{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | Look at type signatures and add quantifiers to bind any free type
--   variables. Also add holes for missing type arguments.
--   Given
-- @
--    mapS (f : a -> S e b) (xx : List a) : S e (List b)
--     = box case xx of
--        Nil        -> Nil
--        Cons x xs  -> Cons (run f x) (run mapS f xs)
-- @
--  We get:
-- @
--    mapS [a e b : ?] (f : a -> S e b) (xx : List a) : S e (List b)
--     = /\(a e b : ?). box case xx of
--        Nil        -> Nil
--        Cons x xs  -> Cons (run f x) (run mapS [?] [?] [?] f xs)
-- @
module DDC.Source.Tetra.Transform.Expand
        ( Config        (..)
        , configDefault
        , Expand        (..))
import DDC.Source.Tetra.Compounds
import DDC.Source.Tetra.Predicates
import DDC.Source.Tetra.DataDef
import DDC.Source.Tetra.Module
import DDC.Source.Tetra.Prim
import DDC.Source.Tetra.Exp
import DDC.Type.Collect
import DDC.Type.Env                     (KindEnv, TypeEnv)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env           as Env
import qualified Data.Set               as Set

-- | Expander configuration.
data Config l
        = Config
        { -- | Make a type hole of the given kind.
          configMakeTypeHole    :: Kind (GName l) -> Type (GName l) }

-- | Default expander configuration.
configDefault :: GName l ~ Name => Config l
        = Config
        { configMakeTypeHole    = \k -> TVar (UPrim NameHole k)}

type ExpandLanguage l
        = ( Ord (GName l)
          , GBind  l ~ Bind  (GName l)
          , GBound l ~ Bound (GName l))

class ExpandLanguage l => Expand (c :: * -> *) l where
 -- | Add quantifiers to the types of binders. Also add holes for missing
 --   type arguments.
        :: Ord (GName l) 
        => Config l
        -> KindEnv (GName l) -> TypeEnv (GName l)
        -> c l -> c l

instance ExpandLanguage l => Expand Module l where
 expand = expandM

expandM config kenv tenv mm
  = let 
        -- Add quantifiers to the types of bindings, and also slurp
        -- out the contribution to the top-level environment from each binding.
        --   We need to do this in an initial binding because each top-level
        --   thing is in-scope of all the others.
        preTop p
         = case p of
                TopClause a (SLet _ b [] [GExp x])
                 -> let (b', x') = expandQuant a config kenv (b, x)
                    in  ( TopClause a (SLet a b' [] [GExp x'])
                        , Env.singleton b')

                TopData _ def
                 -> (p, typeEnvOfDataDef def)

                -- Clauses should have already desugared.
                _ -> error "source-tetra.expand: can't expand sugared TopClause."

        (tops_quant, tenvs)
                = unzip $ map preTop $ moduleTops mm

        -- Build the compound top-level environment.
        tenv'           = Env.unions $ tenv : tenvs

        -- Expand all the top-level definitions.
        tops'           = map (expand config kenv tenv')
                        $ tops_quant

    in  mm { moduleTops = tops' }

instance ExpandLanguage l => Expand Top l where
 expand = expandT

expandT config kenv tenv top
  = case top of
        TopClause a1 (SLet a2 b [] [GExp x])
         -> let tenv'   = Env.extend b tenv
                x'      = expand config kenv tenv' x
            in  TopClause a1 (SLet a2 b [] [GExp x'])

        TopData{} -> top

        -- Clauses should have already been desugared.
        _   -> error "source-tetra.expand: can't expand sugared TopClause."

instance ExpandLanguage l => Expand GExp l where
 expand = downX

downX config kenv tenv xx
  = case xx of

        -- Invoke the expander --------
         ->     expandApp config kenv tenv xx []

         ->     expandApp config kenv tenv xx []

