{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | An example of how an application can make use of the "dep-t" and -- "dep-t-advice" packages for keeping a "synthetic" call stack that tracks the -- invocations of monadic functions—though only of those which take part in dependency -- injection. -- -- We are assuming that the application follows a "record-of-functions" style. module Main (main) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Dep (DepT) import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Data.Functor.Compose import Data.Functor.Constant import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.IORef import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Set qualified as Set import Data.Typeable import Dep.Advice qualified as A import Dep.Env ( Autowireable, Autowired (..), Constructor, DemotableFieldNames, FieldsFindableByType, Phased, bindPhase, constructor, fixEnv, pullPhase, skipPhase, ) import Dep.Has ( Has (dep), asCall, ) import Dep.SimpleAdvice ( Advice, AspectT (..), Top, adviseRecord, advising, makeExecutionAdvice, ) import Dep.SimpleAdvice.Basic (HasSyntheticCallStack (callStack), MethodName, StackFrame, SyntheticCallStack, SyntheticCallStackException (SyntheticCallStackException), injectFailures, keepCallStack) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.TypeLits import Lens.Micro (Lens', lens) import System.IO import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Prelude hiding (insert, lookup) -- THE BUSINESS LOGIC -- -- -- Component interfaces, defined as records polymorphic over the effect monad. newtype Logger m = Logger { emitMsg :: String -> m () } deriving stock (Generic) data Repository m = Repository { insert :: Int -> m (), lookup :: Int -> m Bool } deriving stock (Generic) newtype Controller m = Controller { -- insert one arg, look up the other. Nonsensical, but good enough for an example. route :: Int -> Int -> m Bool } deriving stock (Generic) -- Component implementations, some of which depend on other components. -- makeStdoutLogger :: MonadIO m => Logger m makeStdoutLogger = Logger \msg -> liftIO $ putStrLn msg -- allocation helper. allocateSet :: Allocator (IORef (Set Int)) allocateSet = ContT $ bracket (newIORef Set.empty) pure -- When a component depends on another, it does so by taking an "env" parameter -- in the constructor and requiring 'Has' constraints on it. makeInMemoryRepository :: (Has Logger m env, MonadIO m) => IORef (Set Int) -> env -> Repository m makeInMemoryRepository ref (asCall -> call) = do Repository { insert = \key -> do call emitMsg "inserting..." theSet <- liftIO $ readIORef ref liftIO $ writeIORef ref $ Set.insert key theSet, lookup = \key -> do call emitMsg "looking..." theSet <- liftIO $ readIORef ref pure (Set.member key theSet) } -- This implementation of Controller depends both on the Logger and the -- Repository. -- -- In general, the graph of dependencies between components can be a complex -- directed acyclic graph. makeController :: (Has Logger m env, Has Repository m env, Monad m) => env -> Controller m makeController (asCall -> call) = Controller { route = \toInsert toLookup -> do call emitMsg "serving..." call insert toInsert call lookup toLookup } -- THE COMPOSITION ROOT -- -- Here we define our dependency injection environment. -- -- We put all the components which will form part of our application in an -- environment record. -- -- Each field is wrapped in a functor `h` which controls the "phases" we must -- go through in the construction of the environment. When `h` becomes -- Identity, the environment is ready for use. (This is an example of the -- "Higer-Kinded Data" pattern.) data Env h m = Env { logger :: h (Logger m), repository :: h (Repository m), controller :: h (Controller m) } deriving stock (Generic) deriving anyclass (Phased, DemotableFieldNames, FieldsFindableByType) -- Locate the components by their types. We could also define the required Has -- instance for each component manually, but that's tedious. deriving via Autowired (Env Identity m) instance Autowireable r_ m (Env Identity m) => Has r_ m (Env Identity m) -- The "phases" that components go through until fully built. Each phase -- is represented as an applicative functor. The succession of phases is -- defined using Data.Functor.Compose. -- -- A phase in which we might allocate some resource needed by the component, -- also set some bracket-like resource management. -- The "managed" library could be used instead of ContT. type Allocator = ContT () IO -- First we allocate any needed resource, then we have a construction phase -- during which the component reads its own dependencies from a "completed" -- environment. -- -- There could be more phases, like for example an initial "read configuration" -- phase. type Phases env_ m = Allocator `Compose` Constructor env_ m -- Environment value -- -- The