module Darcs.UI.PatchHeader
( getLog
, getAuthor
, updatePatchHeader, AskAboutDeps(..)
, HijackT, HijackOptions(..)
, runHijackT
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Darcs.Patch
( IsRepoType, RepoPatch, Patchy, PrimPatch, PrimOf, fromPrims
, effect
, summaryFL
import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( ApplyState )
import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo,
piAuthor, piName, piLog, piDateString,
patchinfo, isInverted, invertName,
import Darcs.Patch.Named.Wrapped ( infopatch, getdeps, adddeps )
import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd ( PatchInfoAnd, n2pia, hopefully, info )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( canonizeFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL(..), (+>+) )
import Darcs.Repository ( Repository )
import Darcs.Util.Lock
( readLocaleFile
, writeLocaleFile
, appendToFile
import Darcs.UI.External ( editFile )
import Darcs.UI.Flags ( getEasyAuthor, promptAuthor, getDate )
import qualified Darcs.UI.Options.All as O
import qualified Darcs.UI.SelectChanges as S ( PatchSelectionOptions(..) )
import Darcs.UI.SelectChanges ( askAboutDepends )
import Darcs.Util.ByteString ( encodeLocale )
import qualified Darcs.Util.Diff as D ( DiffAlgorithm )
import Darcs.Util.English ( capitalize )
import Darcs.Util.Global ( darcsLastMessage )
import Darcs.Util.Path ( FilePathLike, toFilePath )
import Darcs.Util.Prompt ( PromptConfig(..), askUser, promptChar, promptYorn )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( hPutDocLn, text, ($$), prefixLines, RenderMode(..) )
import qualified Darcs.Util.Ratified as Ratified ( hGetContents )
import Darcs.Util.Tree ( Tree )
import Control.Exception ( catch, IOException )
import Control.Monad ( when, void )
import Control.Monad.Trans ( liftIO )
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict ( StateT(..), evalStateT, get, put )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( hPut )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf )
import System.Exit ( exitSuccess )
import System.IO ( stdin )
data PName = FlagPatchName String | PriorPatchName String | NoPatchName
data HijackOptions = IgnoreHijack
| RequestHijackPermission
| AlwaysRequestHijackPermission
type HijackT = StateT HijackOptions
getLog :: forall prim wX wY . (Patchy prim, PrimPatch prim)
=> Maybe String
-> Bool
-> O.Logfile
-> Maybe O.AskLongComment
-> Maybe (String, [String])
-> FL prim wX wY
-> IO (String, [String], Maybe String)
getLog m_name has_pipe log_file ask_long m_old chs = go has_pipe log_file ask_long where
go True _ _ = do
p <- case patchname_specified of
FlagPatchName p -> return p
PriorPatchName p -> return p
NoPatchName -> prompt_patchname False
putStrLn "What is the log?"
thelog <- lines `fmap` Ratified.hGetContents stdin
return (p, thelog, Nothing)
go _ (O.Logfile { O._logfile = Just f }) _ = do
mlp <- lines `fmap` readLocaleFile f `catch` (\(_ :: IOException) -> return [])
firstname <- case (patchname_specified, mlp) of
(FlagPatchName p, []) -> return p
(_, p:_) -> if badName p
then prompt_patchname True
else return p
(PriorPatchName p, []) -> return p
(NoPatchName, []) -> prompt_patchname True
append_info f firstname
when (ask_long == Just O.YesEditLongComment) (void $ editFile f)
(name, thelog) <- read_long_comment f firstname
return (name, thelog, if O._rmlogfile log_file then Just $ toFilePath f else Nothing)
go _ _ (Just O.YesEditLongComment) =
case patchname_specified of
FlagPatchName p -> actually_get_log p
PriorPatchName p -> actually_get_log p
NoPatchName -> actually_get_log ""
go _ _ (Just O.NoEditLongComment) =
case patchname_specified of
FlagPatchName p -> return (p, default_log, Nothing)
PriorPatchName p -> return (p, default_log, Nothing)
NoPatchName -> do p <- prompt_patchname True
return (p, [], Nothing)
go _ _ (Just O.PromptLongComment) =
case patchname_specified of
FlagPatchName p -> prompt_long_comment p
PriorPatchName p -> prompt_long_comment p
NoPatchName -> prompt_patchname True >>= prompt_long_comment
go _ _ Nothing =
case patchname_specified of
FlagPatchName p -> return (p, default_log, Nothing)
PriorPatchName "" -> actually_get_log ""
PriorPatchName p -> return (p, default_log, Nothing)
NoPatchName -> actually_get_log ""
patchname_specified = case (m_name, m_old) of
(Just name, _) | badName name -> NoPatchName
| otherwise -> FlagPatchName name
(Nothing, Just (name,_)) -> PriorPatchName name
(Nothing, Nothing) -> NoPatchName
badName "" = True
badName n = "TAG" `isPrefixOf` n
default_log = case m_old of
Nothing -> []
Just (_,l) -> l
prompt_patchname retry =
do n <- askUser "What is the patch name? "
if badName n
then if retry then prompt_patchname retry
else fail "Bad patch name!"
