{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

module Language.Haskell.Convert(Convert, convert) where

import Language.Haskell as HS
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Compat
import Control.Exception
import Data.Typeable
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Maybe

class (Typeable a, Typeable b, Show a, Show b) => Convert a b where
    conv :: a -> b

convert :: forall a b . Convert a b => a -> b
convert a = unsafePerformIO $
        (return $! (conv a :: b)) `Control.Exception.catch` (\(e :: SomeException) -> error $ msg e)
        msg e = "Could not convert " ++ show (typeOf a) ++ " to " ++
                show (typeOf (undefined :: b)) ++ "\n" ++ show a ++
                "\n" ++ show e

appT :: TH.Type -> [TH.Type] -> TH.Type
appT = foldl AppT

c mr = convert mr

instance Convert a b => Convert [a] [b] where
    conv = map c

instance Convert TH.Dec HS.Decl where
    conv x = case x of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
        DataD cxt n vs _ con ds -> f DataType cxt n vs con ds
        NewtypeD cxt n vs _ con ds -> f NewType cxt n vs [con] ds
            f :: DataOrNew -> Cxt -> TH.Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> unused -> HS.Decl
            f t cxt n vs con _ = DataDecl sl t (c cxt) (c n) (c vs) (c con) []
        DataD cxt n vs con ds -> f DataType cxt n vs con ds
        NewtypeD cxt n vs con ds -> f NewType cxt n vs [con] ds
            f :: DataOrNew -> Cxt -> TH.Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> [TH.Name] -> HS.Decl
            f t cxt n vs con ds = DataDecl sl t (c cxt) (c n) (c vs) (c con) []

instance Convert TH.Name HS.TyVarBind where
    conv = UnkindedVar . c

instance Convert TH.Name HS.Name where
    conv x = name $ if '.' `elem` x2 then reverse $ takeWhile (/= '.') $ reverse x2 else x2
        where x2 = show x

instance Convert TH.Name HS.QName where
    conv x = if x2 == Ident "[]" then Special ListCon else UnQual x2
        where x2 = c x

instance Convert TH.Con HS.QualConDecl where
    conv (ForallC vs cxt x) = QualConDecl sl (c vs) (c cxt) (c x)
    conv x = QualConDecl sl [] [] (c x)

instance Convert TH.Con HS.ConDecl where
    conv (NormalC n xs) = ConDecl (c n) (c xs)
    conv (RecC n xs) = RecDecl (c n) [([c x], c (y,z)) | (x,y,z) <- xs]
    conv (InfixC x n y) = InfixConDecl (c x) (c n) (c y)

instance Convert TH.StrictType HS.Type where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    conv (Bang SourceUnpack SourceStrict, x) = TyBang UnpackedTy $ TyBang BangedTy $ c x
    conv (Bang SourceUnpack NoSourceStrictness, x) = TyBang UnpackedTy $ c x
    conv (Bang NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict, x) = TyBang BangedTy $ c x
    conv (Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness, x) = c x
    conv (IsStrict, x) = TyBang BangedTy $ c x
    conv (NotStrict, x) = c x
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
    conv (Unpacked, x) = TyBang UnpackedTy $ c x

instance Convert TH.Type HS.Type where
    conv (ForallT xs cxt t) = TyForall (Just $ c xs) (c cxt) (c t)
    conv (VarT x) = TyVar $ c x
    conv (ConT x) | ',' `elem` show x = TyTuple Boxed []
                  | otherwise = TyCon $ c x
    conv (AppT (AppT ArrowT x) y) = TyFun (c x) (c y)
    conv (ArrowT) = TyCon $ Special FunCon
    conv (AppT ListT x) = TyList $ c x
    conv (ListT) = TyCon $ Special ListCon
    conv (TupleT _) = TyTuple Boxed []
    conv (AppT x y) = case c x of
        TyTuple b xs -> TyTuple b $ xs ++ [c y]
        x -> TyApp x $ c y

instance Convert TH.Type HS.Asst where
    conv (ConT x) = ClassA (UnQual $ c x) []
    conv (AppT x y) = case c x of
        ClassA a b -> ClassA a (b ++ [c y])

