{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module    : Foreign.CUDA.Ptr
-- Copyright : (c) [2009..2012] Trevor L. McDonell
-- License   : BSD
-- A common interface for host and device pointers. While it is possible mix the
-- Driver and Runtime environments with CUDA versions >= 3.0, it is still a good
-- idea to pick one interface and stick to it.

module Foreign.CUDA.Ptr

-- System
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

-- Device Pointer

-- |
-- A reference to data stored on the device.
newtype DevicePtr a = DevicePtr { useDevicePtr :: Ptr a }
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Show (DevicePtr a) where
  showsPrec n (DevicePtr p) = showsPrec n p

instance Storable (DevicePtr a) where
  sizeOf _    = sizeOf    (undefined :: Ptr a)
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: Ptr a)
  peek p      = DevicePtr `fmap` peek (castPtr p)
  poke p v    = poke (castPtr p) (useDevicePtr v)

-- |
-- Look at the contents of device memory. This takes an IO action that will be
-- applied to that pointer, the result of which is returned. It would be silly
-- to return the pointer from the action.
{-# INLINEABLE withDevicePtr #-}
withDevicePtr :: DevicePtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withDevicePtr !p !f = f (useDevicePtr p)

-- |
-- Return a unique handle associated with the given device pointer
{-# INLINEABLE devPtrToWordPtr #-}
devPtrToWordPtr :: DevicePtr a -> WordPtr
devPtrToWordPtr = ptrToWordPtr . useDevicePtr

-- |
-- Return a device pointer from the given handle
{-# INLINEABLE wordPtrToDevPtr #-}
wordPtrToDevPtr :: WordPtr -> DevicePtr a
wordPtrToDevPtr = DevicePtr . wordPtrToPtr

-- |
-- The constant 'nullDevPtr' contains the distinguished memory location that is
-- not associated with a valid memory location
{-# INLINEABLE nullDevPtr #-}
nullDevPtr :: DevicePtr a
nullDevPtr =  DevicePtr nullPtr

-- |
-- Cast a device pointer from one type to another
{-# INLINEABLE castDevPtr #-}
castDevPtr :: DevicePtr a -> DevicePtr b
castDevPtr (DevicePtr !p) = DevicePtr (castPtr p)

-- |
-- Advance the pointer address by the given offset in bytes.
{-# INLINEABLE plusDevPtr #-}
plusDevPtr :: DevicePtr a -> Int -> DevicePtr a
plusDevPtr (DevicePtr !p) !d = DevicePtr (p `plusPtr` d)

-- |
-- Given an alignment constraint, align the device pointer to the next highest
-- address satisfying the constraint
{-# INLINEABLE alignDevPtr #-}
alignDevPtr :: DevicePtr a -> Int -> DevicePtr a
alignDevPtr (DevicePtr !p) !i = DevicePtr (p `alignPtr` i)

-- |
-- Compute the difference between the second and first argument. This fulfils
-- the relation
-- > p2 == p1 `plusDevPtr` (p2 `minusDevPtr` p1)
{-# INLINEABLE minusDevPtr #-}
minusDevPtr :: DevicePtr a -> DevicePtr a -> Int
minusDevPtr (DevicePtr !a) (DevicePtr !b) = a `minusPtr` b

-- |
-- Advance a pointer into a device array by the given number of elements
{-# INLINEABLE advanceDevPtr #-}
advanceDevPtr :: Storable a => DevicePtr a -> Int -> DevicePtr a
advanceDevPtr = doAdvance undefined
    doAdvance :: Storable a' => a' -> DevicePtr a' -> Int -> DevicePtr a'
    doAdvance x !p !i = p `plusDevPtr` (i * sizeOf x)

-- Host Pointer

-- |
-- A reference to page-locked host memory.
-- A 'HostPtr' is just a plain 'Ptr', but the memory has been allocated by the
-- CUDA runtime into page locked memory. This means that the data can be copied
-- to the GPU via DMA (direct memory access). Note that the use of the system
-- function `mlock` is not sufficient here --- the CUDA version ensures that
-- the /physical/ addresses stay this same, not just the virtual address.
-- To copy data into a 'HostPtr' array, you may use for example 'withHostPtr'
-- together with 'Foreign.Marshal.Array.copyArray' or
-- 'Foreign.Marshal.Array.moveArray'.
newtype HostPtr a = HostPtr { useHostPtr :: Ptr a }
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Show (HostPtr a) where
  showsPrec n (HostPtr p) = showsPrec n p

instance Storable (HostPtr a) where
  sizeOf _    = sizeOf    (undefined :: Ptr a)
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: Ptr a)
  peek p      = HostPtr `fmap` peek (castPtr p)
  poke p v    = poke (castPtr p) (useHostPtr v)

-- |
-- Apply an IO action to the memory reference living inside the host pointer
-- object. All uses of the pointer should be inside the 'withHostPtr' bracket.
{-# INLINEABLE withHostPtr #-}
withHostPtr :: HostPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withHostPtr !p !f = f (useHostPtr p)

-- |
-- The constant 'nullHostPtr' contains the distinguished memory location that is
-- not associated with a valid memory location
{-# INLINEABLE nullHostPtr #-}
nullHostPtr :: HostPtr a
nullHostPtr =  HostPtr nullPtr

-- |
-- Cast a host pointer from one type to another
{-# INLINEABLE castHostPtr #-}
castHostPtr :: HostPtr a -> HostPtr b
castHostPtr (HostPtr !p) = HostPtr (castPtr p)

-- |
-- Advance the pointer address by the given offset in bytes
{-# INLINEABLE plusHostPtr #-}
plusHostPtr :: HostPtr a -> Int -> HostPtr a
plusHostPtr (HostPtr !p) !d = HostPtr (p `plusPtr` d)

-- |
-- Given an alignment constraint, align the host pointer to the next highest
-- address satisfying the constraint
{-# INLINEABLE alignHostPtr #-}
alignHostPtr :: HostPtr a -> Int -> HostPtr a
alignHostPtr (HostPtr !p) !i = HostPtr (p `alignPtr` i)

-- |
-- Compute the difference between the second and first argument
{-# INLINEABLE minusHostPtr #-}
minusHostPtr :: HostPtr a -> HostPtr a -> Int
minusHostPtr (HostPtr !a) (HostPtr !b) = a `minusPtr` b

-- |
-- Advance a pointer into a host array by a given number of elements
{-# INLINEABLE advanceHostPtr #-}
advanceHostPtr :: Storable a => HostPtr a -> Int -> HostPtr a
advanceHostPtr = doAdvance undefined
    doAdvance :: Storable a' => a' -> HostPtr a' -> Int -> HostPtr a'
    doAdvance x !p !i = p `plusHostPtr` (i * sizeOf x)