) == mkOccName N.varName "$cgalignment" 

-- | Predicate used to find gpeekByteOff identifiers
isPeekId :: Id -> Bool
isPeekId ident = getOccName (varName ident) == mkOccName N.varName "$cgpeekByteOff" 

-- | Predicate used to find gpeekByteOff identifiers
isPokeId :: Id -> Bool
isPokeId ident = getOccName (varName ident) == mkOccName N.varName "$cgpokeByteOff" 

--Specialized at instance definition site.--

-- | Predicate used to find specialized GStorable instance identifiers
isSpecGStorableInstId :: Id -> Bool
isSpecGStorableInstId id = cutted_occ_name == gstorable_dict_name
                       && cutted_occ_name2 /= gstorable'_dict_name
    where cutted_occ_name = cutOccName 11 $ getOccName (varName id)
          cutted_occ_name2 = cutOccName 12 $ getOccName (varName id)
          gstorable_dict_name = mkOccName N.varName "$s$fGStorable"
          gstorable'_dict_name = mkOccName N.varName "$s$fGStorable'"

-- | Predicate used to find specialized gsizeOf identifiers
isSpecSizeOfId :: Id -> Bool
isSpecSizeOfId ident = getOccName (varName ident)    == mkOccName N.varName "$s$cgsizeOf" 

-- | Predicate used to find specialized galignment identifiers
isSpecAlignmentId :: Id -> Bool
isSpecAlignmentId ident = getOccName (varName ident) == mkOccName N.varName "$s$cgalignment" 

-- | Predicate used to find specialized gpeekByteOff identifiers
isSpecPeekId :: Id -> Bool
isSpecPeekId ident = getOccName (varName ident) == mkOccName N.varName "$s$cgpeekByteOff" 

-- | Predicate used to find specialized gpokeByteOff identifiers
isSpecPokeId :: Id -> Bool
isSpecPokeId ident = getOccName (varName ident) == mkOccName N.varName "$s$cgpokeByteOff" 

-- For offset calculation --

-- | Is offsets id.
isOffsetsId :: Id -> Bool
isOffsetsId id = getOccName (varName id) == mkOccName N.varName "offsets"

-- Groups of identifiers --

-- | Is a GStorable identifier
isGStorableId :: Id -> Bool
isGStorableId id = any ($id) [ isSizeOfId, isAlignmentId, isPeekId
                             , isPokeId, isGStorableInstId
                             , isSpecSizeOfId, isSpecAlignmentId
                             , isSpecPeekId, isSpecPokeId
                             , isSpecGStorableInstId
-- | Is the id an GStorable method.
isGStorableMethodId :: Id -> Bool 
isGStorableMethodId id = any ($id) [isSizeOfId, isAlignmentId
                                   , isPeekId, isPokeId
                                   , isSpecSizeOfId, isSpecAlignmentId
                                   , isSpecPeekId, isSpecPokeId
-- Miscellanous --

-- | Check if binding is non-recursive.
isNonRecBind :: CoreBind -> Bool
isNonRecBind (NonRec _ _) = True
isNonRecBind _            = False

-- | Lift the identifier predicate to work on a core binding.
toIsBind :: (Id -> Bool) -> CoreBind -> Bool
toIsBind pred (NonRec id rhs) = pred id
toIsBind pred (Rec bs)        = any pred $ map fst bs

-- | Use both type getters and identifier predicate to create a predicate.
withTypeCheck :: (Type -> Maybe Type) -> (Id -> Bool) -> Id -> Bool
withTypeCheck ty_f id_f id = do
    let ty_checked = ty_f $ varType id
        id_checked = id_f id
    and [isJust ty_checked, id_checked]