{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.Diverse.Many.Internal (
    -- * 'Many' type
      Many(..) -- Exporting constructor unsafely!

      -- * Isomorphism
    , IsMany(..)
    , fromMany'
    , toMany'

      -- * Construction
    , nil
    , single
    , consMany
    , (./)
    , snocMany
    , snocMany'
    , (\.)
    , append
    -- , CanAppendUnique(..)
    , (/./)

    -- * Simple queries
    , viewf
    , viewb
    , front
    , back
    , aft
    , fore

    -- * Single field
    -- ** Getter for single field
    , grab
    , grabL
    , grabTag
    , grabN
    -- ** Setter for single field
    , replace
    , replace'
    , replaceL
    , replaceL'
    , replaceTag
    , replaceTag'
    , replaceN
    , replaceN'

    -- * Multiple fields
    -- ** Getter for multiple fields
    , Select
    , select
    , selectL
    , SelectN
    , selectN
    -- ** Setter for multiple fields
    , Amend
    , amend
    , Amend'
    , amend'
    , amendL
    , amendL'
    , AmendN
    , amendN
    , AmendN'
    , amendN'

    -- * Destruction
    -- ** By type
    , Collect
    , Collector
    , forMany
    , collect
    -- ** By Nat index offset
    , CollectN
    , CollectorN
    , forManyN
    , collectN
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Bool
import Data.Diverse.AFoldable
import Data.Diverse.AFunctor
import Data.Diverse.ATraversable
import Data.Diverse.Case
import Data.Diverse.Reiterate
import Data.Diverse.TypeLevel
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.Tagged
import GHC.Exts (Any, coerce)
import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import GHC.TypeLits
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec
import Text.Read
import qualified Text.Read.Lex as L
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)

-- This module uses the partial 'head', 'tail' from Prelude.
-- I like to highlight them as partial by using them in the namespace Partial.head
-- These usages in this module are safe due to size guarantees provided by the typelist.
import Prelude as Partial

-- | A Many is an anonymous product type (also know as polymorphic record), with no limit on the number of fields.
-- The following functions are available can be used to manipulate unique fields
-- * getter/setter for single field: 'grab' and 'replace'
-- * getter/setter for multiple fields: 'select' and 'amend'
-- * folds: 'forMany' or 'collect'
-- These functions are type specified. This means labels are not required because the types themselves can be used to access the 'Many.
-- It is a compile error to use those functions for duplicate fields.
-- For duplicate fields, Nat-indexed versions of the functions are available:
-- * getter/setter for single field: 'grabN' and 'replaceN'
-- * getter/setter for multiple fields: 'selectN' and 'amendN'
-- * folds: 'forManyN' or 'collectN'
-- Encoding: The record is encoded as (S.Seq Any).
-- This encoding should reasonabily efficient for any number of fields.
-- The map Key is index + offset of the type in the typelist.
-- The Offset is used to allow efficient cons 'consMany'.
-- @Key = Index of type in typelist + Offset@
-- The constructor will guarantee the correct number and types of the elements.
-- The constructor is only exported in the "Data.Diverse.Many.Internal" module
newtype Many (xs :: [Type]) = Many (S.Seq Any)

-- Inferred role is phantom which is incorrect
-- representational means:
-- @
-- Coercible '[Int] '[IntLike] => Coercible (Many '[Int]) (Many '[IntLike])
-- @
type role Many representational

-- | Many stored as a list. This is useful when folding over 'Many' efficienty
-- so that the conversion to List is only done once
newtype Many_ (xs :: [Type]) = Many_ { runMany_ :: [Any] }

type role Many_ representational

toMany_ :: Many xs -> Many_ xs
toMany_ (Many m) = Many_ (toList m)

fromMany_ :: Many_ xs -> Many xs
fromMany_ (Many_ xs) = Many (S.fromList xs)

getMany_ :: Many_ xs -> [Any]
getMany_ (Many_ xs) = xs


-- | A terminating 'G.Generic' instance encoded as a 'nil'.
instance G.Generic (Many '[]) where
    type Rep (Many '[]) =  G.U1
    from _ = {- G.U1 -} G.U1
    to G.U1 = nil

-- | A 'G.Generic' instance encoded as the 'front' value 'G.:*:' with the 'aft' 'Many'.
-- The 'G.C1' and 'G.S1' metadata are not encoded.
instance G.Generic (Many (x ': xs)) where
    type Rep (Many (x ': xs)) = (G.Rec0 x) G.:*: (G.Rec0 (Many xs))
    from r = ({- G.Rec0 -} G.K1 (front r)) G.:*: ({- G.Rec0 -} G.K1 (aft r))
    to (({- G.Rec0 -} G.K1 a) G.:*: ({- G.Rec0 -} G.K1 b)) = a ./ b


-- | This instance allows converting to and from Many
-- There are instances for converting tuples of up to size 15.
class IsMany t xs a where
    toMany :: t xs a -> Many xs
    fromMany :: Many xs -> t xs a

-- | Converts from a value (eg a tuple) to a 'Many', via a 'Tagged' wrapper
toMany' :: IsMany Tagged xs a => a -> Many xs
toMany' a = toMany (Tagged a)

-- | Converts from a Many to a value (eg a tuple), via a Tagged wrapper
fromMany' :: IsMany Tagged xs a => Many xs -> a
fromMany' = unTagged . fromMany

-- | These instances add about 7 seconds to the compile time!
instance IsMany Tagged '[] () where
    toMany _ = nil
    fromMany _ = Tagged ()

