{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns #-}
-- | Abstract representation of numbers.
-- The General Decimal Arithmetic Specification gives an abstract
-- representation of each number.  This information is taken from
-- the General Decimal Arithmetic specification at
-- <http://speleotrove.com/decimal/damodel.html>
-- A number may be /finite/, in
-- which case it has three components: a /sign/, which must be zero
-- (for zero or positive numbers) or one (for negative zero and
-- negative numbers), an integral /coefficient/, which is always
-- zero or positive, and a signed integral /exponent/, which
-- indicates the power of ten by which the number is multiplied.
-- The value of a finite number if given by
-- > (-1) ^ sign * coefficient * 10 ^ exponent
-- In addition to finite numbers, a number may also be one of three
-- /special values/:
-- * /infinity/ - numbers infinitely large in magnitude
-- * /quiet NaN/ - an undefined result which does not cause an
-- 'invalidOperation' condition.
-- * /signaling NaN/ - an undefined result which will usually cause
-- an 'invalidOperation' condition.
-- When a number has one of these special values, its /coefficient/
-- and /exponent/ are undefined.  An NaN, however, may have
-- additional /diagnostic information/, which is a positive integer.
-- All special values have a sign.  The sign of an infinity is
-- significant.  The sign of an NaN has no meaning, though it may be
-- considered as part of the diagnostic information.
-- This module allows you to represent a number in abstract terms.
-- It's abstract in the sense that you cannot use the abstract form
-- to perform arithmetic.  It is useful, however, because you might
-- want to manipulate the abstract form in your own programs--to
-- make a pretty printer with digit grouping, for example.
-- You can transform an abstract form to a 'Dec' losslessly by using
-- 'abstractToByteString'.  This gives you a string in scientific
-- notation, as specified in @to-scientific-string@ in the
-- specification.  There is a one-to-one mapping of abstract
-- representations to @scientific-string@ representations.  You can
-- also transform a 'Dec' to an 'Abstract' losslessly by using
-- 'abstractFromByteString'.  This operation will not fail if it is
-- using output from 'toByteString'; but it might fail otherwise, if
-- the input is malformed.
-- All typeclass instances in this module are derived; so while the
-- 'Ord' instance might be useful to use 'Abstract' as the key in a
-- Map, don't expect it to tell you anything about how to 'Abstract' are
-- situated on the number line.

module Deka.Abstract where