-- | The functions in this module implement conversions between 'Decimal' and
-- 'String' as described in the /General Decimal Arithmetic Specification/.
-- Because these functions are also used to implement 'Show' and 'Read' class
-- methods, it is not usually necessary to import this module except to use
-- the 'toEngineeringString' function.

module Numeric.Decimal.Conversion
       ( -- * Numeric string syntax
         -- $numeric-string-syntax

         -- * Conversion to numeric string
       , toEngineeringString

         -- * Conversion from numeric string
       , toNumber
       ) where

import Prelude hiding (exponent)

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Char (isDigit, digitToInt, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP, char, many, many1, option, optional,

import Numeric.Decimal.Number
import Numeric.Decimal.Precision

{- $numeric-string-syntax

(The following description is from the
/General Decimal Arithmetic Specification/.)

Strings which are acceptable for conversion to the abstract representation of
numbers, or which might result from conversion from the abstract
representation to a string, are called /numeric strings/.

A /numeric string/ is a character string that describes either a
/finite number/ or a /special value/.

*   If it describes a /finite number/, it includes one or more decimal
    digits, with an optional decimal point. The decimal point may be embedded
    in the digits, or may be prefixed or suffixed to them. The group of
    digits (and optional point) thus constructed may have an optional sign
    (“@+@” or “@-@”) which must come before any digits or decimal point.

    The string thus described may optionally be followed by an “@E@”
    (indicating an exponential part), an optional sign, and an integer
    following the sign that represents a power of ten that is to be
    applied. The “@E@” may be in uppercase or lowercase.

*   If it describes a /special value/, it is one of the case-independent
    names “@Infinity@”, “@Inf@”, “@NaN@”, or “@sNaN@” (where the first two
    represent /infinity/ and the second two represent /quiet NaN/ and
    /signaling NaN/ respectively). The name may be preceded by an optional
    sign, as for finite numbers. If a NaN, the name may also be followed by
    one or more digits, which encode any diagnostic information.

No blanks or other white space characters are permitted in a numeric string.

== Examples

Some numeric strings are:

>     "0"          -- zero
>     "12"         -- a whole number
>    "-76"         -- a signed whole number
>     "12.70"      -- some decimal places
>     "+0.003"     -- a plus sign is allowed, too
>    "017."        -- the same as 17
>       ".5"       -- the same as 0.5
>     "4E+9"       -- exponential notation
>      "0.73e-7"   -- exponential notation, negative power
>     "Inf"        -- the same as Infinity
>     "-infinity"  -- the same as -Inf
>     "NaN"        -- not-a-Number
>     "NaN8275"    -- diagnostic NaN

== Notes

1. A single period alone or with a sign is not a valid numeric string.
2. A sign alone is not a valid numeric string.
3. Significant (after the decimal point) and insignificant leading zeros
   are permitted.

{- $setup
>>> :load Harness
>>> import Numeric.Decimal.Conversion

{- $doctest
prop> read' toNumber (show' toScientificString  x) == x
prop> read' toNumber (show' toEngineeringString x) == x

-- | Convert a number to a string, using scientific notation if an exponent is
-- needed.
toScientificString :: Decimal p r -> ShowS
toScientificString = showNumber exponential

  where exponential :: Exponent -> String -> Exponent -> ShowS
        exponential e (d1:ds@(_:_)) _ = showChar d1 . showChar '.' .
                                        showString ds . showExponent e
        exponential e     ds        _ = showString ds . showExponent e

{- $doctest-toScientificString

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,0)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (1,123,0)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,1)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,3)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,-1)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,-5)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,-10)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (1,123,-12)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,0,0)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,0,-2)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,0,2)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (1,0,0)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,5,-6)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,50,-7)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ N (0,5,-7)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ I 0

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ I 1

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ Q (0,0)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ Q (0,123)

>>> show' toScientificString $ fromRep $ S (1,0)

-- | Convert a number to a string, using engineering notation if an exponent
-- is needed.
toEngineeringString :: Decimal p r -> ShowS
toEngineeringString = showNumber exponential

  where exponential :: Exponent -> String -> Exponent -> ShowS
        exponential e ds@"0" _ = showString ds' . showExponent (e + adj)
          where adj = (3 - e `mod` 3) `mod` 3
                ds' | adj > 0   = '0' : '.' : replicate (fromIntegral adj) '0'
                    | otherwise = ds
        exponential e ds cl = shift adj (e - adj) ds'
          where adj = e `mod` 3
                ds' | cl - 1 < adj = ds ++
                      replicate (fromIntegral (adj - cl + 1)) '0'
                    | otherwise    = ds

        shift :: Exponent -> Exponent -> String -> ShowS
        shift 2 e (d1:d2:d3:ds@(_:_)) = showChar d1 . showChar d2 .
                                        showChar d3 . showChar '.' .
                                        showString ds . showExponent e

        shift 1 e (d1:d2:ds@(_:_))    = showChar d1 . showChar d2 .
                                        showChar '.' .
                                        showString ds . showExponent e

        shift 0 e (d1:ds@(_:_))       = showChar d1 . showChar '.' .
                                        showString ds . showExponent e

        shift _ e     ds              = showString ds . showExponent e

{- $doctest-toEngineeringString

>>> show' toEngineeringString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,1)

>>> show' toEngineeringString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,3)

>>> show' toEngineeringString $ fromRep $ N (0,123,-10)

>>> show' toEngineeringString $ fromRep $ N (1,123,-12)

>>> show' toEngineeringString $ fromRep $ N (0,7,-7)

