-- | Convert Salt types to LLVM types.
module DDC.Core.Llvm.Convert.Type
        ( -- * Type conversion.
        , convertSuperType
        , importedFunctionDeclOfType

          -- * Builtin Types
        , tObj, sObj,  aObj
        , tPtr, tAddr, tNat, tInt, tTag

          -- * Type Constructors
        , convTyCon

          -- * Predicates
        , isVoidT
        , isSignedT
        , isUnsignedT
        , isIntegralT
        , isFloatingT)
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Type
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Attr
import DDC.Core.Llvm.LlvmM
import DDC.Core.Salt.Platform
import DDC.Core.Llvm.Convert.Erase
import DDC.Type.Env
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import DDC.Type.Predicates
import DDC.Core.Salt                    as A
import DDC.Core.Salt.Name               as A
import qualified DDC.Core.Module        as C
import qualified DDC.Core.Exp           as C
import qualified DDC.Type.Env           as Env

-- Type -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Convert a Salt type to an LlvmType.
convertType :: Platform -> KindEnv Name -> C.Type Name -> Type
convertType pp kenv tt
 = case tt of
        -- A polymorphic type,
        -- represented as a generic boxed object.
        C.TVar u
         -> case Env.lookup u kenv of
             Nothing            -> die $ "Type variable not in kind environment." ++ show u
             Just k
              | isDataKind k    -> TPointer (tObj pp)
              | otherwise       -> die "Invalid type variable."

        -- A primitive type.
        C.TCon tc
          -> convTyCon pp tc

        -- A pointer to a primitive type.
         | Just (NamePrimTyCon PrimTyConPtr, [_r, t2]) 
                <- takePrimTyConApps tt
         -> TPointer (convertType pp kenv t2)

        -- Function types become pointers to functions.
         |  (tsArgs, tResult)    <- convertSuperType pp kenv tt
         -> TPointer $ TFunction 
         $  FunctionDecl
             { declName          = "dummy.function.name"
             , declLinkage       = Internal
             , declCallConv      = CC_Ccc
             , declReturnType    = tResult
             , declParamListType = FixedArgs
             , declParams        = [Param t [] | t <- tsArgs]
             , declAlign         = AlignBytes (platformAlignBytes pp) }
        C.TForall b t
         -> let kenv'   = Env.extend b kenv
            in  convertType pp kenv' t
        _ -> die ("Invalid Type " ++ show tt)

-- Super Type -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Split the parameter and result types from a supercombinator type and
--   and convert them to LLVM form. 
--   We can't split the type first and just call 'convertType' above as we need
--   to decend into any quantifiers that wrap the body type.
        :: Platform
        -> KindEnv Name
        -> C.Type  Name
        -> ([Type], Type)

convertSuperType pp kenv tt
 = let tt' = eraseWitTApps tt
   in  case tt' of
             |  (tsArgs, tResult)    <- takeTFunArgResult tt'
             ,  not $ null tsArgs
             -> let tsArgs'  = map (convertType pp kenv) tsArgs
                    tResult' = convertType pp kenv tResult
                in  (tsArgs', tResult')

            C.TForall b t
             -> let kenv' = Env.extend b kenv
                in  convertSuperType pp kenv' t

            _ -> die ("Invalid super type" ++ show tt')

-- Imports --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Convert an imported function type to a LLVM declaration.
        :: Platform
        -> KindEnv Name
        -> Linkage 
        -> C.QualName Name 
        -> C.Type Name 
        -> Maybe FunctionDecl

importedFunctionDeclOfType pp kenv linkage (C.QualName _ (NameVar n)) tt
 = let  (tsArgs, tResult)         = convertSuperType pp kenv tt
        mkParam t                 = Param t []
   in   Just $ FunctionDecl
             { declName           = A.sanitizeGlobal n
             , declLinkage        = linkage
             , declCallConv       = CC_Ccc
             , declReturnType     = tResult
             , declParamListType  = FixedArgs
             , declParams         = map mkParam tsArgs
             , declAlign          = AlignBytes (platformAlignBytes pp) }

importedFunctionDeclOfType _ _ _ _ _
        = Nothing

-- TyCon ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Convert a Sea TyCon to a LlvmType.
convTyCon :: Platform -> C.TyCon Name -> Type
convTyCon platform tycon
 = case tycon of
        C.TyConBound (C.UPrim NameObjTyCon _) _
         -> tObj platform