else return n
prompt_long_comment oldname =
do y <- promptYorn "Do you want to add a long comment?"
if y then actually_get_log oldname
else return (oldname, [], Nothing)
actually_get_log p = do let logf = darcsLastMessage
writeLocaleFile logf $ unlines $ p : default_log
append_info logf p
_ <- editFile logf
(name,long) <- read_long_comment logf p
if badName name
then do putStrLn "WARNING: empty or incorrect patch name!"
pn <- prompt_patchname True
return (pn, long, Nothing)
else return (name,long,Just logf)
read_long_comment :: FilePathLike p => p -> String -> IO (String, [String])
read_long_comment f oldname =
do f' <- readLocaleFile f
let t = filter (not.("#" `isPrefixOf`)) $ (lines.filter (/='\r')) f'
case t of [] -> return (oldname, [])
(n:ls) -> return (n, ls)
append_info f oldname =
do fc <- readLocaleFile f
appendToFile f $ \h ->
do case fc of
_ | null (lines fc) -> B.hPut h (encodeLocale (oldname ++ "\n"))
| last fc /= '\n' -> B.hPut h (encodeLocale "\n")
| otherwise -> return ()
hPutDocLn Encode h
$ text "# Please enter the patch name in the first line, and"
$$ text "# optionally, a long description in the following lines."
$$ text "#"
$$ text "# Lines starting with '#' will be ignored."
$$ text "#"
$$ text "#"
$$ text "# Summary of selected changes:"
$$ text "#"
$$ prefixLines (text "#") (summaryFL chs)
data AskAboutDeps rt p wR wU wT = AskAboutDeps (Repository rt p wR wU wT) | NoAskAboutDeps
runHijackT :: Monad m => HijackOptions -> HijackT m a -> m a
runHijackT = flip evalStateT
updatePatchHeader :: forall rt p wX wY wR wU wT . (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> String
-> AskAboutDeps rt p wR wU wT
-> S.PatchSelectionOptions
-> D.DiffAlgorithm
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Maybe String
-> Maybe String
-> Maybe O.AskLongComment
-> PatchInfoAnd rt p wT wX
-> FL (PrimOf p) wX wY
-> HijackT IO (Maybe String, PatchInfoAnd rt p wT wY)
updatePatchHeader verb ask_deps pSelOpts da nKeepDate nSelectAuthor nAuthor nPatchname nAskLongComment oldp chs = do
let newchs = canonizeFL da (effect oldp +>+ chs)
let old_pdeps = getdeps $ hopefully oldp
newdeps <-
case ask_deps of
AskAboutDeps repository -> liftIO $ askAboutDepends repository newchs pSelOpts old_pdeps
NoAskAboutDeps -> return old_pdeps
let old_pinf = info oldp
prior = (piName old_pinf, piLog old_pinf)
date <- if nKeepDate then return (piDateString old_pinf) else liftIO $ getDate False
new_author <- getAuthor verb nSelectAuthor nAuthor old_pinf
liftIO $ do
(new_name, new_log, mlogf) <- getLog
nPatchname False (O.Logfile Nothing False) nAskLongComment (Just prior) chs
let maybe_invert = if isInverted old_pinf then invertName else id
new_pinf <- maybe_invert `fmap` patchinfo date new_name new_author new_log
let newp = n2pia (adddeps (infopatch new_pinf (fromPrims newchs)) newdeps)
return (mlogf, newp)
getAuthor :: String
-> Bool
-> Maybe String
-> PatchInfo
-> HijackT IO String
getAuthor _ True _ _ = do
auth <- liftIO $ promptAuthor False True
return auth
getAuthor _ False (Just new) _ =
return new
getAuthor verb False Nothing pinfo = do
whitelist <- liftIO $ getEasyAuthor
hj <- get
if orig `elem` whitelist || canIgnore hj
then allowHijack
else do
hijackResp <- liftIO $ askAboutHijack hj
case hijackResp of
'y' -> allowHijack
'a' -> put IgnoreHijack >> allowHijack
_ -> liftIO exitSuccess
askAboutHijack hj = promptChar (PromptConfig msg opts [] Nothing [])
msg = "You're not " ++ orig ++"! " ++ capitalize verb ++ " anyway? "
opts = case hj of
AlwaysRequestHijackPermission -> "yn"
_ -> "yna"
canIgnore IgnoreHijack = True
canIgnore RequestHijackPermission = False
canIgnore AlwaysRequestHijackPermission = False
allowHijack = return orig
orig = piAuthor pinfo