instance Convert HS.Decl TH.Dec where
    conv (InstDecl _ _ _ cxt nam typ ds) = instanceD (c cxt) (c $ tyApp (TyCon nam) typ) [c d | InsDecl d <- ds]
    conv (FunBind ms@(HS.Match _ nam _ _ _ _:_)) = FunD (c nam) (c ms)
    conv (PatBind _ p bod ds) = ValD (c p) (c bod) (c ds)
    conv (TypeSig _ [nam] typ) = SigD (c nam) (c $ foralls typ)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    --  ! certainly BROKEN because it ignores contexts
    conv (DataDecl _ DataType ctx nam typ cs ds) =
      DataD (c ctx) (c nam) (c typ) Nothing (c cs) [] -- (c (map fst ds))
    conv (DataDecl _ NewType ctx nam typ [con] ds) =
      NewtypeD (c ctx) (c nam) (c typ) Nothing (c con) [] -- (c (map fst ds)) 
    conv (DataDecl _ DataType ctx nam typ cs ds) =
      DataD (c ctx) (c nam) (c typ) (c cs) (c (map fst ds))
    conv (DataDecl _ NewType ctx nam typ [con] ds) =
      NewtypeD (c ctx) (c nam) (c typ) (c con) (c (map fst ds))
instance Convert HS.QualConDecl TH.Con where
    conv (QualConDecl _ [] [] con) = c con
    conv (QualConDecl _ vs cx con) = ForallC (c vs) (c cx) (c con)

instance Convert HS.ConDecl TH.Con where
    conv (ConDecl nam typ) = NormalC (c nam) (c typ)
    conv (InfixConDecl l nam r) = InfixC (c l) (c nam) (c r)
    conv (RecDecl nam fs) = RecC (c nam) (concatMap c fs)

instance Convert HS.Type TH.StrictType where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    conv (TyBang BangedTy t) = (Bang NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict, c t)
    conv (TyBang BangedTy t) = (IsStrict, c t)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
    conv (TyBang UnpackedTy t) = (Unpacked, c t)
    conv (TyBang UnpackedTy t) = (IsStrict, c t)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    conv t = (Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness, c t)
    conv t = (NotStrict, c t)

instance Convert ([HS.Name],HS.Type) [TH.VarStrictType] where
    conv (names,bt) = [(c name,s,t) | name <- names]
     where (s,t) = c bt

instance Convert HS.Asst TH.Type where
    conv (InfixA x y z) = c $ ClassA y [x,z]
    conv (ClassA x y) = appT (ConT $ c x) (c y)

instance Convert HS.Type TH.Type where
    conv (TyCon (Special ListCon)) = ListT
    conv (TyCon (Special UnitCon)) = TupleT 0
    conv (TyParen x) = c x
    conv (TyForall x y z) = ForallT (c $ fromMaybe [] x) (c y) (c z)
    conv (TyVar x) = VarT $ c x
    conv (TyCon x) = if x ~= "[]" then error "here" else ConT $ c x
    conv (TyFun x y) = AppT (AppT ArrowT (c x)) (c y)
    conv (TyList x) = AppT ListT (c x)
    conv (TyTuple _ x) = appT (TupleT (length x)) (c x)
    conv (TyApp x y) = AppT (c x) (c y)

instance Convert HS.Name TH.Name where
    conv = mkName . filter (`notElem` "()") . prettyPrint

instance Convert HS.Match TH.Clause where
    conv (HS.Match _ _ ps _ bod ds) = Clause (c ps) (c bod) (c ds)

instance Convert HS.Rhs TH.Body where
    conv (UnGuardedRhs x) = NormalB (c x)
    conv (GuardedRhss x) = GuardedB (c x)

instance Convert HS.Exp TH.Exp where
    conv (Con (Special UnitCon)) = TupE []
    conv (Var x) = VarE (c x)
    conv (Con x) = ConE (c x)
    conv (Lit x) = LitE (c x)
    conv (App x y) = AppE (c x) (c y)
    conv (Paren x) = c x
    conv (InfixApp x y z) = InfixE (Just $ c x) (c y) (Just $ c z)
    conv (LeftSection x y) = InfixE (Just $ c x) (c y) Nothing
    conv (RightSection y z) = InfixE Nothing (c y) (Just $ c z)
    conv (Lambda _ x y) = LamE (c x) (c y)
    conv (Tuple _ x) = TupE (c x)
    conv (If x y z) = CondE (c x) (c y) (c z)
    conv (Let x y) = LetE (c x) (c y)
    conv (Case x y) = CaseE (c x) (c y)
    conv (Do x) = DoE (c x)
    conv (EnumFrom x) = ArithSeqE $ FromR (c x)
    conv (EnumFromTo x y) = ArithSeqE $ FromToR (c x) (c y)
    conv (EnumFromThen x y) = ArithSeqE $ FromThenR (c x) (c y)
    conv (EnumFromThenTo x y z) = ArithSeqE $ FromThenToR (c x) (c y) (c z)
    conv (List x) = ListE (c x)
    conv (ExpTypeSig _ x y) = SigE (c x) (c y)
    conv (RecConstr x y) = RecConE (c x) (c y)
    conv (RecUpdate x y) = RecUpdE (c x) (c y) 
    -- Work around bug 3395, convert to do notation instead
    conv (ListComp x y) = CompE $ c $ y ++ [QualStmt $ Qualifier x]

