{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- | It is not usually necessary to import this module unless you want to use
-- the arithmetic operations from "Numeric.Decimal.Operation" or you need
-- precise control over the handling of exceptional conditions in an
-- arithmetic computation.

module Numeric.Decimal.Arithmetic
       ( -- * Decimal arithmetic
         -- $decimal-arithmetic

         -- ** Context
       , newContext
       , flags

         -- *** Default contexts
         -- $default-contexts
       , basicDefaultContext
       , extendedDefaultContext

         -- ** The Arith monad
       , Arith
       , runArith
       , evalArith

         -- * Exceptional conditions
         -- $exceptional-conditions
       , Exception
       , exceptionSignal
       , exceptionResult

         -- ** Signals
       , Signal(..)
       , Signals
       , signal
       , signals
       , signalMember

       , raiseSignal
       , clearFlags

         -- ** Traps
       , TrapHandler
       , trap
       ) where

import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(throwError, catchError),
                             ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(get, put), modify, gets,
                            State, runState, evalState)
import Data.Bits (bit, complement, testBit, (.&.), (.|.))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

import Numeric.Decimal.Number
import Numeric.Decimal.Precision
import Numeric.Decimal.Rounding

-- $decimal-arithmetic
-- Decimal arithmetic is performed within a context that maintains state to
-- handle exceptional conditions such as underflow, rounding, or division by
-- zero (cf. 'Signal'). The 'Arith' monad provides a means to evaluate an
-- arithmetic computation and manipulate its 'Context'.

-- | A context for decimal arithmetic, carrying signal flags, trap enabler
-- state, and a trap handler, parameterized by precision @p@ and rounding
-- algorithm @r@
data Context p r =
  Context { flags        :: Signals
                            -- ^ The current signal flags of the context
          , trapHandler  :: TrapHandler p r
                            -- ^ The trap handler function for the context

-- | Return a new context with all signal flags cleared and all traps disabled.
newContext :: Context p r
newContext = Context { flags       = mempty
                     , trapHandler = return . exceptionResult

-- $default-contexts
-- The /General Decimal Arithmetic/ specification defines optional default
-- contexts, which define suitable settings for basic arithmetic and for the
-- extended arithmetic defined by IEEE 854 and IEEE 754.

-- | Return a new context with all signal flags cleared, all traps enabled
-- except for 'Inexact', 'Rounded', and 'Subnormal', using a precision of 9
-- significant decimal digits, and rounding half up. Trapped signals simply
-- call 'throwError' with the corresponding 'Exception', and can be caught
-- using 'catchError'.
basicDefaultContext :: Context P9 RoundHalfUp
basicDefaultContext = newContext { trapHandler = handler }
  where handler e
          | exceptionSignal e `notElem` disabled = throwError e
          | otherwise                            = trapHandler newContext e
        disabled = [Inexact, Rounded, Subnormal]

-- | Return a new context with all signal flags cleared, all traps disabled
-- (IEEE 854 §7), using selectable precision (the IEEE 754 smallest and basic
-- formats correspond to precisions 'P7', 'P16', or 'P34'), and rounding half
-- even (IEEE 754 §4.3.3).
extendedDefaultContext :: Context p RoundHalfEven
extendedDefaultContext = newContext

-- | A representation of an exceptional condition
data Exception p r =
  Exception { exceptionSignal :: Signal
                                 -- ^ The signal raised by the exceptional
                                 -- condition
            , exceptionResult :: Decimal p r
                                 -- ^ The defined result for the exceptional
                                 -- condition
  deriving Show

-- | A decimal arithmetic monad parameterized by the precision @p@ and
-- rounding algorithm @r@
newtype Arith p r a = Arith (ExceptT (Exception p r)
                             (State (Context p r)) a)

instance Functor (Arith p r) where
  fmap f (Arith s) = Arith (fmap f s)

instance Applicative (Arith p r) where
  pure = Arith . pure
  Arith f <*> Arith e = Arith (f <*> e)

instance Monad (Arith p r) where
  Arith e >>= f = Arith (e >>= g)
    where g x = let Arith t = f x in t

instance MonadError (Exception p r) (Arith p r) where
  throwError = Arith . throwError
  catchError (Arith e) f = Arith (catchError e g)
    where g x = let Arith t = f x in t

instance MonadState (Context p r) (Arith p r) where
  get = Arith   get
  put = Arith . put

-- | Evaluate an arithmetic computation in the given context and return the
-- final value (or exception) and resulting context.
runArith :: Arith p r a -> Context p r
         -> (Either (Exception p r) a, Context p r)
runArith (Arith e) = runState (runExceptT e)

