module Darcs.Patch.TokenReplace
( tryTokReplace
, forceTokReplace
, annotateReplace
, breakToTokens
, defaultToks
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Darcs.Patch.RegChars ( regChars )
breakOutToken :: String -> BC.ByteString
-> Maybe (BC.ByteString, BC.ByteString, BC.ByteString)
breakOutToken tokChars input
| not (B.null tok) = Just (before, tok, remaining)
| otherwise = Nothing
isTokChar = regChars tokChars
(before, tokAndRest) = BC.break isTokChar input
(tok, remaining) = BC.break (not . isTokChar) tokAndRest
tryTokReplace :: String -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
-> B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
tryTokReplace tokChars old new
| B.null old = bug "tryTokInternal called with empty old token"
| BC.any (not . isTokChar) old = bug "tryTokInternal called with old non-token"
| BC.any (not . isTokChar) new = bug "tryTokInternal called with new non-token"
| otherwise = fmap B.concat . loop 0
isTokChar = regChars tokChars
loop !from input =
case BC.findIndex isTokChar (B.drop from input) of
Nothing -> Just [input]
Just start ->
case BC.span isTokChar (B.drop (from + start) input) of
(tok, rest)
| tok == old ->
(B.take (from + start) input :).(new :) <$> loop 0 rest
| tok == new -> Nothing
| otherwise ->
loop (from + start + B.length tok) input
forceTokReplace :: String -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
-> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
forceTokReplace tokChars old new
| B.null old = bug "tryTokInternal called with empty old token"
| BC.any (not . isTokChar) old = bug "tryTokInternal called with old non-token"
| BC.any (not . isTokChar) new = bug "tryTokInternal called with new non-token"
| otherwise = B.concat . loop 0
isTokChar = regChars tokChars
len = B.length old
loop !from input =
case B.breakSubstring old (B.drop from input) of
(before, match)
| B.null match -> [input]
| B.null before || not (isTokChar (BC.last before))
, B.length match == len || not (isTokChar (BC.index match len)) ->
B.take (from + B.length before) input : new :
loop 0 (B.drop len match)
| otherwise ->
loop (from + B.length before + len) input
annotateReplace :: String -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Bool
annotateReplace tokChars old new input =
case breakOutToken tokChars input of
Just (_, tok, remaining) ->
(tok == old || annotateReplace tokChars old new remaining)
Nothing -> False
breakToTokens :: BC.ByteString -> [BC.ByteString]
breakToTokens input =
case breakOutToken defaultToks input of
Nothing -> []
Just (_, tok, remaining) -> tok : breakToTokens remaining
defaultToks :: String
defaultToks = "A-Za-z_0-9"