-- | This single field instance is the reason for 'Tagged' wrapper.
-- Otherwise this instance will overlap.
instance IsMany Tagged '[a] a where
    toMany (Tagged a) = single a
    fromMany r = Tagged (grab @a r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b] (a,b) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b)) = a./b./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged (grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c] (a,b,c) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c)) = a./b./c./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged (grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d] (a,b,c,d) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d)) = a./b./c./d./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged (grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e] (a,b,c,d,e) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e)) = a./b./c./d./e./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged (grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f] (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./h./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r, grabN @7 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./h./i./ nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r, grabN @7 r, grabN @8 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./h./i./j./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r, grabN @7 r, grabN @8 r, grabN @9 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./h./i./j./k./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r, grabN @7 r, grabN @8 r, grabN @9 r
                        , grabN @10 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./h./i./j./k./l./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r, grabN @7 r, grabN @8 r, grabN @9 r
                        , grabN @10 r, grabN @11 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./h./i./j./k./l./m./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r, grabN @7 r, grabN @8 r, grabN @9 r
                        , grabN @10 r, grabN @11 r, grabN @12 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./h./i./j./k./l./m./n./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r, grabN @7 r, grabN @8 r, grabN @9 r
                        , grabN @10 r, grabN @11 r, grabN @12 r, grabN @13 r)

instance IsMany Tagged '[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o] (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o) where
    toMany (Tagged (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o)) = a./b./c./d./e./f./g./h./i./j./k./l./m./n./o./nil
    fromMany r = Tagged ( grabN @0 r, grabN @1 r, grabN @2 r, grabN @3 r, grabN @4 r
                        , grabN @5 r, grabN @6 r, grabN @7 r, grabN @8 r, grabN @9 r
                        , grabN @10 r, grabN @11r, grabN @12 r, grabN @13 r, grabN @14 r)


-- | Empty 'Many'.
nil :: Many '[]
nil = Many S.empty

-- | Create a Many from a single value. Analogous to 'S.singleton'
single :: x -> Many '[x]
single v = Many (S.singleton (unsafeCoerce v))

-- | Add an element to the left of a Many.
-- Not named @cons@ to avoid conflict with 'Control.Lens.cons'
consMany :: x -> Many xs -> Many (x ': xs)
consMany x (Many rs) = Many ((unsafeCoerce x) S.<| rs)
infixr 5 `consMany`

consMany_ :: x -> Many_ xs -> Many_ (x ': xs)
consMany_ x (Many_ xs) = Many_ (unsafeCoerce x : xs)

-- | Infix version of 'consMany'.
-- Mnemonic: Element on the left is smaller './' than the larger 'Many' to the right.
(./) :: x -> Many xs -> Many (x ': xs)
(./) = consMany
infixr 5 ./ -- like Data.List.(:)

-- | Add an element to the right of a Many
-- Not named @snoc@ to avoid conflict with 'Control.Lens.snoc'
snocMany :: Many xs -> y -> Many (Append xs '[y])
snocMany (Many ls) y = Many (ls S.|> (unsafeCoerce y))
infixl 5 `snocMany`

-- | Add an element to the right of a Many iff the field doesn't already exist.
    :: forall y xs.
       MaybeUniqueMember y xs
    => Many xs -> y -> Many (SnocUnique xs y)
snocMany'(Many ls) y = if i /= 0 then Many ls else Many (ls S.|> unsafeCoerce y)
    i = natToInt @(PositionOf y xs) :: Int
infixl 5 `snocMany'`

-- | Infix version of 'snocMany'.
-- Mnemonic: Many is larger '\.' than the smaller element
(\.) :: Many xs -> y -> Many (Append xs '[y])
(\.) = snocMany
infixl 5 \.

-- | Infix version of 'append'.
-- Mnemonic: 'consMany' './' with an extra slash (meaning 'Many') in front.
(/./) :: Many xs -> Many ys -> Many (Append xs ys)
(/./) = append
infixr 5 /./ -- like (++)

-- | Appends two Manys together
append :: Many xs -> Many ys -> Many (Append xs ys)
append (Many ls) (Many rs) = Many (ls S.>< rs)
infixr 5 `append` -- like Data.List (++)

-- class CanAppendUnique xs ys where
--    -- | Appends the unique fields fields from the right Many using 'snocMany''
--    append' :: Many xs -> Many ys -> Many (AppendUnique xs ys)

-- instance CanAppendUnique xs '[] where
--    append' ls _ = ls

-- instance ( MaybeUniqueMember y xs
--          , CanAppendUnique (SnocUnique xs y) ys
--          , AppendUnique (SnocUnique xs y) ys ~ AppendUnique xs (y : ys)) => CanAppendUnique xs (y ': ys) where
--    append' ls rs = append' (snocMany' ls r) rs'
--      where (r, rs') = viewf rs
--    {-# INLINABLE append' #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

-- infixr 5 `append'` -- like Data.List (++)


-- | Split a non-empty Many into the first element, then the rest of the Many.
-- Analogous to 'S.viewl'
viewf :: Many (x ': xs) -> (x, Many xs)
viewf (Many xs) = case S.viewl xs of
    S.EmptyL -> error "no front"
    (a S.:< ys) -> (unsafeCoerce a, Many ys)

-- | Split a non-empty Many into initial part of Many, and the last element.
-- Analogous to 'S.viewr'
viewb :: Many (x ': xs) -> (Many (Init (x ': xs)), Last (x ': xs))
viewb (Many xs) = case S.viewr xs of
    S.EmptyR -> error "no back"
    (ys S.:> a) -> (Many ys, unsafeCoerce a)

-- | Extract the first element of a Many, which guaranteed to be non-empty.
-- Analogous to 'Partial.head'
front :: Many (x ': xs) -> x
front = fst . viewf

front_ :: Many_ (x ': xs) -> x
front_ (Many_ xs) = unsafeCoerce (Partial.head xs)

-- | Extract the 'back' element of a Many, which guaranteed to be non-empty.
-- Analogous to 'Prelude.last'
back :: Many (x ': xs) -> Last (x ': xs)
back = snd . viewb

