-- Copyright (C) 2009-2012 John Millikin <john@john-millikin.com>
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

-- | Basic types, useful to every D-Bus application.
-- Authors of client applications should import "DBus.Client", which provides
-- an easy RPC-oriented interface to D-Bus methods and signals.
module DBus
    -- * Messages

    -- ** Method calls
    , MethodCall
    , methodCall
    , methodCallPath
    , methodCallInterface
    , methodCallMember
    , methodCallSender
    , methodCallDestination
    , methodCallAutoStart
    , methodCallReplyExpected
    , methodCallBody

    -- ** Method returns
    , MethodReturn
    , methodReturn
    , methodReturnSerial
    , methodReturnSender
    , methodReturnDestination
    , methodReturnBody

    -- ** Method errors
    , MethodError
    , methodError
    , methodErrorName
    , methodErrorSerial
    , methodErrorSender
    , methodErrorDestination
    , methodErrorBody
    , methodErrorMessage

    -- ** Signals
    , Signal
    , signal
    , signalPath
    , signalMember
    , signalInterface
    , signalSender
    , signalDestination
    , signalBody

    -- ** Received messages
    , ReceivedMessage(ReceivedMethodCall, ReceivedMethodReturn, ReceivedMethodError, ReceivedSignal)
    , receivedMessageSerial
    , receivedMessageSender
    , receivedMessageBody

    -- * Variants
    , Variant
    , IsVariant(..)
    , variantType

    , IsAtom
    , IsValue
    , typeOf

    -- * Signatures
    , Signature
    , Type(..)
    , signature
    , signature_
    , signatureTypes
    , formatSignature
    , parseSignature

    -- * Object paths
    , ObjectPath
    , objectPath_
    , formatObjectPath
    , parseObjectPath

    -- * Names

    -- ** Interface names
    , InterfaceName
    , interfaceName_
    , formatInterfaceName
    , parseInterfaceName

    -- ** Member names
    , MemberName
    , memberName_
    , formatMemberName
    , parseMemberName

    -- ** Error names
    , ErrorName
    , errorName_
    , formatErrorName
    , parseErrorName

    -- ** Bus names
    , BusName
    , busName_
    , formatBusName
    , parseBusName

    -- * Non-native containers

    -- ** Structures
    , Structure
    , structureItems

    -- ** Arrays
    , Array
    , arrayItems

    -- ** Dictionaries
    , Dictionary
    , dictionaryItems

    -- * Addresses
    , Address
    , addressMethod
    , addressParameters
    , address
    , formatAddress
    , formatAddresses
    , parseAddress
    , parseAddresses
    , getSystemAddress
    , getSessionAddress
    , getStarterAddress

    -- * Message marshaling
    , Endianness (..)

    -- ** Marshal
    , marshal
    , MarshalError
    , marshalErrorMessage

    -- ** Unmarshal
    , unmarshal
    , UnmarshalError
    , unmarshalErrorMessage

    -- ** Message serials
    , Serial
    , serialValue
    , firstSerial
    , nextSerial

    -- * D-Bus UUIDs
    , UUID
    , formatUUID
    , randomUUID
    ) where

import           Control.Monad (replicateM)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import           Data.Word (Word16)
import           System.Random (randomRIO)
import           Text.Printf (printf)

import           DBus.Internal.Address
import           DBus.Internal.Message
import qualified DBus.Internal.Types
import           DBus.Internal.Types hiding (typeOf)
import           DBus.Internal.Wire

-- | Get the D-Bus type corresponding to the given Haskell value. The value
-- may be @undefined@.
typeOf :: IsValue a => a -> Type
typeOf = DBus.Internal.Types.typeOf

-- | Construct a new 'MethodCall' for the given object, interface, and method.
-- Use fields such as 'methodCallDestination' and 'methodCallBody' to populate
-- a 'MethodCall'.
-- @
--{-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#-}
--methodCall \"/\" \"org.example.Math\" \"Add\"
--    { 'methodCallDestination' = Just \"org.example.Calculator\"
--    , 'methodCallBody' = ['toVariant' (1 :: Int32), 'toVariant' (2 :: Int32)]
--    }
-- @
methodCall :: ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> MethodCall
methodCall path iface member = MethodCall path (Just iface) member Nothing Nothing True True []

-- | Construct a new 'MethodReturn', in reply to a method call with the given
-- serial.
-- Use fields such as 'methodReturnBody' to populate a 'MethodReturn'.
methodReturn :: Serial -> MethodReturn
methodReturn s = MethodReturn s Nothing Nothing []

-- | Construct a new 'MethodError', in reply to a method call with the given
-- serial.
-- Use fields such as 'methodErrorBody' to populate a 'MethodError'.
methodError :: Serial -> ErrorName -> MethodError
methodError s name = MethodError name s Nothing Nothing []

-- | Construct a new 'Signal' for the given object, interface, and signal name.
-- Use fields such as 'signalBody' to populate a 'Signal'.
signal :: ObjectPath -> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> Signal
signal path iface member = Signal path iface member Nothing Nothing []

-- | No matter what sort of message was received, get its serial.
receivedMessageSerial :: ReceivedMessage -> Serial
receivedMessageSerial (ReceivedMethodCall s _) = s
receivedMessageSerial (ReceivedMethodReturn s _) = s
receivedMessageSerial (ReceivedMethodError s _) = s
receivedMessageSerial (ReceivedSignal s _) = s
receivedMessageSerial (ReceivedUnknown s _) = s

-- | No matter what sort of message was received, get its sender (if provided).
receivedMessageSender :: ReceivedMessage -> Maybe BusName
receivedMessageSender (ReceivedMethodCall _ msg) = methodCallSender msg
receivedMessageSender (ReceivedMethodReturn _ msg) = methodReturnSender msg
receivedMessageSender (ReceivedMethodError _ msg) = methodErrorSender msg
receivedMessageSender (ReceivedSignal _ msg) = signalSender msg
receivedMessageSender (ReceivedUnknown _ msg) = unknownMessageSender msg

-- | No matter what sort of message was received, get its body (if provided).
receivedMessageBody :: ReceivedMessage -> [Variant]
receivedMessageBody (ReceivedMethodCall _ msg) = methodCallBody msg
receivedMessageBody (ReceivedMethodReturn _ msg) = methodReturnBody msg
receivedMessageBody (ReceivedMethodError _ msg) = methodErrorBody msg
receivedMessageBody (ReceivedSignal _ msg) = signalBody msg
receivedMessageBody (ReceivedUnknown _ msg) = unknownMessageBody msg

-- | Convert a 'Message' into a 'Char8.ByteString'. Although unusual, it is
-- possible for marshaling to fail; if this occurs, an error will be
-- returned instead.
marshal :: Message msg => Endianness -> Serial -> msg -> Either MarshalError Char8.ByteString
marshal = marshalMessage

-- | Parse a 'Char8.ByteString' into a 'ReceivedMessage'. The result can be
-- inspected to see what type of message was parsed. Unknown message types
-- can still be parsed successfully, as long as they otherwise conform to
-- the D-Bus standard.
unmarshal :: Char8.ByteString -> Either UnmarshalError ReceivedMessage
unmarshal = unmarshalMessage

-- | A D-Bus UUID is 128 bits of data, usually randomly generated. They are
-- used for identifying unique server instances to clients.
-- Older versions of the D-Bus spec also called these values /GUIDs/.
-- D-Bus UUIDs are not the same as the RFC-standardized UUIDs or GUIDs.
newtype UUID = UUID Char8.ByteString
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Format a D-Bus UUID as hex-encoded ASCII.
formatUUID :: UUID -> String
formatUUID (UUID bytes) = Char8.unpack bytes

-- | Generate a random D-Bus UUID. This value is suitable for use in a
-- randomly-allocated address, or as a listener's socket address
-- @\"guid\"@ parameter.
randomUUID :: IO UUID
randomUUID = do
    -- The version of System.Random bundled with ghc < 7.2 doesn't define
    -- instances for any of the fixed-length word types, so we imitate
    -- them using the instance for Int.
    -- 128 bits is 8 16-bit integers. We use chunks of 16 instead of 32
    -- because Int is not guaranteed to be able to store a Word32.
    let hexInt16 i = printf "%04x" (i :: Int)
    int16s <- replicateM 8 (randomRIO (0, fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)))
    return (UUID (Char8.pack (concatMap hexInt16 int16s)))