module DDC.Core.Collect.Support
        ( Support       (..)
        , SupportX      (..))
import DDC.Core.Compounds
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Type.Collect.FreeT
import Data.Set                 (Set)
import DDC.Type.Env             (KindEnv, TypeEnv)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env   as Env
import qualified Data.Set       as Set
import Data.Monoid

data Support n
        = Support
        { -- | Type constructors used in the expression.
          supportTyCon          :: Set (Bound n)

          -- | Type constructors used in the argument of a value-type application.
        , supportTyConXArg      :: Set (Bound n)

          -- | Free spec variables in an expression.
        , supportSpVar          :: Set (Bound n)

          -- | Type constructors used in the argument of a value-type application.
        , supportSpVarXArg      :: Set (Bound n)

          -- | Free witness variables in an expression.
          --   (from the Witness universe)
        , supportWiVar          :: Set (Bound n)

          -- | Free value variables in an expression.
          --   (from the Data universe)
        , supportDaVar          :: Set (Bound n) }
        deriving Show

instance Ord n => Monoid (Support n) where
 mempty = Support
        { supportTyCon          = Set.empty
        , supportTyConXArg      = Set.empty
        , supportSpVar          = Set.empty
        , supportSpVarXArg      = Set.empty
        , supportWiVar          = Set.empty
        , supportDaVar          = Set.empty }

 mappend sp1 sp2
        = Support
        { supportTyCon          = Set.unions [supportTyCon sp1,     supportTyCon sp2]
        , supportTyConXArg      = Set.unions [supportTyConXArg sp1, supportTyConXArg sp2]
        , supportSpVar          = Set.unions [supportSpVar sp1,     supportSpVar sp2]
        , supportSpVarXArg      = Set.unions [supportSpVarXArg sp1, supportSpVarXArg sp2]
        , supportWiVar          = Set.unions [supportWiVar sp1,     supportWiVar sp2]
        , supportDaVar          = Set.unions [supportDaVar sp1,     supportDaVar sp2] }

class SupportX (c :: * -> *) where
        :: Ord n
        => KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n
        -> c n
        -> Support n

instance SupportX Type where
 support kenv _tenv t
  = let (fvs1, tcs)     = freeVarConT kenv t
    in  mempty  { supportTyCon  = tcs
                , supportSpVar  = fvs1 }

instance SupportX Bind where
 support kenv tenv b
  = support kenv tenv 
  $ typeOfBind b

instance SupportX (Exp a) where
 support kenv tenv xx
  = case xx of
        XVar _ u        
         | Env.member u tenv    -> mempty
         | otherwise            -> mempty { supportDaVar = Set.singleton u}

         -> mempty

        XLAM _ b x
         -> support kenv tenv b 
         <> support (Env.extend b kenv) tenv x

        XLam _ b x
         -> support kenv tenv b
         <> support kenv (Env.extend b tenv) x

        XApp _ x1 x2
         -> let s1              = support kenv tenv x1 
                s2              = support kenv tenv x2
            in  mappend s1 s2

        XLet _a lts x2
         -> let s1              = support kenv tenv lts
                (bs1, bs0)      = bindsOfLets lts
                kenv'           = Env.extends bs1 kenv
                tenv'           = Env.extends bs0 tenv
                s2              = support kenv' tenv' x2
            in  mappend s1 s2

        XCase _ x1 alts
         -> let s1              = support kenv tenv x1
                ss              = mconcat $ map (support kenv tenv) alts
            in  mappend s1 ss

        XCast _ c1 x2
         -> let s1              = support kenv tenv c1
                s2              = support kenv tenv x2
            in  mappend s1 s2

        XType t 
         -> let sup = support kenv tenv t
            in  sup { supportTyConXArg  = supportTyCon sup
                    , supportSpVarXArg  = supportSpVar sup }

        XWitness w      -> support kenv tenv w

instance SupportX (Alt a) where
 support kenv tenv aa
  = case aa of
        AAlt PDefault x
         -> support kenv tenv x

        AAlt (PData _dc bs0) x
         -> let tenv'   = Env.extends bs0 tenv
            in  support kenv tenv' x

instance SupportX Witness where
 support kenv tenv ww
  = case ww of
        WVar u
         | Env.member u tenv    -> mempty
         | otherwise            -> mempty { supportWiVar = Set.singleton u }

         -> mempty

        WApp w1 w2
         -> support kenv tenv w1
         <> support kenv tenv w2

        WJoin w1 w2
         -> support kenv tenv w1
         <> support kenv tenv w2

        WType t
         -> support kenv tenv t

instance SupportX (Cast a) where
 support kenv tenv cc
  = case cc of
        CastWeakenEffect eff
         -> support kenv tenv eff

        CastWeakenClosure xs
         -> mconcat $ map (support kenv tenv) xs

        CastPurify w
         -> support kenv tenv w

        CastForget w
         -> support kenv tenv w

instance SupportX (Lets a) where
 support kenv tenv lts
  = case lts of
        LLet m b x
         -> support kenv tenv m
         <> support kenv tenv b
         <> support kenv (Env.extend b tenv) x

        LRec bxs
         -> (mconcat $ map (support kenv tenv) $ map fst bxs)
         <> (let tenv' = Env.extends (map fst bxs) tenv
             in  mconcat $ map (support kenv tenv') $ map snd bxs)

        LLetRegions bs ws
         -> (mconcat $ map (support kenv tenv) bs)
         <> (let kenv' = Env.extends bs kenv
             in  mconcat $ map (support kenv' tenv) ws)

        LWithRegion u
         | Env.member u kenv    -> mempty
         | otherwise            -> mempty { supportSpVar = Set.singleton u }

instance SupportX LetMode where
 support kenv tenv mm
  = case mm of
        LetStrict               -> mempty
        LetLazy Nothing         -> mempty
        LetLazy (Just w)        -> support kenv tenv w