-- | Extract the elements after the front of a Many, which guaranteed to be non-empty.
-- Analogous to 'Partial.tail'
aft :: Many (x ': xs) -> Many xs
aft = snd . viewf

aft_ :: Many_ (x ': xs) -> Many_ xs
aft_ (Many_ xs) = Many_ (Partial.tail xs)

-- | Return all the elements of a Many except the 'back' one, which guaranteed to be non-empty.
-- Analogous to 'Prelude.init'
fore :: Many (x ': xs) -> Many (Init (x ': xs))
fore = fst . viewb


-- | Getter by unique type. Get the field with type @x@.
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'grab' \@Int x \`shouldBe` 5
-- @
grab :: forall x xs. UniqueMember x xs => Many xs -> x
grab (Many xs) = unsafeCoerce $ grab_ @(IndexOf x xs) xs

grab_ :: forall n. NatToInt n => S.Seq Any -> Any
grab_ xs = let !x = S.index xs i in x -- forcing x to avoid storing Seq in thunk
  where i = natToInt @n


-- | Getter by label. Get the value of the field with tag @label@ which can be any type
-- not just @KnownSymbol@.
-- @
-- let y = False './' Tagged \@Foo \'X' './' Tagged @"Hi" True './' 'nil'
-- 'grabL' \@Foo y \`shouldBe` Tagged \@Foo \'X'
-- 'grabL' \@"Hi" y \`shouldBe` Tagged \@"Hi" True
-- @
grabL :: forall l x xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x
grabL (Many xs) = unsafeCoerce $ grab_ @(IndexOf x xs) xs


-- | Variation of 'grab' of a Tagged field 'Tagged' that untags the field.
grabTag :: forall l x xs. (UniqueMember (Tagged l x) xs)
    => Many xs -> x
grabTag xs = unTagged (grab @(Tagged l x) xs)


-- | Getter by index. Get the value of the field at index type-level Nat @n@
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'grabN' @1 x \`shouldBe` False
-- @
grabN :: forall n x xs. MemberAt n x xs => Many xs -> x
grabN (Many xs) = unsafeCoerce $ grab_ @n xs


-- | Setter by unique type. Set the field with type @x@.
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'replace'' \@Int x 6 \`shouldBe` (6 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'
-- @
replace' :: forall x xs. UniqueMember x xs => Many xs -> x -> Many xs
replace' (Many xs) x = Many $ replace_ @(IndexOf x xs) xs (unsafeCoerce x)

replace_ :: forall n. NatToInt n => S.Seq Any -> Any -> S.Seq Any
replace_ xs x = S.update i x xs
  where i = natToInt @n

-- | Polymorphic setter by unique type. Set the field with type @x@, and replace with type @y@
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'replace' \@Int x (Just True) \`shouldBe` Just True './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'
-- @
replace :: forall x y xs. UniqueMember x xs => Many xs -> y -> Many (Replace x y xs)
replace (Many xs) x = Many $ replace_ @(IndexOf x xs) xs (unsafeCoerce x)


-- | Setter by unique label. Set the field with label @l@.
-- @
-- let y = (5 :: Int) './' False './' Tagged \@Foo \'X' './' Tagged \@\"Hello" (6 :: Int) './' 'nil'
-- 'replaceL'' \@Foo y (Tagged \@Foo \'Y') \`shouldBe`
--     (5 :: Int) './' False './' Tagged \@Foo \'Y' './' Tagged \@\"Hello" (6 :: Int) './' 'nil'
-- 'replaceL'' \@\"Hello" y (Tagged \@\"Hello" 7) \`shouldBe`
--     (5 :: Int) './' False './' Tagged \@Foo \'X' './' Tagged \@\"Hello" (7 :: Int) './' 'nil'
-- @
replaceL' :: forall l x xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs)
  => Many xs -> x -> Many xs
replaceL' (Many xs) x = Many $ replace_ @(IndexOf x xs) xs (unsafeCoerce x)

-- | Polymorphic setter by unique type. Set the field with type @x@, and replace with type @y@
-- @
-- let y = (5 :: Int) './' False './' Tagged \@Foo \'X' './' Tagged \@\"Hello" (6 :: Int) './' 'nil'
-- replaceL \@Foo y (Tagged \@Bar \'Y') `shouldBe`
--     (5 :: Int) './' False './' Tagged @Bar 'Y' './' Tagged @"Hello" (6 :: Int) './' 'nil'
-- replaceL \@\"Hello" y (Tagged \@\"Hello" False) \`shouldBe`
--     (5 :: Int) './' False './' Tagged \@Foo \'X' './' Tagged \@\"Hello" False './' 'nil'
-- @
replaceL :: forall l y xs x. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs)
  => Many xs -> y -> Many (Replace x y xs)
replaceL (Many xs) y = Many $ replace_ @(IndexOf x xs) xs (unsafeCoerce y)


-- | Variation of 'replace'' specialized to 'Tagged' that automatically tags the value to be replaced.
replaceTag' :: forall l xs x. (UniqueMember (Tagged l x) xs)
  => Many xs -> x -> Many xs
replaceTag' xs x = replace' @(Tagged l x) xs (Tagged @l x)

-- | Variation of 'replace' specialized to 'Tagged' that automatically tags the value to be replaced.
replaceTag :: forall l x y xs. (UniqueMember (Tagged l x) xs)
  => Many xs -> y -> Many (Replace (Tagged l x) (Tagged l y) xs)
replaceTag xs y = replace @(Tagged l x) xs (Tagged @l y)


-- | Setter by index. Set the value of the field at index type-level Nat @n@
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'replaceN'' \@0 x 7 `shouldBe`
-- @
replaceN' :: forall n x xs. MemberAt n x xs => Many xs -> x -> Many xs
replaceN' (Many xs) x = Many $ replace_ @n xs (unsafeCoerce x)

