-- |
-- Module      : Darcs.Util.Progress
-- Copyright   : 2008 David Roundy
-- License     : GPL
-- Maintainer  : darcs-devel@darcs.net
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Utility functions for tracking progress of long-running actions.

module Darcs.Util.Progress
    , endTedious
    , tediousSize
    , debugMessage
    , debugFail
    , withoutProgress
    , progress
    , progressKeepLatest
    , finishedOne
    , finishedOneIO
    , progressList
    , minlist
    , setProgressMode
    ) where

import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude

import Prelude hiding (lookup)

import Control.Arrow ( second )
import Control.Exception ( bracket )
import Control.Monad ( when, unless, void )
import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, threadDelay )

import Data.Char ( toLower )
import Data.Map ( Map, empty, adjust, insert, delete, lookup )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef )

import System.IO ( stdout, stderr, hFlush, hPutStr, hPutStrLn,
                   hSetBuffering, hIsTerminalDevice,
                   Handle, BufferMode(LineBuffering) )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )

import Darcs.Util.Global ( withDebugMode, debugMessage, putTiming, debugFail )

data ProgressData = ProgressData
    { sofar   :: !Int
    , latest  :: !(Maybe String)
    , total   :: !(Maybe Int)

handleProgress :: IO ()
handleProgress = do
    threadDelay 1000000
    handleMoreProgress "" 0

handleMoreProgress :: String -> Int -> IO ()
handleMoreProgress k n = withProgressMode $ \m ->
    if m then do s <- getProgressLast
                 mp <- getProgressData s
                 case mp of
                   Nothing -> do
                      threadDelay 1000000
                      handleMoreProgress k n
                   Just p -> do
                      when (k /= s || n < sofar p) $ whenProgressMode $ printProgress s p
                      threadDelay 1000000
                      handleMoreProgress s (sofar p)
         else do threadDelay 1000000
                 handleMoreProgress k n

printProgress :: String
              -> ProgressData
              -> IO ()
printProgress k (ProgressData {sofar=s, total=Just t, latest=Just l}) =
    myput output output
    output = k ++ " " ++ show s ++ " done, " ++ show (t - s) ++ " queued. " ++ l
printProgress k (ProgressData {latest=Just l}) =
    myput (k ++ " " ++ l) k
printProgress k (ProgressData {sofar=s, total=Just t}) | t >= s =
    myput (k ++ " " ++ show s ++ " done, " ++ show (t - s) ++ " queued")
          (k ++ " " ++ show s)
printProgress k (ProgressData {sofar=s}) =
    myput (k ++ " " ++ show s) k

myput :: String -> String -> IO ()
myput l s = withDebugMode $ \debugMode ->
    if debugMode
      then putTiming >> hPutStrLn stderr l
        if '\n' `elem` l
          then myput (takeWhile (/= '\n') l) s
          else putTiming >> if length l < 80
                              then simpleput l
                              else simpleput (take 80 s)

simpleput :: String -> IO ()
simpleput = unsafePerformIO $ mkhPutCr stderr
{-# NOINLINE simpleput #-}

-- | @beginTedious k@ starts a tedious process and registers it in
-- '_progressData' with the key @k@. A tedious process is one for which we want
-- a progress indicator.
-- Wouldn't it be safer if it had type String -> IO ProgressDataKey, so that we
-- can ensure there is no collision? What happens if you call beginTedious twice
-- with the same string, without calling endTedious in the meantime?
beginTedious :: String -> IO ()
beginTedious k = do
    debugMessage $ "Beginning " ++ map toLower k
    setProgressData k ProgressData
                        { sofar = 0
                        , latest = Nothing
                        , total = Nothing

-- | @endTedious k@ unregisters the tedious process with key @k@, printing
-- "Done" if such a tedious process exists.
endTedious :: String -> IO ()
endTedious k = whenProgressMode $ do
    p <- getProgressData k
    modifyIORef _progressData (second $ delete k)
    when (isJust p) $ debugMessage $ "Done " ++ map toLower k

tediousSize :: String
            -> Int
            -> IO ()
tediousSize k s = updateProgressData k uptot
    uptot p = case total p of
                  Just t -> seq ts $ p { total = Just ts }
                    where ts = t + s
                  Nothing -> p { total = Just s }