-- | Evaluate an arithmetic computation in the given context and return the
-- final value or exception, discarding the resulting context.
evalArith :: Arith p r a -> Context p r -> Either (Exception p r) a
evalArith (Arith e) = evalState (runExceptT e)

-- $exceptional-conditions
-- Exceptional conditions are grouped into signals, which can be controlled
-- individually. A 'Context' contains a flag and a trap enabler (i.e. enabled
-- or disabled) for each 'Signal'.

data Signal
  = Clamped
    -- ^ Raised when the exponent of a result has been altered or constrained
    -- in order to fit the constraints of a specific concrete representation
  | DivisionByZero
    -- ^ Raised when a non-zero dividend is divided by zero
  | Inexact
    -- ^ Raised when a result is not exact (one or more non-zero coefficient
    -- digits were discarded during rounding)
  | InvalidOperation
    -- ^ Raised when a result would be undefined or impossible
  | Overflow
    -- ^ Raised when the exponent of a result is too large to be represented
  | Rounded
    -- ^ Raised when a result has been rounded (that is, some zero or non-zero
    -- coefficient digits were discarded)
  | Subnormal
    -- ^ Raised when a result is subnormal (its adjusted exponent is less than
    -- E/min/), before any rounding
  | Underflow
    -- ^ Raised when a result is both subnormal and inexact
  deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Show)

-- | A group of signals can be manipulated as a set.
newtype Signals = Signals Int
                deriving Eq

instance Show Signals where
  showsPrec d sigs = showParen (d > 10) $
    showString "signals " . showsPrec 11 (signalList sigs)

instance Monoid Signals where
  mempty = Signals 0
  Signals x `mappend` Signals y = Signals (x .|. y)

-- | Create a set of signals from a singleton.
signal :: Signal -> Signals
signal = Signals . bit . fromEnum

-- | Create a set of signals from a list.
signals :: [Signal] -> Signals
signals = mconcat . map signal

-- | Enumerate the given set of signals.
signalList :: Signals -> [Signal]
signalList sigs = filter (`signalMember` sigs) [minBound..maxBound]

-- | Remove the first set of signals from the second.
unsignal :: Signals -> Signals -> Signals
unsignal (Signals u) (Signals ss) = Signals (ss .&. complement u)

-- | Determine whether a signal is a member of a set.
signalMember :: Signal -> Signals -> Bool
signalMember sig (Signals ss) = testBit ss (fromEnum sig)

-- | Set the given signal flag in the context of the current arithmetic
-- computation, and call the trap handler if the trap for this signal is
-- currently enabled.
raiseSignal :: Signal -> Decimal p r -> Arith p r (Decimal p r)
raiseSignal sig n = do
  ctx <- get
  let ctx' = ctx { flags = flags ctx <> signal sig }
  put ctx'
  trapHandler ctx' (Exception sig n)

-- | Clear the given signal flags from the context of the current arithmetic
-- computation.
clearFlags :: Signals -> Arith p r ()
clearFlags sigs = modify $ \ctx -> ctx { flags = unsignal sigs (flags ctx) }

-- | A trap handler function may return a substitute result for the operation
-- that caused the exceptional condition, or it may call 'throwError' to abort
-- the arithmetic computation (or pass control to an enclosing 'catchError'
-- handler).
type TrapHandler p r = Exception p r -> Arith p r (Decimal p r)

-- | Evaluate an arithmetic computation within a modified context that enables
-- the given signals to be trapped by the given handler. The previous trap
-- handler (and enabler state) will be restored during any trap, as well as
-- upon completion. Any existing trap handlers for signals not mentioned
-- remain in effect.
trap :: Signals -> TrapHandler p r -> Arith p r a -> Arith p r a
trap sigs handler arith = do
  origHandler <- gets trapHandler

  let newHandler e = wrapHandler origHandler $
        if exceptionSignal e `signalMember` sigs
        then handler e
        else origHandler e

  wrapHandler newHandler arith `catchError` \e -> do
    setHandler origHandler
    throwError e

  where wrapHandler :: TrapHandler p r -> Arith p r a -> Arith p r a
        wrapHandler handler arith = do
          prevHandler <- gets trapHandler
          setHandler handler
          r <- arith
          setHandler prevHandler
          return r

        setHandler :: TrapHandler p r -> Arith p r ()
        setHandler handler = modify $ \ctx -> ctx { trapHandler = handler }