-- | Polymorphic version of 'replaceN''
replaceN :: forall n x y xs. MemberAt n x xs => Many xs -> y -> Many (ReplaceIndex n x y xs)
replaceN (Many xs) x = Many $ replace_ @n xs (unsafeCoerce x)


-- | Internal function for construction - do not expose!
fromList' :: [(Int, WrappedAny)] -> S.Seq Any
fromList' = fmap (\(_, a) -> coerce a) . S.unstableSortBy (\(i, _) (j, _) -> compare i j) . S.fromList


class CaseAny c (xs :: [Type]) where
    -- | Return the handler/continuation when x is observed.
    caseAny :: c xs -> Any -> CaseResult c Any


-- | Variation of 'Collector' which uses 'CaseAny' instead of 'Case'
data CollectorAny c (xs :: [Type]) r = CollectorAny (c r xs) [Any]

-- | nill case that doesn't even use 'caseAny', so that an instance of @CaseAny '[]@ is not needed.
instance AFoldable (CollectorAny c '[]) r where
    afoldr _ z _ = z

instance ( CaseAny (c r) (x ': xs)
         , Reiterate (c r) (x ': xs)
         , AFoldable (CollectorAny c xs) r
         , r ~ CaseResult (c r) Any
         ) =>
         AFoldable (CollectorAny c (x ': xs)) r where
    afoldr f z (CollectorAny c xs) = f (caseAny c x) (afoldr f z (CollectorAny (reiterate c) xs'))
       -- use of head/tail here is safe as we are guaranteed the length from the typelist
       x = Partial.head xs
       xs' = Partial.tail xs
    {-# INLINABLE afoldr #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

forMany' :: c r xs -> Many xs -> CollectorAny c xs r
forMany' c (Many xs) = CollectorAny c (toList xs)


-- | A variation of 'CollectorN' which uses 'CaseAny' instead of 'Case'
data CollectorAnyN c n (xs :: [Type]) r = CollectorAnyN (c r n xs) [Any]

-- | nill case that doesn't even use 'caseAnyN', so that an instance of @CaseAnyN '[]@ is not needed.
instance AFoldable (CollectorAnyN c n '[]) r where
    afoldr _ z _ = z

instance ( CaseAny (c r n) (x ': xs)
         , ReiterateN (c r) n (x ': xs)
         , AFoldable (CollectorAnyN c (n + 1) xs) r
         , r ~ CaseResult (c r n) Any
         ) =>
         AFoldable (CollectorAnyN c n (x ': xs)) r where
    afoldr f z (CollectorAnyN c xs) = f (caseAny c x) (afoldr f z (CollectorAnyN (reiterateN c) xs'))
       -- use of head/tail here is safe as we are guaranteed the length from the typelist
       x = Partial.head xs
       xs' = Partial.tail xs
    {-# INLINABLE afoldr #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

forManyN' :: c r n xs -> Many xs -> CollectorAnyN c n xs r
forManyN' c (Many xs) = CollectorAnyN c (toList xs)


-- | Collects the output from 'case''ing each field in a 'Many'.
-- Uses 'Reiterate' to prepare the 'Case' to accept the next type in the @xs@ typelist.
--  Internally, this holds the left-over [(k, v)] from the original 'Many' for the remaining typelist @xs@.
-- That is, the first v in the (k, v) is of type @x@, and the length of the list is equal to the length of @xs@.
data Collector c (xs :: [Type]) r = Collector (c r xs) [Any]

-- | nill case that doesn't even use 'case'', so that an instance of @Case '[]@ is not needed.
instance AFoldable (Collector c '[]) r where
    afoldr _ z _ = z

-- | Folds values by 'reiterate'ing 'Case's through the @xs@ typelist.
instance ( Case (c r) (x ': xs)
         , Reiterate (c r) (x ': xs)
         , AFoldable (Collector c xs) r
         , r ~ CaseResult (c r) x
         ) =>
         AFoldable (Collector c (x ': xs)) r where
    afoldr f z (Collector c xs) = f (case' c v) (afoldr f z (Collector (reiterate c) xs'))
       -- use of head/tail here is safe as we are guaranteed the length from the typelist
       v = unsafeCoerce $ Partial.head xs
       xs' = Partial.tail xs
    {-# INLINABLE afoldr #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma


-- | Terminating AFunctor instance for empty type list
instance AFunctor Many_ c '[] where
    afmap _ = id

-- | Recursive AFunctor instance for non empty type list
-- delegate afmap'ing the remainder to an instance of Collector' with one less type in the type list
instance ( Reiterate c (a ': as)
         , AFunctor Many_ c as
         , Case c (a ': as)
         ) =>
         AFunctor Many_ c (a ': as) where
    afmap c (Many_ as) =
        Many_ $
        unsafeCoerce (case' c a) :
                 (reiterate c)
                 (Many_ as' :: Many_ as))
        a = unsafeCoerce (Partial.head as)
        as' = Partial.tail as
    {-# INLINABLE afmap #-}
    -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

-- | Given a 'Data.Diverse.Case' that transforms each type in the
-- typelist, convert a @Many xs@ to @Many (CaseResults c xs)@
instance AFunctor Many_ c as => AFunctor Many c as where
    afmap c m = fromMany_ (afmap c (toMany_ m))


instance ATraversable Many_ c m '[] where
    atraverse _ = pure

instance ( Reiterate (c m) (a ': as)
         , ATraversable Many_ c m as
         , Case (c m) (a ': as)
         ) =>
         ATraversable Many_ c m (a ': as) where
    atraverse c (Many_ as) =
        Many_ <$>
        liftA2 (:)
            (unsafeCoerce (case' c a))
            (runMany_ <$> atraverse (reiterate c) (Many_ as' :: Many_ as))
        a = unsafeCoerce (Partial.head as)
        as' = Partial.tail as
    {-# INLINABLE atraverse #-}

instance ATraversable Many_ c m as => ATraversable Many c m as where
    atraverse c m = fromMany_ <$> (atraverse c (toMany_ m))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A friendlier type constraint synomyn for 'collect' and 'forMany'
type Collect c r (xs :: [Type]) = (AFoldable (Collector c xs) r, Case (c r) xs)

