module Darcs.Repository.HashedRepo
( inventoriesDir
, pristineDir
, patchesDir
, hashedInventory
, revertTentativeChanges
, finalizeTentativeChanges
, cleanPristine
, filterDirContents
, cleanInventories
, cleanPatches
, copyPristine
, copyPartialsPristine
, applyToTentativePristine
, addToSpecificInventory
, addToTentativeInventory
, removeFromTentativeInventory
, readRepo
, readTentativeRepo
, readRepoUsingSpecificInventory
, writeAndReadPatch
, writeTentativeInventory
, copyHashedInventory
, readHashedPristineRoot
, pris2inv
, inv2pris
, listInventories
, listInventoriesLocal
, listInventoriesRepoDir
, listPatchesLocalBucketed
, writePatchIfNecessary
, readRepoFromInventoryList
, readPatchIds
, set
, unset
) where
#include "impossible.h"
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) )
import Control.Exception ( catch, IOException )
import Control.Monad ( unless )
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( null, length, empty ,tail, drop,
ByteString, splitAt )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( unpack, dropWhile, break, pack,
ByteString )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Darcs.Util.Hash( encodeBase16, Hash(..) )
import Darcs.Util.Tree( treeHash, Tree )
import Darcs.Util.Tree.Hashed( hashedTreeIO, readDarcsHashedNosize,
readDarcsHashed, writeDarcsHashed,
decodeDarcsHash, decodeDarcsSize )
import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing, getDirectoryContents
, doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist )
import System.FilePath.Posix( (</>) )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
import System.IO ( stderr, hPutStrLn )
import Darcs.Util.Printer.Color ( showDoc )
import Darcs.Util.External
( copyFileOrUrl
, cloneFile
, fetchFilePS
, gzFetchFilePS
, Cachable( Uncachable )
import Darcs.Repository.Flags ( Compression, RemoteDarcs, remoteDarcs, WithWorkingDir )
import Darcs.Util.Global ( darcsdir )
import Darcs.Util.Lock
( writeBinFile
, writeDocBinFile
, writeAtomicFilePS
, appendBinFile
, appendDocBinFile
, removeFileMayNotExist
import Darcs.Patch.Set ( PatchSet(..), Tagged(..), SealedPatchSet, Origin )
import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd ( PatchInfoAnd, patchInfoAndPatch, info,
extractHash, createHashed )
import Darcs.Patch ( IsRepoType, RepoPatch, Patchy, showPatch, readPatch, apply )
import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( ApplyState )
import Darcs.Patch.Read ( ReadPatch )
import Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads ( parseStrictly )
import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( removeFromPatchSet, slightlyOptimizePatchset )
import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, showPatchInfo, showPatchInfoUI,
readPatchInfo )
import Darcs.Util.Path ( FilePathLike, ioAbsoluteOrRemote, toPath )
import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache(..), fetchFileUsingCache,
speculateFilesUsingCache, writeFileUsingCache,
okayHash, takeHash,
HashedDir(..), hashedDir, peekInCache, bucketFolder )
import Darcs.Repository.HashedIO ( copyHashed, copyPartialsHashed,
cleanHashdir )
import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes ( Repository(..), extractCache )
import Darcs.Util.File ( withCurrentDirectory )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
( (+<+), FL(..), RL(..), mapRL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..), seal, unseal, mapSeal )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoerceP )
import Darcs.Util.ByteString ( gzReadFilePS, dropSpace )
import Darcs.Util.Crypt.SHA256 ( sha256sum )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, hcat, (<>), ($$), renderString, renderPS, text,
invisiblePS, RenderMode(..) )
import Darcs.Util.Progress ( beginTedious, endTedious, debugMessage, finishedOneIO )
import Darcs.Util.Workaround ( renameFile )
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( globalCacheDir )
makeDarcsdirPath :: String -> String
makeDarcsdirPath name = darcsdir </> name
hashedInventory, hashedInventoryPath :: String
hashedInventory = "hashed_inventory"
hashedInventoryPath = makeDarcsdirPath hashedInventory
tentativeHashedInventory, tentativeHashedInventoryPath :: String
tentativeHashedInventory = "tentative_hashed_inventory"
tentativeHashedInventoryPath = makeDarcsdirPath tentativeHashedInventory
inventoriesDir, inventoriesDirPath :: String
inventoriesDir = "inventories"
inventoriesDirPath = makeDarcsdirPath inventoriesDir
pristineDir, tentativePristinePath, pristineDirPath :: String
tentativePristinePath = makeDarcsdirPath "tentative_pristine"
pristineDir = "pristine.hashed"
pristineDirPath = makeDarcsdirPath pristineDir
patchesDir, patchesDirPath :: String
patchesDir = "patches"
patchesDirPath = makeDarcsdirPath patchesDir
pristineNamePrefix :: String
pristineNamePrefix = "pristine:"
pristineName :: B.ByteString
pristineName = BC.pack pristineNamePrefix
applyToHashedPristine :: (ApplyState p ~ Tree, Patchy p) => String -> p wX wY
-> IO String
applyToHashedPristine h p = applyOrConvertOldPristineAndApply
applyOrConvertOldPristineAndApply =
tryApply hash `catch` \(_ :: IOException) -> handleOldPristineAndApply
hash = decodeDarcsHash $ BC.pack h
failOnMalformedRoot (SHA256 _) = return ()
failOnMalformedRoot root = fail $ "Cannot handle hash: " ++ show root
hash2root = BC.unpack . encodeBase16
tryApply :: Hash -> IO String
tryApply root = do
failOnMalformedRoot root
tree <- readDarcsHashedNosize pristineDirPath root
(_, updatedTree) <- hashedTreeIO (apply p) tree pristineDirPath
return . hash2root $ treeHash updatedTree
warn = "WARNING: Doing a one-time conversion of pristine format.\n"
++ "This may take a while. The new format is backwards-compatible."
handleOldPristineAndApply = do
hPutStrLn stderr warn
inv <- gzReadFilePS hashedInventoryPath
let oldroot = BC.pack $ inv2pris inv
oldrootSizeandHash = (decodeDarcsSize &&& decodeDarcsHash) oldroot
old <- readDarcsHashed pristineDirPath oldrootSizeandHash
root <- writeDarcsHashed old pristineDirPath
let newroot = hash2root root
writeDocBinFile hashedInventoryPath $ pris2inv newroot inv
cleanHashdir (Ca []) HashedPristineDir [newroot]
hPutStrLn stderr "Pristine conversion done..."
tryApply root
revertTentativeChanges :: IO ()
revertTentativeChanges = do
cloneFile hashedInventoryPath tentativeHashedInventoryPath
i <- gzReadFilePS hashedInventoryPath
writeBinFile tentativePristinePath $ pristineNamePrefix ++ inv2pris i
finalizeTentativeChanges :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT -> Compression -> IO ()
finalizeTentativeChanges r compr = do
debugMessage "Optimizing the inventory..."
ps <- readTentativeRepo r "."
writeTentativeInventory (extractCache r) compr ps
i <- gzReadFilePS tentativeHashedInventoryPath
p <- gzReadFilePS tentativePristinePath
writeDocBinFile tentativeHashedInventoryPath $ pris2inv (inv2pris p) i
renameFile tentativeHashedInventoryPath hashedInventoryPath
readHashedPristineRoot :: Repository rt p wR wU wT -> IO (Maybe String)
readHashedPristineRoot (Repo d _ _ _) = withCurrentDirectory d $ do
i <- (Just <$> gzReadFilePS hashedInventoryPath)
`catch` (\(_ :: IOException) -> return Nothing)
return $ inv2pris <$> i
cleanPristine :: Repository rt p wR wU wT -> IO ()
cleanPristine r@(Repo d _ _ _) = withCurrentDirectory d $ do
debugMessage "Cleaning out the pristine cache..."
i <- gzReadFilePS hashedInventoryPath
cleanHashdir (extractCache r) HashedPristineDir [inv2pris i]
filterDirContents :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> IO [FilePath]
filterDirContents d f = do
let realPath = makeDarcsdirPath d
exists <- doesDirectoryExist realPath
if exists
then filter (\x -> head x /= '.' && f x) <$>
getDirectoryContents realPath
else return []
set :: [String] -> Set.Set BC.ByteString
set = Set.fromList . map BC.pack
unset :: Set.Set BC.ByteString -> [String]
unset = map BC.unpack . Set.toList
cleanInventories :: Repository rt p wR wU wT -> IO ()
cleanInventories _ = do
debugMessage "Cleaning out inventories..."
hs <- listInventoriesLocal
fs <- filterDirContents inventoriesDir (const True)
mapM_ (removeFileMayNotExist . (inventoriesDirPath </>))
(unset $ (set fs) `Set.difference` (set hs))
specialPatches :: [FilePath]
specialPatches = ["unrevert", "pending", "pending.tentative"]
cleanPatches :: Repository rt p wR wU wT -> IO ()
cleanPatches _ = do
debugMessage "Cleaning out patches..."
hs <- listPatchesLocal darcsdir
fs <- filterDirContents patchesDir (`notElem` specialPatches)
mapM_ (removeFileMayNotExist . (patchesDirPath </>))
(unset $ (set fs) `Set.difference` (set hs))
addToSpecificInventory :: RepoPatch p => String -> Cache -> Compression
-> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY -> IO FilePath
addToSpecificInventory invPath c compr p = do
let invFile = darcsdir </> invPath
hash <- snd <$> writePatchIfNecessary c compr p
appendDocBinFile invFile $ showPatchInfo $ info p
appendBinFile invFile $ "\nhash: " ++ hash ++ "\n"
return $ darcsdir </> "patches" </> hash
addToTentativeInventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression
-> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY -> IO FilePath
addToTentativeInventory = addToSpecificInventory tentativeHashedInventory
removeFromTentativeInventory :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT -> Compression
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT -> IO ()
removeFromTentativeInventory repo compr to_remove = do
debugMessage $ "Start removeFromTentativeInventory"
allpatches <- readTentativeRepo repo "."
remaining <- case removeFromPatchSet to_remove allpatches of
Nothing -> bug "HashedRepo.removeFromTentativeInventory: precondition violated"
Just r -> return r
writeTentativeInventory (extractCache repo) compr remaining
debugMessage $ "Done removeFromTentativeInventory"
writeHashFile :: Cache -> Compression -> HashedDir -> Doc -> IO String
writeHashFile c compr subdir d = do
debugMessage $ "Writing hash file to " ++ hashedDir subdir
writeFileUsingCache c compr subdir $ renderPS Standard d
readRepo :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> String -> IO (PatchSet rt p Origin wR)
readRepo = readRepoUsingSpecificInventory hashedInventory
readTentativeRepo :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT -> String
-> IO (PatchSet rt p Origin wT)
readTentativeRepo = readRepoUsingSpecificInventory tentativeHashedInventory
readRepoUsingSpecificInventory :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> String -> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> String -> IO (PatchSet rt p Origin wS)
readRepoUsingSpecificInventory invPath repo dir = do
realdir <- toPath <$> ioAbsoluteOrRemote dir
Sealed ps <- readRepoPrivate (extractCache repo) realdir invPath
`catch` \e -> do
hPutStrLn stderr ("Invalid repository: " ++ realdir)
ioError e
return $ unsafeCoerceP ps
readRepoPrivate :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Cache -> FilePath
-> FilePath -> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin)
readRepoPrivate cache d iname = do
inventory <- readInventoryPrivate (d </> darcsdir) iname
readRepoFromInventoryList cache inventory
readRepoFromInventoryList :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Cache
-> (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)])
-> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin)
readRepoFromInventoryList cache = parseinvs
speculateAndParse h is i = speculate h is >> parse i h
read_patches :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => [(PatchInfo, String)]
-> IO (Sealed (RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX))
read_patches [] = return $ seal NilRL
read_patches allis@((i1, h1) : is1) =
lift2Sealed (\p rest -> rest :<: i1 `patchInfoAndPatch` p) (rp is1)
(createHashed h1 (const $ speculateAndParse h1 allis i1))
rp :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => [(PatchInfo, String)]
-> IO (Sealed (RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX))
rp [] = return $ seal NilRL
rp [(i, h), (il, hl)] =
lift2Sealed (\p rest -> rest :<: i `patchInfoAndPatch` p)
(rp [(il, hl)])
(createHashed h
(const $ speculateAndParse h (reverse allis) i))
rp ((i, h) : is) =
lift2Sealed (\p rest -> rest :<: i `patchInfoAndPatch` p)
(rp is)
(createHashed h (parse i))
read_tag :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => (PatchInfo, String)
-> IO (Sealed (PatchInfoAnd rt p wX))
read_tag (i, h) =
mapSeal (patchInfoAndPatch i) <$> createHashed h (parse i)
speculate :: String -> [(PatchInfo, String)] -> IO ()
speculate h is = do
already_got_one <- peekInCache cache HashedPatchesDir h
unless already_got_one $
speculateFilesUsingCache cache HashedPatchesDir (map snd is)
parse :: ReadPatch p => PatchInfo -> String -> IO (Sealed (p wX))
parse i h = do
debugMessage ("Reading patch file: "++ showDoc Encode (showPatchInfoUI i))
(fn, ps) <- fetchFileUsingCache cache HashedPatchesDir h
case readPatch ps of
Just p -> return p
Nothing -> fail $ unlines [ "Couldn't parse file " ++ fn
, "which is patch"
, renderString Encode $ showPatchInfoUI i ]
parseinvs :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)])
-> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin)
parseinvs (Nothing, ris) =
mapSeal (PatchSet NilRL) <$> read_patches (reverse ris)
parseinvs (Just h, []) =
bug $ "bad inventory " ++ h ++ " (no tag) in parseinvs!"
parseinvs (Just h, t : ris) = do
Sealed ts <- unseal seal <$> unsafeInterleaveIO (read_ts t h)
Sealed ps <- unseal seal <$>
unsafeInterleaveIO (read_patches $ reverse ris)
return $ seal $ PatchSet ts ps
read_ts :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => (PatchInfo, String)
-> String -> IO (Sealed (RL (Tagged rt p) Origin))
read_ts tag0 h0 = do
contents <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ readTaggedInventoryFromHash h0
let is = reverse $ case contents of
(Just _, _ : ris0) -> ris0
(Nothing, ris0) -> ris0
(Just _, []) -> bug "inventory without tag!"
Sealed ts <- unseal seal <$>
(case contents of
(Just h', t' : _) -> read_ts t' h'
(Just _, []) -> bug "inventory without tag!"
(Nothing, _) -> return $ seal NilRL)
Sealed ps <- unseal seal <$> unsafeInterleaveIO (read_patches is)
Sealed tag00 <- read_tag tag0
return $ seal $ ts :<: Tagged tag00 (Just h0) ps
readTaggedInventoryFromHash :: String
-> IO (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)])
readTaggedInventoryFromHash invHash = do
(fileName, pristineAndInventory) <-
fetchFileUsingCache cache HashedInventoriesDir invHash
readInventoryFromContent fileName pristineAndInventory
lift2Sealed :: (forall wY wZ . q wY wZ -> p wX wY -> r wX wZ)
-> IO (Sealed (p wX))
-> (forall wB . IO (Sealed (q wB)))
-> IO (Sealed (r wX))
lift2Sealed f iox ioy = do
Sealed x <- unseal seal <$> unsafeInterleaveIO iox
Sealed y <- unseal seal <$> unsafeInterleaveIO ioy
return $ seal $ f y x
readInventoryPrivate :: String -> String
-> IO (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)])
readInventoryPrivate dir invName = do
inv <- skipPristine <$> gzFetchFilePS (dir </> invName) Uncachable
readInventoryFromContent (toPath dir ++ "/" ++ darcsdir ++ invName) inv
readInventoryFromContent :: FilePath -> B.ByteString
-> IO (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)])
readInventoryFromContent fileName pristineAndInventory = do
(hash, patchIds) <-
if mbStartingWith == BC.pack "Starting with inventory:"
then let (hash, pids) = BC.break ('\n' ==) $ B.tail pistr
hashStr = BC.unpack hash in
if okayHash hashStr
then return (Just hashStr, pids)
else fail $ "Bad hash in file " ++ fileName
else return (Nothing, inventory)
return (hash, readPatchIds patchIds)
inventory = skipPristine pristineAndInventory
(mbStartingWith, pistr) = BC.break ('\n' ==) inventory
copyHashedInventory :: RepoPatch p => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> RemoteDarcs -> String -> IO ()
copyHashedInventory (Repo outr _ _ _) rdarcs inr | remote <- remoteDarcs rdarcs = do
createDirectoryIfMissing False (outr ++ "/" ++ inventoriesDirPath)
copyFileOrUrl remote (inr </> darcsdir </> hashedInventory)
(outr </> darcsdir </> hashedInventory)
debugMessage "Done copying hashed inventory."
writeAndReadPatch :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p) => Cache -> Compression
-> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY -> IO (PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY)
writeAndReadPatch c compr p = do
(i, h) <- writePatchIfNecessary c compr p
unsafeInterleaveIO $ readp h i
parse i h = do
debugMessage ("Rereading patch file: "++ showDoc Encode (showPatchInfoUI i))
(fn, ps) <- fetchFileUsingCache c HashedPatchesDir h
case readPatch ps of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> fail $ unlines [ "Couldn't parse patch file " ++ fn
, "which is"
, renderString Encode $ showPatchInfoUI i]
readp h i = do Sealed x <- createHashed h (parse i)
return . patchInfoAndPatch i $ unsafeCoerceP x
writeTentativeInventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression
-> PatchSet rt p Origin wX -> IO ()
writeTentativeInventory cache compr patchSet = do
debugMessage "in writeTentativeInventory..."
createDirectoryIfMissing False inventoriesDirPath
beginTedious tediousName
hsh <- writeInventoryPrivate $ slightlyOptimizePatchset patchSet
endTedious tediousName
debugMessage "still in writeTentativeInventory..."
case hsh of
Nothing -> writeBinFile (darcsdir </> tentativeHashedInventory) ""
Just h -> do
content <- snd <$> fetchFileUsingCache cache HashedInventoriesDir h
writeAtomicFilePS (darcsdir </> tentativeHashedInventory) content
tediousName = "Writing inventory"
writeInventoryPrivate :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet rt p Origin wX
-> IO (Maybe String)
writeInventoryPrivate (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) = return Nothing
writeInventoryPrivate (PatchSet NilRL ps) = do
inventory <- sequence $ mapRL (writePatchIfNecessary cache compr) ps
let inventorylist = hcat (map pihash $ reverse inventory)
hash <- writeHashFile cache compr HashedInventoriesDir inventorylist
return $ Just hash
(PatchSet xs@(_ :<: Tagged t _ _) x) = do
resthash <- write_ts xs
finishedOneIO tediousName $ fromMaybe "" resthash
inventory <- sequence $ mapRL (writePatchIfNecessary cache compr)
(NilRL :<: t +<+ x)
let inventorylist = hcat (map pihash $ reverse inventory)
inventorycontents =
case resthash of
Just h -> text ("Starting with inventory:\n" ++ h) $$
Nothing -> inventorylist
hash <- writeHashFile cache compr HashedInventoriesDir inventorycontents
return $ Just hash
write_ts :: RepoPatch p => RL (Tagged rt p) Origin wX
-> IO (Maybe String)
write_ts (_ :<: Tagged _ (Just h) _) = return (Just h)
write_ts (tts :<: Tagged _ Nothing pps) =
writeInventoryPrivate $ PatchSet tts pps
write_ts NilRL = return Nothing
writePatchIfNecessary :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression
-> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY -> IO (PatchInfo, String)
writePatchIfNecessary c compr hp = infohp `seq`
case extractHash hp of
Right h -> return (infohp, h)
Left p -> (\h -> (infohp, h)) <$>
writeHashFile c compr HashedPatchesDir (showPatch p)
infohp = info hp
pihash :: (PatchInfo, String) -> Doc
pihash (pinf, hash) = showPatchInfo pinf $$ text ("hash: " ++ hash ++ "\n")
listInventoriesWith :: (String -> String
-> IO (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)]))
-> String -> String -> IO [String]
listInventoriesWith f darcsDir hashedRepoDir = do
mbStartingWithInv <- getStartingWithHash hashedRepoDir hashedInventory
followStartingWiths mbStartingWithInv
getStartingWithHash invDir inv =
fst <$> f invDir inv
followStartingWiths Nothing = return []
followStartingWiths (Just startingWith) = do
mbNextInv <- getStartingWithHash (darcsDir </> inventoriesDir) startingWith
(startingWith :) <$> followStartingWiths mbNextInv
listInventoriesBucketedWith :: (String -> String
-> IO (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)]))
-> String -> String -> IO [String]
listInventoriesBucketedWith f darcsDir hashedRepoDir = do
mbStartingWithInv <- getStartingWithHash hashedRepoDir hashedInventory
followStartingWiths mbStartingWithInv
getStartingWithHash invDir inv =
fst <$> f invDir inv
followStartingWiths Nothing = return []
followStartingWiths (Just startingWith) = do
mbNextInv <- getStartingWithHash
(darcsDir </> inventoriesDir </> bucketFolder startingWith) startingWith
(startingWith :) <$> followStartingWiths mbNextInv
listInventories :: IO [String]
listInventories = listInventoriesWith readInventoryPrivate darcsdir darcsdir
readInventoryLocalPrivate :: String -> String
-> IO (Maybe String, [(PatchInfo, String)])
readInventoryLocalPrivate dir invName = do
b <- doesFileExist (dir </> invName)
if b then readInventoryPrivate dir invName
else return (Nothing, [])
listInventoriesLocal :: IO [String]
listInventoriesLocal = listInventoriesWith readInventoryLocalPrivate darcsdir darcsdir
listInventoriesRepoDir :: String -> IO [String]
listInventoriesRepoDir repoDir = do
gCacheDir' <- globalCacheDir
let gCacheInvDir = fromJust gCacheDir'
listInventoriesBucketedWith readInventoryLocalPrivate gCacheInvDir (repoDir </> darcsdir)
listPatchesLocal :: String -> IO [String]
listPatchesLocal darcsDir = do
inventory <- readInventoryPrivate darcsDir hashedInventory
followStartingWiths (fst inventory) (getPatches inventory)
followStartingWiths Nothing patches = return patches
followStartingWiths (Just startingWith) patches = do
inv <- readInventoryLocalPrivate (darcsDir </> inventoriesDir) startingWith
(patches++) <$> followStartingWiths (fst inv) (getPatches inv)
getPatches inv = map snd (snd inv)
listPatchesLocalBucketed :: String -> String -> IO [String]
listPatchesLocalBucketed darcsDir hashedRepoDir = do
inventory <- readInventoryPrivate hashedRepoDir hashedInventory
followStartingWiths (fst inventory) (getPatches inventory)
followStartingWiths Nothing patches = return patches
followStartingWiths (Just startingWith) patches = do
inv <- readInventoryLocalPrivate
(darcsDir </> inventoriesDir </> bucketFolder startingWith) startingWith
(patches++) <$> followStartingWiths (fst inv) (getPatches inv)
getPatches inv = map snd (snd inv)
readPatchIds :: B.ByteString -> [(PatchInfo, String)]
readPatchIds inv | B.null inv = []
readPatchIds inv = case parseStrictly readPatchInfo inv of
Nothing -> []
Just (pinfo, r) ->
case readHash r of
Nothing -> []
Just (h, r') -> (pinfo, h) : readPatchIds r'
readHash :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (String, B.ByteString)
readHash s = let s' = dropSpace s
(l, r) = BC.break ('\n' ==) s'
(kw, h) = BC.break (' ' ==) l in
if kw /= BC.pack "hash:" || B.length h <= 1
then Nothing
else Just (BC.unpack $ B.tail h, r)
applyToTentativePristine :: (ApplyState p ~ Tree, Patchy p) => p wX wY
-> IO ()
applyToTentativePristine p = do
tentativePristine <- gzReadFilePS tentativePristinePath
let tentativePristineHash = inv2pris tentativePristine
newPristineHash <- applyToHashedPristine tentativePristineHash p
writeDocBinFile tentativePristinePath $
pris2inv newPristineHash tentativePristine
copyPristine :: Cache -> String -> String -> WithWorkingDir -> IO ()
copyPristine cache dir iname wwd = do
i <- fetchFilePS (dir ++ "/" ++ iname) Uncachable
debugMessage $ "Copying hashed pristine tree: " ++ inv2pris i
let tediousName = "Copying pristine"
beginTedious tediousName
copyHashed tediousName cache wwd $ inv2pris i
endTedious tediousName
copyPartialsPristine :: FilePathLike fp => Cache -> String
-> String -> [fp] -> IO ()
copyPartialsPristine c d iname fps = do
i <- fetchFilePS (d ++ "/" ++ iname) Uncachable
copyPartialsHashed c (inv2pris i) fps
pris2inv :: String -> B.ByteString -> Doc
pris2inv h inv = invisiblePS pristineName <> text h $$
invisiblePS (skipPristine inv)
inv2pris :: B.ByteString -> String
inv2pris inv = case tryDropPristineName inv of
Just rest -> case takeHash rest of
Just (h, _) -> h
Nothing -> error "Bad hash in inventory!"
Nothing -> sha256sum B.empty
skipPristine :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
skipPristine ps = case tryDropPristineName ps of
Just rest -> B.drop 1 $ BC.dropWhile (/= '\n') rest
Nothing -> ps
tryDropPristineName :: B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
tryDropPristineName input =
if prefix == pristineName then Just rest else Nothing
(prefix, rest) = B.splitAt (B.length pristineName) input