instance Convert HS.GuardedRhs (TH.Guard, TH.Exp) where
    conv = undefined

instance Convert HS.Binds [TH.Dec] where
    conv (BDecls x) = c x

instance Convert (Maybe HS.Binds) [TH.Dec] where
    conv Nothing = []
    conv (Just x) = c x

instance Convert HS.Pat TH.Pat where
    conv (PParen x) = c x
    conv (PLit Signless x) = LitP (c x)
    conv (PTuple _ x) = TupP (c x)
    conv (PApp x y) = ConP (c x) (c y)
    conv (PVar x) = VarP (c x)
    conv (PInfixApp x y z) = InfixP (c x) (c y) (c z)
    conv (PIrrPat x) = TildeP (c x)
    conv (PAsPat x y) = AsP (c x) (c y)
    conv (PWildCard) = WildP
    conv (PRec x y) = RecP (c x) (c y)
    conv (PList x) = ListP (c x)
    conv (PatTypeSig _ x y) = SigP (c x) (c y)

instance Convert HS.Literal TH.Lit where
    conv (Char x) = CharL x
    conv (String x) = StringL x
    conv (Int x) = IntegerL x
    conv (Frac x) = RationalL x
    conv (PrimInt x) = IntPrimL x
    conv (PrimWord x) = WordPrimL x
    conv (PrimFloat x) = FloatPrimL x
    conv (PrimDouble x) = DoublePrimL x

instance Convert HS.QName TH.Name where
    conv (UnQual x) = c x
    conv (Qual m x) = c (Ident $ prettyPrint m ++ "." ++ prettyPrint x)
    conv (Special (TupleCon Boxed i)) = Name (mkOccName $ "(" ++ replicate (i-1) ',' ++ ")") NameS

instance Convert HS.PatField TH.FieldPat where
    conv = undefined

instance Convert HS.QOp TH.Exp where
    conv (QVarOp x) = c $ Var x
    conv (QConOp x) = c $ Con x

instance Convert HS.Alt TH.Match where
    conv (Alt _ x y z) = TH.Match (c x) (c y) (c z)

instance Convert HS.Stmt TH.Stmt where
    conv (Generator _ x y) = BindS (c x) (c y)
    conv (LetStmt x) = LetS (c x)
    conv (Qualifier x) = NoBindS (c x)

instance Convert HS.QualStmt TH.Stmt where
    conv (QualStmt x) = c x

instance Convert HS.FieldUpdate TH.FieldExp where
    conv (FieldUpdate x y) = (c x, c y)

instance Convert HS.TyVarBind TH.Name where
    conv (UnkindedVar x) = c x

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 612
instance Convert TH.TyVarBndr HS.TyVarBind where
    conv (PlainTV x) = UnkindedVar $ c x
    conv (KindedTV x y) = KindedVar (c x) $ c y

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706
instance Convert TH.Kind HS.Kind where
    conv StarK = KindStar
    conv (ArrowK x y) = KindFn (c x) $ c y
instance Convert TH.Kind HS.Kind where
    conv StarT = KindStar
    conv (AppT (AppT ArrowT x) y) = KindFn (c x) (c y)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
instance Convert TH.Pred HS.Asst where
    conv (ClassP x y) = ClassA (UnQual $ c x) $ c y
    conv (TH.EqualP x y) = HS.EqualP (c x) $ c y

instance Convert HS.Asst TH.Pred where
    conv (ClassA x y) = ClassP (c x) $ c y
    conv (HS.EqualP x y) = TH.EqualP (c x) $ c y

instance Convert HS.TyVarBind TH.TyVarBndr where
    conv (UnkindedVar x) = PlainTV $ c x
    conv (KindedVar x y) = KindedTV (c x) $ c y

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706
instance Convert HS.Kind TH.Kind where
    conv KindStar = StarK
    conv (KindFn x y) = ArrowK (c x) $ c y
instance Convert HS.Kind TH.Kind where
    conv KindStar = StarT
    conv (KindFn x y) = AppT (AppT ArrowT (c x)) (c y)