# Delay Differential Equations (DDE) ## Features * Autonomous DDEs with multiple dynamical variables and multiple delay times * Driven systems (i.e. with external input) * Non-autonomous DDEs (using driven systems with time as external input) * Second and fourth order integration methods * Example models: * [Mackey-Glass](https://github.com/masterdezign/dde/blob/master/examples/MackeyGlass/Main.hs) with no external input * [Driven system](https://github.com/masterdezign/dde/blob/80de41dd8c04c18cf439dee33bc117c96c212699/dde/Numeric/DDE/Model.hs#L60) * [Two delays](https://github.com/masterdezign/dde/blob/master/examples/Chimera/Main.hs) * Pure Haskell ## Acknowledgements * [Justus Sagemüller](https://github.com/leftaroundabout) for making this library faster