-- | Folds any 'Many', even with indistinct types.
-- Given __distinct__ handlers for the fields in 'Many', create 'AFoldable'
-- of the results of running the handlers over the fields in 'Many'.
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' (6 :: Int) './' Just \'A' './' 'nil'
--     y = show \@Int './' show \@Char './' show \@(Maybe Char) './' show \@Bool './' 'nil'
-- 'afoldr' (:) [] ('forMany' ('Data.Diverse.Cases.cases' y) x) \`shouldBe`
--     [\"5", \"False", \"\'X'", \"Just \'O'", \"6", \"Just \'A'"]
-- @
forMany :: Collect c r xs => c r xs -> Many xs -> Collector c xs r
forMany c (Many xs) = Collector c (toList xs)

-- | This is @flip 'forMany'@
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' (6 :: Int) './' Just \'A' './' 'nil'
--     y = show \@Int './' show \@Char './' show \@(Maybe Char) './' show \@Bool './' 'nil'
-- 'afoldr' (:) [] ('collect' x ('Data.Diverse.Cases.cases' y)) \`shouldBe`
--     [\"5", \"False", \"\'X'", \"Just \'O'", \"6", \"Just \'A'"]
-- @
collect :: (Collect c r xs) => Many xs -> c r xs -> Collector c xs r
collect = flip forMany


-- | A variation of 'Collector' which uses 'ReiterateN' instead of 'Reiterate'
data CollectorN c (n :: Nat) (xs :: [Type]) r = CollectorN (c r n xs) [Any]

-- | nill case that doesn't even use 'case'', so that an instance of @Case '[]@ is not needed.
instance AFoldable (CollectorN c n '[]) r where
    afoldr _ z _ = z

-- | Folds values by 'reiterate'ing 'Emit'ters through the @xs@ typelist.
instance ( Case (c r n) (x ': xs)
         , ReiterateN (c r) n (x ': xs)
         , AFoldable (CollectorN c (n + 1) xs) r
         , r ~ CaseResult (c r n) x
         ) =>
         AFoldable (CollectorN c n (x ': xs)) r where
    afoldr f z (CollectorN c xs) = f (case' c v) (afoldr f z (CollectorN (reiterateN c) xs'))
       -- use of head/tail here is safe as we are guaranteed the length from the typelist
       v = unsafeCoerce $ Partial.head xs
       xs' = Partial.tail xs
    {-# INLINABLE afoldr #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

-- | A friendlier type constraint synomyn for 'collect' and 'forMany'
type CollectN c r (n :: Nat) (xs :: [Type]) = (AFoldable (CollectorN c n xs) r, Case (c r n) xs)

-- | Folds any 'Many', even with indistinct types.
-- Given __index__ handlers for the fields in 'Many', create 'AFoldable'
-- of the results of running the handlers over the fields in 'Many'.
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' (6 :: Int) './' Just \'A' './' 'nil'
--     y = show \@Int './' show \@Bool './' show \@Char './' show \@(Maybe Char) './' show \@Int './' show \@(Maybe Char) './' 'nil'
-- 'afoldr' (:) [] ('forManyN' ('Data.Diverse.Cases.casesN' y) x) \`shouldBe`
--     [\"5", \"False", \"\'X'", \"Just \'O'", \"6", \"Just \'A'"]
-- @
forManyN :: CollectN c r n xs => c r n xs -> Many xs -> CollectorN c n xs r
forManyN c (Many xs) = CollectorN c (toList xs)

-- | This is @flip 'forManyN'@
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' (6 :: Int) './' Just \'A' './' 'nil'
--     y = show \@Int './' show \@Bool './' show \@Char './' show \@(Maybe Char) './' show \@Int './' show \@(Maybe Char) './' 'nil'
-- 'afoldr' (:) [] ('collectN' x ('Data.Diverse.Cases.casesN' y)) \`shouldBe`
--     [\"5", \"False", \"\'X'", \"Just \'O'", \"6", \"Just \'A'"]
-- @
collectN :: CollectN c r n xs  => Many xs -> c r n xs -> CollectorN c n xs r
collectN = flip forManyN


-- | A friendlier type constraint synomyn for 'select'
type Select (smaller :: [Type]) (larger :: [Type]) =
        (CollectorAny (CaseSelect smaller larger) larger) (Maybe (Int, WrappedAny)))

-- | Construct a 'Many' with a smaller number of fields than the original.
-- Analogous to 'grab' getter but for multiple fields.
-- This can also be used to reorder fields in the original 'Many'.
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' (6 :: Int) './' Just \'A' './' 'nil'
-- 'select' \@'[Bool, Char] x \`shouldBe` False './' \'X' './' 'nil'
-- @
select :: forall smaller larger. Select smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller
select t = Many (fromList' xs')
    xs' = afoldr (\a z -> maybe z (: z) a) [] (forMany' (CaseSelect @smaller @larger @_ @larger) t)

-- | For each type x in @larger@, generate the (k, v) in @smaller@ (if it exists)
data CaseSelect (smaller :: [Type]) (larger :: [Type]) r (xs :: [Type]) = CaseSelect

type instance CaseResult (CaseSelect smaller larger r) x = r

instance Reiterate (CaseSelect smaller larger r) (x ': xs) where
    reiterate = coerce

