-- | Add possible Const and Distinct witnesses that aren't
--   otherwise in the program.
module DDC.Core.Transform.Elaborate
       ( elaborateModule
       , elaborateX )
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import DDC.Data.ListUtils
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List

-- | Elaborate witnesses in a module.
elaborateModule :: Eq n => Module a n -> Module a n
elaborateModule mm 
        = mm { moduleBody = elaborate [] $ moduleBody mm }

-- | Elaborate witnesses in an expression.
elaborateX :: Eq n => Exp a n -> Exp a n
elaborateX xx
        = elaborate [] xx

class Elaborate (c :: * -> *) where
  elaborate :: Eq n => [Bound n] -> c n -> c n

instance Elaborate (Exp a) where
 elaborate us xx
  = {-# SCC elaborate #-}
    let down = elaborate us 
    in case xx of
        XVar{}            -> xx
        XCon{}            -> xx    
        XLAM  a b    x    -> XLAM a b (down x)
        XLam  a b    x    -> XLam a b (down x)
        XApp  a x1   x2   -> XApp a (down x1) (down x2)

        XLet  a lts  x2 
         -> let (us', lts') = elaborateLets us lts
            in  XLet a lts' (elaborate us' x2)
        XCase a x    alts -> XCase a (down x) (map down alts)
        XCast a cst  x2   -> XCast a (down cst) (down x2)
        XType{}           -> xx
        XWitness{}        -> xx

instance Elaborate (Cast a) where
 elaborate us cst 
  = case cst of
        CastWeakenClosure es
          -> CastWeakenClosure $ map (elaborate us) es 
        _ -> cst

instance Elaborate (Alt a) where
  elaborate us (AAlt p x) = AAlt p (elaborate us x) 

-- | Elaborate witnesses in some let-bindings.
        :: Eq n 
        => [Bound n]            -- ^ Witness bindings in the environment.
        -> Lets a n             -- ^ Elaborate these let bindings.
        -> ([Bound n], Lets a n)

elaborateLets us lts 
 = let down = elaborate us 
   in case lts of
        LLet m b x -> (us, LLet m b (down x))
        LRec bs    -> (us, LRec $ map (second down) bs)

        LLetRegions brs bws
         |  urs@(_:_) <- takeSubstBoundsOfBinds brs
         -> let 
                -- Mutable regions bound here.
                rsMutable       = catMaybes 
                                $ map (takeMutableRegion . typeOfBind) bws

                -- Make a new const witness for all non-mutable regions.
                constWits       = map makeConstWit 
                                $ urs \\ rsMutable

                -- Make a new distinct witness against all regions
                -- in the environment.
                Just ursTail    = takeTail urs
                distinctWits    = map makeDistinctWit 
                                $  liftM2 (,) us   urs
                                ++ zip        urs  ursTail

            in  ( us ++ urs
                , LLetRegions brs $ bws ++ distinctWits ++ constWits )

        _          -> (us, lts)

makeConstWit u
        = BNone $ tConst (TVar u)        

makeDistinctWit (u1,u2)
        = BNone $ tDistinct 2 [TVar u1, TVar u2]

takeMutableRegion tt
 = case takeTyConApps tt of
        Just (TyConWitness TwConMutable, [TVar u]) -> Just u
        _                                          -> Nothing