         ->     expandApp config kenv tenv xx []

         | (x1, xas)     <- takeXAppsWithAnnots xx
         -> if isXVar x1 || isXCon x1
             -- If the function is a variable or constructor then try to expand
             -- extra arguments in the application.
             then let   xas'    = [ (expand config kenv tenv x, a) | (x, a) <- xas ]
                  in    expandApp config kenv tenv x1 xas'

             -- Otherwise just apply the original arguments.
             else let   x1'     = expand config kenv tenv x1
                        xas'    = [ (expand config kenv tenv x, a) | (x, a) <- xas ]
                  in    makeXAppsWithAnnots x1' xas'

        XLet a (LLet b x1) x2
         -> let 
                -- Add missing quantifiers to the types of let-bindings.
                (b_quant, x1_quant)
                        = expandQuant a config kenv (b, x1)

                tenv'   = Env.extend b_quant tenv
                x1'     = expand config kenv tenv' x1_quant
                x2'     = expand config kenv tenv' x2
            in  XLet a (LLet b x1') x2'

        XLet a (LRec bxs) x2
         -> let 
                (bs_quant, xs_quant)
                        = unzip
                        $ [expandQuant a config kenv (b, x) | (b, x) <- bxs]

                tenv'   = Env.extends bs_quant tenv
                xs'     = map (expand config kenv tenv') xs_quant
                x2'     = expand config kenv tenv' x2
            in  XLet a (LRec (zip bs_quant xs')) x2'

        -- LGroups need to be desugared first because any quantifiers
        -- we add to the front of a function binding need to scope over
        -- all the clauses related to that binding.
        XLet a (LGroup [SLet _ b [] [GExp x1]]) x2
         -> expand config kenv tenv (XLet a (LLet b x1) x2)

        -- This should have already been desugared.
        XLet _ (LGroup{}) _
         -> error $ "ddc-source-tetra.expand: can't expand sugared LGroup."

        -- Boilerplate ----------------
        XLAM a b x
         -> let kenv'   = Env.extend b kenv
                x'      = expand config kenv' tenv x
            in  XLAM a b x'

        XLam a b x
         -> let tenv'   = Env.extend b tenv
                x'      = expand config kenv tenv' x
            in  XLam a b x'

        XLet a (LPrivate bts mR bxs) x2
         -> let tenv'   = Env.extends bts kenv
                kenv'   = Env.extends bxs tenv
                x2'     = expand config kenv' tenv' x2
            in  XLet a (LPrivate bts mR bxs) x2'

        XCase a x alts  -> XCase a   (downX config kenv tenv x)   
                                     (map (downA config kenv tenv) alts)
        XCast a c x     -> XCast a c (downX config kenv tenv x)
        XType{}         -> xx
        XWitness{}      -> xx
        XDefix a xs     -> XDefix a  (map (downX config kenv tenv) xs)
        XInfixOp{}      -> xx
        XInfixVar{}     -> xx

instance ExpandLanguage l => Expand GAlt l where
 expand = downA

downA config kenv tenv alt
  = case alt of
        AAlt p gsx
         -> let tenv'   = extendPat p tenv
                gsx'    = map (expand config kenv tenv') gsx
            in  AAlt p gsx'

instance ExpandLanguage l => Expand GGuardedExp l where
 expand = downGX

downGX config kenv tenv (GGuard g x)
  = let g'      = expand config kenv tenv g
        tenv'   = extendGuard g' tenv
    in  GGuard g' (expand config kenv tenv' x)

downGX config kenv tenv (GExp x)
  = let x'      = expand config kenv tenv x
    in  GExp x'

instance ExpandLanguage l => Expand GGuard l where
 expand = downG

downG config kenv tenv gg
  = case gg of
        GPat p x
         -> let tenv'   = extendPat p tenv
                x'      = expand config kenv tenv' x
            in  GPat  p x'

        GPred x
         -> let x'      = expand config kenv tenv x
            in  GPred x'

