cabal-version: 1.12 -- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.35.2. -- -- see: name: daino version: synopsis: daino is a static site generator (SSG) using shake and pandoc description: A static site generator using Pandoc and other available packages on Hackage (e.g. shake, twitch, scotty), influenced by Chris Penner's [slick]( It uses text files (in Markdown codes) to manage data and relies on version management with git. Page appearances are directed with YAML headers. For each page a PDF file is produced to allow regular print output. Index pages for navigation between pages are automatically created. category: Development Web homepage: bug-reports: author: Andrew Frank maintainer: Andrew U. Frank copyright: 2021 Andrew U. Frank license: GPL license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: subdir: daino library exposed-modules: Foundational.CmdLineFlags Foundational.Filetypes4sites Foundational.MetaPage Foundational.SettingsPage Lib.CheckProcess Lib.IndexCollect Lib.IndexMake Lib.Templating ShakeBake.Bake ShakeBake.CmdLineArgs ShakeBake.ConvertFiles ShakeBake.ReadSettingFile ShakeBake.Shake2 ShakeBake.StartDainoProcess ShakeBake.Watch Wave.Docrep2panrep Wave.Md2doc Wave.Panrep2html Wave.Panrep2pdf other-modules: Paths_daino hs-source-dirs: src other-extensions: OverloadedStrings build-depends: ReplaceUmlaut , base >4.7 && <5 , data-default-class , deepseq , dir-traverse , filepath , pandoc , pandoc-sidenote , path , path-io , uniform-cmdLineArgs >= , uniform-http , uniform-json >= , uniform-latex2pdf >= , uniform-pandoc >= , uniform-shake , uniform-strings >= , uniform-watch , uniform-webserver , uniformBase >= , unix default-language: Haskell2010 executable daino main-is: daino.hs other-modules: Paths_daino hs-source-dirs: app other-extensions: OverloadedStrings build-depends: ReplaceUmlaut , base >4.7 && <5 , daino , data-default-class , deepseq , dir-traverse , filepath , pandoc , pandoc-sidenote , path , path-io , uniform-cmdLineArgs >= , uniform-http , uniform-json >= , uniform-latex2pdf >= , uniform-pandoc >= , uniform-shake , uniform-strings >= , uniform-watch , uniform-webserver , uniformBase >= , unix default-language: Haskell2010