>>> show' toEngineeringString $ fromRep $ N (0,7,1)

>>> show' toEngineeringString $ fromRep $ N (0,0,1)

showNumber :: (Exponent -> String -> Exponent -> ShowS)
           -> Decimal p r -> ShowS
showNumber exponential num = signStr . case num of
  Num { coefficient = c, exponent = e }
    | e <= 0 && ae >= -6 -> nonExponential
    | otherwise          -> exponential ae cs cl

    where cs  = show c                   :: String
          cl  = fromIntegral (length cs) :: Exponent
          ae  = e + cl - 1               :: Exponent

          nonExponential :: ShowS
            | e == 0    = showString cs
            | -e < cl   = let (ca, cb) = splitAt (fromIntegral $ cl + e) cs
                          in showString ca . showChar '.' . showString cb
            | otherwise = showChar '0' . showChar '.' .
              showString (replicate (fromIntegral $ -e - cl) '0') .
              showString cs

  Inf  {             } -> showString "Infinity"
  QNaN { payload = p } -> showString  "NaN" . diag p
  SNaN { payload = p } -> showString "sNaN" . diag p

  where signStr :: ShowS
        signStr = case sign num of
          Pos -> id
          Neg -> showChar '-'

        diag :: Payload -> ShowS
        diag 0 = id
        diag d = shows d

showExponent :: Exponent -> ShowS
showExponent e
  | e == 0    = id  -- do not show zero exponent
  | e <  0    = indicator .                exps
  | otherwise = indicator . showChar '+' . exps
  where indicator = showChar 'E' :: ShowS
        exps      = shows e      :: ShowS

-- | Convert a string to a number, as defined by its abstract representation.
-- The string is expected to conform to the numeric string syntax described
-- here.
toNumber :: ReadP (Decimal PInfinite r)
toNumber = parseSign flipSign <*> parseNumericString

  where parseSign :: (a -> a) -> ReadP (a -> a)
        parseSign negate = char '-' *> pure negate
          <|> optional (char '+') *> pure id

        parseNumericString :: ReadP (Decimal p r)
        parseNumericString = parseNumericValue <|> parseNaN

        parseNumericValue :: ReadP (Decimal p r)
        parseNumericValue = parseDecimalPart <*> option 0 parseExponentPart
          <|> parseInfinity

        parseDecimalPart :: ReadP (Exponent -> Decimal p r)
        parseDecimalPart = digitsWithPoint <|> digitsWithOptionalPoint

          where digitsWithPoint = do
                  digits <- many1 parseDigit
                  char '.'
                  fracDigits <- many parseDigit
                  return $ \e ->
                    Num { sign        = Pos
                        , coefficient = readDigits (digits ++ fracDigits)
                        , exponent    = e - fromIntegral (length fracDigits)

                digitsWithOptionalPoint = fractionalDigits <|> wholeDigits

                fractionalDigits = do
                  char '.'
                  fracDigits <- many1 parseDigit
                  return $ \e ->
                    Num { sign        = Pos
                        , coefficient = readDigits fracDigits
                        , exponent    = e - fromIntegral (length fracDigits)

                wholeDigits = do
                  digits <- many1 parseDigit
                  return $ \e -> Num { sign        = Pos
                                     , coefficient = readDigits digits
                                     , exponent    = e

        parseExponentPart :: ReadP Exponent
        parseExponentPart = do
          parseString "E"
          parseSign negate <*> (readDigits <$> many1 parseDigit)

        parseInfinity :: ReadP (Decimal p r)
        parseInfinity = do
          parseString "Inf"
          optional $ parseString "inity"
          return Inf { sign = Pos }

        parseNaN :: ReadP (Decimal p r)
        parseNaN = parseQNaN <|> parseSNaN

        parseQNaN :: ReadP (Decimal p r)
        parseQNaN = do
          p <- parseNaNPayload
          return QNaN { sign = Pos, payload = p }

        parseSNaN :: ReadP (Decimal p r)
        parseSNaN = do
          parseString "s"
          p <- parseNaNPayload
          return SNaN { sign = Pos, payload = p }

        parseNaNPayload :: ReadP Payload
        parseNaNPayload = do
          parseString "NaN"
          readDigits <$> many parseDigit

        parseDigit :: ReadP Int
        parseDigit = digitToInt <$> satisfy isDigit

        parseString :: String -> ReadP ()
        parseString = mapM_ $ \c -> char (toLower c) <|> char (toUpper c)

        readDigits :: Num c => [Int] -> c
        readDigits = foldl' (\a b -> a * 10 + fromIntegral b) 0

{- $doctest-toNumber

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "0"
N (0,0,0)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "0.00"
N (0,0,-2)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "123"
N (0,123,0)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "-123"
N (1,123,0)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "1.23E3"
N (0,123,1)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "1.23E+3"
N (0,123,1)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "12.3E+7"
N (0,123,6)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "12.0"
N (0,120,-1)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "12.3"
N (0,123,-1)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "0.00123"
N (0,123,-5)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "-1.23E-12"
N (1,123,-14)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "1234.5E-4"
N (0,12345,-5)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "-0"
N (1,0,0)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "-0.00"
N (1,0,-2)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "0E+7"
N (0,0,7)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "-0E-7"
N (1,0,-7)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "inf"
I 0

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "+inFiniTy"
I 0

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "-Infinity"
I 1

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "NaN"
Q (0,0)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "-NAN"
Q (1,0)

>>> toRep $ read' toNumber "SNaN"
S (0,0)

XXX toRep $ read' toNumber "Fred"
Q (0,0)