         -> GDefault 

-- | Extend a type environment with the variables bound by the given pattern.
        :: ExpandLanguage l
        => GPat l -> TypeEnv (GName l) -> TypeEnv (GName l)
extendPat ww tenv
 = case ww of
        PDefault        -> tenv
        PData _  bs     -> Env.extends bs tenv

-- | Extend a type environment with the variables bound by the given guard.
        :: ExpandLanguage l
        => GGuard l -> TypeEnv (GName l) -> TypeEnv (GName l)
extendGuard gg tenv
 = case gg of
        GPat w _        -> extendPat w tenv
        _               -> tenv

-- | Expand missing quantifiers in types of bindings.
--   If a binding mentions type variables that are not in scope then add new
--   quantifiers to its type, as well as matching type lambdas.
        :: ExpandLanguage l
        => GAnnot l             -- ^ Annotation to use on new type lambdas.
        -> Config l             -- ^ Expander configuration.
        -> KindEnv  (GName l)   -- ^ Current kind environment.
        -> (GBind l, GExp l)    -- ^ Binder and expression of binding.
        -> (GBind l, GExp l)

expandQuant a config kenv (b, x)
 | fvs  <- freeVarsT kenv (typeOfBind b)
 , not $ Set.null fvs
 = let  
        -- Make binders for each of the free type variables.
        --   We set these to holes so the Core type inferencer will determine
        --   their kinds for us.
        kHole   = configMakeTypeHole config sComp
        makeBind u
         = case u of 
                UName n         -> Just $ BName n kHole
                UIx{}           -> Just $ BAnon kHole
                _               -> Nothing

        Just bsNew = sequence $ map makeBind $ Set.toList fvs

        -- Attach quantifiers to the front of the old type.
        t'      = foldr TForall  (typeOfBind b) bsNew
        b'      = replaceTypeOfBind t' b

        -- Attach type lambdas to the front of the expression.
        x'      = foldr (XLAM a) x bsNew

   in   (b', x')

 | otherwise
 = (b, x)

-- | Expand missing type arguments in applications.
--   The thing being applied needs to be a variable or data constructor
--   so we can look up its type in the environment. Given the type, look
--   at the quantifiers out the front and insert new type applications if
--   the expression is missing them.
        :: ExpandLanguage l
        => Config l             -- ^ Expander configuration.
        -> KindEnv (GName l)    -- ^ Current kind environment.
        -> TypeEnv (GName l)    -- ^ Current type environment.
        -> GExp l               -- ^ Functional expression being applied.
        -> [(GExp l, GAnnot l)] -- ^ Function arguments.
        -> GExp l

expandApp config _kenv tenv x0 xas0
 | Just (a, u)  <- slurpVarConBound x0
 , Just tt      <- Env.lookup u tenv 
 , not $ isBot tt
 = let
        go t xas
         = case (t, xas) of
                (TForall _b t2, (x1@(XType _ _t1'), a1) : xas')
                 ->     (x1, a1) : go t2 xas'

                (TForall b t2, xas')
                 -> let k       = typeOfBind b
                        Just a0 = takeAnnotOfExp x0
                        xh      = XType a0 (configMakeTypeHole config k)
                    in  (xh, a) : go t2 xas'

                _ -> xas

                = go tt xas0

   in   makeXAppsWithAnnots x0 xas_expanded

 | otherwise
 = makeXAppsWithAnnots x0 xas0

-- | Slurp a `Bound` from and `XVar` or `XCon`. 
--   Named data constructors are converted to `UName`s.
        :: GBound l ~ Bound (GName l)
        => GExp l 
        -> Maybe (GAnnot l, GBound l)
slurpVarConBound xx
 = case xx of
        XVar a u -> Just (a, u)
        XCon a dc 
         | DaConBound n   <- dc -> Just (a, UName n)
         | DaConPrim  n t <- dc -> Just (a, UPrim n t)
        _       -> Nothing