        C.TyConBound (C.UPrim (NamePrimTyCon tc) _) _
         -> case tc of
                PrimTyConVoid           -> TVoid
                PrimTyConBool           -> TInt 1
                PrimTyConNat            -> TInt (8 * platformAddrBytes platform)
                PrimTyConInt            -> TInt (8 * platformAddrBytes platform)
                PrimTyConWord bits      -> TInt (fromIntegral bits)
                PrimTyConTag            -> TInt (8 * platformTagBytes  platform)
                PrimTyConAddr           -> TInt (8 * platformAddrBytes platform)
                PrimTyConString         -> TPointer (TInt 8)

                PrimTyConFloat bits
                 -> case bits of
                        32              -> TFloat
                        64              -> TDouble
                        80              -> TFloat80
                        128             -> TFloat128
                        _               -> die "Invalid width for float type constructor."

                _                       -> die "Invalid primitive type constructor."

        _ -> die "Invalid type constructor."

-- | Type of Heap objects.
sObj, tObj :: Platform -> Type
sObj platform   = TStruct [TInt (8 * platformObjBytes platform)]
tObj platform   = TAlias (aObj platform)

aObj :: Platform -> TypeAlias
aObj platform   = TypeAlias "s.Obj" (sObj platform)

-- | Alias for pointer type.
tPtr :: Type -> Type
tPtr t = TPointer t

-- | Alias for address type.
tAddr :: Platform -> Type
tAddr pp = TInt (8 * platformAddrBytes pp)

-- | Alias for natural numner type.
tNat :: Platform -> Type
tNat pp = TInt (8 * platformAddrBytes pp)

-- | Alias for machine integer type.
tInt :: Platform -> Type
tInt pp = TInt (8 * platformAddrBytes pp)

-- | Alias for address type.
tTag :: Platform -> Type
tTag pp = TInt (8 * platformTagBytes  pp)

-- Predicates -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Check whether this is the Void# type.
isVoidT :: C.Type A.Name -> Bool
isVoidT (C.TCon (C.TyConBound (C.UPrim (A.NamePrimTyCon A.PrimTyConVoid) _) _)) = True
isVoidT _ = False

-- | Check whether some type is signed: IntN or FloatN.
isSignedT :: C.Type A.Name -> Bool
isSignedT tt
 = case tt of
        C.TCon (C.TyConBound (C.UPrim (A.NamePrimTyCon tc) _) _)
          -> A.primTyConIsSigned tc
        _ -> False

-- | Check whether some type is unsigned: NatN or WordN
isUnsignedT :: C.Type A.Name -> Bool
isUnsignedT tt
 = case tt of
        C.TCon (C.TyConBound (C.UPrim (A.NamePrimTyCon tc) _) _)
          -> A.primTyConIsUnsigned tc
        _ -> False

-- | Check whether some type is an integral type. Nat, Int, WordN or Addr
isIntegralT :: C.Type A.Name -> Bool
isIntegralT tt
 = case tt of
        C.TCon (C.TyConBound (C.UPrim (A.NamePrimTyCon tc) _) _)
          -> A.primTyConIsIntegral tc
        _ -> False

-- | Check whether some type is an integral type. Nat, IntN or WordN.
isFloatingT :: C.Type A.Name -> Bool
isFloatingT tt
 = case tt of
        C.TCon (C.TyConBound (C.UPrim (A.NamePrimTyCon tc) _) _)
          -> A.primTyConIsFloating tc
        _ -> False