{-#LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | Typeclasses for Group and Tensor, extending 'Monoid'.
module Data.Tensor
( module Data.Monoid
, Group (..)
, Tensor (..)

import Data.Monoid

-- | A group is a monoid with an invert operation.
-- Intuition: '><' is to '<>' what subtraction is to addition; 'invert' turns a
-- value into its complement (see Laws below), and corresponds with unary minus
-- in addition.
-- Laws:
-- > a >< b == a <> (invert b)
-- > a >< mempty == a
-- > a >< a == mempty
-- > a <> (invert a) == mempty
-- > invert mempty == mempty
class Monoid a => Group a where
    -- | Dual to '<>'.
    (><) :: a -> a -> a
    a >< b = a <> invert b
    -- | \"Negation\": convert an operand into its dual.
    invert :: a -> a
    invert x = mempty >< x

infixl 6 ><

instance Num a => Group (Sum a) where
    invert = Sum . negate . getSum

-- | Tensor allows us to define a relationship between two types, the second
-- one forming a Group.
-- The intuition is that the first type models something like a
-- "location", and the second (the group) models the relative distance between
-- two locations. Examples of Tensors include date/time values (point in time)
-- and timespans; positions in a vector space and displacement vectors;
-- pitches and intervals in music.
-- Tensor provides three operations: '?<>' (\"tensor addition\"), adding a
-- \"distance\" to a \"location\"; '?><' (\"tensor subtraction\"), undoing the effect
-- of adding a \"distance\" to a \"location\", and '>?<', getting the \"distance\"
-- between two \"locations\".
-- Laws:
-- > a ?<> (b >?< a) == b
-- > a ?<> (x <> y) == a ?<> x ?<> y
-- > a ?>< b == a ?<> (invert b)
-- > a ?<> (x >< y) == a ?<> x ?>< y
class Group b => Tensor a b where
    (?<>) :: a -> b -> a
    (?><) :: a -> b -> a
    (>?<) :: a -> a -> b
    a ?>< b = a ?<> invert b

infixl 6 ?<>
infixl 6 ?><
infixl 6 >?<

-- | All groups trivially form tensors with themselves
instance Group a => Tensor a a where
    (?<>) = (<>)
    (?><) = (><)
    (>?<) = (><)