-- | XXX: document this constant
minlist :: Int
minlist = 4

progressList :: String
             -> [a]
             -> [a]
progressList _ [] = []
progressList k (x:xs) = if l < minlist
                          then x:xs
                          else startit x : pl xs
    l = length (x:xs)

    startit y = unsafePerformIO $ do
        beginTedious k
        tediousSize k l
        return y

    pl [] = []
    pl [y] = unsafePerformIO $ do
        endTedious k
        return [y]
    pl (y:ys) = progress k y : pl ys

progress :: String
         -> a
         -> a
progress k a = unsafePerformIO $ progressIO k >> return a

progressIO :: String -> IO ()
progressIO "" = return ()
progressIO k = do
    updateProgressData k $ \p ->
        p { sofar = sofar p + 1, latest = Nothing }
    putDebug k ""

progressKeepLatest :: String
                   -> a
                   -> a
progressKeepLatest k a = unsafePerformIO $ progressKeepLatestIO k >> return a

progressKeepLatestIO :: String -> IO ()
progressKeepLatestIO "" = return ()
progressKeepLatestIO k = do
    updateProgressData k (\p -> p {sofar = sofar p + 1})
    putDebug k ""

finishedOne :: String -> String -> a -> a
finishedOne k l a = unsafePerformIO $ finishedOneIO k l >> return a

finishedOneIO :: String -> String -> IO ()
finishedOneIO "" _ = return ()
finishedOneIO k l = do
    updateProgressData k (\p -> p { sofar = sofar p + 1,
                                    latest = Just l })
    putDebug k l

putDebug :: String
         -> String
         -> IO ()
putDebug _ _ = return ()
--putDebug k "" = when (False && debugMode) $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "P: "++k
--putDebug k l = when (False && debugMode) $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "P: "++k++" : "++l

_progressMode :: IORef Bool
_progressMode = unsafePerformIO $ do
    hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
    newIORef True
{-# NOINLINE _progressMode #-}

_progressData :: IORef (String, Map String ProgressData)
_progressData = unsafePerformIO $ do
    _ <- forkIO handleProgress
    newIORef ("", empty)
{-# NOINLINE _progressData #-}

mkhPutCr :: Handle
         -> IO (String -> IO ())
mkhPutCr fe = do
    isTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice fe
    stdoutIsTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
    return $
        if isTerm
          then \s -> do
              hPutStr fe $ '\r':s ++ "\r"
              hFlush fe
              let spaces = '\r':replicate (length s) ' ' ++ "\r"
              hPutStr fe spaces
              when stdoutIsTerm $ putStr spaces
          else \s -> unless (null s) $ do hPutStrLn fe s
                                          hFlush fe

setProgressMode :: Bool -> IO ()
setProgressMode = writeIORef _progressMode

withoutProgress :: IO a -> IO a
withoutProgress job = bracket off restore (const job) where
  off = withProgressMode $ \m -> do
    debugMessage "Disabling progress reports..."
    setProgressMode False
    return m
  restore m = do
    if m then debugMessage "Reenabling progress reports."
    else debugMessage "Leaving progress reports off."
    setProgressMode m

updateProgressData :: String
                   -> (ProgressData -> ProgressData)
                   -> IO ()
updateProgressData k f =
    whenProgressMode $ modifyIORef _progressData (\(_,m) -> (k,adjust f k m))

setProgressData :: String
                -> ProgressData
                -> IO ()
setProgressData k p =
    whenProgressMode $ modifyIORef _progressData (second $ insert k p)

getProgressData :: String -> IO (Maybe ProgressData)
getProgressData k = withProgressMode $ \p ->
    if p
      then (lookup k . snd) `fmap` readIORef _progressData
      else return Nothing

getProgressLast :: IO String
getProgressLast = withProgressMode $ \p ->
    if p
      then fst `fmap` readIORef _progressData
      else return ""

whenProgressMode :: IO a -> IO ()
whenProgressMode j = withProgressMode $ const $ void j

withProgressMode :: (Bool -> IO a) -> IO a
withProgressMode job = (readIORef _progressMode) >>= job