-- | For each type x in larger, find the index in ys, and create a (key, value)
instance forall smaller larger x xs. (UniqueIfExists smaller x larger, MaybeUniqueMember x smaller) =>
    CaseAny (CaseSelect smaller larger (Maybe (Int, WrappedAny))) (x ': xs) where
    caseAny _ v =
        case i of
            0 -> Nothing
            i' -> Just (i' - 1, WrappedAny v)
        i = natToInt @(PositionOf x smaller)


-- | A variation of 'select' which selects by labels
-- @
-- let x = False './' Tagged \@\"Hi" (5 :: Int) './' Tagged \@Foo False './' Tagged \@Bar \'X' './' Tagged \@\"Bye" 'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'selectL' \@'[Foo, Bar] x \`shouldBe` Tagged \@Foo False './' Tagged \@Bar \'X' './' 'nil'
-- 'selectL' \@'[\"Hi", \"Bye"] x \`shouldBe` Tagged \@\"Hi" (5 :: Int) './' Tagged \@\"Bye" \'O' './' 'nil'
-- @
    :: forall ls smaller larger.
       ( Select smaller larger
       , smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger
       , IsDistinct ls
       , UniqueLabels ls larger)
    => Many larger -> Many smaller
selectL = select @smaller


-- | A friendlier type constraint synomyn for 'selectN'
type SelectN (ns :: [Nat]) (smaller ::[Type]) (larger :: [Type]) =
    ( AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseSelectN ns smaller) 0 larger) (Maybe (Int, WrappedAny))
    , smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger
    , IsDistinct ns)

-- | A variation of 'select' which uses a Nat list @n@ to specify how to reorder the fields, where
-- @
-- indices[branch_idx] = tree_idx@
-- @
-- This variation allows @smaller@ or @larger@ to contain indistinct since
-- the mapping is specified by @indicies@.
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' (6 :: Int) './' Just \'A' './' 'nil'
-- 'selectN' @'[5, 4, 0] x \`shouldBe` Just \'A' './' (6 :: Int) './' (5 ::Int) './' 'nil'
-- @
    :: forall ns smaller larger.
       SelectN ns smaller larger
    => Many larger -> Many smaller
selectN xs = Many (fromList' xs')
    xs' = afoldr (\a z -> maybe z (: z) a) [] (forManyN' (CaseSelectN @ns @smaller @_ @0 @larger) xs)

data CaseSelectN (indices :: [Nat]) (smaller :: [Type]) r (n :: Nat) (xs :: [Type]) = CaseSelectN

type instance CaseResult (CaseSelectN indices smaller r n) x = r

instance ReiterateN (CaseSelectN indices smaller r) n (x ': xs) where
    reiterateN CaseSelectN = CaseSelectN

-- | For each type x in @larger@, find the index in ys, and create an (incrementing key, value)
instance forall indices smaller n x xs n'. (MaybeMemberAt n' x smaller, n' ~ PositionOf n indices) =>
    CaseAny (CaseSelectN indices smaller (Maybe (Int, WrappedAny)) n) (x ': xs) where
    caseAny _ v =
        case i of
            0 -> Nothing
            i' -> Just (i' - 1, WrappedAny v)
        i = natToInt @n'


-- | A friendlier type constraint synomyn for 'amend''
type Amend' smaller larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAny (CaseAmend' larger) smaller) (Int, WrappedAny), IsDistinct smaller)

-- | Sets the subset of 'Many' in the larger 'Many'.
-- Analogous to 'replace' setter but for multiple fields.
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'amend'' \@'[Int, Maybe Char] x ((6 :: Int) './' Just \'P' './' 'nil') \`shouldBe`
--     (6 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'P' './' 'nil'
-- @
amend' :: forall smaller larger. Amend' smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger
amend' (Many ls) t = Many $ foldr (\(i, WrappedAny v) ys -> S.update i v ys) ls xs'
    xs' = afoldr (:) [] (forMany' (CaseAmend' @larger @_ @smaller) t)

data CaseAmend' (larger :: [Type]) r (xs :: [Type]) = CaseAmend'

type instance CaseResult (CaseAmend' larger r) x = r

instance Reiterate (CaseAmend' larger r) (x ': xs) where
    reiterate = coerce

-- | for each x in @smaller@, convert it to a (k, v) to insert into the x in @Many larger@
instance UniqueMember x larger =>
         CaseAny (CaseAmend' larger (Int, WrappedAny)) (x ': xs) where
    caseAny _ v = (i, WrappedAny v)
        i = natToInt @(IndexOf x larger)


-- | A variation of 'amend'' which amends via labels.
-- @
-- let x = False ./ Tagged \@\"Hi" (5 :: Int) ./ Tagged \@Foo False ./ Tagged \@Bar \'X' ./ Tagged \@\"Bye" \'O' ./ 'nil'
-- 'amendL' \@'[Foo, Bar] x (Tagged \@Foo True ./ Tagged \@Bar \'Y' ./ nil) `shouldBe`
--     False ./ Tagged \@\"Hi" (5 :: Int) ./ Tagged \@Foo True ./ Tagged \@Bar \'Y' ./ Tagged \@\"Bye" \'O' ./ 'nil'
-- 'amendL' \@'[\"Hi", \"Bye"] x (Tagged \@\"Hi" (6 :: Int) ./ Tagged \@\"Bye" \'P' ./ nil) `shouldBe`
--     False ./ Tagged \@\"Hi" (6 :: Int) ./ Tagged \@Foo False ./ Tagged \@Bar \'X' ./ Tagged \@\"Bye" \'P' ./ 'nil'
-- @
    :: forall ls smaller larger.
       ( Amend' smaller larger
       , smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger
       , IsDistinct ls
       , UniqueLabels ls larger)
    => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger
amendL' = amend' @(KindsAtLabels ls larger)


