-- | Type checker for witness expressions.
module DDC.Core.Check.Witness
        ( checkWitness
        , checkWitnessM
        , typeOfWitness
        , typeOfWiCon)
import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot.AnT
import DDC.Core.Check.Error
import DDC.Core.Check.ErrorMessage              ()
import DDC.Core.Check.Base
import DDC.Type.Transform.SubstituteT
import qualified DDC.Type.Env                   as Env

-- Wrappers --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Check a witness.
--   If it's good, you get a new version with types attached to all the bound
--   variables, as well as the type of the overall witness.
--   If it's bad, you get a description of the error.
--   The returned expression has types attached to all variable occurrences,
--   so you can call `typeOfWitness` on any open subterm.
--   The kinds and types of primitives are added to the environments
--   automatically, you don't need to supply these as part of the
--   starting environments.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config n             -- ^ Static configuration.
        -> KindEnv n            -- ^ Starting Kind Environment.
        -> TypeEnv n            -- ^ Strating Type Environment.
        -> Witness a n          -- ^ Witness to check.
        -> Either (Error a n)
                  ( Witness (AnT a n) n
                  , Type n)

checkWitness config kenv tenv xx
        = evalCheck (mempty, 0, 0)
        $ checkWitnessM config kenv tenv emptyContext xx

-- | Like `checkWitness`, but check in an empty environment.
--   As this function is not given an environment, the types of free variables
--   must be attached directly to the bound occurrences.
--   This attachment is performed by `checkWitness` above.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config n
        -> Witness a n
        -> Either (Error a n) (Type n)

typeOfWitness config ww
 = case checkWitness config Env.empty Env.empty ww of
        Left  err       -> Left err
        Right (_, t)    -> Right t

-- | Like `checkWitness` but using the `CheckM` monad to manage errors.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config n             -- ^ Data type definitions.
        -> KindEnv n            -- ^ Kind environment.
        -> TypeEnv n            -- ^ Type environment.
        -> Context n            -- ^ Input context
        -> Witness a n          -- ^ Witness to check.
        -> CheckM a n
                ( Witness (AnT a n) n
                , Type n)

checkWitnessM !_config !_kenv !tenv !ctx (WVar a u)
 -- Witness is defined locally.
 | Just t       <- lookupType u ctx
 = return ( WVar (AnT t a) u, t)

 -- Witness is defined globally.
 | Just t       <- Env.lookup u tenv
 = return ( WVar (AnT t a) u, t)

 | otherwise
 = throw $ ErrorUndefinedVar a u UniverseWitness

checkWitnessM !_config !_kenv !_tenv !_ctx (WCon a wc)
 = let  t'       = typeOfWiCon wc
   in   return  ( WCon (AnT t' a) wc
                , t')

-- witness-type application
checkWitnessM !config !kenv !tenv !ctx ww@(WApp a1 w1 (WType a2 t2))
 = do   (w1', t1)       <- checkWitnessM  config kenv tenv ctx w1
        (t2', k2, _)    <- checkTypeM     config kenv ctx UniverseSpec t2 Recon
        case t1 of
         TForall b11 t12
          |  typeOfBind b11 == k2
          -> let t'     = substituteT b11 t2' t12
             in  return ( WApp (AnT t' a1) w1' (WType (AnT k2 a2) t2')
                        , t')

          | otherwise   -> throw $ ErrorWAppMismatch a1 ww (typeOfBind b11) k2
         _              -> throw $ ErrorWAppNotCtor  a1 ww t1 t2'

-- witness-witness application
checkWitnessM !config !kenv !tenv !ctx ww@(WApp a w1 w2)
 = do   (w1', t1)       <- checkWitnessM config kenv tenv ctx w1
        (w2', t2)       <- checkWitnessM config kenv tenv ctx w2
        case t1 of
         TApp (TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConImpl)) t11) t12
          |  t11 == t2
          -> return ( WApp (AnT t12 a) w1' w2'
                    , t12)

          | otherwise   -> throw $ ErrorWAppMismatch a ww t11 t2
         _              -> throw $ ErrorWAppNotCtor  a ww t1 t2

-- embedded types
checkWitnessM !config !kenv !_tenv !ctx (WType a t)
 = do   (t', k, _)  <- checkTypeM config kenv ctx UniverseSpec t Recon
        return  ( WType (AnT k a) t'
                , k)

-- | Take the type of a witness constructor.
typeOfWiCon :: WiCon n -> Type n
typeOfWiCon wc
 = case wc of
    WiConBound _ t  -> t