module Darcs.UI.Commands.Replace
( replace
, defaultToks
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import Control.Exception ( catch, IOException )
import Control.Monad ( unless, filterM, void )
import Darcs.Util.Tree( readBlob, modifyTree, findFile, TreeItem(..), Tree
, makeBlobBS )
import Darcs.Util.Path( SubPath, toFilePath, AbsolutePath )
import Darcs.UI.Flags
( DarcsFlag
, verbosity, useCache, dryRun, umask, diffAlgorithm, fixSubPaths )
import Darcs.UI.Options ( (^), odesc, ocheck, onormalise, defaultFlags, (?) )
import qualified Darcs.UI.Options.All as O
import Darcs.Repository.Flags ( UpdateWorking(..) )
import Darcs.UI.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), withStdOpts, nodefaults, amInHashedRepository )
import Darcs.UI.Completion ( knownFileArgs )
import Darcs.Repository.Diff( treeDiff )
import Darcs.Patch ( PrimPatch, tokreplace, forceTokReplace
, maybeApplyToTree )
import Darcs.Patch.Apply( ApplyState )
import Darcs.Patch.RegChars ( regChars )
import Darcs.Repository
( withRepoLock
, RepoJob(..)
, addToPending
, applyToWorking
, readUnrecorded
import Darcs.Patch.TokenReplace ( defaultToks )
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( FileType(TextFile) )
import Darcs.Util.Path ( floatSubPath )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL(..), (+>+), concatFL, toFL, nullFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..), mapSeal, FreeLeft, Gap(..), unFreeLeft, unseal )
replaceDescription :: String
replaceDescription = "Substitute one word for another."
replaceHelp :: String
replaceHelp =
"In addition to line-based patches, Darcs supports a limited form of\n" ++
"lexical substitution. Files are treated as sequences of words, and\n" ++
"each occurrence of the old word is replaced by the new word.\n" ++
"This is intended to provide a clean way to rename a function or\n" ++
"variable. Such renamings typically affect lines all through the\n" ++
"source code, so a traditional line-based patch would be very likely to\n" ++
"conflict with other branches, requiring manual merging.\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Files are tokenized according to one simple rule: words are strings of\n" ++
"valid token characters, and everything between them (punctuation and\n" ++
"whitespace) is discarded. By default, valid token characters are\n" ++
"letters, numbers and the underscore (i.e. `[A-Za-z0-9_]`). However if\n" ++
"the old and/or new token contains either a hyphen or period, BOTH\n" ++
"hyphen and period are treated as valid (i.e. `[A-Za-z0-9_.-]`).\n" ++
"\n" ++
"The set of valid characters can be customized using the `--token-chars`\n" ++
"option. The argument must be surrounded by square brackets. If a\n" ++
"hyphen occurs between two characters in the set, it is treated as a\n" ++
"set range. For example, in most locales `[A-Z]` denotes all uppercase\n" ++
"letters. If the first character is a caret, valid tokens are taken to\n" ++
"be the complement of the remaining characters. For example, `[^:\\n]`\n" ++
"could be used to match fields in the passwd(5), where records and\n" ++
"fields are separated by newlines and colons respectively.\n" ++
"\n" ++
"If you choose to use `--token-chars`, you are STRONGLY encouraged to do\n" ++
"so consistently. The consequences of using multiple replace patches\n" ++
"with different `--token-chars` arguments on the same file are not well\n" ++
"tested nor well understood.\n" ++
"\n" ++
"By default Darcs will refuse to perform a replacement if the new token\n" ++
"is already in use, because the replacements would be not be\n" ++
"distinguishable from the existing tokens. This behaviour can be\n" ++
"overridden by supplying the `--force` option, but an attempt to `darcs\n" ++
"rollback` the resulting patch will affect these existing tokens.\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Limitations:\n" ++
"\n" ++
"The tokenizer treats files as byte strings, so it is not possible for\n" ++
"`--token-chars` to include multi-byte characters, such as the non-ASCII\n" ++
"parts of UTF-8. Similarly, trying to replace a \"high-bit\" character\n" ++
"from a unibyte encoding will also result in replacement of the same\n" ++
"byte in files with different encodings. For example, an acute a from\n" ++
"ISO 8859-1 will also match an alpha from ISO 8859-7.\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Due to limitations in the patch file format, `--token-chars` arguments\n" ++
"cannot contain literal whitespace. For example, `[^ \\n\\t]` cannot be\n" ++
"used to declare all characters except the space, tab and newline as\n" ++
"valid within a word, because it contains a literal space.\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Unlike POSIX regex(7) bracket expressions, character classes (such as\n" ++
"`[[:alnum:]]`) are NOT supported by `--token-chars`, and will be silently\n" ++
"treated as a simple set of characters.\n"
replace :: DarcsCommand [DarcsFlag]
replace = DarcsCommand
{ commandProgramName = "darcs"
, commandName = "replace"
, commandHelp = replaceHelp
, commandDescription = replaceDescription
, commandExtraArgs = 1
, commandExtraArgHelp = [ "<OLD>"
, "<NEW>"
, "<FILE> ..."
