defun-0.1: Defunctionalization helpers
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




This package provides defunctionalization helpers to write type-level computations.

As UnsaturatedTypeFamilies are not yet implemented in the GHC, we cannot define type-level type families. Or we can, but we could only apply them to type-constructors:

type BadMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
type family BadMap f xs where
    BadMap f '[]      = '[]
    BadMap f (x : xs) = f x : BadMap f xs

can be only applied to type or data-constructors, i.e. BadMap Just [1, 2, 3] would work, but BadMap Not [True, False] will not.

The trick is to defunctionalize higher-order functions. Instead of taking a function argument, we'll take a defunctionalization symbol, and use App type family to apply it:

type Map :: (a ~> b) -> [a] -> [b]
type family Map f xs where
    Map f '[]    = '[]
    Map f (x:xs) = f @@ x : Map f xs

where @@ is the application operator.

Now we can call Map NotSym [True, False] and it will compute. The Map Just [1, 2, 3] wont work, we need to convert a constuctor into a symbol Map (Con1 Just) [1, 2, 3] works.

Then, the Map itself can be defunctionalized. We need to define two symbols, as Map takes two arguments:

type MapSym :: (a ~> b) ~> [a] ~> [b]
data MapSym f
type instance App MapSym f = MapSym1 f

type MapSym1  :: (a ~> b) -> [a] ~> [b]
data MapSym1 f xs
type instance App (MapSym1 f) xs = Map f xs

So far the above is general enough, and is defined in singletons (sans using different names) in a similar way.

Another thing which we also need, is to represent the type-level computation at type level as well. The singletons package uses Sing type-family, that's the whole package of that package.

However, Sing is quite resticting. For example, one natural "term-level" reflection of lists is NP type.

For example given Append type family, we can write a very useful append function:

append :: NP a xs -> NP a ys -> NP a (Append xs ys)
append Nil       ys = ys
append (x :* xs) ys = x :* append xs ys

singletons machinery doesn't help us define these.

Then Append (and append) can be used as an argument (to e.g. Map) and map: we can write something like

mapAppend xs yss = map (appendSym @@ xs) yss

and GHC will infer the type

mapAppend :: NP a xs -> NP (NP a) xss -> NP (NP a) (Map (AppendSym1 xs) xss)

to that function.

Being able to relatively easily write functions like mapAppend is the main motivation for creation of defun package.

Another example is append to n-ary sums (NS):

append_NS :: forall xs ys f sing. NP sing xs -> Either (NS f xs) (NS f ys) -> NS f (Append xs ys)
append_NS _ (Left xs) = goLeft xs where
    goLeft :: NS f xs' -> NS f (Append xs' ys)
    goLeft (Z x) = Z x
    goLeft (S x) = S (goLeft x)
append_NS xs (Right ys0) = goRight xs ys0 where
    goRight :: NP sing xs' -> NS f ys -> NS f (Append xs' ys)
    goRight Nil       ys = ys
    goRight (_ :* xs) ys = S (goRight xs ys)

where we use NP sing as an explicit singleton for xs, instead of using SingI from singletons or All from sop-core.

In my experience, using explicit "singletons" (especially in a libraries' internal plumbing) is a lot more convenient than trying to create all required All dictionaries (then you would need to write everything twice, Type and Constraint versions: i.e. for NP and All, or convert back and forth between NP (Dict c) and All c).


module DeFun.Core

module DeFun.Bool

module DeFun.List