-- | A friendlier type constraint synomyn for 'amend'
type Amend smaller smaller' larger =
    ( AFoldable (CollectorAny (CaseAmend larger) (Zip smaller smaller')) (Int, WrappedAny)
    , IsDistinct smaller)

-- | Polymorphic version of 'amend''.
-- Analogous to 'replace' setter but for multiple fields.
amend :: forall smaller smaller' larger larger'. (Amend smaller smaller' larger, larger' ~ Replaces smaller smaller' larger)
    => Many larger -> Many smaller' -> Many larger'
amend (Many ls) t = Many $ foldr (\(i, WrappedAny v) ys -> S.update i v ys) ls xs'
    xs' = afoldr (:) [] (forMany'' @smaller Proxy (CaseAmend @larger @_ @(Zip smaller smaller')) t)

forMany'' :: Proxy xs -> c r (Zip xs ys) -> Many ys -> CollectorAny c (Zip xs ys) r
forMany'' _ c (Many ys) = CollectorAny c (toList ys)

data CaseAmend (larger :: [Type]) r (zs :: [Type]) = CaseAmend

type instance CaseResult (CaseAmend larger r) x = r

instance Reiterate (CaseAmend larger r) (z ': zs) where
    reiterate = coerce

-- | for each y in @smaller@, convert it to a (k, v) to insert into the x in @Many larger@
instance (UniqueMember x larger) =>
         CaseAny (CaseAmend larger (Int, WrappedAny)) ((x, y) ': zs) where
    caseAny _ v = (i, WrappedAny v)
        i = natToInt @(IndexOf x larger)


-- | A variation of 'amend' which amends via labels.
-- @
-- let x = False './' Tagged \@\"Hi" (5 :: Int) './' Tagged \@Foo False './' Tagged \@Bar 'X' './' Tagged \@\"Bye" \'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'amendL' \@'[Foo, Bar] x (\'Y' './' True './' 'ni'l) \`shouldBe`
--     False './' Tagged \@\"Hi" (5 :: Int) './' \'Y' './' True './' Tagged \@\"Bye" \'O' './' 'nil'
-- 'amendL' \@'[\"Hi", \"Bye"] x (True './' Tagged \@\"Changed" True './' 'nil') \`shouldBe`
--     False './' True './' Tagged \@Foo False './' Tagged \@Bar \'X' './' Tagged \@\"Changed" True './' 'nil'
-- @
    :: forall ls smaller smaller' larger larger'.
       ( Amend smaller smaller' larger
       , smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger
       , IsDistinct ls
       , UniqueLabels ls larger
       , larger' ~ Replaces smaller smaller' larger
    => Many larger
    -> Many smaller'
    -> Many larger'
amendL = amend @(KindsAtLabels ls larger)

-- | A friendlier type constraint synomyn for 'amendN''
type AmendN' ns smaller larger =
    ( AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseAmendN' ns larger) 0 smaller) (Int, WrappedAny)
    , smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger
    , IsDistinct ns)

-- | A variation of 'amend'' which uses a Nat list @n@ to specify how to reorder the fields, where
-- @
-- indices[branch_idx] = tree_idx@
-- @
-- This variation allows @smaller@ or @larger@ to contain indistinct since
-- the mapping is specified by @indicies@.
-- @
-- let x = (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' (6 :: Int) './' Just \'A' './' 'nil'
-- 'amendN'' \@'[5, 4, 0] x (Just \'B' './' (8 :: Int) './' (4 ::Int) './' 'nil') \`shouldBe`
--     (4 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' (8 :: Int) './' Just \'B' './' 'nil'
-- @
amendN' :: forall ns smaller larger.
       (AmendN' ns smaller larger)
    => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger
amendN' (Many ls) t = Many $ foldr (\(i, WrappedAny v) ys -> S.update i v ys) ls xs'
    xs' = afoldr (:) [] (forManyN' (CaseAmendN' @ns @larger @_ @0 @smaller) t)

data CaseAmendN' (indices :: [Nat]) (larger :: [Type]) r (n :: Nat) (xs :: [Type]) = CaseAmendN'

type instance CaseResult (CaseAmendN' indices larger r n) x = r

instance ReiterateN (CaseAmendN' indices larger r) n (x ': xs) where
    reiterateN = coerce

-- | for each x in @smaller@, convert it to a (k, v) to insert into the x in @larger@
instance (MemberAt n' x larger, n' ~ KindAtIndex n indices) =>
         CaseAny (CaseAmendN' indices larger (Int, WrappedAny) n) (x ': xs) where
    caseAny _ v = (i, WrappedAny v)
        i = natToInt @n'


-- | A friendlier type constraint synomyn for 'amendN'
type AmendN ns smaller smaller' larger =
    ( AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseAmendN ns larger) 0 (Zip smaller smaller')) (Int, WrappedAny)
    , smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger
    , IsDistinct ns)

-- | A polymorphic variation of 'amendN''
amendN :: forall ns smaller smaller' larger larger'.
       (AmendN ns smaller smaller' larger, larger' ~ ReplacesIndex ns smaller' larger)
    => Many larger -> Many smaller' -> Many larger'
amendN (Many ls) t = Many $ foldr (\(i, WrappedAny v) ys -> S.update i v ys) ls xs'
    xs' = afoldr (:) [] (forManyN'' @smaller Proxy (CaseAmendN @ns @larger @_ @0 @(Zip smaller smaller')) t)

forManyN'' :: Proxy xs -> c r n (Zip xs ys) -> Many ys -> CollectorAnyN c n (Zip xs ys) r
forManyN'' _ c (Many ys) = CollectorAnyN c (toList ys)

data CaseAmendN (indices :: [Nat]) (larger :: [Type]) r (n :: Nat) (zs :: [Type]) = CaseAmendN

type instance CaseResult (CaseAmendN indices larger r n) x = r

instance ReiterateN (CaseAmendN indices larger r) n (z ': zs) where
    reiterateN = coerce