, commandCommand = replaceCmd
, commandPrereq = amInHashedRepository
, commandCompleteArgs = replaceArgs
, commandArgdefaults = nodefaults
, commandAdvancedOptions = odesc replaceAdvancedOpts
, commandBasicOptions = odesc replaceBasicOpts
, commandDefaults = defaultFlags replaceOpts
, commandCheckOptions = ocheck replaceOpts
, commandParseOptions = onormalise replaceOpts
replaceBasicOpts = O.tokens ^ O.forceReplace ^ O.repoDir
replaceAdvancedOpts = O.useIndex ^ O.umask
replaceOpts = replaceBasicOpts `withStdOpts` replaceAdvancedOpts
replaceArgs :: (AbsolutePath, AbsolutePath) -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO [String]
replaceArgs fps flags args =
if length args < 2
then return []
else knownFileArgs fps flags args
replaceCmd :: (AbsolutePath, AbsolutePath) -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
replaceCmd fps opts (old : new : relfs@(_ : _)) =
withRepoLock (dryRun ? opts) (useCache ? opts) YesUpdateWorking (umask ? opts) $ RepoJob $
\repository -> do
fs <- fixSubPaths fps relfs
toks <- chooseToks (O.tokens ? opts) old new
let checkToken tok = unless (isTok toks tok) $
fail $ "'" ++ tok ++ "' is not a valid token!"
mapM_ checkToken [ old, new ]
working <- readUnrecorded repository Nothing
files <- filterM (exists working) fs
Sealed replacePs <- mapSeal concatFL . toFL <$>
mapM (doReplace toks working) files
addToPending repository YesUpdateWorking replacePs
void $ applyToWorking repository (verbosity ? opts) replacePs `catch` \(e :: IOException) ->
bug $ "Can't do replace on working!\n" ++ show e
exists tree file = if isJust $ findFile tree (floatSubPath file)
then return True
else do putStrLn $ skipmsg file
return False
skipmsg f = "Skipping file '" ++ toFilePath f
++ "' which isn't in the repository."
doReplace :: forall prim . (PrimPatch prim,
ApplyState prim ~ Tree) => String -> Tree IO
-> SubPath -> IO (FreeLeft (FL prim))
doReplace toks work f = do
workReplaced <- maybeApplyToTree replacePatch work
case workReplaced of
Just _ -> do
return $ joinGap (:>:) (freeGap replacePatch) gapNilFL
| O.forceReplace ? opts -> getForceReplace f toks work
| otherwise -> putStrLn existsMsg >> return gapNilFL
existsMsg = "Skipping file '" ++ fp ++ "'\nPerhaps the working"
++ " version of this file already contains '" ++ new
++ "'?\nUse the --force option to override."
gapNilFL = emptyGap NilFL
fp = toFilePath f
replacePatch = tokreplace fp toks old new
ftf _ = TextFile
getForceReplace :: PrimPatch prim => SubPath -> String -> Tree IO
-> IO (FreeLeft (FL prim))
getForceReplace f toks tree = do
let path = floatSubPath f
content <- readBlob $ fromJust $ findFile tree path
let newcontent = forceTokReplace toks (BC.pack new) (BC.pack old)
(B.concat $ BL.toChunks content)
tree' = modifyTree tree path . Just . File $ makeBlobBS newcontent
normaliseNewTokPatch <- treeDiff (diffAlgorithm ? opts) ftf tree tree'
unless (unseal nullFL (unFreeLeft normaliseNewTokPatch)) $
putStrLn $ "Don't be surprised!\n"
++ "I've changed all instances of '" ++ new ++ "' to '"
++ old ++ "' first\n"
++ "so that darcs replace can token-replace them"
++ " back into '" ++ new ++ "' again."
return . joinGap (+>+) normaliseNewTokPatch $ freeGap $
tokreplace (toFilePath f) toks old new :>: NilFL
replaceCmd _ _ [_, _] = fail "You need to supply a list of files to replace in!"
replaceCmd _ _ _ = fail "Usage: darcs replace <OLD> <NEW> <FILE>..."
filenameToks :: String
filenameToks = "A-Za-z_0-9\\-\\."
isTok :: String -> String -> Bool
isTok _ "" = False
isTok toks s = all (regChars toks) s
chooseToks :: Maybe String -> String -> String -> IO String
chooseToks (Just t) a b
| length t <= 2 =
badTokenSpec $ "It must contain more than 2 characters, because it"
++ " should be enclosed in square brackets"
| head t /= '[' || last t /= ']' =
badTokenSpec "It should be enclosed in square brackets"
| '^' == head tok && length tok == 1 =
badTokenSpec "Must be at least one character in the complementary set"
| any isSpace t =
badTokenSpec "Space is not allowed in the spec"
| any isSpace a = badTokenSpec $ spaceyToken a
| any isSpace b = badTokenSpec $ spaceyToken b
| not (isTok tok a) = badTokenSpec $ notAToken a
| not (isTok tok b) = badTokenSpec $ notAToken b
| otherwise = return tok
tok = init $ tail t :: String
badTokenSpec msg = fail $ "Bad token spec: '" ++ t ++ "' (" ++ msg ++ ")"
spaceyToken x = x ++ " must not contain any space"
notAToken x = x ++ " is not a token, according to your spec"
chooseToks Nothing a b =
if isTok defaultToks a && isTok defaultToks b
then return defaultToks
else return filenameToks