base monad is a 'ReaderT' holding a SyntheticCallStack value which gets modified -- using "local" for each sub-call. -- -- Notice that neither the interfaces nor the implementations which we defined -- earlier knew anything about the ReaderT. env :: Env (Phases Env (ReaderT SyntheticCallStack IO)) (ReaderT SyntheticCallStack IO) env = Env { logger = allocateBombs 1 `bindPhase` \bombs -> constructor (\_ -> makeStdoutLogger) <&> advising ( adviseRecord @Top @Top \method -> keepCallStack ioEx method <> injectFailures bombs ), repository = allocateSet `bindPhase` \ref -> constructor (makeInMemoryRepository ref) <&> advising ( adviseRecord @Top @Top \method -> keepCallStack ioEx method ), controller = skipPhase @Allocator $ constructor makeController <&> advising ( adviseRecord @Top @Top \method -> keepCallStack ioEx method ) } -- Catch only IOExceptions for this example. ioEx :: SomeException -> Maybe IOError ioEx = fromException @IOError -- Allocate a supply of potentially exception-throwing actions. allocateBombs :: Int -> Allocator (IORef ([IO ()], [IO ()])) allocateBombs whenToBomb = ContT $ bracket (newIORef bombs) pure where bombs = ( replicate whenToBomb (pure ()) ++ repeat (throwIO (userError "oops")), repeat (pure ()) ) -- THE COMPOSITION ROOT - ALTERNATIVE APPROACH -- -- -- Here we'll define the dependency injection environment in a slightly -- different way (but reusing both the "business logic" and the Env type). -- The basic idea is that we don't perform dependency injection as a separate -- Applicative phase (so no Constructor, but a mere Identity phase). -- -- Instead, we shift that task into the base monad's environent. -- As a result the "phases" are simpler: type Phases' = Allocator `Compose` Identity -- Now the expanded "runtime" environment will hold both the synthetic call -- stack and the components. We define this small helper datatype for that. It -- augments a preexisting environment with call-related info. data CallEnv i e_ m = CallEnv { _callInfo :: i, _ops :: e_ m } -- Delegate all 'Has' queries to the inner environment. instance Has r_ m (e_ m) => Has r_ m (CallEnv i e_ m) where dep = dep . _ops instance HasSyntheticCallStack (CallEnv SyntheticCallStack e_ m) where callStack = lens _callInfo (\(CallEnv _ ops) i' -> CallEnv i' ops) -- Here use the DepT monad (a variant of ReaderT) as the base monad. -- -- The environment of DepT includes—just as before—the SyntheticCallStack value -- that is used to trace each sub-call. -- -- But now it also includes the dependency injection context with all the -- components. env' :: Env Phases' (DepT (CallEnv SyntheticCallStack (Env Identity)) IO) env' = Env { logger = allocateBombs 1 `bindPhase` \bombs -> Identity (A.component \_ -> makeStdoutLogger) <&> ( A.adviseRecord @Top @Top \method -> A.fromSimple_ (keepCallStack ioEx method <> injectFailures bombs) ), repository = allocateSet `bindPhase` \ref -> Identity (A.component (makeInMemoryRepository ref)) <&> ( A.adviseRecord @Top @Top \method -> A.fromSimple_ (keepCallStack ioEx method) ), controller = skipPhase @Allocator $ Identity (A.component makeController) <&> ( A.adviseRecord @Top @Top \method -> A.fromSimple_ (keepCallStack ioEx method) ) } -- TESTS -- -- expectedException :: (IOError, SyntheticCallStack) expectedException = ( userError "oops", [ (typeRep (Proxy @Logger), "emitMsg"), (typeRep (Proxy @Repository), "insert"), (typeRep (Proxy @Controller), "route") ] ) -- Test the "Constructor"-based version of the environment. testSyntheticCallStack :: Assertion testSyntheticCallStack = do let action = runContT (pullPhase @Allocator env) \constructors -> do -- here we complete the construction of the environment let (asCall -> call) = fixEnv constructors flip runReaderT ([] :: SyntheticCallStack) -- the initial stack trace for the call ( do _ <- call route 1 2 pure () ) me <- try @SyntheticCallStackException action case me of Left (SyntheticCallStackException (fromException @IOError -> Just ex) trace) -> assertEqual "exception with callstack" expectedException (ex, trace) Right _ -> assertFailure "expected exception did not appear" -- Test the "DepT"-based version of the environment. testSyntheticCallStack' :: Assertion testSyntheticCallStack' = do let action = runContT (pullPhase @Allocator env') \runnable -> do _ <- A.runFromDep (pure (CallEnv [] runnable)) route 1 2 pure () me <- try @SyntheticCallStackException action case me of Left (SyntheticCallStackException (fromException @IOError -> Just ex) trace) -> assertEqual "exception with callstack" expectedException (ex, trace) Right _ -> assertFailure "expected exception did not appear" tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "All" [ testCase "synthetic call stack" testSyntheticCallStack, testCase "synthetic call stack - DepT" testSyntheticCallStack' ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests