# DataFlow Render graphs using a declarative markup. Currently supports DFD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_flow_diagram) and sequence diagrams (http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/sequence.html). ![DFD Output](examples/webapp.dfd.png) ## Usage So you want to you use DataFlow? Then please read [Usage](USAGE.md). ## Setup ```bash cabal sandbox init # optional cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests cabal configure --enable-tests ``` ## Build ```bash cabal build ``` ## Install If you initialized a sandbox the executable will end up in the sandbox, i.e. `.cabal-sandbox/bin/dataflow`. If you have no sandbox it will end up in `~/.cabal/bin/dataflow`. If you get any stange errors during install try a `cabal clean` ```bash cabal install ``` ## Tests ```bash ./run-tests.sh # or... ./watch-tests.sh ``` ## Building the Examples ```bash make -C examples ``` ## License BSD-3, see [LICENSE](LICENSE).