-- | for each x in @smaller@, convert it to a (k, v) to insert into the x in @larger@
instance (MemberAt n' x larger, n' ~ KindAtIndex n indices) =>
         CaseAny (CaseAmendN indices larger (Int, WrappedAny) n) ((x, y) ': zs) where
    caseAny _ v = (i, WrappedAny v)
        i = natToInt @n'


instance Eq (Many_ '[]) where
    _ == _ = True

instance (Eq x, Eq (Many_ xs)) => Eq (Many_ (x ': xs)) where
    ls == rs = (front_ ls == front_ rs) && (aft_ ls == aft_ rs)
    {-# INLINABLE (==) #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

-- | Two 'Many's are equal if all their fields equal
instance Eq (Many_ xs) => Eq (Many xs) where
    lt == rt = toMany_ lt == toMany_ rt


instance Ord (Many_ '[]) where
    compare _ _ = EQ

instance (Ord x, Ord (Many_ xs)) => Ord (Many_ (x ': xs)) where
    compare ls rs = case compare (front_ ls) (front_ rs) of
        LT -> LT
        GT -> GT
        EQ -> compare (aft_ ls) (aft_ rs)
    {-# INLINABLE compare #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

-- | Two 'Many's are ordered by 'compare'ing their fields in index order
instance Ord (Many_ xs) => Ord (Many xs) where
    compare xs ys = compare (toMany_ xs) (toMany_ ys)


instance Semigroup (Many_ '[]) where
    _ <> _ = Many_ []

instance (Semigroup x, Semigroup (Many_ xs)) => Semigroup (Many_ (x ': xs)) where
    Many_ (a : as) <> Many_ (b : bs) = Many_ (c : cs)
        c = unsafeCoerce (unsafeCoerce a <> (unsafeCoerce b :: x))
        cs = getMany_ (Many_ @xs as <> Many_ @xs bs)
    _ <> _ = error "invalid Many_ Semigroup"

instance Semigroup (Many_ xs) => Semigroup (Many xs) where
    as <> bs = fromMany_ (toMany_ as <> toMany_ bs)


instance Monoid (Many_ '[]) where
    mempty = Many_ []
    mappend = (<>)

instance (Monoid x, Monoid (Many_ xs)) => Monoid (Many_ (x ': xs)) where
    mempty = Many_ (c : cs)
        c = unsafeCoerce (mempty :: x)
        cs = getMany_ (mempty :: Many_ xs)
    Many_ (a : as) `mappend` Many_ (b : bs) = Many_ (c : cs)
        c = unsafeCoerce (unsafeCoerce a `mappend` (unsafeCoerce b :: x))
        cs = getMany_ (Many_ @xs as `mappend` Many_ @xs bs)
    _ `mappend` _ = error "invalid Many_ Monoid"

instance Monoid (Many_ xs) => Monoid (Many xs) where
    mempty = fromMany_ (mempty :: Many_ xs)
    as `mappend` bs = fromMany_ (toMany_ as `mappend` toMany_ bs)


instance Show (Many_ '[]) where
    showsPrec d _ = showParen (d > app_prec) $ showString "nil"
        app_prec = 10

instance (Show x, Show (Many_ xs)) => Show (Many_ (x ': xs)) where
    showsPrec d ls@(Many_ xs) =
        showParen (d > cons_prec) $
        showsPrec (cons_prec + 1) v .
        showString " ./ " .
        showsPrec cons_prec (aft_ ls) -- not (cons-prec+1) for right associativity
        cons_prec = 5 -- infixr 5 consMany
        -- use of front here is safe as we are guaranteed the length from the typelist
        v = unsafeCoerce (Partial.head xs) :: x
    {-# INLINABLE showsPrec #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

-- | @show (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil' == "5 ./ False ./ 'X' ./ Just 'O' ./ nil" == @
instance Show (Many_ xs) => Show (Many xs) where
    showsPrec d xs = showsPrec d (toMany_ xs)


instance Read (Many_ '[]) where
    readPrec = parens $ prec app_prec $ do
        lift $ L.expect (Ident "nil")
        pure $ Many_ []
        app_prec = 10

instance (Read x, Read (Many_ xs)) => Read (Many_ (x ': xs)) where
    readPrec = parens $ prec cons_prec $ do
        a <- step (readPrec @x)
        lift $ L.expect (Symbol "./")
        as <- readPrec @(Many_ xs) -- no 'step' to allow right associatitive './'
        pure $ consMany_ a as
        cons_prec = 5 -- infixr `consMany`
    {-# INLINABLE readPrec #-} -- This makes compiling tests a little faster than with no pragma

-- | @read "5 ./ False ./ 'X' ./ Just 'O' ./ nil" == (5 :: Int) './' False './' \'X' './' Just \'O' './' 'nil'@
instance Read (Many_ xs) => Read (Many xs) where
    readPrec = do
        xs <- readPrec @(Many_ xs)
        pure $ fromMany_ xs


instance NFData (Many '[]) where
    rnf _ = ()

instance (NFData x, NFData (Many xs)) => NFData (Many (x ': xs)) where
    rnf xs = rnf (front xs) `seq` rnf (aft xs)


instance Hashable (Many '[])

instance (Eq (Many_ xs), Hashable x, Hashable (Many xs)) => Hashable (Many (x ': xs))


-- | 'WrappedAny' avoids the following:
-- Illegal type synonym family application in instance: Any
newtype WrappedAny = WrappedAny Any
